SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055 Page 1 SG Michel Year AirImp Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Sutherland Philatelics PO Box 448 Ferny Hills D C, Qld 4055 Australia ABN: 69 768 764 240 website: sutherlandphilatelics.com.au e-mail: [email protected] phone: international: 617 3851 2398; Australia: 07 3851 2398 BELGIUM List Structure: commemoratives, definitives, express letter, parcel post & military post in approximately SG number order booklets Framas [machine labels] Newspaper Postage Dues Telegraph Specimen cancellations Other private, cinderella issues Precancels - no change in face value Railway - officials, parcels Occupation of Germany Belgian Congo To find an item in this list, please use Adobe's powerful search function. We obtain our stock from collections we purchase. We do not have a Belgium supplier. Consequently, where something is unpriced, we do not have it at present. We list all items we have in stock, including broken sets, and singles from sets. Prices subject to change without notice. Please note that GST (currently 10%) is applicable from 1 July 2000. International sales are GST free. The prices in this list INCLUDE GST All prices are in Australian dollars. E&OE CREDIT CARDS: BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055 Page 2 SG Michel Year AirImp Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used COMMEMORATIVES & DEFINITIVES Also EXPRESS LETTER, PRECANCELS (new values), PARCEL POST, MILITARY POST Leopold I - 'Epaulettes' 1 1 1849 10¢ brown 2a 2 20¢ blue Leopold I - 'Medallions' handmade paper, wmk 'LL' with frame, imperf 3 3A (1850) 10¢ brown 4 4A (1850) 20¢ blue 5 5A 40¢ carmine ordinary paper, wmk 'LL' without frame, imperf 6 3By 1851 10¢ brown 7 4By 20¢ blue 8 5By 40¢ carmine ribbed paper, wmk 'LL' without frame, imperf 6c 3Bz 1854 10¢ brown 7b 4Bz 20¢ blue 8a 5Bz 40¢ carmine thin paper, no wmk, 16½mm high oval, imperf 9 7 I 1858 10¢ brown 10 8 I 20¢ blue 11 9 I 40¢ red thick or thin paper, no wmk, 17¼mm high oval, imperf 12 6 II 1861 1¢ green 13 7 II 10¢ brown 14 8 II 20¢ blue (slightly trimmed bottom right) 6.90 15 9 II 40¢ red no wmk, line P12½ 16 10A 1863 1¢ green 17 11A 10¢ brown 3.90 18 12A 20¢ blue 19 13A 40¢ carmine-rose no wmk, vertical comb P12½ x 12½ to 13½ 20 10B 1864 1¢ green 21 11B 10¢ brown 22 12B 20¢ blue 23 13B 40¢ carmine-rose (short top right perf) 21.00 no wmk, horizontal comb P14½ 24 10C 1865 1¢ green 25 11C 10¢ brown 26 12C 20¢ blue 27 13C 40¢ carmine-rose Leopold I (facing left) 28 18C 1865 1f lilac - highly surfaced paper, P14 29 14A (1866) 10¢ grey - thin paper, P14½ x 14 2.10 30 15A (1866) 20¢ blue - thin paper, P14½ x 14 31 16A 30¢ brown - thin paper, P14½ x 14 32 17A (1866) 40¢ carmine - thin paper, P14½ x 14 36.40 33 18A 1f lilac - thin paper, P14½ x 14 34 14D 1867 10¢ grey - thick paper, P15 (av used has slight hinge thin) 4.20 1.80 35 15D 20¢ blue - thick paper, P15 3.50 36 16D 30¢ brown - thick paper, P15 37 17D 40¢ carmine - thick paper, P15 (short top left corner) 15.60 38 18D 1f lilac - thick paper, P15 Arms ('Small Lion') (Leopold II) 39 19 1866 1¢ grey - imperforate 40 20A 1¢ grey - P14½ x 14 (MNG is offcentre) 57.00 41 21A (1867) 2¢ blue - P14½ x 14 42 22A 5¢ brown - P14½ x 14 43 20C (1867) 1¢ grey - P15 44 21C (1867) 2¢ blue - P15 45 22C (1867) 5¢ brown - P15 CREDIT CARDS: BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055 Page 3 SG Michel Year AirImp Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Value above Lion (1st) / Leopold II (various frames) P15 46 / 46a 23Aa 1869 1¢ green 0.85 0.40 46b 23Ab 1¢ grey-green 47 / 47a 24Aa (1870) 2¢ blue 3.25 1.40 47b 24Ab (1870) 2¢ ultramarine 48 25Aa (1870) 5¢ orange-buff 51.00 1.20 0.55 48a 25Ab (1870) 5¢ buff 0.60 49 26Aa (1870) 8¢ dull lilac (U has some scissored perfs at top) cat £70 4.20 49a 26Ab (1870) 8¢ violet (blunt corner) cat £65 3.90 50 27Aa 10¢ deep green 0.40 50a / 50b 27Ab 10¢ pale or yellow green 0.85 0.40 50c 27Aa 10¢ grey-green 0.85 51 28Aa (1870) 20¢ cobalt-blue 0.90 51a / 51c 28Aa (1870) 20¢ milky blue or dull blue 51b 28Aa (1870) 20¢ ultramarine 1.05 unlisted 28Ab (1870) 20¢ Prussian blue 52 29Aa (1875) 25¢ olive-bistre 2.40 52a 29Ab (1875) 25¢ ochre 1.20 53 / 53a 30A (1870) 30¢ orange-buff or buff 65.00 4.90 54 31A (1870) 40¢ carmine 54a 31A (1870) 40¢ deep flesh 54b 31A (1870) 40¢ rosine 54c 31A (1870) 40¢ scarlet 55 32Aa (1875) 50¢ grey-black unlisted 32Ab (1875) 50¢ black 55a 32Ac (1875) 50¢ drab 20.30 56 33Aa (1870) 1f dull lilac (used has short corner) 6.30 56a 33Ab (1870) 1f aniline mauve 57 34Aa (1878) 5f yellow-brown 57a 34Ab (1878) 5f red-brown P14 58 unlisted 1880 1¢ green 0.75 58a 23C 1¢ grey-green 1.70 0.75 59 unlisted 2¢ blue 27.00 2.40 59a 24C 2¢ ultramarine 2.40 60 / 60a 25C 5¢ orange-buff or orange-brown 2.40 1.05 61 unlisted 10¢ green 61a 27C 10¢ grey-green 2.10 0.90 62 29C 25¢ olive-bistre 62a unlisted 25¢ ochre 5.60 Leopold II (new designs, facing left) 63 35 1883 10¢ carmine 2.10 64 36 20¢ blue-grey 8.40 65 37 25¢ dull blue 66 38 50¢ violet Value above Lion (new colours) (2nd) / Leopold II (new designs, facing left) 67 39 1884 1¢ olive-green 1.20 0.55 68 40 1¢ grey 0.85 0.40 68a unlisted 1¢ grey-black 0.85 0.40 69 48 (1888) 2¢ chocolate 3.25 1.40 70 41 5¢ yellow-green 0.85 0.40 70a unlisted 5¢ blue-green 0.90 71 42 10¢ carmine / blue 0.85 0.40 71a 42x 10¢ carmine / yellowish 17.40 72 43 20¢ olive-green / greenish 1.40 73 / 73a 44 (1885) 25¢ blue / rose 4.90 2.10 74 49 (1891) 35¢ chocolate / brownish (few right side short perfs) 1.60 75 45 (1886) 50¢ ochre / buff 3.50 1.50 76 46 1f red-brown / green (thinning right side) 6.30 77 47 (1886) 2f lilac / pale lilac Arms (scroll pattern between stamp & label) 78 50 1893 1¢ grey-black Stamps come sometimes 0.45 0.20 78a noted 1¢ grey without the Sunday delivery 0.50 0.25 79 51 2¢ yellow label attached and are 0.85 0.90 80 60 (1894) 2¢ red-brown available at half-price. Please 2.30 0.85 0.40 81 52a 5¢ green enquire. 13.00 0.85 0.40 81a 52b 5¢ blue-green (label thin) 1.00 0.45 CREDIT CARDS: BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055 Page 4 SG Michel Year AirImp Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Leopold II (value in top left & bottom right corners) 82 53 1893 10¢ orange-brown 0.35 0.15 83 67 (1900) 10¢ carmine 0.85 0.40 84 54 20¢ olive-green 1.20 0.55 85 55 25¢ ultramarine 0.40 85a unlisted 25¢ ultramarine - no ball to '5' upper left plate variety 86 56b 35¢ chocolate 4.20 86a 56a 35¢ purple-brown 1.05 87 57 50¢ yellow-brown 15.00 88 68 (1897) 50¢ grey 5.25 2.25 89 58 1f carmine / green 17.40 90 69 (1900) 1f orange 10.50 91 59 2f mauve / flesh 92 70 (1900) 2f mauve 20.30 Antwerp Exhibition (with labels) 93 61 1894 5¢ green / rose 7.00 6.65 2.85 94 62 10¢ carmine / blue 7.95 3.30 1.80 95 63 25¢ blue / rose 2.90 1.20 0.75 Set 3v 11.50 5.40 Brussels Exhibition (with labels) 96 64 1896 5¢ slate-violet 0.85 97 65 10¢ terracotta 21.00 3.15 98 66 10¢ purple-brown 0.75 0.30 0.45 Set 3v Independence 75th Anniversary (with labels) 99 71 1905 10¢ rose-red 1.70 1.20 0.55 99a noted 10¢ rosine 1.20 99b unlisted (1908) 10¢ bright rose-red 100 72 20¢ olive-green 39.00 2.10 0.90 101 73 25¢ blue 0.75 101a noted 25¢ milky blue 1.80 101b unlisted 25¢ ultramarine 0.85 102 74 35¢ brown-purple 4.20 1.80 103 75 50¢ grey 4.20 1.80 104 76a 1f orange-yellow (missing 1 perf) 6.30 104a 76b 1f orange 8.10 105 77 2f mauve 40.60 Set 7v (simplified) Arms (no scroll pattern between stamp & label) 106 78 I 1907 1¢ grey - Type I (with stops) 2.00 0.20 106a 78 II (1908) 1¢ grey - Type II (no stops) 107 79 2¢ dull claret 5.25 108 80 5¢ yellow-green 20.00 0.55 108a noted (1909) 5¢ green 1.40 Brussels Exhibition 109 81 I 1910 1¢ (+ 1¢) grey (unshaded background) 1.70 110 82 I 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (unshaded background) 111 83 I 5¢ (+ 5¢) pale blue-green (unshaded background) 2.10 112 84 I 10¢ (+ 5¢) brown-red (unshaded background) 3.50 113 85 I 1¢ (+ 1¢) olive-green (solid background) 114 86 I 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (solid background) 115 87 I 5¢ (+ 5¢) blue-green (solid background) 116 88 I 10¢ (+ 5¢) carmine (solid background) Set 8v Brussels Exhibition overprinted '1911' 117 81 II 1911 1¢ (+ 1¢) grey (unshaded background) 118 82 II 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (unshaded background) 119 83 II 5¢ (+ 5¢) pale blue-green (unshaded background) 120 84 II 10¢ (+ 5¢) brown-red (unshaded background) 121 85 II 1¢ (+ 1¢) olive-green (solid background) 122 86 II 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (solid background) 123 87 II 5¢ (+ 5¢) blue-green (solid background) 124 88 II 10¢ (+ 5¢) carmine (solid background) Set 8v CREDIT CARDS: BANKCARD, VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED -- MIN $30 SUTHERLAND PHILATELICS, PO BOX 448, FERNY HILLS D C, QLD 4055 Page 5 SG Michel Year AirImp Particulars MUH Mint MNG FU Used Charleroi Exhibition 125 81 III 1911 1¢ (+ 1¢) grey (unshaded background) 126 82 III 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (unshaded background) 127 83 III 5¢ (+ 5¢) pale blue-grn (unshaded background) 128 84 III 10¢ (+ 5¢) brown-red (unshaded background) 129 85 III 1¢ (+ 1¢) olive-green (solid background) 130 86 III 2¢ (+ 2¢) maroon (solid background) 131 87 III 5¢ (+ 5¢) blue-green (solid background) 132 88 III 10¢ (+ 5¢) carmine (solid background) Set 8v Numeral / Lion in Stride / Albert I 133 89 1912 1¢ orange Numeral 0.60 0.25 134 90 2¢ chestnut Lion 0.35 135 91 5¢ green Lion 0.25 0.15 136 92 10¢ carmine Albert I (smaller head) 0.40 137 93 20¢ olive Albert I (smaller head) 22.00 3.45 138 94 35¢ yell-brn Albert I 139 95 40¢ emerald
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