\ ■ - -\. \ • ■ • * ■ ■ A —" , The Weather ' TUESDAY, JANUARY 1«, ^ Averace Daily Net Preai Ran f PAOB FOURTEEN Fer tiM WWk k e is t FsTerak of U. 8. OftmiOin Batpen lEtiietting Jammsy 18, IM l Olflur, .w b ^ M d nuidi ooMer Mancheater chapter of DlaaUed toalglit. U m le to 18. Thnratoy Amertcan Veterans will meat to­ T hi^ Accidents Ciirtis to Attend 13,535 fair and eoM. High 35 to 80. About Town Valentme Ball Skating Report MciabMr e f the Audit night at 8 at thSvAmerlcsin Legion Confab at UConn FREE DELIVERY Home. Bring 2 Arrests At Tlw PARKADE BUICMU « t OlKUlutiMI Manche$ter"""~A City^of Village Charm jfuMhMter Ormuga will meat to- Slated Feb. 10 m o n w at 8 pjn. In Orange HaU. Our Lady of Victory Mothers Three motor vehiclp accidents Supt. -of Schools William H. Circle will meet tomorrow at 8:30 yesterday IWought two arrests by Curtis will attend a two-day 6oo- LIDREn DRUB (OfauMlflsd Adrerttaiag on Fugp 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS MeroJiera are reminded to bring Manchester Lodge of Elka will MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY IT, 1962 artielM for the auction table. p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ftank Manchester Police. ferenoe of school superintendents TOL. I^XXXI, NO. 90 (TWENTY PAGES) Roberts, 104 LoohJwood St. Mrs. Jo­ aponaor its ninth annual Valentine About 10:30 a.m. yesterday a aF' the University of Connecticut ^11 at the State Armory Feb. 10. & Roger P. Hence, eon of Mr. ahd seph Czerwlnskl will be co-hostess. MU' driven by Mrs. Marjory H. Jan. 28-26. Thomaa J. Blanchard will be Hia. Francis Hence, 81 Lenox St., Norton of 67 Academy St. went About 160 educatora from the general Chalnnan. B o l ^ Kaye and '•'» and John H. Monaghan, eon of Mr. The Newcomer’s Club will hold Chartar Oml. Park will be open­ through a stop sign on School St. state are expected to attend the his orchestra will pieMde music and Mr». A. J. Monaghan, Heather a poUuck tomorrow at 7 p.m. In ed to the public for Ice skating at Spruce St., police said, and conclave, co-sponsored -by the for dsmeing from 0. p.m. to 1 asn. Rd., Ellington, both students at the the Robbins Room of Center Con­ until 10 o'clock tonight struck a northbound vehicle drlv-- UConn school o f education and MAHOGANY Featured vocallat wnr''‘be Connl en by Robert S. Kennon, 43', of * University cf Connecticut, have gregational Church. Members are However, both Center Springs the Connecticut Association of Pravda been initiated Into the National reminded to bring a table betting Vlgnone, who waa recently named South Coventry, spinning his car 'Pond and Center Springs Annex Public School Superintendents. PANELING Honoruy Society of Pershing and a favorite dish. by “ Downbeat” magazine aa. one around.’ The Kennon car knocked Hie first day’s program, open- Ik M 1 a 9 4 • K O U i l d t i p Rlllea. of the country’s finest band sing- will be closed to skaters. No cout- down a .parking sign and hit a ersv iiig at 10 a.m., will include a panel W. H. ENGLAND Midweek services will be held at Ing will be allowed in Center utility pole before It stopped, po­ on thu immediate needs of educa­ Tickets are available to the gen­ Miss Hden Chambers of the Trinity Covenant Church (former­ lice said. No Injuries were re­ tion and the second day’s schedulf LUMIER CO. Molotov s Alius Springs Park. School of Home Economics at the ly Covenant Congregational eral public, and table and section ported. PTA Blocks reservations attould be made early Only when red flags are'flying idll be concerned :with the duties, e Open All Di^ Bntnrdagr • university of Connecticut will dis­ (ihurch) tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Norton was arrested for costs and feasibility o f school with the chairman or members of will skating be permitted at the "A t the Oteen’*—a n Moecow. Jan. 17 <AV-Pr»v-tthe ^viet cuss fashions at^a meeting of the failure to obey a stop sign and systems providing an exeeidlvs Rebuttals in the ticket committee, Edward J. park-department—maintalnsd and waa ordered to appear In Circuit that Junior Century dub of Manches­ Members of the cipnter Congre­ secretar^r of the association. da today accused former For- peacofuldaa coexistence ar la absolutely ter tomorrow at 8 pun. at the KofC gational Church Mothers Club will Tomkiel, Bruce Noble and Dean supervised areas. i Court 12, Manchester, on Jan. 2B. Film Dispute „ Gates, or by calling the club stew­ At 4 p.m. yesterday, Edward 8. eisrn Minister V. M. Molotov necessary now because a new Santo Domingo Botna meet to morrow at 8 p.m. at Wat­ of waging d o ^ a tic and stub­ world war would be suicide. kins Bros, on Main St. to hear a Engaged ard. Heath, 26, of - Warehouse Point, Members o f the program com­ waa charged with failure to carry A p p l y fox* born opposition to Premier . It praised Khrushchev for hav­ Guilford, Jan. 17 (JP)— A The annual meeting of the talk and see a demonslratUm in ported taken sometime last night ing made more than 90 visits to Washington Social d u b will be mittee are -Edward J. Tomkiel, from bowling and cigarette vend­ a registration. A trailer truck he interior decorating. Refreshments The engagement of Miss Cath­ Notice Khrushchev’s policy of peace­ countries in Kur<H>«i Asia and showing of t}ie controversial held on Saturday at the club, be­ will be served. Members may bring Jedm A. Cagianello, Jamea' p. ing machines and a Juke box at was operating struck the left front film “ Operation Abolition” is erine Mary Close of Manchester to Gleason, Dean H. Gates, Henry door and fender of a vehicle ful coexistence. America In support of his policy ginning at 4:30 p.m. Officers will guests. the Parkway. The-loss waa esti­ The attack in the Soviet Com­ of peaceful coexistence. Richard M. Stable of Agawam, Magee, Edward D. Wilson, Paul mated at 8300. All machines were driven by Esther L. Wald of 81 schedule by the local Parent- Control by Military be elected. A buffet will be served munist party newspaper was the 'These trips.” M id Pravda, at 6:90. Members must register Mass., has been announced by her G a ^ e and Thomas Blanchard. damaged. A pinball m a c ^ e also Arcellla Dr. WE HAVE DAILY Teacher Association tonight The executive board of the Man­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin R. first profxaganda blast against the “played a great role in strength­ with the steward by Thursday. chester Council of CJathoIlc Women ’The refreahme-rt committee In­ had been tampered with but not Police said Heath waa driving without any speakers critical Close, 610 W. Middle Tpke. cludes Gene Brodeur, Louis Sar- his vehicle In the outside lane and DEUVERY TO THE old Bolshevik since the Soviet gov­ ening the position of our country will meet at Assumption School opened, police said. Entrance was m the struggle for easing of inter­ of the movie. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and della and Walter Pyka. J^m Lor- g^ned throu^ an unlocked rear Mrs. Wald was on the Inside lane ernment announced Jan. 8 that he ^embers of the Tozer Group of Thursday at 8 p.m. All members Mrs. Winslow A. Stable, Agawam. would return to his former pMt as national tension.” The PTA’s executive board said Held Step Backward of the council are Invited to at­ ons will serve as head usher. Jor­ window which had been covered on E. Middle Tpke. Both at­ '1 Congregational Church will Miss Close is a 1959 graduate of tempted to make right hand turns permanent Soviet representative to Pravda also said peaceful coex­ last night it had turned down a > meet tonight at 8 at the home of tend. dan Decorators will he In charge with an outside screen. The BOLTON istence does not mean that the So­ request from a group of local Mancheater High School and a of decorating the Armory for tte screen was found on inside floor. into Woodbridge St. The back end the International Atomic Snergi* Mrs. Michael Keroplan, 71 Baldwin graduate of Hanover School of Agency in Vienna. viet Union has abandoned the citizens who had asked to present Rd. Mrs. J m e s Irvine will show ball. The break occurred between' 10 of the trailer truck caught the Waiahingrton, Jan. 17 (A*)—The United States unailed the Modeling and Hartford School of left front of the Wald car. No In­ The blast waa so strong that marxist concept of class struggle. rebuttal speaker during the slides of a recent trip to Alaska. Two Women Given p.m. yesterday and 6 a.m. today, Instead it means “a selection of new junta government in the Dominican Republic today as Modeling. She la employed at the police said. juries were reported. Heath will AREA foreign observers in Moscow felt meeting. Hostesses wllK.be Mrs. Roger the 'battle against Molotov and his those bridgeheads in this struggle The group contends that the film a “step backward.” Officials said the United States is con­ Crafts and Mrs.drs. "Grorge"G^rge Dickie. Connecticut Heart Association, Vending Machines Police have Issu^ a warrant be presented In (Circuit Court 12, Alsop Club Jobs Hartford, a state affiliate of the Manchester, Jan.
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