\ COVERING T H I S W E E K TOWNSHIPS OF 14 P«gea HOLMDEL, MADISON MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND One Section MATAWAN BOROUGH M em ber •3rd Y E A R — J3rd W EEK NeMwal C d llu ilal fUaocfatioa MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1962 New Jersey tvcji Alioelauoa Single Copy Ten Cent* Work Pi On Mitawan Sewer Line Extension Eye 33-Cent Drop In Recover Body Of Keyporl Man From Lake In Matawan Borough Tax Rate A new tax rate, estimated at lust year, was forecast Thursday $2.64 for e a c h $100 o f tru e v alu a­ night when the Matawan Borough tion, a decrease of 33 cents under Council introduced its 1902 mun­ icipal budget. T he budget totals $310,602, an in­ Study Permit Fee crease of $35,241), and requires $170,661) to be raised in the local tax levies. A public hearing is For Industries scheduled for Mar. 13 at 8 p.m. at Borough Hall. Borough Auditor Matawan Township R. Milton Cole said the rate in­ cludes -Iti cents for the county tax, Committee Meets down two cents; $1.50 for schools, a decrease of 44 cents, and 68 cents The Matawan Township Commit­ for local purposes, a jump of 13 tee Thursday night look under con­ cents. sideration a new schedule of build­ The sharp reduction in the school ing permit fees to be charged rate is attributed to the establish­ heavy industry for construction ment of a regional school district rights in the township. The com­ where operational costs /or educa­ mittee indicated It is considering tion are compiled on a per pupil a sliding scale of fees, similar to basis. The operational budget tot­ one used in Holmdel Township. als $25l,t]80, an in c rease of $35,­ The study was undertaken after 065, and the reserve for uncollected American-Wheaton Glass Corp., a tax es is $59,011, au in c rease of subsidiary of American Can Co., $185 based on 92 per cent of tax requested consideration be given to collections. an industrial rate. The firm plans $50,0 M f r o m S u rp lu s co n struction of a $5,000,000 plant The council appropriated $50,­ in the township on Cliffwood Ave. 000 from surplus, $15,000 u n d er tlu? WwkMM hiekM mataly 1JM linear feet has been Installed and tested hetween the Garden State Park -•warding t» a wp»rt-itfBived al the . a l" me 1961 figure. The bulk of the in- bar m i (h councilvii meeting TumilavTueaday fnight, d .h t . rense'-in—irmrricrpiri—spemtmg—n— • Branch Railroad right-of-way. attributed to deferred charges The committee indicated the first which total $26,400. The charges in­ Arthurs Reunited phase of construction would cost clude $18,000 for the senior citi- Mayor Appoints Same Budget On ap p ro x im ately $2,000,000. T h e 7.en assessment1 exemption granted Members ef the Malawan First Aid Squad re­ ly fell through the ice while skating and drowned. Jaha Arthur and his four chil­ Holmdel code provides for a cer­ last y ea r by council; $6100 in em ­ move the blanket-covered body ot James Murray. Tne body was discovered Imbedded In cue Ice yesier* dren hava beea reunited la a ta in fee u p to $100,000 w orth of ergency appropriations, and $1500 II, of IM Washington St., Keyport, from Lake Lel- day by a state highway department workman, be­ Board Members Hama aa Valley Dr., Malawan. Ballot Feb. 20 new construction then establishes for pension fund payments. ferts. Mr. Murray, missing since Jan. 14, apparent* neath Ihe Route 14 bridge. U m five membera al the Ar­ Matawan Board Sees a sliding scale downward as the In addition each member of the Nanning, Zoning thur family became homeless value increases, to encourage ma­ police department is granted a UnH* Take Shop* wbea a flaah Hra gutted their It Minimum Needed jor construction. $500 annual in c rease according to Election Saturday house at It! Bread St. Jan. 24, Study Water Supply the terms of a referendum ap­ Murray’s Body Lanzaro Still aad destroyed all their clothing Appointment* to th e planning Decision to resubmit the budget The committee also took under proved last November. Residents In Matawan Town­ aad lUalture. board and toning board of adjust­ Feb. 20 that was turned down it consideration the problem of sup­ In an explanatory statement, ship's two fire districts will go la aaswer ta newspaper ap­ Found In Lake Queries Relief ment, delayed lince the first of (he plying ample water to the site of Mayor John W. Applegate termed to Ihe polls Saturday to elect peals, tlething begaa paurlag ia the Feb. 6 voting was made by the year because of confuiion concern­ the plant. An eight-inch pipe from tho fiscal measure an ‘‘austerity members of the boards ol fire far tha chttdrea wha were divided Matawan Regional Board of Edu­ Discovered Beneath Ing tarmt ol the members, were the municipal standpipe now serv­ budget" designed to hold down ex­ commissioners'and vote on lire Hours, Procedure ' amaag tha adghbers. Furniture, made Tuesday night by Matawan cation Thursday. The original pro­ ices the area and an attempt will penditures and still muintain vital district budgets for the year. The Maakots aad white goads were Bridge On Route 34 In Marlboro Hit Mayor John W. Applegate. posal o f $808,000 for current e xp ens­ be m ade to determ in e if it Is services that the borough will re­ election in newly re-created Dis­ altered I* ba picked up when adequate or whether a 10-inch trict I, comprising the area of Action followed acceptance by. es and (17,500 for capital outlay quire. T he body of J a m e s M urray, 31, Committeeman Joseph A. Lan- they laaad Bvhig quarters. main should he Installed. Oak Shades and Lloyd and Line the Borough Council of resigna­ of 196 Washington St., Keyporl, re­ zaro returned at the Marlboro Mra. Arthur died two years will go on the ballot. The voting Rds., will be the first since Itil tion! of all of the members of the In other business, Mayor Nor­ ported missing since Jan. 14, was Township Committee meeting age. The lather la employed as a districts and conditions of voting man Wood appointed Edward Sa- pulled from ice-covered Lake Lef­ when the original district was Thursday to his tlieme of having boards. The new term's will expire track driver aad has maaaged to Dolan Regional will be the same as on Feb. 6. ville, local Democratic leader, to ferts yesterday by members of the abolished. ahle-bodied men work out relief and on Dec. 11 of each year, the mayor keep his lamlly tagether. a four-year unexpired term on the Matawan First Aid Squad. The In District I, served by the to his criticism of the conduct ol Announced. 1 Owe mere, ibraagh Ihe klnd- Harold J. Dolan, board president, township industrial commission. body was discovered imbedded in Matawan Township Hose and the welfare director's office. He Named to the loning board were aeaa aad geaeraalty al the people stated the action was taken before Board President Mr. Saville, a Cliffwood resident, the ice beneath the bridge on Route Chemical Co., residents will el­ claimed to know three ablc-lxidied John L. Laasin. one year, replacing al Matawaa aad nearby areas, the newly-elected members of the replaces William Grosso, who has 34, just south of the Buttonwood ect a live-member board of fire men were drawing relief and doing i. Franklin Dominick whose term the family la tagether. First Elective board, Raymond Eulo and Carmen moved Jrom the township. Manor, Matawan. commissioners and vote on a no work. •laired, and holdover members, The elder children, Jack IS, budget of $M45. In addition vot­ Guzzo, could be seated by law Mon­ D e p u t y Building Inspector Membership Sworn Police Chief John Melna reported Robert Nivison', the welfare di­ John J. Bradley, two yeart; How-' M afllyr If and Kathlaea nine ers will be asked to approve a George Hausmann was named by the body was discovered by An­ rector, claimed this only would b s Ird Heoderam, three years; have returaed to their daases aad day as there had to be a sufficient Matawan Regional Board of Ed­ $25,ttt bond Issue to enable the Mayor Wood to serve as a mem­ thony Trabucco, $ Prospect Ave., for three weeks until the men be- Oeorge Douhller, four years, and Michael, live, le cared for dur- time in which to meet tlie legal ucation reorganized Monday. Har­ district to purchase Ihe equip­ caine eligible for unemployment ber of the planning board for the Cliffwood Beach, an employee of J. Wallace McCue, five years. lag the day by a ai old J. Dolan was continued as pres­ ment of the fire company. relief, then the state unemployment requirements for advertising and balance of the present year, lie the State Highway Department who New M ember Oa Plaaaiag Baard friend. ident and Roy S. Matthews as vice In District 2, there is a con­ bureau could list them to take job* posting notices for tlie election and will replace Building Inspector was clearing snow and ice from Dr. McCue was the only new president. They were unanimous test for the lone seat on the as soon as new employment in their Frank Devino, whose term on the the bridge.
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