4 . THE SUNDAY OKECTOXIAN, rOHTLAXD,' "5IAT 23, If)22 As he was dripping wet, tie thought it F by her physician. She absolutely re- a good idea to stand near the warm fused to, listen to any advice that NEILAN GIVES SOME "DONTS" ... i motor and get partially dry. Through LILA LEE AND WILL ROGERS would prevent the completion of the WILLIAM FARNUM DISCUSSES A a misstep, caused by the movement picture and finished by 4 o'clock' the j of the boat, his foot got pinched un- ' following day and by S o'clock was in FOR ASPIRING FILM WRITERS der the flywheel. A desperate wrench PICTURE BOOKED FOR RIVOLI the hospital ready for the operation, i EARLY STAGE EXPERIENCES released Ray's foot from his shoe, Miss Baird was then informed that thus preventing serious injury.- - two operations, were necessary and so Writer of More Than Hundred Successful Pictures Willingly Details Winsome Star Has Excellent Support by "Handsomest Man" in Movie-lan- d necessarily the beginning of produc- - j Believed No Living Star Has Played More Parts Than the Vigorous The fact of the silence of the silent ; Interesting Hints for Others Who Aspire. according in Latest Film, "One Glorious Day." tion work upon her next release will Actor Industriously Working ynder Fox Banner. drama has its advantages, oeiayed for Young, who will be be several weeks. I j to Clara Kimball ' seen in the near future In a Russian "Give us good, clean stories dealing i story,"The Hands of Nara," which with life as it exists today, put in a ' - " Metro will release. smile and a tear, grip your audience "Theytell me I look Russian," said very grati- with tense situations, sprinkle it with f Miss Young, "and that's romance and hypocrisy fying. But several real Russians in love, confound me and reward virtue, and you'll land the' cast have attempted to teach with both feet," a little of the language. So far the is the advice of pronounced right is Colonel Jasper Ewing Brady, editor only word I've of Metro Pictures corporation, to Mtmovar, and that, was" my Russian vocabulary before I started the pic- screen writers. ture. I'm glad that- - when those big "There is a chance, for the original are all consonants come story writer for the screen a bttily words that one but 99 can say them with ." the trouble is that out of I 100 Bcripts received haven't a grain of originality: Plagiarism, vicious or Beban, the Temperamental, unconscious, sticks oit all over the yarns. Or if that-isn- 'r so, they so Dislikes Canaries. , are trivial, silly or impossible, that the return postage is wasted." I, ' A i , 1?- I ts When He Appear Pmonally at Liberty Soon, Birds Mmt Roost Gibson to Do New One if He Elsewhere. Doesn't Break Neck. HO wants to borrow 24 sweet w singing canary birds for a pe Hoot Snorting: Around Auto Race Making Coming riod of seven days?. They are the 21 Track Thriller. warblers at the Liberty theater and will have to vacate their gilded cages TTNIVERSAL has finished "Trimmed tnd find other lodgings. Kj and Burning" as a starring vehi The reason is George Beban, tem- cle for Hoot Gibson, and the western peramental and exotic actor of the star is snorting around the Fresno stage and screen, who begins a week's motor race saucer as Eddie Hearne's rutf of personal appearances at that mechanician. He will ride with the showhouse on June 10. famous racing pilot for the thrill of Beban was here a year ago. Every- it until his new story is ready or thing was ready for the first per- until he breaks his neck. formance. The lights went out, the The story which is being prepared 5VS- organist struck up the opening notes, t, - was for him is "The Cherub of Seven "VI but Beban did not appear. There Bar." by Ralph Cummins. a wait. Then the manager went back Anent titles, George Randolph Ches- stage to investigate. He found the ter, who is at Uniwersal City, considers temperamental star in his dressing the title, 'Trimmed and Burning," an room wringing his hands in anguish. infringement on tiis Wallingford "Birds, birds birds-,- the actor psychology. The hero of the Univer- 1 - can fr , ' "3 s shouted at the manager. "How I sal western drama, however, does his appear when my words are drowned trimming and burning along differ- by the infernal chirruping of those ent lines. The story concerns a sol- them out before I go canaries., Get dier who comes home to fight. He on. arrived at his home town wlth chest Arguments were of no avail. After encrusted with medals, but swaps a half hour's delay the offending ca- them for a sheriff's badge and takes naries were removed to a property the home sector like the M. P.s took room and Beban appeared on the Paris. Harry A. Pollard, director, of stage. "The Leather Pushers," starring Reg- William Farnujn, pwpulpr star, whose 'first 1I(S cbance in New York city "This time I am going to take no inald Denny, will direct it. almost resulted In a tragedy. chances,". says Manager Noble. "The I.tla Lee, attractive little star, who is appearing in "One Glorious Mr. no living actor has to buy from Rex Beach his story birds go in exile the night before Uaj," . , reputed to be'.ner biggest effort. -, Spoilers" screen. Beach Beban opens." New Production Record Is PROBABLY parts than has Wil- "The for the Made by Universal. the Fox star. His told Selig he could have it if he could Adele get Farnum to play the part. The LEE confesses that when she mean?" I asked. 'Oh.' he replied, 'that mother was the noted actress, actor was approached by the author. Sir Anthony Hope Flivvers ' 12 years he LILA started to play in the new means they're great.' La Gros, and when old "In pictures?" said Farnum in dis- . "Afraid to Fight," Five-Re- el Fea- as Lawyer t comedy "One Glori- "I've learned that these are cowboy made his first appearance with- her gust. "Not on your life they're ter- expressions and I'm getting so I can ture, Shot im 14 Working Days. in "The French Spy." rible." ous Day," in which Will Rogers and Rog- Mr. $14,00.0 Inglo-rlotw- understand him better now. Mr. "I was a boy soldier," said When was held out to him Celebrated Author,Bloomer ly herself are the featured players, she ers is one of the most charming men picture men are Farnum when reminiscing recently, to make the picture he changed his In Lesal Profession. was at a loss to understand Will' to work with that it has ever been my interested "and when my mother turned in a mind. It was the biggest piece of' Rogers, who plays the leading part pleasure to meet.' He is so considerate M" the achievement of Universal scene and looked at me. I was so money, up to that time, which had( and he keeps everybody in a good in turning out a five-re- el awed the magnificence of her offered to an to do screen OUT MANY MISTAKES OV ANTHONY HOPE, author oi of Ezra Botts, professor of psychol- feature in with been actor AUTHOR AID PRODUCER POINTS THE humor. laughed myself sick 14 acting I could not speak. I had work. a NOVICE IN ATTEMPTING TO WRITE FOR SCREEN. SIR Prisoner of Zenda," which ogy. The picture will be seen at the I almost working days without sacrifice of that It caused sensation. at times. Alan Hale, who plays the quality. some lines, but 1 never spoke them." "The Spoilers" was a hit. It has been produced as a Metro photo Rivoli theater soon. i 17 was a per- BY MARSHALL NEILAN. and get all opinions possible be- has 'heavy,' is wonderful, too and, really, The production is Afraid to Fight, He "won his spurs" at and made fortunes for a half dozen the play. followed an lingnsn literary "Once, when we were about to start we've got a dandy company, player with Downing. His sons is playing. NEILAN, producer fore you submit it to a producer. As for starring Frank Mayo. William Wor- - featured and still of tradition, established by Fielding and work," said Miss Lee with a smile, our director, James Cruze, he is al- first big chance in New York city al- MARSHALL and a hundred Try to write a story about things ty and a score thington directed it. you are personally continued Thackeray "Mr. Rogers cried: 'Knock on 'em!! I ways kindness' personified so l!m A remarkable break of luck enabled most resulted In a tragedy. "Sisters," the Kathleen Morris story plays, with which not law for Nether-sol- e film familiar. Stick to life .aa you see it of others, when he deserted hadn't the least idea what he meant very happy." the director to wreck records and "I was engaged by Olga which ran serially in "Good House- of- explained many of which he wrote himself, and to persons you know. ... literature. till he that it meant to 'get Miss Lee plays the feminine lead of maintain standards. to play Don Jose to her Carmen. keeping." and wh'ch is coming to the g ' graduated busy.' my en- fers the following "don'ts" to aspir-ta- Stint your imagination, Analyse Sir Anthony, after.being Molly Mclntyre, with whom the quaint The story concerns a big fellow It was tq' be first New York Rivoli theater soon, tells the story of from Oxford university, became a "Another day he looked at some professor is deeply in love too a-- gagement as a featured player.
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