Selected Bibliography of the Major Phenomenological Works Translated Into Japanese and of the Major Phenomenological Writings by Japanese Authors

Selected Bibliography of the Major Phenomenological Works Translated Into Japanese and of the Major Phenomenological Writings by Japanese Authors

APPENDIX SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MAJOR PHENOMENOLOGICAL WORKS TRANSLATED INTO JAPANESE AND OF THE MAJOR PHENOMENOLOGICAL WRITINGS BY JAPANESE AUTHORS 1. JAPANESE TRANSLATIONS OF THE WRITINGS OF E. HUSSERL (Translator, Japanese Title, Original Title, Publisher or Name of the Journal and Year of Publication. The sign indicates a long vowel.) 1915 Ito, Kichinosuke: 'Gaku to shite no Tetsugaku' (Philosophie als strenge Wissenschaft) in the journal Tetsugaku Zasshi (= Journal of Philosophy, Tokyo University) Nr. 343-346,1915 (abbreviated translation and commentary). 1923 Watsuji, Tetsuro: 'Franz Brentano no Omoide' (Erinnerungen an Franz Brentano), in the journal Shisi5(= Thoughts, publisher: Iwanami), Nr. 18, 1923. (Unknown translator): 'Saishin-sono Mondai to HohO' (Erneuerung - Ihr Problem und Ihre Methode', in the journal Kaizo (= Transformation, publisher: Kaizo) Series 5, N r. 3, 1923. 1924 (Unknown translator): 'Kojin Rinri Mondai no Saishin' (Erneuerung als individualethisches Problem), in the journal Kaizo, Series 6, NT. 2, 1924. 1932 Kito, Eiichi: Junsei Genshogaku oyobi genshogakuteki Tetsugaku Kan (Ideen zu einer reinen Phiinomenologie und phlinomenologischen Philosophie), publisher: ShunjlIsha, 1932. 1933 Terada, Yakichi: Sanjutsu Tetsugaku (Philosophie der Arithmetik), publisher: Monasusha, 1933 [very poor translation]. Nitta/ Tatematsu (eds.), Analecta Husserliana, Vol. VIII. 271-287. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 1978 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland. 271 272 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1934 Ikegami, Kenzo: lunsui Genshogaku oyobi genshogakuteki Tetsugaku Koan (Ideen zu einer reinen Phiinomen%gie und phiinomen%gischen Philosophie), the first half; publisher: Iwanami, 1934. 1941 Ikegami, Kenzo: lunsui Genshogaku oyobi genshogakuteki Tetsugaku (ldeen zu einer reinen Phiinomen%gie und phiinomen%gischen Philosophie), the second half; publisher: Iwanami, 1941. 1954 Yamamoto, Manjiro: Genshogaku losetsu - Dekarutoteki Seisatsu (Eine Ein/eitung in die Phiinomen%gie - Cartesianische Meditationen), publisher: Sobunsha, 1954. 1965 Tatematsu. Hirotaka: Gensh'ogaku no Rinen (1dee der Phiinomen%gie). publisher; Misuzu, 1965. 1967 Tatematsu, Hirotaka: Naiteki likan-lshiki no Genshogaku (Ver/esungen zur Phiino­ men%gie des inneren Zeitbewusstseins), publisher: Misuzu, 1967. Tatematsu, Hirotaka: Ronrigaku Kenkyu (Logische Untersuchungen, Bd. I), Vol. I, Publisher: Misuzu, 1968. 1969 Satake, Tetsuo: Genmitsuna Gaku to shiteno Tetsugaku (Philosophie a/s strenge Wissen­ schaft), publisher: Iwanami, 1969. 1970 H. Tatematsu, Y. Matsui and H. Akamatsu: Ronrigaku Kenkyu (Logische Untersuchungen. Vol. II/I, I and [I. Untersuchungen), Vol. 2, publisher: Misuzu, 1970. Koike, Minoru: Genmitsuna Gaku to shiteno Tetsugaku (Philosophie a/s strenge Wissen­ schaft), publisher: Chii5koronsha, 1970. Funahashi, Hiromu: Dekarutoteki Seisatsu (Cartersianische Meditationen), publisher: Chil5koronsha. 1970. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 273 1974 H. Tatematsu and Y. Matsui: Ronrigaku Kenkyu(Logische Untersuchungen, Vol. II/I, III, IV,and V. Untersuchungen), Vol. 3, publisher: Misuzu, 1974. Hosoya, Tsuneo and Kida, Gen: Yoroppa Shogaku no Kiki to choetsuronteki Genshogaku (Die Krisis der europtiischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phtinomenologie), publisher: Chiiokoronsha, 1974. 1975 Hasegawa, Hiroshi: Keiken to Handan (Erfahrung und Urteil), publisher: Kawade-shobo Shinsha, 1975. 1976 H. Tatematsu: Ronrigaku Kenkyu (Logische Untersuchungen Vol. 11/2), Vol. 4, publisher: Misuzu, 1976. H. Tatematsu: Anthology of Husserl, publisher: Heibonsha, 1976. New translations of the three-volume Ideen (Watanabe, Jiro and Tatematsu) and of Formale und transzendentale Logik (Tatematsu and Noe, Keiichi) are now in progress. The first half of Ideen, Vol. I, will be published next year by the publisher Misuzu. II. JAPANESE LITERATURE ON THE PHENOMENOLOGY OF E. HUSSERL (A SELECTION) 1911 Nishida, Kitaro: 'Ninshikiron ni okeru jun ronriha no shucho ni tsuite' (On the Theses of the Pure-Logic Schools in Epistemology), in Geibun 2, Nos. 8 and 9, 1911. 1916 Nishida, Kitaro: 'Gendai no Tetsugaku' (Contemporary Philosophy), in Tetsugaku-kenkyu (Philosophical Investivations), Kyoto University, No. 1,1916. 1923 Kihira, Masami: 'Genshogaku ni tsuite' (On Phenomenology), in Tetsugaku Zasshi (= Journal of Philosophy, Tokyo University) Nr. 436, 1923. Honda, Kenzo 'Kahei-Riron no genshogakuteki Kosatsu' (Phenomenological Observations on the Money Theory), in the monthly journal Shiso (=Thoughts. publisher; Iwanami) of July and September, 1923. 274 SELECTED BIBLlOGRA:t'HY 1925 Tanabe, Hajime: 'Ninshikiron to Genshogaku' (Epistemology and Phenomenology), in K6za (which is a series of philosophical treatises) Vols. 24 and 25, publisher: Omura-shoten, 1925. Satake, Tetsuo: 'Genshogakuteki Kangen' (The Phenomenological Reductions), in Kaza, Vols. 35 and 36, 1925. Ikegami, Kenzo: 'Taisho-Ishiki to Hanchii no Mondai' (The Problem of Object-conscious­ ness and of Categories), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 459 and 460, 1925. 1926 Yamanouchi, Tokuryii: Genshogakuha no Tetsugaku (The Philosophy of the Pheno­ menological School), in Tetsugaku Ki5za (a series of philosophical treatises), publisner: Kindaisha, 1926. Ikegami, Kenzo: 'Junsui Ishiki to ronriteki Ninshiki' (Pure Consciousness and Logical Knowledge), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 473, 1926. 1927 Miki, Kiyoshi: 'Kaishakugakuteki Genshogaku no Kisogainen' (The Basic Concepts of Hermeneutical Phenomenology', in Shiso, Nr. 63, 1927. Ikegami, Kenio: 'Genshogakuteki Hontairon ni kansuru ippanteki Kiisatsu' (General View of Phenomenological Ontology), in Shisi5, Nr. 63, 1927. 1928 Satake, Tetsuo: 'Zengenshogaku to Genshogaku' (Pre-phenomenology and Pheno­ menology), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 491, 1928. Hayami, Keiji: 'Ninshiki no genshogakuteki Kaimei ni tsuite' (On the Phenomenological Enlightenment of Knowledge), in Tetsugaku Kenkyii (= Philosophical Research, Kyoto University), Nr. 148, 1928. 1929 Satii, Keiji: 'Ishiki no Genshogaku' (Phenomenology of Consciousness), in the monthly journal Riso (= The Ideal), Nr. 8, publisher: Risosha, 1929. Honda, Kenzo: 'Genshogitku to Benshoho' (Phenomenology and Dialectics), in Shiso, Nr. 89, 1929. Takahashi, Satomi: 'Husserl no Genshogaku, tokuni sono genshogakuteki Kangen' (Husserl's Phenomenology and Particularly its Phenomenological Reductions), in Riso, Nr. 12, 1929. SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 275 1930 Takahashi, Satomi: 'H usserl ni okeru J ikan to Ishikiryii' (Time and the Stream of Conscious­ ness in HusserJ), in Tetsugaku Nenpo (= Yearbook of Philosophy), Vol. I, publisher: Daiichi-shobo, 1930. Sato, Keiji: Genshogaku Gairon (Introduction to Phenomenology), Waseda University Press, 1930. Yamanouchi, Tokuryii: GenshOgaku ]osetsu (Presentation of Phenomenology), publisher: Iwanami, 1930. Takahashi, Satomi: 'Genshogakuteki Kangen no Kanosei' (The Possibility of Pheno­ menological Reductions), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 523 and 524, 1930. 1931 Takahashi, Satomi: Husserl no Genshogaku (The Phenomenology of Husser/), publisher: Daiichi-shobo, 1931. Mutai, Risaku: 'Genshogaku ni okeru Choetsu no Mondai' (The Problem of Transcendence in Phenomenology), in Tomonaga Hakase Kanreki Kinen Ronbuns.hil (Festschrift for the 60th birthday of Dr. Tomonaga), publisher: Iwanami, 1931. Kim, Eiichi: 'Genshogakuteki Kannenron to Kangenteki Hoho' (Phenomenological Idealism and its Reductive Method), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 535 and 536, 1931. 1932 Satake, Tetsuo: 'Genshogaku ni okeru Jisshoshugi noMondai' (The Problem of Positivism in Phenomenology), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 540-547, 1932. Makita, Kazuo: 'Husserl ni okeru kyotsiihukanteki Kangen' (Intersubjective Reduction in Husserl), in Riso, Nr. 36, 1932. 1933 Mutai, Risaku: 'Taishoron to Genshogaku' (Object Theory and Phenomenology) in lwanami Koza Tetsugaku, Vol. 7, 1933. Sakasaki, Akira: 'Husserl Tetsugaku no sho SO' (Various Phases of HusserJ's Philosophy), in Riso, Nr. 41, 1933. Hosoya, Tsuneo: 'Genshogaku ni okeru Nichijosei no Mondai' (The Problem of the Ordinary _ in Phenomenology), in Riso, Nr. 41,1933. Ozeki, Schoichi: 'Genshogaku towa nanika' (What is Phenomenology?), in RisC;. Nr. 41, 1933. Satake, Tetsuo: 'Genshogakuteki Kangen no KenkyU' (Studies of Phenomenological Reduction), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 573 and 574, 1934. 1935 Hosoya, Tsuneo: 'Genshogaku no Genmitsusei to Kongensei' (The Strictness and Radicality of Phenomenology), in Riso, Nr. 54,1935. 276 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Makita, Kazuo: 'Keitaishinrigaku to Genshogaku' 'Gestalt Psychology and Pheno­ menology), in Tetsugaku Ronshii (= Series of Philosophical Treatises), Vol. 2, 1935. Kishimoto, Masao: 'Ishiki no mittsu no Shikosei' (Three Intentionalities of Consciousness), in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 579, 1935. Okuma, Taiji: 'Seishinbyogaku to Genshogaku' (Psychopathology and Phenomenology) in Shiso, Nr. 161,1935. 1936 Hosoya, Tsuneo: Ninshiki Genshogaku Josetsu (Introduction to the Phenomenology of Knowledge), publisher: Iwanami, 1936. Katsube, Kenzo: 'Genshogakuteki Hoho to kaishakugakuteki H5h5 (The Pheno­ menological and Hermeneutical Method), in Riso, Nr. 63, 1936. Onishi, Katsuyoshi: Genshogakuha no Bigaku (The Aesthetics of the Phenomenological School), publisher: Iwanami, 1937. 1937 Ozeki, Shoichi: Genshogaku (Phenomenology), publisher: Risosha, 1937. Wakayama, Chokan: 'Husserl's "Die Krisis der europiiischen Wissenschaften und die transzendentale Phiinomenologie"' (review) in Tetsugaku Zasshi, Nr. 607, 1937. Shitahodo, Yiikichi: Husserl, publisher: Kobund6, 1937. 1938 Mutai,

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