* DON"! MISS'YOUR COPy~· OF ' THE ' WEEKENDER, FREE .I IN+::FHE NAMIBIAN,':JiODAYf' · · \ . j i j Buthelezi, New claims· in Winnie in Cabinet Lubowski probe SOUTH African President Nelson GWEN LISTER Mandela came up THE MAN accused of pulling the trigger on Swapo with a compromise activist Anton Lubowski had on several occasions Cabinet which withdrawn criminal charges against a fonner po­ sprang a few sur­ lice task force member, Willem Rooinasie, be­ prises and put to­ cause he (Rooinasie) had threatened to expose his gether some strange role in the Lubowski assasSination. bedfellows on This claim was made by Rooinasie, who is ,Wednesday night. currently serving a prison sentence, when he testi­ ChiefMangosuthu fied before Judge Harold Levy at the Lubowski Buthelezl, who sal" a inquest on Friday. few weeks ago he Rooinasie said that fonner Warrant Officer Riaan ,wouldnotserveln the White had on one occasion cried and asked the Government of Na­ witness to forgive him, adding that he would tional Unity, takes withdraw the charges against him because it was "a the senior portfolio small thing" . .of Mlnilter or Home Rooinasie said he had on at least two occasions A1faIrs. taken police vehicles without pennission and driven GLOWING PRAISE •.• US Vice President AI Gore had high praise for Namibia's democracy when Two JIlWe miDJI. several hundred kilometres with them. He also said he addressed a press briefing with President Nujoma on Wednesday at State House. ne also called terial po... wer.e he had falsified a Standard 8 certificate. White had Nujollilll "a hero of the world's movement to democracy". Photo: Graham Hopwood .... to tile IakatJIa withdrawn the cases against him on two occasions, J'e...,l To page 2 Gore'dis Is ~ myths hanging over Africa " culture of tolerance. ci ty rather than wealth:" GRAHAM HOPWOOD They pennitcitizens the Gore told the repre­ . right to change their sentati yes gathered from US VICE PreSIdent, AI Gore, on ':"ednesday leadership through free all seven parties in the called for an end to myths surr?undmg democ- and fair elections. They Namibian legislatures racy, the free market, and envIronmental pro- respect basic human that "Namibia has again tection to ensure peace and prosperity in Africa. rights. They are inc1u- led the way in commit­ Gore, on a two-day a myth Gore tenned "pa- sive," Gore continued. ting itself to a free mar­ visittoNamibiaafterat- tronizing and destruc- "The success stories ket economy with a lib­ tending the inauguration tive". in the making here in eral investment cli­ of South African Presi- The Vice-Presdident southern Africa and mate". dent Nelson Mandela, then described a "wave elsewhere on the conti­ Gore, a keen environ­ was addressing the of democracy" across nent are a st~ rebuke mentalist, said the last Namibian legislatures Africa "from Namibia to the cynics of the world myth to be abandoned on Wednesday after- to Niger, from Mali to and a powerful antidote was that Africa could noon. Madagascar.... towhatsomehavecalIed not afford to protect the The US Vice Presi- "Democrac,. is not a 'Afro-pessimism'. environment. dent told a combined Western export to Af- "A second myth that "We reject the sim­ session of the National rica. Indeed, all endur- pervades our thrnking .:. plistic 'notion oh trade­ Assembly and National jng democracies.reflect is that·Africa cannot af­ off between develop­ Council "if we are to the traditions and the ford the lUXUry of the ment and environmen­ develop that partnership values ofthe socletiesin f~emarket : ·· , tal protectiori:;When the (between the US and . which they exist. But '.' "Throughout Afril:a~ water and rai'r are pol- > Africa) we must ap- . they all have certain . country after country is luted;when urban popu­ . proach it in a spirit of characteristics. They rejecting socialist and lation centres become realism - that means champion and are rooted state centralized eco­ swollen with migration, abandoning myths that in the individual citizen. nomics as experiments when the productivity of regrettably exist on both They empower govern- that have failed ... These the land is diminished sides of the Atlantic". ment through the con- countries are discover- and when the forests and The first myth was that sent of the governed. ing that large govern­ wetlands are destroyed­ "l)Irica cannot afford the They rely on negotia- ment bureaucracies may there can be no sustain­ ; ..' ..... .. IUX'Ul)'lof democracy" - tion, compromise and a end Up distributing scar- able development. Not 2 Friday May 13 1994 THE NAMIBIAN Gore dispels Africa myths From page I found time to meet a range of Namibian in Africa. Not any­ conservationists there. where." His visit, which in­ After his address cluded a hike over the Gore answered ques­ top of the plc:.oteau, was lions from National hosted by Minister of Assembly members Environment, Nico before setting off for Bessinger. Waterberg Plateau Gore left Namibia Park where he and his yesterday afternoon wife, Tipper, spent on AirForce Two for a Wednesday night. brief visit to Cotonou Although techni­ in Benin before return­ cally on a private visit ing to the United States to Waterberg Gore of America. * F th G . ·t 1 I ALL SMILES ••• Leading figures from Namibia's two legislatures share a joke with Vice President Al Gore before he 56 or ~~re on e ore VISI ,see a so pages addressed a combined session of parliament on Wednesday. From left: Moses Garoeb (Swapo), Most! Tjitendero (Speaker), , an . Gore, Mishake M uyongo (DT A) and Kandy Nehovah (Chair of the National Council). P hoto: Graham Hopwood Mandela springs some surprises New claims in Lubowski inquest ~ · years members had been sent to Otjiwarongo on the F I 110wever, she will have Mande la's original From page I rom page to serve under a con- nominations, but not for to search the luggage of night of the murder. for ro bbing Freedom Party out of a servative Inkatha mem- Cyril Ramaphosa who and on a third at a disci­ the returned exiles, and Rooinasie said. addi ng Van Wyk had told col­ that when they returned 27-strong list of mini s- qer - BenNgu bane- who chose to remain outside plinary hearing, White a·corpse had ensured the case was leagues on the way back early on September 13. ters. takes up the ministerial Cabinet after he was not withdrawn. that "the work must be they went to the task force appointed as a deputy JQSEF MOTINGA Winnie Mandela's re- portfo lio. Rooinasie, in state­ finished soon and those offices. White arrived habili tation within the Deputy ministers will president. ments before court, told who are marked must be later and received ap­ ANC continued with the al so serve in the Cabi- He remains ANC Sec- of several occasions taken out of the way plause. JJJ van Wyk had TWO police officers an nouncement th at she net. retary General. prior to independence quickly". said to him "good work" of tbe Nambian po­ is now Deputy Minister There is also a place * See full details on when the late activist Rooinasie said the and shaken his hand. lice force were each fo r Arts, Culture, Sci­ forthe ANC's Pallo Jor- Page 9. had been targeted. planning was done on Jumbo Smit had later sentenced to six ence and Technology. dan, who was left out of Most of Rooinasie's the night of Geingob's addressed several task years' imprison­ - --- --------------- ---------tl white colleagues in the return. At a meeting at force members threaten­ ment, of which three task force had referred the task force offices, ing them not to talk about were conditionally to him as a "shit Ger­ Jumbo Smit, he claimed what they knew, the wit­ suspended, for rob­ man". had spoken of attempts ness claimed, and later bing G Holbeck of ~~~' On one occasion at to recru it Lubowski as a Flip Nel had given them jewels wortb RHO Arand is 1987, he re­ spy. instructions to look for a 000, R39 700 in cash PAOPEQTIES counted, the security The activist had alleg­ red Golf. and a cheque of R3 force patrols had used edly later agreed to a Rooinasie al so de- 000.a tler he had been SHOW HOUSE ru bber bullets to dii;perse sum of R20 000, after scribed several attempts killed in a car acci­ a Swapo meeting and which the agreement on his part to report what dent• . Bargain of the Month one of his colleagues, was settled with former he knew about the assas- . MQsesApoUus (29) Manie Bekker, had NDF Colonel Desmond si nation . He had spoken and Benjamin aimed his R -5 at Radmore. to the then permanent sec­ 'Rheeder (39) ap­ Lubowski and said in Later, Radmore and retarY of the Prime Min­ .. pea~~~ ...• bef9~e~he ·· * 3 Bedroom, b.i.c. Afrikaans "shoot the f .... Smit had informed task ister at Swakopmund in ' ()niaruruMagis­ German". The shot had force members that if it January 1992. and a state­ * Kitchen, b.i.c. ' trate1·sCourtand .. gone off but hit a loud­ was known Lubowski ment was taken from him. * Hall, b.i.c. speaker, Rooinasie said. had spied for them it He did not know what wT· e~~se?tb· ~~cMe~:; oin . ",· ua!iUay y.. ag 50 * Double Garages He recounted another would cause problems, had happened to the state­ occasion in the same so it would be better to ment, the witness said. He *All surrounded by a wall year in Katutura when shoot their own in­ had later met with high­ * 1Y2 Bathroom Lubowski and other former. White, he said, ranking policemen, in­ :~t~~1~ leaders were arrested.
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