OFFICIAL GAZETTE ENGLISH GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU EDITION e&r :-t-*M- H=-f-ff #SH&I8fiG&2Sq> No. 559. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1948 Price 18.00 yen CABINET ORDERS PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE 6c MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE I hereby promulgate the Cabinet Order concerning a partial amendment of the Regulations governing the Prime Minister's Office and Ministries of Organization of the Ministry of Welfare. Foreign Affairs, Finance, Justice, Edu- Signed: HIROHITO, Seal of the Emperor cation, Welfare, Agriculture & Forestry, This fourteenth day of the second month of the Commerce & Industry, Transportation, twenty-third year of Showa (February 14, 1948) Communications and Labour Ordinance No. 1 Prime Minister KATAYAMA Tetsu •EFebruary 14, 1948 1947 Prime Minister's Office Ordinance Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ordinance Mi Cabinet Order No. 38 Ministry for Home Affairs Ordinance A part of the official organization regulation of the Ministry of Finance Ordinance Welfare Ministry shall be amended as follows : Ministry of Justice Ordinance Ministry of Education Ordinance Art. 4-(2). The National Park Department shall Ministry of Welfare Ordinance be set up in the Public Health Bureau. Ministry of Agulriculture and Forestry Ordinance The National Park Department shall take charge Ministry of Commerce ,and Industry Ordinance of affairs concerning National Parks. Ministry of Transportation Ordinance In Art. 10, paragraph of Welfare Secretaries. Ministry of Communications Ordinance " F u ll tim e 4 " 2 ,34 1843 Ministry of Labour Ordinance (The Regulation on Detailed Bill for Payment to be prepared under Article 1 of the Law to Protect the sh a ll re ad , " F u ll tim e 5 " Government from unjust Claims, Law No. 171 of 1947) 3 1 8 shall be revised partially as follows: 2 ;4 8 8 Prime Minister In th e s am e a rt ic le , p a r ag ra p h o f W e lfa re T e c h n ic al KATAYAMA Tetsu v./ O fi cia ls : Minister for Foreign Affairs " F u ll tim e 2 ,6 8 8 " ASHIDA Hitoshi 1 ,2 2 8 Minister of Finance sh a ll re a d , KURUSU Takeo " F u ll t im e . 2 ,6 9 2 Minister of Justice 1,232 SUZUKI Yoshio Art. ll-(2). shall read Art. ll-(3). Minister of Education Art. ll-(2). TheChiefoftheNationalPark Depart- MORITO Tatsuo ment shall be a first grade Welfare Secretary. Minister of Welfare Art. 12. Child Welfare Officials shall be appointed HITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi from among Welfare Secretaries or Welfare Technical Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Officials of 2nd grade in the Welfare Ministry, who shall HATANO Kanae take charge of actual direction and supervision in regard Minister of Commerce and Industry M1ZUTANI Chozaburo to business concerning welfare of children and lying-in Minister of Transportation women,such as their protection ofhealth-preserving by KITAMURA Tokutaro order of their superiors. Minister of Communications .Supplementary Provision : MIKI Takeo The present Cabinet Order shall come into force Minister of Labour as from the day of its promulgation. YONEKUBO Mitsusuke "The attached form" in Article 1, Paragraph 1 Minister of Welfare shall read "the attached form No. 1 " and the following HITOTSUMATSU Sadayoshi proviso shall be added to the same paragraph. Prime Minister But the contract to make a prestalion of only the KATAYAMA Tetsu Articles qr services under the proviso, Item 1 of the same -1 Article shall be written under the attached form No. No. 4 " Not later than thirty days from the day of en- 2orNo.3. forcement of the Law " in Article 5 shall read " by Feb- In the same Article, Paragraph 2, " Article 9 of the ruary 20, 1948/* The attached forms shall be revised Law" shall read "Article 7, Paragraph 3 of the Law or as follows: Article 9, Paragraph 1 of the Law" and "the itemized bill," " the statement of calculation or the itemized bill" Supplementary Provision : 2 of Article 2. The pledge to be preparedunder Article This Ordinance shall be applied as from January 3 of the Law shall be written under the attached form ll, 1948. Attached Form No. 1 Note: Entries upon this Form are the minimum to be written, and other entries shall be permittedwhen the officers in charge of contracts consider them necessary. Attached Forms No. 2 and No. 3 shall be treated similarly. And this Form may be written vertically. Itemized Bill for Payment Part1 First column D iv isio n K in d S ta n d a rd Q u a lity Q u a n tity U n it U n it P ric e A m o u n t R e m a rk s C o s t o f M a te ria ls T o ta l Second column (Falling under proviso No. 2 of Article 1 of the Law) D iv is io n K in d S ta n d a rd Q u a lity Q u a n tity U n it U n it P ric e A m o u n t R e m a rk s T o t al Third column (Falling under proviso No. 3 of Article 1 of the Law) D iv isio n K in d S tan d a rd Q u a lity Q u a n tity U n it U n it P r ic e A m o u n t R e m a rk s T o fca l Fourth column Cl ao sb to uorf K in d o f N u m b e r o f D iv isio n U n it P r ic e A m o u n t R e m a rk s T o tal ・ Fifth column D iv is io n K in d Q u a n tity U n it U n it P ric e A m o u n t R e m a rk s T o ta l sC eorsvticoefs Sixth ctolum.i: others Notice of Entry Total 1. All entries upon this Bill shall be made in compliance with in- Grand Total structions of officers in charge of contracts. 2.^ Part 2 2. Entry upon "Division" column shall be made in compliance First column with instructions of officers in charge of contracts; for example, in case of construction works, etc., under appropriate classification by each unit of'them. Sixth column 3. The following prefix shall be attached to the "Unite Price" Grand Total column of cost of materials and cost of services: Part 3 O.P., in case equivalent to official prices, First column W.O.P., in case within the range of official prices, A.E.P., in case of authorized extraordinary prices. 4. Material supplied by government and military shall be written Sixth column inred. Grand Total 5. As for the calculation of amount, the explanation shall be written Part 4 under the item of Remarks Column in each column. First column 6. As for the Cost of Labour, various allowances shall be written in other line. Sixth column Grand Total Others 'GRAND TOTAL (Amount contracted) Attached Form No. 2 (In case the rendering concerned is made by articles only) A Itemized Bill for Payment K in d S ta n d a r d Q u a n tity Q u a n tity U n it U n it P r ic e A m o u n t R e m a rk s I Total Notice of Entry 1. All entries upon this bill shall be made in compliance with instructions of officers in charge of contracts. Attached Form No. 3 (In case the rendering concerned is made by services only) Itemized Bill for Payment K in d Q u a n tity U n it U n it P rit e A m o u n t R e m a rk s 3-. Total 1. All entries upon this bill shall be made in compliance with instructions of officers in charge of contracts. A t tac h e d F o r m N o . 4 P le d g e I p le d g e th a t th is I te m iz e d B ill fo r P a y m e n t is c o r re c t a n d th e p ric e s a n d w a g e s e n te re d th e re in h a v e b e e n c al cu la t e d u n d e r A r tic le 2 o f th e L aw to P r o te c t fh e G o v e rn m e n t fro m U n ju s t C la im s, L a w N o . 1 7 1 o f 1 9 4 7 . D a te A d d re ss 蝪 N a m e (S e a l) T o D isb u rsin g O fi ce r P o sitio n o r T itle N a m e MINISTERIAL ORDINANCE Ordinance No. 9,of the thirty-sixth year of Meiji (1903), the Ministry of Justice No. 38 of the eleventh year of Showa (1936) and the Ministry of Justice Ordinance Ministry of Finance Ordinance No. 15 No. 61 of the sixteenth year of Showa (1941) shall be February 14, 1948 abrogated. The following ministrial ordinances shall be abro- Supplementary Provision : gated: The present Ministerial Ordinance shall come into Minister of Finance force as from the day when the Law for Establishment KURUSU Takeo.
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