Annual Report 2019 Institutional and Sustainability Presentation By this Annual Institutional and Sus- tainability Report, Mackenzie presents its 2019 activities, aligned with the Mission of “educate and care for human beings” – conducted throughout its 149 years of history. The Institution maintains an obstinate focus on offering excellent education and watching over health of the population in its two hospitals. Its advances in this regard, as well as the challenges over- come and the achievements obtained, are expressed in this document, along eight chapters addressing the structure, activity, management and sustainability, according to the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). May God abundantly bless your life! Enjoy the reading! Presentation Message from the Management 7 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 8 Message from the CEO Getting to Know Mackenzie 11 2019 Highlights 12 Presence 18 Mackenzie in Numbers Institutional Identity 25 Institutional Identity 26 Confessionality 27 Governance Our Activities 32 Chancellor’s Office 33 Higher Education 42 Basic Education 49 Healthcare 53 Mackenzie Solutions Our Human Capital 55 Our Commitment to Our Employees 58 Employees Profile 61 Occupational Medicine Our Management 63 Strategic Planning 63 Expansion 64 Risk Management 65 Marketing and Communication 66 Physical Infrastructure 67 Technology Infrastructure Sustainability and Commitments 69 Social Responsibility 72 Environmental Responsibility 74 Financial Responsibility 77 Statement of Value Added (DVA) 78 The Report 6 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Message from the Management 102-14 7 Message from the Chairman of the Board of Directors 8 Message from the CEO MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT 7 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 102-14 Mackenzie progresses, overcoming the obstacles. (...) we cannot give in to any obstacles. Although it is not possible to immediately accom- plish what we want to do, we must always aim at the instruction and education of the new generation. Since this is an indispensable means, we are right to hope that God will provide us with the means to achieve it. (Rev. A. G. Simonton, 07/16/1867). We are hereby presenting Mackenzie’s Annual It was a year of important measures in the area Institutional and Sustainability Report of the year of Corporate Governance, with the review 2019 for the information of our Perpetual Spon- of the DIREX Regulation and the creation of soring Associate – the Presbyterian Church of two new Boards: Education and Healthcare. Brazil, and the community of teachers, students The Board of Directors maintained its regular and employees, with many reasons to thank God. activities, approving relevant decisions for the Institution’s path. We are going to enter the year of Mackenzie’s Sesquicentenary (2020), an Institution that We are living times of “restlessness” around started its activities in 1870, in the home of a the world: economic crisis, political crisis, cri- couple of missionaries, and which, in these 150 sis in interpersonal relationships. The obsta- years, has continuously moved forward. cles appear every moment, but they have been overcome by Mackenzie, in time and according In fact, 2019 was a year of major challenges and to the will of God. victories: we kept the Educational Units in full operation, invested in expansion, and we were As stated by the first Presbyterian missionary attentive to the practices of innovation and in Brazil, Rev. Simonton, in 1867, we will not entrepreneurial education. We have won an give in to any obstacles, because we are led expressive judicial victory that affirmed in us the by God. Mackenzie remains true to its ideals certainty that God’s mercies have blessed us. of: “To be recognized by society as a Presbyte- rian and philanthropic Confessional Institution, We were distinguished with a special meeting dedicated to the divine and human sciences, with the Presidency of the Republic, the Gov- committed to socio-environmental responsibil- ernor of the State of São Paulo and the Mayor ity, in a continuous search for academic excel- of the City of São Paulo, when we presented lence, care and management.” MackGraphe’s projects and challenges to a select audience, remarking the governments’ recogni- tion for Mackenzie’s efforts in the research areas. SOLI DEO GLORIA! Hesio Cesar de Souza Maciel Chairman of Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute Board of Directors 8 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 MESSAGE FROM THE CEO 102-14 Our duty, as an Institution, is to be useful to also dedicated to infrastructure improvements society, with respected and respectable stu- at the Paraná Medical College (Fempar) and at dents, quality teachers and excellent infrastruc- the Curitiba Evangelical Hospital and, more ture, so that those who seek us to teach or modestly, at the healthcare unit in Dourados receive education can use this benefit of excel- (MS). For 2020, an additional amount of R lence to meet people’s needs. We are dedi- $100 million is foreseen in the budget, to cated to cope with this purpose, focused on continue the work for improvement of our a significant differential: 149 years of history, units. in which we have been able to keep up with the global transformations, reinvent ourselves, In addition, in line with the commitments innovate and make the difference. undertaken in the healthcare segment, in 2019 we consolidated the Curitiba An example of this ongoing updating – in hospital and followed in the same path with material, environment and methodology – the Dourados hospital, obtaining excellent is the Entrepreneurship Room found at the results also at Fempar, which is already fully Higienópolis campus, equipped with technol- structured, record-ing growth in the number of ogy similar to the international reference units. entrance exam stu-dents. In Basic Education, All of our premises – many of them are over we maintained the pace of growth, justified two centuries old – are fully adjusted to engi- by our quality teaching combined with ethical, neering and accessibility standards and specifi- moral and Christian prin-ciples and values. In cations, in addition to having the most modern Higher Education, as we had foreseen five resources to ensure teaching effectiveness. years ago, the distance higher education (EaD) evidenced strong growth, while face Our centers of excellence are also prominent to face education recorded a drop in demand. for the same reasons. MackGraphe, for exam- Even so, this decrease was lower than what ple, has been strongly demanded by several was estimated and recorded by our main industrial segments interested in entering competitors. Actually, if the two modalities ini- into partnerships with us, and the Center for tially competed with each other, over time Economic Freedom, creator of the Economic they occupied different operating niches. In Freedom Index, is constantly invited to exhibit fact, the characteristics of EaD students and its work in forums and debates. In the same face to face teaching students are very wake, we are structuring the Science, Faith particular. and Society Center. We consider all these real-life movements to In 2019, we followed on this path, upgrad- define our growth strategy, characterized ing our three main schools – in São Paulo, by having “our feet on the ground”. We Alphaville and Brasília –, which required funds frequently monitor aspects that influence amounting to R$30 million. Investments were the students’ entry and exit, such as the development of Basic Education and the behavior of the base of interest in each modality. We also take into account macroeconomic, political and social MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGEMENT 9 aspects, which will be fundamental to define, for example, the dimension of the Mackenzie 21st Century project that will be built in São Paulo, for which all the environmental licenses have already been approved. We will also keep people management as an investment focus, which ensures that we main- tain an extremely motivated team. In this sense, in 2019 we invested R$2.0 million in training activities, with 8,725 employees participation, and we planned creation of the Corporate Uni- versity. In collective agreements, we have also always taken stances in defense of employees, maintaining, for example, benefits such as the granting of scholarships for them to enjoy the best education we provide. The employees, professors and teachers mag- nify us as they contribute with creative and intelligent solutions that enable us to continue overcoming the hindrances. So, we thank them and the Board of Directors for joining efforts to contribute with the society. José Inácio Ramos CEO of Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute Higienópolis campus 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 Getting to Know 11 2019 Highlights Mackenzie 12 Presence 18 Mackenzie in Numbers GETTING TO KNOW MACKENZIE 11 2019 HIGHLIGHTS Institutional Higher Education More than 48.8 thousand students For the eighth consecutive year, enrolled at Mackenzie units. Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM) has held the leadership First year of operation, under the among private institutions in São guidance of Mackenzie, Hospital and Paulo, according to Folha University Medical College in Curitiba. Ranking (RUF). 44.7 thousand Confessional litera- 97.4% of the UPM faculty represent- tures distributed by the Chaplaincy ed by masters and doctors. during the year. Strong internationalization of Mackenzie Constantly growing Educational Sys- courses: partnerships with 370 educa- tems, since the beginning of its opera- tionalinstitutions in 44 countries. tions, fifteen years ago; 65.8 thousand students and 372 partner schools. Launch of the first professional doc- torate course (Controllership and Visit to Mackenzie of the President of Corporate Finance). the Republic, Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro. Robust growth of students in Dis- tance Higher Education compared to 2018: + 42.5%. Basic Education Mackenzie teachers awarded in the Mackenzie schools with 9.6 thousand Apple Distinguished Educators program. students enrolled. Administration and Accounting cours- Internationalization: 489 students es at Rio College with maximum score enrolled in Middle and High School, at Enade-MEC.
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