C A G L A EN L D L A ER R Y O I F N O D P EX E - N P IN G G 8 S 2 - P G 8 6 THE GALLERY GUIDE ALBERT A BRITISH COLUMBI A OREGO N WASHINGTON September/October 2008 www.preview-art.com ARCHIVE presents ONLEY’S TRAVELS in Europe, Asia & the Middle East watercolour & oil paintings opening Sept. 27 1:00 – 5:00 Oct. 1 to Dec. 20 Wed. – Fri. noon – 6:00 Saturday 11:00 – 4:00 with Lynn Onley in attendance 105 – 1529 West 6th Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6J 1R1 604-261-8557 tonionley.com Preview August 2008 (Armitage).ai 25/08/2008 1:10:50 PM C October 16thh to Novembeber 22nd, 2008 M Y CM MY CY CMY K A Petal & Seed Head 6 PREVIEW COVER : Helena Almeida, Pintura Habitada (1975), photograph with acrylic paint [Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver BC, Oct prev iews 4-Jan 11, 2009] Vol. 22 No. 4 ALBERTA 10 Vikky Alexander: Lost Horizons 8 Calgary TrépanierBaer 14 EdmonTon 16 LeThbridge, Medicine HaT, 12 Oviloo Tunnillie: Meditations on Red Deer Womanhood BRITISH COLUMBIA Marion Scott Gallery 16 Burnaby 18 Campbell River 14 WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution 20 CasTlegar, Chilliwack 52 Vancouver Art Gallery 22 CoquiTlam, CourTenay 10 23 DelTa 20 David Burdeny: North ıSouth 25 Denman Island, Duncan, Jennifer Kostuik Gallery ForT Langley 26 Gabriola Island, Galiano Island, 22 Jason de Graaf: New Paintings Grand Forks , Kamloops JACANA Gallery 27 Kaslo 12 28 Kelowna 28 Sorel Etrog: The Missing Links: 29 Maple Ridge, Nanaimo, Rare Two Dimensional Works Nanoose Bay Buschlen Mowatt 30 Nelson, New WesTminsTer 31 NorTh Vancou ver , Osoyoos, 34 Torrie Groening: A Maximalist Parksville for Dinner 32 PenTicTon Burnaby Art Gallery 33 PorT Moody, Prince George, Prince RuperT, Quadra Island 52 Joseph Plaskett 34 Qualicum Beach, Richmond, Bau-Xi Gallery Salmon Arm Winchester Galleries 35 SalT Spring Island, Sidney 36 Sidney-NorTh Saanich, Silver 22 66 Nhan Duc Nguyen: Lao Oi, Lao A STar MounTain, Sooke, Squamish, Summerland, Sunshine CoasT, (O Ancient One) Surrey 76 Open Space Gallery 37 Tsawwassen, Vancouver 60 Vernon, VicToria 68 What Use Art History? 65 WesT Vancouver Penticton Art Gallery 66 WhiTe Rock Evergreen Cultural Centre 67 Williams Lake 70 Ken Steacy and Douglas Coupland: OREGON 67 Cannon Beach Doug and Ken 68 MarylhursT, McMinnville p.s. gallery at place 69 PorTland 72 Salem 72 Henk Pander: History and Topography WASHINGTON Laura Russo Gallery 72 Bellevue 74 Ed Ruscha 73 Bellingham , Friday Harbor, La Conner, Longview, Monroe, Portland Art Museum 72 PorT Angeles 76 What Is a Trade? Donald Fels and 74 Puyallup, SeaTTle 79 Spokane, Tacoma Signboard Painters of South India 80 Twisp Tacoma Art Museum contents © 1986-2008 Preview Graphics Inc. ISSN 1481-2258 80 Emily Wood: Recent Landscapes HEAD OFFICE + CANADIAN EDITORIAL + SALES 24 Behind The Scenes P.O. Box 549, STaTion A Lisa Harris Gallery Vancouver, B.C. Canada V6C 2N3 50 Confessions Janice WhiTehead, Publisher 64 ConservaTor’s Co rner Shirley Lum, LisTings EdiTor Anne-Marie ST-LaurenT, ArT DirecTor 81 CaTalogues of InTeresT TEL 604-254-1405 FAX 604-254-1314 82 Gallery Index TOLL FREE 1-877-254-1405 84 ArT Services + MaTerials DirecTory E-MAIL [email protected] 86 Opening RecepTions + EvenTs U.S. EDITORIAL + SALES OFFICE Allyn CanTor TEL (503)436-2869 E-MAIL [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS $22.47 CDN • $21 us DrifT” painTings depicTing The figure Landscapes of WesTern Canada”, ALBERTA and wriTTen word – alkyd and screen acrylic on canvas. on canvas; Oct 23-Nov 22 Tina Mar - CALGARY tel , “FlaTline”, new mixed media work # Glenbow Museum combining The ideas of human moral - 130 9Th Ave SE ¥(403)268-4259 # The Art Gallery of iTy and eTernal landscape. www.glenbow.org Calgary daily 9am-5pm Thurs Til 9pm Admis - 117 8Th Ave SW ¥(403)770-1350 The Collector’s Gallery sion: adulTs $14, senior $10, sTu - www.arTgallerycalgary.org 1332 9Th Ave SE ¥(403)245-8300 denT/youTh $9, family $28, children Tues-saT 10am-5pm firsT Thurs 10am- www.collecTorsgalleryofarT.com under 6 free, members free. Thru Sep 9pm Admission: $5 adulT, $2.50 sTu - Tues-fri 10am-5:30pm saT 10am-5pm. 14 The Big Gift: Calgary Celebrates denT/youTh (wiTh valid sTudenT ID), $5 Sep 11-Oct 11 Kindrie Grove, Wang Art From Canadians , a saluTe To The senior (65+), children under 6 free and Kui, Glen Loates, Shelley McMillan viTaliTy and diversiTy of Canadian arT AGC members. Sep 5-Jan 3 George and Hedda Zahner , “Our Living showing modern and conTemporary Webber , “PorTraiT”, nearly 25 years of Land”, wildlife painTers Grove and arT donaTed in The lasT six monThs, porTraiT phoTography Taken from The LoaTes, TogeTher wiTh Kui, McMillan over 650 painTings, drawings, sculp - arTisT’s personal collecTion linking The and Zahner draw aTTenTion To The Ture, original prinTs, phoTography and ouTside world To communiTies and indi - imporTance of proTecTing and preserv - insTallaTion arT – exhibiT also showing viduals in Calgary and The Canada ThaT ing our naTural landscape and wildlife; aT The The Nickle ArTs Museum aT The few of us will ever geT To know; David Oct 15-Nov 8 Thomas Mower Martin , UniversiTy of Calgary; Sep 26-Nov 16 Campion , “Cowboy Wild”, pho - RCA, OSA, “A TribuTe To Canada Through the Looking Glass , Takes a Tographs made over a decade aT The (1838-1934)”, MarTin Travelled The close look aT The alTered world of Calgary STampede of Those momenTs Canadian Pacific Railway for over a dream spaces and reversals, drawing t S where myTh, hisTory and specTacle col - decade painTing The Canadian moun - connecTions To The playful, poeTic ne Pi lide; Milutin Gubash , “LoTs”, video and Tain scenery in oil and waTercolours. Themes of The Lewis Carroll classic of phoTography creaTe realiTy-based fic - The same name; Janet Cardiff and Tions ThaT explore The issue of personal Diana Paul Galleries Georges Bures Miller , “Paradise idenTiTy Through family and close 737 2nd ST SW ¥(403)262-9947 InsTiTuTe”, focus on The language and friends. www.dianapaul.com experience of cinema in This work Tues-saT 10:30am-5:30pm. Thru Sep ThaT was originally creaTed for The Artfirm Gallery Jae Dougall, Clayton Anderson and Canadian Pavilion aT The Venice Bien - 617 11 Ave SW, Lower Level Stephen Unser , new works; From Oct nale; Oct Sir Samuel STeele’s medals, ¥(403)206-1344 www.arTfirm.ca 10 Dillon Huang , oil on canvas, acquired from STeele’s descendenTs, Tues-saT 10am-5pm or by appT. Sep French sTreeT scenes; From Oct 23 preview of an exhibiTion opening 18-Oct 18 Robert Pierce , “Lexical Gilles Archambault , “ConTemporary Spring 2009; “Life as a Legend: Mar - W E N 4th Ave NE d W r m N D Prince's Island l 3rd Ave NE o t a n ri Park t S o o m 2nd Ave NE n h e t M T 0 M r 1st Ave 1 em NW or Bo ial w R Dr ive N DIANA PAUL r GALLERIES McDougall Rd 4th Ave SW 6th Ave SW St . Pat rick' 7th Ave SW ART GALLERY s Isl OF CALGARY and 8th Ave SW N NEW GALLERY Steph 9th Av N en TREPANIER N e SW N GLENBOW BAER 9th Ave SE PAUL KUHN CPR track NEWZONES N s NNWEISS r W e HERRINGERS N UDELL N 11th Ave SW NSTRIDE iv NARTFIRM t R COLLECTOR'S W CONTEMPORARYW KISS S 12 GALLERY th Ave S SW w S E r N h o t t t S W T b 13th t Ave W l SW S t 1 S E S S E S d 1 S h t S h o t t 14 e h 15th t th Ave Ave S SW t W S t r e 9 S l 8 t 2 S t h c n 1 t 1 t 6th s Ave SW N a LOCH e 6 s 1 17th Ave SW C 1 M 17th Ave SE W W S S t t Calgary Royal Ave SW S S Lindsay h h Exhibition & t t Park 5 4 Stampede 22nd Ave d Park R r e ill p CALGARY S Dr w bo El 8 PREVIEW I SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 # OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS www.trepanierbaer.com Vikky Alexander: Lost Horizons TRÉPANIER BAER, CALGARY AB – Sep 11-Oct 11 “The world is no longer informed by direct experi - ence but through two-dimensional media presentations in the form of billboards, televisions, news - papers and magazines. I use these forms of information as if they are the only resources available.” Vikky Alexander is a photographer and sculptor who lives and works in Vancouver. She has been an Associate Professor of Photogra - phy at the University of Victoria since 1998. Her archival ink prints on canvas, installations and photographs explore relationships between art, architecture, and nature, with a focus on how nature is experi - enced in a post-modern, consumer society. For her finely-crafted pieces, she has made use of such mass-produced decorator materials as plywood veneers, MacTac, Formica, mirrors and wallpaper murals of landscapes. Alexander was born in Victoria, British Columbia and graduated with a BFA in 1979 from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Her work is included in numerous public collections across Canada. Vikky Alexander, Punta Gorda Since first showing with TrépanierBaer Gallery in 1993, Alexander has Reflected (Zacatitos 1) (2008), investigated notions of domestic utopia, modern buildings and artifi - digital print on aluminum, edition 2 cial environments through juxtapositions of manufactured products of 3 [TrépanierBaer, Calgary AB, Sep with appropriated photographic images of exotic, unspoiled land - 11-Oct 11] scapes.
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