Gilbert A. Perrin 602 South 2nd APR7L S Corvallis , Oregon AMERICAN CA COLLECTOR'S ITEM You will want to save your copies of "Corvallis," for in it you will find the most complete record, old and new, of this city and county. The anatomy of a home- town where you live or through which you are passing. Read the "Corvallis" magazine and you will better appreciate this town and the republic that is America. P. 0.Box 122 CORVALLIS, OREGON LOOKING Wilson's Pet Shop FORWARD Vol. I1 Spring 1963 No. -2 Corvallis Magazine is published quarterly by Thomas A. Wilson, Street Scene. CORVALL':p. C)~rr:r,rl. P. 0. Box 122, Corvallis, Oregon. MEMBER Benton County Pioneer-Historical Society Oregon Historical Society Classified Adverlising: 10 cents per word. Display. full page, $25; M page. $15. V4 page, $10; YE page. $5.50. SPECIAL RATE for busrness and professional cards L .--- 4 for 4 issues. Subscriptions - $1 a year. EVERYTHING WANTED - Short articles, old photos. FOR YOUR DUMB FRIENDS drawings and other appropriate rnater~al. COVER: O.A.C. football play&s of the 19th 225 South Second Century. Photograph by W. S. Gardner at his studio on Ninth street near madi- CORVALLIS, OREGON son. Do you know these atheletes' names? SECOND STREET. 1903. LOOKING SOUTH FROM MONROE. TAKE A GOOD LOOK at this 1903 Urban Renewal they call it. Ant1 photo of Second street, southward it is none too soon. from Monroe, and then observe The Corvallis architects have the new one made in April, 1963. made a good plan. This central Most of the buildings along the area will be first to feel the swing- street in 1903 are still here sixty ing ball and jackhammers of the years later, although many have destroyers. And then, as the plan had their faces lifted a bit through unfolds, a great shopping and rec- the years. This is the most valu- reation center will arise, extending abIe real estate in town, but eight from Harrison street to the ma- of the stores in these two blocks rina on Mary's river and up to are empty today. Sixth street. It will even include This street is to be laid hare a strip of park across the Willam- from Monroe to Jefferson, from ette, where the town of Orleans the Willamette to the alley between stood before the great flood of SECOND STREET. 1963. LOOKING SOUTH FROM MONROE. THE CENTRAL Second and Third-the heart of 1861. BUSINESS DISTRICT PLANS CALL FOR RAZING ALL OF THESE BUILDINGS Corvallis, which was, in 1850, the A modern, mall-type, pedestri- north end of Marysville. an-oriented, glittering city will And then it will be resurrected. arise here. It will be as large as the huge Lloyd Center in Port- dance down there in the middle of land-newer and better, of course. the picture. And I have seen sunset Corvallis was Capital of Oregond1855 Although I have spent most of and the Second street dawn come my sixty years on Second street, many times over. in business and out, in happiness Oh yes, the old town of Corval- and despair, I look forward eager- lis is something for remembering. ly to this birth of a new city. It Let us tear her down kindly, with is a very personal matter to me. respect, and maybe a sigh. + My great-uncle, William Hamil- ton, had the first bank in town on Corvallis Magazine is now na- this street. My grand-uncle, James tionally recognized and has been Yantis was owner and editor of mentioned prominently in some the Gazette newspaper here. My large writers' publications, such grandfather, Bushrod Washington as Writer's Yearbook. We are re- Wilson, county clerk from 1864 to ceiving many articles and stories 1894, used to play chess with old from all pafts of America and with "Gun" Hodes in his shop where this issue are beginning a section Jack Porter now has his insurance for original creative writing. Our office. My father, Joseph Hamil- first selection is a slight but sen- ton Wilson, had his law offices in sitive piece, "Slaves of Time," by two of those tall buildings. Sgt. Joseph E. Barnett, of the LO the voters of the territory I saw my first movie, "Paul Re- U. S. Air Force, Oklahoma City. Re capitol building faced east In June, 1856, several citie vere's Ride," at the Palace, the at Second and Adams. Later it received votes, but none had th first theater in town, on this Also in this issue is our first was moved west of the a1ley and paid advertising. First ad is from required majority, so ano the street. I had jobs in several of faced toward Adams. election was held in October these old buildings, had my own the P & L Trading Post, Albany; second ad is from Nichols Garden Eugene City won. However, th businesses in four of them, joined In 1850 Oregon City was the ter- Nursery, Albany. legislature and supreme cour three lodges on this street, and I'm ritorial capital. It was moved We need advertising support, as ignored the results of th here now, where Walter Kline, to Salem in 1852. As the new wave Graham & Wortham, and others does the Saturday Evening Post, election, so the capital remaine of immigrants poured into the had their stores. which lost $18.9 million last year. at Salem. Wil1,amette valley pressure was I have been in love here; in fact, Oregon was admitted to th, 1 met my wife, Marie, at a street Patronize our advertisers. They brought to move the capital far- Union in 1859 and the law re help support Corvallis. ther south, and in 1855 the leg- quired that the permanent loca islature passed an act moving tion of the capital be decided a the seat of government to Cor- the first session of the legis. vallis. Both houses met on De- lature. They decided to refel cember 3, 1855, at Grvallis and the matter to the electorate, voted to move the capital back to and in 1862 almost every towr Salem, where it convened on De- and city in Oregon received some cember 18. votes, none having the required Ten days later the new state- majority. house at Salem and the new state Finally, in 1864, at another library burned down. It was then election Salem won with a major- OREGON LEGISLATURE REVIEW OF OAC CADETS. 1903. SCENE IS ON LOWER decided to take the matter' of a ity of 79 votes over all other CAMPUS. WHITE HOUSE AT RIGHT IS GARDNER'S STUDIO ON NINTH STREET.. permanent location of the capital contesting cities. From the Gilbert Beach Album THE BEACH FARM was directly Beach. The University took over north of the Van Buren street the property in 1952. bridge on the east bank of the Wil- The old ferry landing was prac- lamette river. Charles Beach ar- tically in their front yard and the rived there in 1883 and his brother Oregon Electric RR depot was John came a year later. They en- just east of the farmhouse. It now gaged in general farming but were serves as crew house for the OSU best known for the splendid work rowing club. horses they bred, some of which The new Harrison street bridge are shown in these photographs, will cross the river here, and it is loaned to us by Mrs. Gilbert Beach. proposed that the University will Gilbert is the son of Charles have a golf course nearby. JOHN BEACH (L). CHARLES (R). PICTURE WAS TAKEN AT SECOND AND JACKSON. LOOKING NORTH. FARMER'S FEED BARN IN LEFT BACKGROUND IS AT THE PRESENT LOCATION CF THE FORD GARAGE. THIS STREET WAS PAVE0 IN 1910. -&-*a 2-s IN THIS PICTURE OF THE BEACH FARM ARE JOHN AND CHARLES BEACH. BERT SHARP. ROY HATHAWAY. HOMER AND GILBERT BEACH THEY HAD PRIZE WINNING HORSES. '. COMPANY K. OREGON NATIONAL GUARD. CHARLES MIIRPHY. CAPTAIN. HERSHEL ELLENBERG. LIEUTENANT. PHOTO TAKEN 1915 OR 1916. OREGON ELECTRIC DEPOT PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF MRS. ROBERT TAYLOR AND MRS. GILBERT BEACH MOST POPULAR MAN IN TOWN WITH THE YOUNGER SET WAS FRANK M. BULLIS. WHO HA0 HIS POPCORN WAGON AT THE CORNER OF SECONO AN0 MONROE. THlS IOTOGRAPH TAKEN ON STEPS OF OLD CENTRAL SCHOOL NEAR EIGHTH AN0 MADISON. PHOTOGRAPH WAS MADE IN 1911. LITTLE GIRL NEXT TO FRANK IS ALICE IOUT 1912. FRONT ROW. L TO R. CECIL IRWIN. LYNN AVRILL. (1). ORLO JOHNSON BULLIS. AGE 3 (NOW MRS. GLENN CLARK). IN BACKGROUND AT LEFT WAS 10 BALL. EDITH CHIPMAN. PEARL FEGLEY. MILDRED JACKSON. (?). REICHART'S CLOTHING STORE AN0 WILLIAM'S CIGAR STORE AN0 FACTORY. .CON0 ROW: TUCK WHITEHORN. INEZ GRAHAM, ISABEL GELLATLY. MISS STRANGE. NE ON CORNER AT RIGHT WAS THE PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET. IREE GIRLS NOT KNOWN. FRANK BULLIS STARTED THE EAST SIDE SAND AND GRAVEL COMPANY IN 1923. )P ROW: FRANK FRANCISCO. RUSSELL MCHENRY. JOE SKELTON. (?). GILBERT BEACH THE GLENN CLARKS TOOK THlS OVER IN 1934. THEIR SON. ROBERT F. CLARK. 1). CHET BRODERS. MISS HANNEL (TEACHER). PHOTO FROM MRS. GILBERT BEACH. WORKED FOR THEM. HE DIE0 IN 1954. IN 1959 THE CLARKS SOLO OUT TO MURRAY MARQUIS. MIKE BEVANICH. AND OUENTON GREENOUGH. FRANK BULLIS DIE0 IN 1943. PHOTO COURTESY OF MRS. GLENN CLARK. THE AUGUST HOOES GROCERY STORE WAS ON SECONO STREET IN THE MR. C. HODES ON SECONO STREET. ABOUT 1890. MONTGOMERY WARD BUILDING WHERE THE MAN'S SHOP WAS LOCATED UNTIL RECENTLY. STORE IS NOW ACROSS THE STREET BEHIND MR. HODES. VARIETY STANDING IN FRONT OF STORE ARE HENRY GERDING.
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