\ - • 1" .. % — ioJfa— "iiiiii'iiZr l a l — Average Daily M et PrcBs Run PAGE TWELVE SATURDAY, MARCH 1ft) 19M- The Weather,. :dlancl;fst(r Suratats ii^raUi For the Waek Eu4e« Farceaat of U. 8. Weather ■uresu •C Mazcli 19. 1858 Oeeualonal rata hmlglrt, to w la learn.” we quote from one of the 11,666 48a. H wadfiy rioady. wan ner, manifold treatises 'on child care. Drive Committee Sings at Oinijih s^ew Books Listed eeattered ehowera. Oolder la af- About Town IVe know a father Who says ”Oh MamfcaC o f Km Audit ‘ ----wo - * --■ W HAn Heard Along-Main Street yeah” to this dictum. He- has a Bureua o f CIrenlatlou •VniOTIMe BUREFA ■■ hBO OVGe Meeting Monday. At Library Here Mancheiter— A City o f Village Charni Bunaet lUbekmh I» d s « will hold two year old son who Just learned a naular mMUnt Monday night at And on Sofne of Manchetter*$ Side Street»t Too about the satisfaction to be derived from Jumping. The father A special meeting of the Red - Fiction . g o ’c m k In Odd Pelldwa Hall. .VOL,LXXIV,NO.i4t (Claeelfled Adverttriiig oa Page 14) Movla* taken on her trip to Cali­ says, he expects to come- home Cross Fhnd Drive Committee for Dream Walker, Charlotte Arm- (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH 21, 1955 PRICE FIVE CENTS fornia 'and thropgh the Grand Sanporta Gripe ^amounted to about the cost of a froitKW ^ some day and'find the 1955 la being dzlled_ for Monday, etrong; Tomorrow the New Moon,. Manchester -teenagers seem to' new hat child hr the cellar. S. Barker; FourXwinds, D. Beaty; C u y o n And Mexico wiu be ahown March 21 at 8 p,m: 'This meeting by Mra. Mae Biehardson. be rising in revolt over the lack They passed the time of day and T h e/ little boy usually Jumps Eagle of Ntagara^J. Brick; Ban­ of social facilities in town. then the woman said suddenly, from ( the highest point in the will be held In th'c Robbins Room ners of Shenendoah\B. Cotton; My Kiflnaped Baby-Safe A daughter. Wendy Sharon, waa iMuX week we printed a letter “We owe you Mme money, do you houseland the parents don't know of Centex. cJxurch. Heart an Alter, Mrs. A. (Jovert; Dozen D ie, Ah, Spring- bom March iT to Mr. and Mri. Ru­ from a Teenage Citixen, a . girl, remember how much It was?” As whether the floors can take the All Fund Drive Committee Terrific Tlmothys. M. Drake; Ride THE OFFICE OF • dolph Plerro of Anhelm, Calif. who took the town to task for con­ it happened, he did remember the treatment one 25 lb., small sizri chairmen are asked to make a spe­ the High Places, M. Evm s; Case of exact figure and she paid it They have a aon. Mra. Pierro la cerning itself too much with being atom bomb-type child can dish out. cial effort to be present. This re­ the Glamorous Ghost, ih. S. Gard­ DR, BARN EY promptly. 2 3 H urt as Skids in on the former Marllou Corcoran, a city of village charm and not quest Includes all residential com ­ ner; Three Roads to a 'Star, D. daughter of Mra. PVancea Corcoran enough with looking alive. She told him she and her hus- Motion Denied mittee majors working with T^own Garth; Gunman Rode North. W. L. w i c Nm a i ( ” of 6 Foxcroft Dr., and Mr. Pierro This week we received another ™*snt to pay the There was much wearln’ o’ the Clerk S. J. Turklngton Jr. All Hopson; Shadows on'the Duek, J. U the aon of Mr. and Mra. Guerino bill but It had slipped their minds letter from a teenage girl who ad­ green Md "Top o’ the momln’ ” persons responsible for the collec­ Jennings; Gurismoke over- S a i^ o , CHIROPODIST Plane FaUs Light Snow Pierro of US Maple St. vocates the establishment of a from time to time and when they greetings, offei^ in assorted ac- P. Lehman; I Take This Man, ^ s . remembered' it, they didn’t have tion of any money are asked to youth center, which would be built cenU in town^ on St. Patrick’s Day. E. Loring; Doctor. Jane, A. Mc- the money. be prepared to render an up to WILL BE CLOSED Springfield, Mq., March 21 By THE ASSOCIATiED PRJUM Mancheater Auxiliary Police will t>y teenagers and run by teenagers. But not at the Country Club. Elfresh; Ptay for a Brave Heariv, The man’s-day was brightened the minute report of any money An American Airlines Spring arrived in this area meet Monday night at 7:S0 In the ITie young people of Manches­ There the Kiwanlans locked St. each of their team captains or In­ H. Meinnes; Black Powder Ehn-' auxiliary room at Police Headquar- considerably by the occurrence UNTIL MARCH 28th 'ane threading its way ter, she assures us. do not want Patrick out of their weekly lunch­ dividual workers have collected. pire, R. Montgomery; Miss Harriet at 4:36 this morning but an tera. After a ahort-buaineaa meet­ gold, edver or blood,” Just a place and his faith in human nature waa eon meeting. This is extremely important at Townsend, K. Norris; High Passes, roiigh darkness and rain apparently confused Weath­ ing a demonatratlon of the vaMpua their own. somewhat restored. There evi­ S Joltn Olson,' as fine an Brin Go this meeting as any last minute Jt Rieese; The Healer, F. Slaughter; . DUE TO ILLNESS toward^Ianding'field crashed Itema of 'police equipment will be In passing, she,. like Teenage dently are times when a small Bragh lad as Sweden ever pro­ erman celebrated the occasion plans must be made to be sure of Year the Yankees Lost the Pen­ ■ i^ven by the bfflcera in charge.. Citizen, heaps much abuse on the amount of money pays for more duced, tried to open the door to the last night.'^kiUing 12\i>ersons with a mixture of rain and than an overdue bill pushing Manchester’s quota over nant, D. Wallop; Nurse, Carol, M. town for not waking up.' Here is spirit of the day, but got little Welch. and injuring — snow and forecast an accumu­ her letter: help. the top. ' ' Edward Lodbell Tho twin-engine Oonvklcxrashi Harold Dron of Wethersfield will Heap Big lajun Non-Fiction lation of less than an inch be­ U .S . Firm s Faced with a Big apeak at the evangelistic service I am writing with agreement Standing up and showing off his In a pasture about two milek': Sen. George General Manager Richard Mar­ Edward Lobdell, 293 Farming- PHrophet in the Wilderness, fore changing .to rain by late Sunday at 7 p.m., in the Aaaembly to the letter published March 12, bright green tie, he moved, as Hermann Hagedom. of the Springeld kirport. Wrfeckai .of God Chapel, 214 Spruce St. and the Teenagers’ Complaints. tin made up the program for high rapidly as his thick Swedish ac­ ton Ave., Hartford, • soloist at waa eeattered more than 300 feet. afternoon!. 8ch(H)l ground breaking ceremonies MMH May Benefit LOOK will also sing several numbers. All “There is positively .nothing for cent would permit, that all those Christ Church .Cathedral, Hartford, 'The plane carried a three- The wet snow was expected to W ould Cut yesterday. That was the reason member crew and 32 paitengcre. accumulate to 2 to 3 inches In Sets Term s are invited. the younger crowd in this town. who were not wearing green be and Mrs. Lobdell, also a profes­ Sure the Rec has a dance once a his name didn’t appear anywhere fined 25 cents, From Buiice Will All the Burvlvore were injured. northwestern Connecticut before on the program. Members or friends of .i the month. What about the other 29 The response, however, was un- sional singer arid -soloist at the TRUCK Jack Pripith, of Chicago, the changing to rain early tonight. Covenant Congregational Oturch, days? Have you been to'the regu­ But Mayor. Harold A. Turking- aympathetic. In fact. hooU of de­ The Manchester Memorial Hos­ West Hartford Baptist Church, will pilot, wae the only member of the For this area, the forecast is for Oil Imports For Parley lar sports dances down at the high ton, wise to Martin’s way, took it rision and howls of protest drown­ crew to aurvive. Stewardeaa Rita occasional rain tonight with tem­ willing to donate used clothing and pital may eventually receive up to be heard in a program of sacred LETTERING school^ How dead can a town get? upon himself to depart from the ed him out, and parliamentary MadaJ of - Chicago and cb-pUo.t peratures 'in the 40s. Scattered ' other articles for a rummage sale music. Sunday at 7:80 p.m. at the Get Our Estimate Washington\RIarch 21 </P) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to be held in the near future are East Hartford has mor» than we program and called on the man­ tactics were employed that killed 85,000 from the estate of Alexan­ Now you CM cMC'iie all ' Glenn Walker o f C3iicago and Loa showers ace predicted for tomor­ Covenant Congregational Church. row morning. asked to contact Mias Elsie C. do. Do you know that, a little town ager to speak. his motion. , der Bunce, former Etolton resident your drug aeoda ^ Angelaa died In the wreckage. — A spokesmatv^or independ­ ' State Department officials They will be accompanied by Fran­ SiRus Of AH Kinds There wasn't too much snow or Johnson,' 122 Maple St., or ., the like Avon has three theaters to "I’m Just one o f the Indians,” As If this weren’t enough, the who died March 11, and three Bol­ ent oil produ<!er^8aid today say a call by Sen.
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