CO. HISTORICAL ASS3., .J. : •••• '•., •>•;••' This Week COVERING lowman or 16 PAGES •OUtOEI* HAOISON Phi. aUELBOBO, MATAWAN Shopping Section AND HATAWAN BOEOUOB •/ MtUlJTW 91.t YEAR — 46th WEEK HatbtoaX tdltorUl AMOCUUOH MATAWAN, N. ^THURSDAY, MAY 12,1960 Single Copy Ten Cent* Business Zoning For Purchase Poppies To Inaugurate VFW Sale In Matawan Township Way For Route .79, Tennerit Rd* Area Medical Center a Township Planning The medical center tor Sayre Board voted over the opposition of Appeal For Worker* No SoHitt Maiff Wood South aaaiad Its flaal hurdle . Mayor Charles T, McCue Tuesday last night when tha plaantag boar* to recommend to the township Mothers of the members, of the Medina Township no longer Is committee the reioning lor busi- reclassifted It as a minor sub- Matawan Fire Department Junior Ming considered as th* site for a division and approved It It will net! ol Route 71 in its entire length Drum and Bugle Corps are asked proposed Atlantlo Ocean salt wa- In tb* township and Tennent Rd. to attend a meeting Tuesday after- ter conversion plant. According to located on Throckmorton Lan« tram Route 79 to Abe Solomon's noon at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sen. Clifford P. Cats, th* U. S. ind Rout* I across tht street from store. Th* business zone would be Jerry Almenas, Grant St., Mata- Department of th* Interior has nar- he Browntown Water Co. tower, 400 feet wide on either side and wan to help cut out the new uni- rowed th* choice down to 11 site* Ths building will be erected by the residential buildings would not be forms for the corps. on th* eastern seaboard, Only At- barred from the tone. lantic City and Cap* May arc un- Medical Realty Co., Sayrevllla, to Mayor McCue opposed it because der consideration la NJW Jersey, house four physlcla.ua Iron..that" he lelt all reioning should wait un- he said. borough who Will conduct It, tit there had been action on up- No Indictments Ths bosrd originally banned It grading, He declared that as soon M th* minutes of the Apr. t meet- under protests by property owners ing with Webb t Knapp were made Voted For Five Skeetcr Control earby that It would be • nuisance public, not -long now, the planning Three Cleared Of nd a non-conforming business us* board would be ready to recom- No Easy Matter a residential ton*. John J, mend wfeert full-acre lots should Causing Death J Salves!, Madison Park, attorney for go and halt-acre lots kept. Olen Health Board Finds Huebech reminded him tha board Five persons, including three ha planning board, found It was charged with causing death and NMd For Watchers located on a collector street to had been In the process ol expand- a former Union Beach policeman, ing the business tone ou the two charged with alleged embetzle- Moans of howfe cooperate with ie«dtd a major subdivision undsr blghwiys for two years and had ment of funds were cleared In no Ih* toning ordinance. adopted an enabling resolution last Members ef the. Matawaa TewasUp Commute* are shewn parclias- above la the usual order are' George Brenon. post commanderi Com- th* Monmouth County Mosquito bills handed down by the Mon- lag the first poppies, Inaugurating the annual peppy sale ef Guadal- mtueeman Slgmoad Kowabkl, Mrs. Western Mundy, poppy drive chalr- Bxtormlnatloa Commission were David Monyek Jr., New Bruns- October. mouth County Grand Jury. caaal Pest 47U, Veterans ef Foreign Wars, CUffweed. The sal* will raam Mayer peter I. Waters, Cwnmlttwman John Mars |r. aad Mrs. considered by th* Matawan Board wick attorney, carried tha matter Frank JUppa. board member, start Saturday, May 11 aad eontiaue until Monday, May M. Shown Ernest Schar, presMeat el the Ladles Aunlllary Unit. to ths toning board of adjuatment was opposed to extending the zone The Grand Jury refused to In- of Health Monday, John Muller, dict a railroad engineer whose ind obtained a variance for I he to Tennent Rd at this time and hsalth Inspector, eiplalnad that the c a n t a r as a non-conforming questioned il there would not' be train collided with an auto la Mat- awan Township Dec. 17, 1959, kill- commission supplies the mon and us* In a raaldentlal tone is a gores left between the highway and Borough Hall Dedication Held equlpmont for regular spraying but the C.R.R. of N. J. tracks where ing the woman driver and her Expect Assembly To project highly dssirable to the Route 7» Is near the tracks. It was 6-year-old son. A report filed Fri- II il up to the municipality to pro- health and welfare of tha com- recalled 'that the original recom- day with the county clerk dis- Work Underway At Checsequake vide a local deputy to notify the munity. The lownshlp committee closed that the January Grand mendation at Charles Tike, direc- Mayor Officiates commission's men where mos- upheld lha recommended varlanco Jury panel had not Indicted Matawan Expects Pass Barkalow Bill it tha toning board. tor of the Monmouth County Plan- Assemblyman Clifton T. Bark* hous* through an emergency sus- quitoes ire hstchlng. Th* state ning Board, had been for 700 feet Ezeklel Shibla of. Bay Aye.. Point At Fire House Pleasant, engineer of the Central Occupancy By July low expects to have his legislation, pension, of the rules, Mr. Barkalow warned against th* municipality Pisa By Mayor Phillips ' depths to eliminate these gores but designed to solve tho long-standing •aid. hiring spraying on Its own In Last night Mayor John Phillips that Mr. Pike had been against re- Railroad of New Jersey train. He Matawan Councilman Cyrus K. The dedication and open houae of had been involved In two previous controversy over costs that has Th* bill, which Mr. Barkalow the new Cheeaequake Independent "panic." aaked that ths planning board re telling Route 79 in Its entire length. Brown, public works committee versa Its former position lost this fatal accidents. chairman, Tuesday night said that beset the Matawan Township School said ha* the approval of both Fire Houss, Route 14, waa held William Meyer, board secretary, District approved by tha State As- The board was disturbed at this as "small hospital" be lost to tha com- said there were deed restrictions Killed In the accident were Mrs. work already has started on reno- lownshlp and the borouglr Officials, Saturday with approximately ION sembly next week. would permit the district to vote people attending. Mayor John Phil- It wsa belelved to t» more than a munity. It was acknowledged this on some properties on Routs 79 Ann Marie Christie, Morrlstown vation of the former Farmers and wta rather -awkward In view of The legislation, which was pre- itself into a regional system. If lips. Madison Township, one of th* novice's Job to spot mosquito against business use. Rd., Madison Township, and her Merchants National Bank Building breeding nests. Mr. Muller ex- tha previous stand taken. son, Thomas Jr. The crash oc- which is being converted Into a pared at the request ol the Mata- accepted by tha voters ot tha two honored 'guests, complimented tho gays They Lack Significance wan Township Board of Education, mumclpslitles, It would mean that men and women of the company plained that the board should mark However, Mr. Salvest decided Mr. Huebsch replied that the curred at the Cllffwood Ave. new municipal building. He said he out known "wet" spots In the bor- hat Artlcl* II of the toning ord- grade crossing. Danger at the expected the borough to occupy the tha Borough Council and the Mata- trhool operating expenses would bo on their work ind commented on deed restrictions lacked signifi- wan Township Committee would allocated on a per-pupll basis ough, such as one on Sunset Av«., inance waa broad enough In Us ad- grade crossing prompted the new quarter! by mid-July. the growth of tho Cheessquak* sec- another on Bdgemor* Dr., another cance because what was proposed com* to vote in ths lower rather than on * net valuation tion of th*-township. ministrative features to allow the. wai a general business xone In Township Committee to i petition The new municipal, building, de- basis. back of Barrett's, still others on board to regard that a public wel- the Public Utilities Commission for signed to replace present rented Wellington Oraham was master Middlesex Rd., Ravin* Dr, ant fare emergency had been created. which either commercial places or Contend Present Setup Uafatr residences jCsn be located. The gates. They are to be installed quarter! on Main St., will house of ceremonies. The opening prayer Onsen and Whit* Village. No ntor* II* also felt th* board had tha right at the grade crossing by October. municipal offices, • police head- :' Matawaa Borough, which ha* ind benediction were given by th* than • five-day lapso should occur ol Interpretation *nd could reduce chairman also disputed Mr. Rappa Water Company - R*v. Francis Cantrel, pastor of th* on the point ol not Including Ten- Clear Ambulance Driver quarters, a two cell jail, large fewer pupils In th* school system •It summar before w*t jwita alt th* status o! Throkmorton Ua court room, . magistrate's cham- Browntown Community Church. ov« .um\H- «H*«k«d ,',-jSrWeW nent Rdr. rating it was.largely The Jury, which two months — O«h*rd*y;«*»ld«rt. ! business now and to Ignore the returned! a presentment, critl rs, • meeting room and storage ... X basins in tha at rods can. become Ui«,ambulanc», fire. andsW om on two Iswb: Th8,c»ni, W*U VectftWy-iry sourc*., It Was notjd.
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