JAN 18 2019 EXPANDED REVISION SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SPECIAL COLLECTIONS NETWORK TELEVISION NEWS VIDEO RESEARCH ARCHIVE The archive contains MP4 videos of more than 220 local and network television news reports cover- ing a variety of research topic areas, including African-American history, Cold War confrontations, the post-World War II search for Nazi fugitives, Middle East war and peace efforts, urban unrest, science and technology, fine arts, music, journalism, advertising, public relations, and U.S. government spend- ing The archive is currently seeking to expand topic areas to include reporting on major U.S. Supreme Court cases, medical and health issues., and rebel groups in Central America and the Middle East. The collected stories, many reported by SDSU alumnus John Martin (Class of 1960) appeared be- tween 1966 and 2002 on ABC News, NBC News, and KCRA News (Sacramento). The collection con- tains network news obituaries of Leonid Brezhnev, Maria Callas, Henry Fonda, Bob Hope, and Grace Kelly. An obituary of Black Activist George Jackson appeared on KCRA. The videos are available for screening in the SDSU Library Special Collections (Contact: Robert Ray, 619-594-6791). MP4 # STORY NEWS PROGRAM DATE BROADCAST START-END TIME (LENGTH) AFRICAN-AMERICAN HISTORY 092 Soledad Brother: Activist George Jackson Obituary C3R Aug 23, 1971 29:18-34:29 (5:11) 057 African-American Women: “I Dream a World” WNT Mar 8, 1989 :16-2:55 (2:39) 05f4 Los Angeles Riots: Rodney King Attackers Acquitted WNT May 1-10, 1992 :18-25:11 (24:53) * 004 Civil War’s 18,000 Black Sailors WNT Nov 17, 2000 :18-2:41 (2:23) 219 History Recovered: Civil War Union Navy Nightline July 3, 2001 (00:00-29:08 (29:08) PERSIAN GULF WAR 124 Kuwait Incubator Atrocity Revealed as Hoax WNT Mar 15, 1991 :07-5:16 (5:09) 124 Kuwait Ambassador's Daughter Exposed As Accuser 20/20 Jan 17, 1992 5:20-18:14 (12:54) 175 “Public Relations and the Gulf (War)” (John Martin Interviewed) BBC News Jan 15, 1992 (27:44) ISRAELI-ARAB CONFLICT 156 Settlers Occupy West Bank Land As Sadat Visits ABC Special Nov 19, 1977 14:27-16:34 (2:07) 109 Israelis React Warily to Sadat’s Visit WNT Nov 21, 1977 4:08- 6:55 (2:47) 156 Israelis Invade South Lebanon WNT Mar 17, 1978 16:44-19:23 (2:39) 124 Imri’s Death: An Israeli Family’s Despair WNT Mar 28, 1978 43:28-47:32 (4:04) 035 Anwar Sadat’s Middle East Legacy WNT Nov 19 1982 3:15-8:22 (5:07) 080 Jewish Defense League Bomber Strikes in U.S. WNT June 6, 1990 :20-.3:42 (3:22) 124 Two Families at Odds, Israeli and Palestinian Nightline Oct 25, 1991 18:23-23:56 (5:33) COLD WAR CONFRONTATION: NICARAGUA 142 CIA Mines Nicaraguan Harbor; Moynihan Resigns TWWDB April 15, 1984 9:41-15:23 (5:42) 171 American Put on Trial for Supplying Arms to Contras WNT Oct 20 1986 26:25-28:14 (1:51) 171 Profile: Eugene Hasenfus, American Mercenary WNT Oct 20, 1986 28:15-31:46 (3:31) 171 Hasenfus Confesses in Prison to Supplying U.S. Arms WNT Oct 23, 1986 31:54-35:54 (4:00) 171 Nicaraguan President Offers to Discuss Release TWWDB Oct 25, 1986 37:31-39:34 (2:03) 171 Nicaraguans Besieged as U.S., Managua Trade Barbs WNT Oct 25, 1986 39:55-43:26 (3:31) 078 Convicted of Arms Drop, Hasenfus Talks of Iran-Contra Role WNT Nov 28 1986 6:18- 8:52 (2:34) COLD WAR CONFRONTATION: CUBA 170 Cuba Celebrates Revolution's 37th Anniversary WNT Jul 26, 1990 9:51-12:32 (2:41) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY BB1 Why An East German Township Suffered Toxic Devastation ABC 20/20 April 20, 1990 (14:09) BB2 The World’s First Bird Migration Led Aloft By a Human Being ABC 20/20 Nov. 26, 1993 (15:25) *Daily Log, Page 3 WNT (ABC World News Tonight), TWWDB (ABC This Week with David Brinkley), Night- line (ABC Nightline) , 20/20 (ABC Newsmagazine) NBC (NBC Nightly News), C3R (KCRA Channel 3 Reports) MP4 # STORY NEWS PROGRAM DATE BROADCAST START-END TIME (LENGTH) 092 Archeology: Footsteps of Early Man (Leakey Family Profile) KCRA Feb 28, 1972 3:04-9:44 (6:40) 059 Network TV Ratings Part I (How Nielsen Measures Ratings) WNT Nov 7, 1977 :15-5:21 (5:06) 059 Network TV Ratings Part II (How Networks Use Ratings) WNT Nov 8, 1977 5:30-10:02 (4:32) 059 Network TV Ratings Part III (How Ratings Affect Stocks) WNT Nov 9, 1977 10:11-14:56 (4:45) 090 Miracle of Microsurgery, ABC 20/20 Aug 23, 1979 :17-9:00 (8:83) 046 Who Invented Lasers and How They Work WNT Nov 10, 1981 :07-4:59 (4:52) 046 How Doctors Use Lasers in Surgery WNT Nov 11, 1981 5:17-9:55 (4:38) 012 Rise and Fall of Video Art, WNT May 3, 1983 3:42-7:26 (3:42) 155 The White House Gets a Facelift WNT Jun 7 1989 :50-3:09 (2:19) 137-2 New Violin Technology WNT Jan 17, 1990 49:19-52:00 (3:41) 140 Telephones Go Mobile and Get Smart WNT Nov 11 1993 :03-2:37 (2:34) 150 A Bridge That Thinks WNT Jan 1 2002 :14-2:27 (2:13) MEDICINE 090 Rigors of Teenage Pregnancy 20/20 Nov 2, 1979 :9:22-22:10 (12:48) 136 Breast Implants: Fears of Silicone Nightline Jan 13, 1992 :07-6:35 (6:28) XXX Door to Door: How a Palsied Man Lived an Extraordinary Life ABC 20/20 Dec. 12, 1997 (12:21) BUSINESS AND FINANCE XXX Donald Trump’s Real Estate Proposal Under Critical Scrutiny WNT Oct 20, 1998 (X:XX) ADVERTISING 012 Foreign Television Commercials: The World of Selling WNT Feb 21, 1978 16:-3:11 (2:55) PUBIC RELATIONS 175 “Public Relations and the Gulf (War)” (J. Martin Interviewed) BBC News Jan 15, 1992 (27:44) JOURNALISM 012 The New York Times Photographer George Tames at Work WNT Jan 11, 1989 7:29-9:54 (2:55) 155 SD Union Reporter Jon Standefer Probes a Car Theft Ring WNT Apr 21 1982 20:06-23:14 (3:08) 057 Photojournalist Brian Lanker: “I Dream a World” WNT Mar 8, 1989 :16-2:55 (2:39) 092 High School Yearbook Stirs Bay Area Furor Jun 9 1970 C3R 34:36 -38:09 (3:33) HUMAN RIGHTS 127 Politics of Torture (Anchor John Martin ) ABC News Close Up Dec 29 1978 :02-47:38 (47:36) 134 Brazil Never Again: Totalitarian Torture Nightline May 22, 1990 :35-11:27 (:10:52) HOLOCAUST: NAZI FUGITIVE , AMERICAN HERO, GERMAN, ABC NEWS DOCUMENTARIES 101 Nazi Fugitive Klaus Barbie Recordings Discovered WNT Feb 11, 1983 :15-3:36 (3:21) 101 Nine in Congress Press for Barbie Investigation WNT Mar 7, 1983 3:39-5:40 (2:01) 101 U.S. Investigating Barbie Connections in Bolivia WNT Apr 21, 1983 5:44-8:56 (3:12) 101 U.S. Investigators Reveal U.S. Role in Barbie Escape WNT Aug 9, 1983 8:58-13:14 (4:16) 101 U.S. Apologizes to France for Aiding Barbie Escape WNT Aug 16, 1983 13:15-15:12 (1:57) 063 Searching for Josef Mengele WNT April 9, 1985 :02– 4:33) (audio only 1:50– 4:33) (4:31) 123-2 Why Is It So Hard to Find Josef Mengele? Nightline Apr 17, 1985 23:47-29:15 (5:28) 064 Mengele Search Ends in Brazil WNT June 7, 1985 TBA (video/audio fragments) 002 Portrait: Varian Fry, Holocaust Survivors’ Savior WNT August 1, 1993 33-2:47 (2:13) 158 “All Jews Out” (Survivor’s Documentary) Goppingen, Germany UNDATED :03-36:05 (36:02) OB1 Escape From Justice: Nazi War Criminals in America ABC NEWS CLOSEUP Jan 13, 1980, RISE OF COMMUNIST CHINA 092 Chinese Building Tanzania-Zambia Railroad NBC News Dec 11 1971 20:56-23:08 (2:04) 052 President Ronald Reagan Visits China TWWDB April 29, 1984 1:00-6:40 (5:40) 124 China in Turmoil: Tiananmen Square Chronology Nightline Jun 6 1989 24:02-32:04 (8:02) 2 MP4 # STORY NEWS PROGRAM DATE BROADCAST START-END TIME (LENGTH) AFRICAN HISTORY, POLITICS, CULTURE, WILDLIFE 092 14,000 Chinese Building Tanzania-Zambia Railroad NBC News Dec 11 1971 20:56-23:08 (2:12) 060 South Africa Black and White, ABC News Christmas Special, Dec 23, 1976 (:04– 4:08) (4:04) EAST AFRICA Note: The archive includes many (not all) of the stories broadcast by KCRA Television News (Sacramento) after a six-week reporting trip by John Martin in Oct-Dec 1971. The reports appeared nightly on Channel Three Reports. A complete listing follows. MP4 numbers are Africa 1 and Africa 2. Note: Some videos are fragments of the original reports Africa 1 Where the Nile Narrows (Murchison Falls) Feb 1 1972 40:11-45:20 (5:19) Africa 1 The Warriors (Profile of the Masai) Feb 2 1972 1:03-6:28 (5:25) Africa 1 Black Metropolis (Nairobi's Growing Pains Feb 3 1972 50:12-55:32 (5:20) Africa 1 Assignment Zanzibar (Mystery Island) Feb 4 1972 45:38-50:00 (4:22) Africa 2 Journey to Serengeti (Scientific Research) Feb 7 1972 27:21-37:32 (10:11) Africa 2 Soul Sister (An African-American in Africa) Feb 9 1972 19:49-26:00 (6:11) 092 Flying Nun (American Missionary in Africa) Feb 10 1972 092 Flying Nun 10:22-20:43 (6:21) Africa 1 Bedrooms in the Bush (Lobo, Keekorok, The Ark, Treetops) Feb 11 1972 Africa 2 Americans in Thika (Dole Plantation) Feb 14 1972 8:38-12:48 (4:10) Africa 1 Uhuru (Kenya's 8 Years of Independence) Feb 15 1972 26:51-34:17 (7:26) Africa 1 Desert Fishermen (Turkana) Feb 16 1972 11:29-16:04 (4:35) Africa 2 Bazaar Street (Asians in Africa) Feb 17 1972 :47 (audio) 1:09 (video) ends 4:11 (3:24) 092 Uganda Dictator General Idi Amin Feb 21 1972 10:04-16:10 (6:06) Africa 1 The Sculptors (Makonde) Feb 22 1972 7:03 (audio only) 7:27 (video)-10:55 (3:52) Africa 1 Malindi/Watamu: Europeans at Play Feb 23 1972 (audio only first :15) Africa 1 The Animals (The Game) Feb 24 1972 34:51-39:55 (5:24) 092 Footsteps of Early Man in Africa (Leakey Family Profile) Feb 28 1972 3:02-9:44 (6:42) Africa 2 Sampson Takes Charge (Coffee Plantation Manager) Feb 29 1972 13:01-19:23 (6:22) Africa 1 Black President (Profile: Julius Nyerere) Mar 1 1972 (1:23:13-1:25:29) (2:16) Africa 2 Banana Hill (Feeding Africa's Workers) Mar 2 1972 4:26-8:27 (4:01) CRIMINAL JUSTICE 066 How New York State Prison Guards See Justice ABC 20/20 Feb 19, 1981 :36-15:15 (14:24) 092 Juan Corona Convicted
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