m THE DETROIT TIMES Thursday, Jufy 15, tWJ- Women’s Play It s Lihv. Old home Aiyht at Lord 4%'turn* Page 23 Hv EDGAR HAYES Harbor Timesf CarrierV It was like old home night at Rotunda Field when Mickey Bob Stands Out on Cochrane brought his Great Has Kiglit Tales boat Lakes team here to the Reuther's Taie Ford All-Stars . Mickey Softball League and Barney McCosky. now Talk! Ties Tennis Slate center fielder for the sail- [To of Taylor ors, spent the hour before the greeting Perhaps that bai'ber of vours—- Women's singles take prece- game old friends . Starts Friday Stunt the haldheadod who is Triplett's dence today in the 34th annua) Autograph hunters were out one always in force and none went away trying to sell you hair tonic -and city open championships at De- in The Detroit By bob murphy empty handed . Mickey and Competition gave yt u tips on the races—- 1 troit Tennis Club. Semifinals in his friends took care of all of Times Carrier Soft hall League, knows something all. srORTS EDITOR after Not men's singles arc not due until to- them. one of the largest ever organized, about the hair tome hut about will begin Friday on various play- The recent embarrassing ex- morrow and the doubles entries Ty Cobb w-as there ... so the horses. fields of the department of parks As pit"-, S perience of the adventurous along was Tris Speaker . two of proof we nt imuel If. are far enough to reduce and recreation. Triplett, is reminding the greatest of them all ... A Osborne. 7622 UV-t VVinor high- Coaker activity to a match or two. baseball historians of other in- their couple of Mickey's teammates 'Hie league, open to boys 12 way. occupation, barber. original Standing out on the women's years and who < Ysbnrnr nne of stances of eccentric and from the pennant mad days of .B -.f older are earners Mr. was the 12 base running tactics. Most of slate is the quarter-final engage- 1934-35 were around greeting ¦ 1 of the Times, has two divisions, poisons who today is finding put ihe the yarns, for some strange ment of Mary Hernando, in tour- friends . Eldon Auker. now a an intermediate or A division for places to $986.80 which reason, involve the Rrooklyns. nament tennis since 1929 when Detroit businessman, and Jo Jo more experienced pla.vers and a he won yesterday on »he Daily The Coaker. you know, at- she broke into the scene a- M *:\ White, center fielder for the 'j/mpky jgmm junior or B division for less ex- Double at the Detroit race track two long tempted to steal third with the Mustaikis, and 17-year-old Amy Athletics . Eldon quit base- jierienred players. when shots. Valriina bases loaded last Sunday, forc- Roosevelt of Birmingham. The ball this year to spend all his The Times organized the league Alden and Try Fin. hrought about ing the occupant of that sack. winner enters the semifinal to- time in business. to provide a recreational program the biggest pajoff of the meeting. before, Pparl in This has been done but morrow with Peterson. SPLASH keeping with the national Osborne did not reveal his sys- through. SARTORIAL physical tem he the Coaker was not He S4-GAME MATCH fitness program. The hut admitted sometimes added a novel twist by stepping Jimmy Rooney, who made all Times, aw-tt*- of o** faot tbrtt gave hu. customers. the odd tip. off the bag and kicking the dirt Mrs. Constance O'Donovan Eb- the plans and arrangements for many parents are engaged either “Sure, I’m a regular. This Is as evidence of his disgust with hers pairs with Gertrude Barthol- the game, was plenty natty in in war work or voltinleer services,; the first double I’ve cashed this the mathematics of the game. omew and Mary Lou Beyer with his green sport pants over his undertook the recreational pro-< year. But I like a price—none . of .$lO dou- While he was engaged in this Hazel Browne. On past perform- baseball uniform . The man- gram to prov ide healthful, super-1 those piddling little explosive maneuver he was ances Mrs. Hernando, Mrs. Eh- agers of all the teams in the vised entertainment for its car- bles,” he said. “That isn’t had, tagged out for a double play. i bers and Miss Beyer should gain Ford League made up the board rier-salesmen. is It. $086.H0 ? I don’t mind hav- Dutch Reuther. who once the succeeding bracket. of straiegy and sat on the Only about half of the entries i ing to ride the street car to the toiled for the citizens of the Miss Roosevelt had an all-after- bench. will compote in the ofiening play, j race track if I have a bundle Bronx and is now a Cub scout, ; noon 34-game match w ith Gloria Lt. Comdr. J. Russell Cook, Others will begin com pet ition next! like that to keep me company contributes one of the better King of Hamtramck. state girls’ athletic officer at Great Lakes, Wednesday. on the way home.” tales brought to mind winning All were right men by Mr. champion, yesterday, 5-7. was on the sailors’ bench . intermediate games begin at There and four Triplett’* exploit. 6-2, 8-6. Failure to take the net He is in charge of the biggest, noon, while those m the junior women among the winners, but or make the points when she did sports program ever undertaken div ision begin at 1:30 a. m. the harbor was the only man who made the dif- The schedule.' enough to his Handshake winner’s task more . Comdr. A. would talk reveal Costly hv a nation H. Intermediate (i ficult. Cohan, boss of the I>earhorn division 1 game* a* name. The others perhaps re- On the mound for the I noon*. Flat- Tired from preceding play, Ray Naval Training School, caught DISTRICT % member Uncle Sam and that in- bush aggregation one day, JACK ADAMS HUS SPEAKER TY COBB Gihxnn and Hubert Manire put on the first hall ... He warmed up Ai Cirntpn* Mutt* v* Kaglrv R.,nnd- come tax money which is being Reuther was locked in a tight * h»-vl* v» Tiger* Al Ho»m*r Are* v». pay a prolonged session. Each de- official Ray Rousch, ' Aver.ger, deducted from the envelopes. with Ford football star, was around Indore the players he knew . Jack born Naval Training school T iphHts v*. but lers duel with Wilbur Cooper clined to Fairview*. didn’t hesitate, take a chance at the net. who threw the first pitch . Two women Going the game. Adams, the hockey man, was behind ('bet DISTRICT h of the Roston Braves. in’o unless forced to. and resorted to The commander took no McCoy rnarched in Lt. howe\ er. 71 • . w< e Mrs. Jose- the ninth the count was 0-0. Young Kid visited the around complaining of a bad Al chandler Park Wolverine* v« Fl\- still . (bve* a drive and drop shot competition chances, however, wore a Barnard With him was F.n- ¦ '".g T s»r* Blue* A’ n >Wn*on phine Nabozny, 20233 San Juan and Ford bench during the game . leg was keeping Zach lor. Broo kI y n that him from Thinderty .t» (byei, Sandlntier* v*. Mud- that lapsed . drive, May Warded, Ta> occasionally to pat sign . are Mrs. 278 mask. is golf . Bob McCann Both and catcher, ninth with He home from the army for playing . Other hockey- hen*. livened the hall. Gibson lasted better Ma- v w Rosedale. and Other Ford officials spotted a >hort isit . Golf ell ites were Johnny Mowers, the ardent sportsrrx n . There was DISTRICT C a roaring triple. Wilbert Robin- public as’w nire. park* runner-up, met in the crowd included Harry leprosented with Russ Gnau, goalie, working a large group of As Lodge —W'oive* v* 3-MnJnm lrl*h Mrs. Warded revealed she was son Brooklyn manager, in defense a men from the - was setback. The scores were 6-8, 6-3. and the the plant summer, 'v* Bulldog* At Pingre- Park 2 Mmori a member of a syndicate. Bennett. Charles Sorensen head man of Ryder club duting the and Romulus Air Field on hand to \* coaching at third and when vs. 4-Senior*, Wildcat* 11-Senior*. “There four of out 8-6. were ua Harry Mack . Harry Wismrr business planned here next Mud Brunctoau, who works at cheer for both sides . Capt. Taylor arrived at that far sta- DISTRICT D together and each put in A the public address svs- month . Walter lia.en and Fords and did much to make M. R. Wortley, USN. of Naval A' Campbell Playground— 0 tion he greeted him wtih bub- RRF.NT. KARPFI.ES LOSE handled Eagle* vs the ticket. Now . cents for we . Fay v* At bling tem and very capably . Pat A 1 Watrous Stan ap- the game a success. Armory, sat back of the sailors’ Msr'-hants Stars Monarch* Milter enthusiasm. Morrie Drilling eliminated Irv- peared earlv to some of Playground- Brava* vs. Phantom#. Fira- will have $’246.70 apiece. Now "(ire.it work, Smith, the former Michigan meet The sailors from the Dear- bench with his pai ty bails vs Wildcat*. kid. put >r ing Brent, 6-3, 4-6. 6-4, by' court- we conduct our DISTRICT H can operation* then*"’ he yelled thrusting out ing forep a from the court after At u p on larger scale-down town hand toward the conquering Detroit Results nt -Wi'ivsi vs Wildcat#.
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