BRANDING FOR SABAH PEARL Tan Yin Yin Bachelor of Applied Arts with Honours (Design Technology) 2018 BRANDII\'G FOR SABAH PEARL 'IlL'1 YII\' YIN Th,s project is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Arts with Honors (IlE'sign Technology) Faculty of Apphed and Creative Arts UWVERSITI NiALl, YSIA SARAWAK 2013 PENJENAMAAN UNTUK MUTIARA SABAH TAN \1N \1N Pr'Diekilll merupakan salah satu keperluan untuk ljazah Sarjana Seni Gunaan dengan (Teknologi Sem Reka) Fakulti Seni. Gunaan dan Kreatif UNlVERSITI Mll.Lll. YSIA SARA WAK 2018 ii PIE'.u~ (leI> ( 'd FUll.! \'t","\r ?r -:~ <:' 1 R~pc.n :J :·::: ~r s PhD O(C'L\.R:HIO:--: Of ORIGI);_\L \,"ORb. dar ot ._ ;':II I S .Studt-nt's Decl"l'.1(1oD r . ICI"YtYl)!h (J 1f O. ~7.)~m fa(,tlt'r° fAr p.ii~4~f). (((r.e~ ~y'e, Arts IPLZ-l..t: =: e\"Dl8::..r ::: ~~ l·D ~:\T~~,.'\.:J:::. :-"L';'IRJC:--:O :1...'\-n f..I,.C"""L n"! htrebr dtcl:m' ~hat the wcrt tr~m i l'd .. [a.(!d.t' .J..r ~ r. ,;. o::Mh:. ... P..e.~ .d ...... _......... _..... ................... !"i Ill)" " n~l!Ji\ l we.rk I han: c o, Or:'le- j n- ot::. ilDr othH S'tud .. n;:~ wort vr trow any other sourcE' __ t :': c~ p: \\h~lt dut refH t'o{'e or lC' t.no":lt'd~tI1l ..nt!i ~l dt t::pJ.i.C1tl~ · t.n [he te:;:l on ha~ anr part been ';\,III('n for Ill t by " o. NDt r pe r-;: on 1( 6/1P, i 'r, Tan Y.'n 1"'1 (~1.to l.V} ) Oalt :ubumted )."ame .o f the Hudtnl I~btr. c :;':0 I ReC"l\·.;d for e-:'.:aD.ll.Danon b~· O~tt iii 1 declare lhl.; Pr'lec tlThelu I i c!3 . rified as t Pl e a~'!: net: 4\ I'; o (" O :\FlD E~T L'\L lC c>m all!.!;' c(lnfidenna! mfonnat:on unriEr the O!flc-iaJ S~tet Act 113'/2 1'-­ D KE STR ICTED (Com amll re=:! n ::.:{E d infol"lu ouon a:. sp.;,clil~d or the c-r.g':,;,:r:isilrIOn ,\-here [30PDi AC CESS 1 tbel'~to!l' e d.uly a.!tir roe d with t ree_consent .:rnd ,,;illingnes;: deci3.red that ~ b lS :;;\Id ? rojccUTh;::sis Ghail be pi3.(e:l c-tflCl;llly l!! lhe Cenu€- fOT .,.::;'ldemlc Iclorm3. tio l:. Se:i'1.:e; ",'ua Ihe abtde tnte:-t- .>t: and l1~ t.; a;, (oCo ws TbJ.; Pro!tct/Thes:~ lS ..he: ~ l ~ !t'g<ll p ro p~rtr of t·nl'rer~m :-"laJaYGhlSar3.o;t;a t. dJl\'1I~ H3 , iibe Centre for ,';'c..."de:aw; !~~rm a tic t:!: Ser.:ice;; ha~ the la\\tul nebt to. make cGpies for !!:ie purpose of aealit"ID!C ! nci f ll'"se-arch ;)r: l,.- and 1:10t ~or e-ther purp O'i~. Tbe Cetltl"e f r .';' [3.~ mlC Information S ~n."1C ¢S bas tile i:.H\'f'..I1 righ t C dr.g1!is;e w e (c ote-In .. 0 for tbe LO{~l C(l"l:HeIl1 Dala~a :;i' iile C'e.uire for Aca:i!mie ld orm&ticn S~n-ire~ b a:;; tb-e !llW tul right to make Ct)p- i e:~ M th e ProJectf!hes.i~ fe r a(~ cf eml' e:;;:ctang-e between H i ~her U»_I'!lJllg In:<tl!U!e No d. l:ipUte 01" any tll\l..lll shall a n ~i' fr-om the stu«eo.t hml ~-eli / b er :::elf ne-itbe r third pan y OIl thIS P roj~ctrr hes i;: 'Once l! b~ ::oDle ~ s c.t e- prop-en:y cf U:-..- nl....:..S Thl'; PrcjecUlhe..H': !l!' any !lHw ::rill d.tn~ t.U1 d. mform auon re-:a ted. 1(; it sha tlOl tie oilslrlbuted. pu'oll§.hd (IT d:.~IQ:i- € d ~o a nf -p ~_.ns br the :<~ u:ieD l e .:::~ ept '\vnh C ~D.!.~S p erWI~.1 0 D _ • Stude!l.l S :;lrnac ure __tLf_"'_t:IL_____. Sop",;",·, signal"'" (;) A.~ ~ CU r rell t Addres.; !\otes '" If the Pro} ectJThesi:; is CO::\FIDE::,\IL-\L 01" RESTR I C'T ED p:ea:;e att3ch (o gerhcr a,; ~ nn e ;;:u re ~ lener 1roUl the crgani.; an on ?,itn. th e J:· >: rlod. GI.nd. re3. ... 01:... I)[ ~ ll.!lden u;lli rr ar.d resmcnoI!. Catatan: .. Tes lst L;)po ra n dllna ks udka n se- bagai tcS1S bagi IJazab Doktor Fa lsaf<l b. Sal"jalla dan Sarjalla Muda -.\- .hka Teslsl Laporan)oJ SU LIT atau TERHAD, slla lampll·kan s urat da npada plh ak berkuasaJ ol"gamsasl ber ke naa n d(! nf;m n menyatakan f':e kah sebab dan tempoh tesis/ lapol"an 1m perl u dlkclaskan ;:;ebagal SULIT atau TERHA iv The project entitled 'Branding For Sabah Pearl' was prepared by Tan Yin Yin a nd submitted to the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts in pa rt ial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor ofApplied Arts w ith Honours (Design Technology). Received for exa mination by: I '-"LA-' \ (Dr. Lamat) Date: v Projek bertajuk 'Penjenamaan Untuk Mutiara Sabah' telah disediakan oleh Tan Yin Yin dan telah diserahkan kepada Fakulti Seni Gunaan da n Kreatif sebagai memenuhi syarat untuk Ijazah Sarjana Muda Seni GUllaan dengan Kepujian (Te knologi Seni Reka). Diterima untuk diperiksa oleh: (Dr Mastika b. Lamat) Tarikh: vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all , I would like take this opportunity to appreciate all the people who had contributed direct or indirectly in completion of this project work. I am grateful to my supervisor, Dr. Mastika b. Lamat, who had guided me throughout the project. I would also like to thanks to course coordinator, Dr. Siti Shukhaila bt. Shaharuddin, who is always gave encouragement in completion of the project. To Dr. Salmiah bl. Abdul Hamid, Ms. Noorhas lina bl. Senin and Mr. Sylvester Wielding ak Jussem, thank you for the comments and feedback on my project. Next, I would like to express my thankful to my parents, Mdm. Chan Lee Fung and Mr. Tan Nyuk Wing, thank you for supported me in the way of funds and spirit throughout the proj ect. To my brother, Mr. Tan King Chung, thank you for always lend a helping hand when I seek for help. I would also like to extend my sincer~ thanks to my relatives, appreciate all the words of encouragement and wishes. Last but not least, I would like to extend my appreciation to the interviewees, Mr. Joy, Ms. Rose and Ms. Vina, thank yo u for provided related infonnation that are useful in completi on of the project. To my course mates and friends, thank you for provided a lot of suggesti ons to get a best perfonn of the project. In a nutshell , I am blessed to have your contribution in thi s proJ ect. The compl eti on of bachelor 's degree is possible without your involved. vii TABLE OF CONTENT FRONT TITLE PAGE DECLARATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT vii TABLE OF CONTENT viii LIST OF FIGURE xiii LIST OF TABLE xvii ABSTRACT xviii ABSTRAK xix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study 1.1.1 10 Fascinating Facts About Pearls 3 L2 South Sea Pea rl s 4 1.3 Freshwater Pea rl 6 1.4 Problem Statement 8 1.5 Research Question 8 1.6 Research Objective 8 1.7 Scope of Study 9 1. 8 Limitation of Study 9 1.9 Significant of Study 9 viii CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REViEW 2. 1 Introduction 10 22 Branding \I 2.3 Differences Between Product Branding And Corporate Branding \I 2.4 Branding Management Decision And Task 13 2.4.1 Developing Brand Positioning 13 2.4.2 Integrating Brand Marketing 14 2.4.3 Assessing Brand Performance 14 2.4.4 Growing Brands 14 2.4.5 Strategically Managing The Brand 14 2.5 .r ewelry Branding 15 2.5.1 Brand Story 15 2.5.2. Visual Identity 15 2.5.3 Perception 16 2.5.4 Market Differentiation 16 2.6 Jewelry Trend 16 2.7 Conclusion 2 1 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3. 1 Introducti on 22 32 Research Design 23 3.2. 1 Need of Research Design 23 3.22 Important Concepts Relating To Research Design 23 ix Dependent and independent variable 23 3.2 .2.2 Extraneous variable 24 Control 24 Confound ed relationship 24 Treatments 24 3.3 Research Approach 25 3.3.1 Interview 25 3.3.2 Observation 26 3.3.3 Case Study 26 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Introduction 27 4.2 Qualitative Method 28 4.2.1 Interview 28 4.2. 1.1 Interview with pearl seller in Filipino Market 28 Interview with pearl seller in Sandakan Central Market 32 Interview with customer 33 4.2.2 Observation 34 Observation in Filipino Market 34 Observation in Sandakan Central Market 35 4.2.3 Case Study 39 x 4.2.3 .1 Mikimoto 39 Pandora 40 4.3 Conclusion 41 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION 5. 1 Introduction 42 5.2 Target Audience 43 5.3 Concept 43 5.4 Brand Name 43 5.5 Tagline 43 56 Corporate Color 45 57 Brand Logo 47 5.7.
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