TRLBOTRICE GLASGOW GRLLERY H ERALD Old College MODERN PRIMITIVES AWARD 26 Oct-23 Nov An exhibition of paintings and WINNER sculpture of a highly personal nature by self-taught artists. 1985 Mon-Sat IO am-5 pm University cries for help Universities are more than ready to answer Sir Keith Joseph's "cry for help" to per­ His Royal suade the government to chan- Highness el more money into them, according to Dr John Burnett, Principal of Edinburgh Uni­ versity. The Education Secretary made hi s appeal in a speech to the Com­ mittee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals at a conference in Le ices­ ter last week. He told the delegates they must ha mmer home their case for increased funding and gai n widespread support for their argu­ For the first time in his 33 years. as men ts. This the committee will do, Chancellor or Edinburgh. Hi s 1h rough what Dr Burnett terms a Royal Hi ghness Prince Philip gave --reasoned response·· to the govern­ Srudem newspaper an excl usive interview on a visit to the Univer· ment "s Green Paper on Higher sity this summer. Devin Scobie and Education. Alan young hit the headlines: Si r Keith's attitude showed a marked -change from the recent -page 12 I government G reen Paper which some saw as hostile to universities . In deed the Education Secretary was anxious to dispense with this Emperpr's lone and show he was wi lling to be both responsive and optimistic. Warriors Mr Norman Hardyman, secret­ ary of the University Grants com­ mittee, said they had been "pleas­ an1l y surprised .. by Sir Keit h·s speech. However. as Dr Burnett and 01hers agree. Sir Keith·s new altitude means that should funds not be fo rthcoming he will be able Edinburgh University Rugby Football Club Captain, Graham Spawforth puts the boot in during 10 wash hi s hands of the responsibil ­ the early exchanges at last Saturday's Scottish Third Division match against Hutcheson's. ny and cannot then be held as a The University went on to win 9-3. Full match report on page 16. Photo: Dave Yarrow scapegoat. No time to queue up for The Ross Parsons Emperors Warriors exhibition at Tbe City Ari Centre? Swdem brings you big pictures and words Labour Club ! Architecture to save you the trouble. · 1 -page7 wins recruits plans disbelief The Fall Freshers' Week is the recruiting varied from three to 20 , but neither , A recently published report dered" . He has also said that "it is highspot of the year for all of the they nor the Ulster Unionists were that has recommended the astonishing that there has been no University's 150 or so societies, and contactable for precise figures. consultation of any kind wi th the merger of Edinburgh Univer­ University". ~as this year produced a sizeable Tory Clu b Vice-President Michael · sity's Architecture Depart­ increase in interest in most of the Conway reckoned, though, that the Meanwhile, Dr lsi Metzstein. ll0Iitical clubs. Conservative Association was now ment with that of Edinburgh head of the Universit y's Architec­ College of Art has been met ture Department, told Student that In tertns of numbers, the Labour the report was "based on statistical Club did best with over 100 new with disbelief from the Univer­ sity Principal, Dr John Bur­ and other evidence of hi ghly sus­ members according to Labour Club pect means. We feel that the logic member and EUSA Secretary Rob: nett, and the heads of the of the argument is not apparent. ·· b1e Foy: '·We were de li ghted with departments concerned. In addition, Professor James lhe success in Freshers' Week " he Michael Clark·ballel-groupies The Dunbar-Nasmith, head of Fall took their ear-crunching said , "and hope to keep·on building The report, by the Architecture 0 Intake Working Party , contains Architecture as the College of Art. sounds to Coasters on Monday n this during the year. " told us that he saw "absolutely no night. See that crucial Srude111 be The Libera~ Club did ~arkedl y proposals as how best to implement review: a reducti on in architectural places reason for the report's proposals .. tter than its more n ght-wing The working party report J>oht1 cal bed-partner, the Social in colleges and universities. I These reducti ons, of 15 % in first suggests that the minimum size of -page 10 Dem ocratic club, which suffered an architecture department should internal problems towards the end year places and 30% in part 2 courses, were recommended by a be about 150 students. At present of last year. By recruiting 50 or 60 I there are about that number at new members, the Liberals almost i previous report, from Lord Esher's Illustration by Helen Edgar i Transbinary Group on Architec­ Edinburgh University. and around Contents doubled their existing membership. 180 at the College of Art, but if the Social Democratic Club Presi­ "the trendy political party to join" . I ture. This follows an RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) deci­ proposed reductions are dent Paul Davies was less SNP Club chairman Donald ; News 2, 3, 4 sion that a reduction in the number implemented, these numbers will . en_thusiastic about his success. He MacCorquodale was enthusiastic : fall below the suggested minimum Comment s aid: "We certainly had a lot of about interest his club met during of architecture · students would Letters s improve teaching standards. level. 6 nterest, but not all of those show­ Freshers' Week, but declined to Therefore the report "recom- ' Film ng_ mterest wanted to join. We are give a precise figure. The Univer­ However. academic staff are Arts 7 highly sceptical of the recommen­ mends that the two schools be 8,9 aiting for potential members to sity's small , but active , branch of invited to consider how they should What's On ome back. " the Socialist Worker Students Soci- dations of the latest report. Dr Bur­ Music 10,11 nett has commented that the report in future coll aborate .. including 12, 13 Interest in both the Revolutio­ . ety was quieter than anticipated, Features "inspires no confidence that issues the possibility of a full merger". 15,16 ~ary Co~munist Party and the but nevertheless recruited a few Sport other than the crudest kind of man­ onservat1ve Association seemed new members. - Continued on page 2 power planning have been consi- strong. RCP recruitment .estimates Devin Scobie t Devlin and MacPherson speak out on grants. Please, ·sir Welcome with a warning Keith, benefit by the expertise gained in He urged students to use the Stu­ Having been told by University Mr MacPherson, addressing his dents' Association and the Principal Dr John Burnett they, first Opening Ceremony as Rector, Universities." · "Today we are subject to a rigid Societies, in ·order to take active were "immensefy privileged" made a broad defence of the impor­ interest in what is happening out­ tance of the role of education in ideological approach which seems we want to be at Edinburgh University, side the University. society, and an attack on the to derive some of its tactics from the students at the Opening Cere­ Mike Devlin defended the work· attitudes of the government to workings of the abattoir." . ingsofthe Students' Associa_ti_o n, in mony were urged by Rector higher education. He said, " If you As a former teacher, the Rector response to government cnt1c1sms Archie MacPherson to diminish the resources of educa­ expressed support for the struggle of student representation. "We remember "absent friends" tion, you inevitably diminish the for better pay and conditions in his some more believe," he said, "that representa· quality of life. Society should old profession. who might well have come to tion is fair and democratic." Edinburgh, or otber univer­ He warned of government In a letter to Education Secreta~ sities, but "for the deliberate threats to automatic student union Sir Keith Joseph, NUS Presid'li policies which have mangled membership and to the revenue of Phil Woolas has outlined t~ some of the principles by which both students and the UnioJ"ersity National Union of Studen~, higher education used to be itself. Devlin said that talk of uni­ optimistic Grants Claim for t9sr- 87. The detailed proposals ask t!ii administered". versity cuts was not merely specula­ government to increase ti. And in his address, EUSA Presi­ tion, but was "the financial reality maximum allowance to £2,110, an4 dent, Mike Devlin, told the new brought about by the government's restore the minimum grant (whicl first years in McEwan Hall that the attitude to higher education". was abolished last year) to 1971 government can be influenced by The EUSA President warned levels. public opinion. "It is up to each of students that they must be aware of you as individuals to influence that the realities of universities' situa­ EUSA President Mike Devlii public opinion," he said. "The­ tion now, and be prepared to take was less enthusiastic about th! future of higher education is in your action to "safeguard your educa­ NUS's latest proposals to the go hands. Please don't shirk that tion and the education of those who ernment. Speaking this week ' r.esponsibility." follow you". said, " In principle, obviously , ~ Dr Burnett told the audience last "Find out for yourselves the support the call for an improv~ Wednesday that they should not problems facing higher education ment in student grant levels. 1, drag down the name of Edinburgh in this country, and make your fam­ practice, though, the re is nothini University. He said, "The public · Mike and Archie.
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