T I M E S CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS AND THE NEPTUNE TIMES VoI.LXXV, No. 13 — and of the independence of the F I V E C E N T S OCEAN GROVE, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1949 Uñited States of America the 173d Proclamation Fire Detection Test JCP&L Revenues F IN D S $4,050 A N D Fourteen Join Sail For England Board Withholds R E C E I V E S $1 R E W A R D Hotel owners and the public are Increase In 'IS CANCER CONTROL MONTH invited to attend the demonstration Final Decision For returning a handbag APRIL, 1919 Monday at 2 p.. m. o f the A tm o containing $4,050 cash and » Automatic Fire. Detection System. Electric and Gas Sales Rise Fourteen new members joined ■WHEREAS the problem of can­ School Executives To Meet sizeable check, Mrs. Marie Rev. and Mrs. Ernest W. Davis, The test will take place at the While Income Drops 34% the 6t. Paul’s auxiliary for the cer is becoming increasingly acute With Coach Pagan© In Brown, 103 Stockton avenue, 57 Embury avenue, will sail next Boscobel hotel, 62 Main avenue. From 1947 Methodist Home at its regular with the aging jopiilsitibn steadily Private Session was rewarded with a $1 bill week, Friday the 8th, on the S.S. meeting Monday in the church, mounting until more and more peo­ and a pack of cigarettes.' Mauretania for England, where , Revenues of-Jersey Central Pow­ Mrs. Charles Conover, presiding. ple are reaching thfe “cancer age,” Before making its final decision On’ March 22nd, while shop­ they will visit his father and rela­ er & Light Company from the sale They are Mrs. John Stone, Mrs. and : on the question of eliminating the ping in Asbury Park, Mrs. tives, living in Derbyshire. This Cub Scouts Have ^<ot electricity and gas in 1948 Henry Burkhardt, Mrs. J. Camp­ W HEREAS modern medical skill present physical education teaching Brown picked up the lost hand­ will be the third visit in 37 years. '■’ reached a new hig h o f $21,884,246, bell, Mrs. C. Rausch, Mrs. Ray­ can save at least, one-third of the position at Bradley Park school bag and left her name and ad­ Official Charter '*"S gain of 10% over the previous mond Decker, Mrs. Elias Baker, 200,000 who die annually in this M r. D avis’ three brothers and and with it the release of Neptune dress ■ with .the store for the ! year, Edwin H. Werner, president Mrs. Waren Baker,. Mrs. George country, if the disease is detected their families w ill honor their high school’s football and baseball rightful owner to claim. She Ocean Grove Pack 41 In­ of the local utility stated in the Henson, Mrs. Joseph Sandford, Mrs. in time, and . father on April 18th, the occasion coach, Joseph Pagano, the board took the .handbag home with ducted By M o n m o u t h company’s annual report published Gilbert Twelves, Mrs. Charles Trot­ W HEREAS the American Cancer being his 87th birthday. .of education will meet with Coach her. That-evening an Ocean Council Scout Executive Pagano in private session. today. ter, Mrs. George Egner, Miss Rose Society is conducting a valiant During this visit, Rev. Davis Grove woman, liv in g at 109 This decision was formed last Despite the record proportions Pollack and Mr. William Oliveiv fight against this; disease through will be preaching in his home Abbott avenue, called at her Representing Monmouth coun­ night at a meeting in the school of in the sale of electricity and gas, Following a business meeting, its educational, research and serv­ church, the Congregational church house and verified her owner­ cil Boy Scouts, Scout Executive R. a board of education committee net income of the company for last Mrs. Ruth Gilbert sang a solo; Mrs. ice programs, and 60 per cent of the at Riddings, where' his father has ship of the. bag and its heavy MacMahon presented a charter with representative groups from ' year was 84% less than in 1947, it Vreeland gave recitations, and the funds collected w ill be used within been a member for over 60 years. ¿ash content. last Friday night to Pack 41, Ocean the Red and Black association and was reported. group participated in guessing our county to aid this work, there­ An invitation has also been ac­ After .thanking Mrs. Brown Grove Cub Scouts sponsored by St. the Bradley Park P.T.A. “The decline in net income was baby pictures. fore I, Ross R. Beck, Chairman of cepted to preach at Alfrcton, at the for recovering the money, she Paul’s church. The board committee’s decision due to unusually-heavy storm dam­ A donation of $100 was given to the Township Committee, do hereby Watchorn Memorial (Methodist left the reward of $1 and the Short talks were given by Harry was given by President Roland C. age and increased coat of fuel, op­ the Home, as part of the fund for proclaim A p r il as" j . Church) and other places. pack of cigarettes. Packwood, cubmaster; Richard Mauch, chairman of last night's erating materials.and labor,” Mr. the St. Paul's auxiliary room in CANCER CONTROL .MONTH Plans- have also been made to Lyon, chairman of the pack com­ session, following an executive Werner Ba>d. the new building. and request the „.citizens of the visit Dr. J i Sidlow Baxter’s church mittee; Curtis Lippincott, den meeting held later in the evening. Mrs. Ida MacDougla was elected Township of Neptune to observe it in Edinburgh, Scotland. Dr. Bax­ chief, and Mr. MacMahon. The Peter DeMidowitz was spokesman second vice president. as such. '• i ter was Campmeeting evangehst in group was led in the flag salute for the Red and Black and Charles A dinner to benefit the Home will I further request ttiat all'individ­ Salvation Army Ocean Grove and will direct the and the singing, of “America” by Phillips for the Bradley Park be held in. the church on A p r il 29, uals, organizations,; businesses and 80th Camp this season. .- Rev; and Robert Gilbert, assistant, cubmas­ P.T.A. from 5 to 7 p. m. industrial firms within the Town­ Mrs. Davis will also visit relatives ter. The, pastor, Rev. B. H. Deck­ Maps ’49 Appeal *----- ship of Neptune cooperate with and ‘ Earlier this week both the Red ancT friends .in North Ireland of er, gave the invocation. assist the American Cancer Society and Black association and : the Appeal For Clothes Mrs. Jean McMaster, of the Sham­ Scoutmaster Edward J. Guhl ad­ in its campaign during April. Bradley Park group had gone on Advisory Board Seeks rock, here. dressed the cubs,.-asking the youths record in support of retaining the The Ocean Grove P.T.A. is ap­ GIVEN Under my hand and The Funds For Local Operation to become good' Scouts and later physical education program in the pealing for all types of clothes to Seal of the Township, of Neptune, They will return to this country Since Chest Failure members of Ocean Grove troop 41. elementary school and its instruc­ sell at its rummage sale on April State of New Jersey, this 24th day from. Southampton on the. Queen The dens displayed achievements tor, Coach Pagano. Last night’s 7. ; Anyone ;wishing to-contribute of March'in the year of our Lord, Elizabeth in May, drriving home in At a recent meeting of the Sal­ of the month and the honor pen­ meeting of committees ■ resulted to the benefit sale is asked to bring one thousand, nine hundred and time for the annual Bible Confer­ vation Army advisory board, of nant was won by Den 2. Refresh­ fronj a resolution passed by both the clothes to Mrs. C. Meyer, 113 forty- nine. ence and Missionary Convention in which Mrs. George Burrows and ments served were donated by Mrs. groups, asking for a special ses­ Clark avenue, or telephone A. P. (Signed): Ocean Grove of the Christian Mis Ralph Wiggiri are members from Eileen McGinley, den mother. sion with the board to review the 2-8294-J for house’ collection. ROSS R; BECK sionary Alliance, May 29 to June 5. Ocean Grove, the organization was The following cubs were presen­ latter’s decision at its March meet­ urged to make an immediate ap­ ted registration cards: Bryan Rush, ing. ;. ' peal for funds. The appeal has Methodist Home Here Nears Completion James Ferrier, Richard Lyons, Rob : ' ' 1 :. become necessary because of the ert Gilbert, Alfred Packwood, W il­ failure of the Shore Community liam Triario, Robert Peters, Garret From the Bradley Beach Bell Telephone Chest to reach its quota in the last shore of Fletcher Lake, this Egley, Robert Moore, Edgar M c­ campaign. photograph pictures the m il­ Ginley, Charles Shepeard, Melvin Edwin H. Werner lion-dollar edifice on Stock­ Earnings Told . Harry H. Jones,’chairman of the Kirscli, Don Gillum, Charles Rugge, ton avenue in the final stages Lawrence Moss. William McDan­ The company reported total op­ board, has been assisted by a sub­ of construction. erating expenses including taxes iels, William Asay, Rodney Brews­ Annual Return Of 3.4% On committee beaded by vice-chair­ Total Money Invested, ' and depreciation o f $18,459,476 fo r man J. Allen Mohn, Joseph Ely, A day in August of this ter, Robert Burnett, Dennis Cono­ summer is'being planned for 1948, an increase o f 19% over 1947. ver and Frank Torchia.
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