An. S¸t. Univ. Ovidius Constant¸a Vol. 16(1), 2008, 5–18 On a remark of Loday about the Associahedron and Algebraic K-Theory Gefry Barad Abstract In his 2006 Cyclic Homology Course from Poland, J.L. Loday stated that the edges of the associahedron of any dimension can be labelled by elements of the Steinberg Group such that any 2-dimensional face represents a relation in the Steinberg Group. We prove his statement. We define a new group R(n) relevant in the study of the rotation distance between rooted planar binary trees . 1 Introduction 1.1 Combinatorics: binary rooted trees and the associahedron Our primary objects of study are planar rooted binary trees. By definition, they are connected graphs without cycles, with n trivalent vertices and n+2 univalent vertices, one of them being marked as the root. 1 2n There are n+1 n binary trees with n internal vertices. Key Words: Rooted binary trees; Associahedron; Algebraic K-Theory, Combinatorics. Mathematics Subject Classification: 05-99; 19Cxx; 19M05; 05C05 Received: October, 2007 Accepted: January, 2008 5 6 Gefry Barad Figure 1. The associahedron Kn is an (n − 1)-dimensional convex polytope whose vertices are labelled by rooted planar binary trees with n internal vertices. Two labelled vertices are connected by an edge if and only if the corresponding trees are connected by an elementary move called rotation. Two trees are connected by a rotation if they are identical, except the zones from the figure below, where one edge is moved into another position; we erase an internal edge and one internal vertex and we glue it again in a different location, to get a rooted binary tree. Figure 2. The 1-skeleton of the associahedron is called the Rotation Graph Gn [7]. The vertices of this graph are all rooted binary trees with n internal vertices, two trees being adjacent if they are united by a rotation. Gn has the structure of a lattice, called the Tamari lattice: there is an oriented edge from the tree a to the tree b if b is obtained from a using a right to the left rotation. Devadoss [2], Stanley [9] and Loday [6] gave a geometric realization of this polytope. Its faces are products of lower dimensional associahedra. There is a bijection between rooted binary trees and paranthetizations of n+1 variables. Various ways to paranthetize tensor products of (n + 1) objects in a monoidal category are controlled by so called associativity constrains, whose the source and the target are encoded by two trees connected by a rotation: ....((AB)C)... → ....(A(BC)).... On a remark of Loday 7 1.2 Algebraic K-Theory Let A be a unital ring which is not necessarly commutative. The Steinberg group Stn(A) is defined as the group with the following generators and rela- tions: generators: eij (a) for any a ∈ Aand1≤ i =j ≤ n. relations: (I)eij (a)eij (b)=eij (a + b) (II)eij (a)ekl(b)=ekl(b)eij (a) for any set of indices {i,j,k,l} of cardinality 4 (III) eij (a)ejk(b)=ejk(b)eik(ab)eij (a) for any set of indices {i,j,k} of cardinal- ity 3. These are exactly the relations satisfied by the elementary matrices mij (a) in Gln(A), where mij (a) has 1’s on the diagonal and the element from the ring a on the ij entry. The second K-Theory group of A, K2(A) is defined to be the kernel of the epi- morphism Stn(A) → Gln(A), which send eij (a)tomij (a). The abelian group K2(A) is also isomorphic with H2(St(A)) (Theorem Whitehead-Kervaire). This is the appeareance of the Steinberg group in the realm of Algebraic K- Theory [8]. We will prove the statement of Loday: (page 42- Cyclic Homology Theory-Poland 2006) [4]: Theorem 1 The edges of the associahedron Kn can be labelled by elements of the Steinberg Group, such that any cycle of length 4 or 5 in its 1-skeleton (The Rotation Graph) represents a relation in Stn(A). 2 Algebraic realization of the associahedron To every rooted binary tree X, we associate a permutation. During our pa- per, we denote this permutation as p(X). Based on this function, we build elements indexed by trees, and by pair of trees in different groups. In the same way there are different geometric realizations of the associahedron, the convex polytope whose 1-skeleton is the rotation graph [6] [9] [2] [3], we can say we realize the associahedron on different algebraic structures. Let T be a rooted binary tree, with n internal vertices. The univalent vertices are labelled 1, 2, ...n +1. The internal zone between the univalent vertices k and k+1 is called zone k. Every internal zone has a unique internal vertex which is the head of that zone. 8 Gefry Barad To every tree T we associate a permutation, denoted p(T )usingthefol- lowing recursive procedure: If t1 and t2 are the left and the right trees of T , then the permutation associ- ated with T is p(T)=mp(t1)p(t2), where the zone between the left tree t1 and the right tree t2 is located between the univalent vertices m and m+1. This rule is sufficent to associate a permutation to every tree, by induction over n using its subtrees, but we would like to be more specific: There is a unique directed path P (k) which joins the root of the tree to every univalent vertex k. We label the internal vertices with numbers 1, 2...n in the order they appear on the paths P (1), P (2)...P (n + 1), from the root to the univalent vertices. So we define a total order on the set of internal vertices: x ≤ yifx∈ P (k)andy∈ P (m)andk≤ m or, k=m and x is on the path from y to the root of the tree. In the permutation associated with the tree, p(T)(x)=y, if the internal vertex labelled with x is the vertex associated to the zone y, between the univalent vertices y and y+1. We call x the head, or the lowest point of the zone y. Figure 3. An insertion in a permutation p:= p(1)p(2)....p(n) is the following transfor- mation applied to p: insert the element p(y) between two consecutive elements in p: p(x-1) and p(x). Under this transformation, we get the permutation pr(x,y), where r(x,y) is the insertion: 1, 2, ...x, x +1, .......y....n r(x, y)= 1, 2, ...y, x, ..........y − 1...n Note: In the Symmetric Group S(n), we use the group-like notation fg to denote the permutation g◦f. Lemma 1 At a rotation , the permutation p(T) evolves by an insertion. On a remark of Loday 9 Proof. After a rotation ,locally, the permutation of a tree p(T):... yxp(T1)p(T2)p(T3)... is changed into ...xp(T1)yp(T2)p(T3). The insertion is from right to the left if the rotation is from right to the left. Some of the partial trees Ti from the figure below can be empty. Figure 4 . The rotation graph is the skeleton of a lattice, called Tamari lattice [6]. The minimal element is the right comb tree S whose permutation is the identity permutation. T1 <T2 if we use a “right to the left “rotation to obtain T2 from T1 . The fact the Rotation Graph is a lattice allow us to record the direction of the rotation. If a<b(b is obtained from a using a right to the left ele- mentary move) and ab is an edge in the Rotation Graph (the 1-skeleton of the associahedron), then p(b)=p(a)r(x, y). Figure 5. We label the vertices T of the Rotation Graph by these permutations p(T ) and the edges by the left insertions r(x,y). 10 Gefry Barad Remark 1 Given two trees T1 and T2, and a sequence of edges between them α - a directed path in the Rotation Graph, then p(T2)=p(T1) r(x, y) ,the product of the insertions which label the edges. We used the convention that if the rotation between two consecutive trees of the path is from right to left ,thenweuser(x, y). Otherwise, we use the inverse of r(x, y)in the product above, so the exponent α will be -1. 2.1 The proof of the Theorem 1 j−1 Let a12 a23... an−1n be arbitrary elements from Stn(A). Let cij = akk+1 k=i Remark 2 [5] The permutation group Sn acts on Stn(A) in the following way: Let p be a permutation. p.euv(a)=eij (a) if p(i)=u and p(j)=v. Figure 6. Let T1 and T2 be two trees with n internal vertices, united by a rotation, such that p(T2)=p(T1)r(x,y). They are the vertices of an edge in the Rotation Graph (or equivalently in the associahedron). We label this edge with b(i,j):= p(T1).exy(cij ), where p(T1)(i)=x and p(T1)(j)=y. Let us call this assignement rule (IV). So, the indices i and j are determined by the permutation of the tree T1 and by the indices of the insertion r(x, y). We will prove that this labelling of the 1-skeleton of the associahedron with elements from Stn(A) is coherent: every directed cycle of length 4 or 5 is labelled by a relation from Stn(A).
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