LOCATI ON OF THE WILD ERNES S ROAD AT CUMB ERLAND GAP NATI ONAL HI ST ORICAL PARK by Jer e L Kr akow August 1987 United S ta te s Department of the Interior National Park Service CONT ENT S Chapter 1 : Wilderness Road : Introduction and Overview 1 Overview 1 Literature 4 Chapter 2 : Cumberland Gap National Historical Park : Setting and Assumptions 9 Physical Setting 10 Cumb erland Mountains 13 Climate 13 Vegetation 14 Wildlife 1 5 Assumptions 15 Chapter 3 : Wilderness Road : Animal Trace to Modern Highway Antecedents 20 Anglos 21 Government Expenditures Virginia 27 Turnpike Era Kentucky 35 Road Standards 37 Turnpike Era Virginia 39 Road Standards 40 Canal 46 Object Lesson Road 47 D ixie Highway 50 Chapter 4 : Wilderness Road Location At Cumberland Gap National Historical Park : Sources and Evidence 52 Cartographic Sources 52 Eighteenth Century 53 Early Nineteenth Century 54 Civil War 5 5 Late Nineteenth Century 63 Twentieth Century 65 Sketches And Photographs 67 Travel Accounts » And Recollections 72 Chapter 5 : Wilderness Road Location : Findings and Conclusions 76 App endices 83 A : Text of Virginia L egislation Marking and Opening Road Over 7 1 7 9 . 5 Cumb erland Mountains , October 8 John Kinkead Petitions Virginia Legislature for Payment , m 1 1 7 1 . 7 Dece b er , 8 8 Bill for Services and Supplies in Road Building Over 20 1 7 1 . Cumberland Mountain , April , 8 88 Virginia Law Removing Obstructions on Wilderness Road , 2 5 1 790 . 92 Decemb er , Virginia Law Ordering Mili tary Protection Along Wilderness Road , 27 1 790 . 93 November , Act of Virginia to Op en Wagon Road to Top of Cumberland 1 7 1 792 . 9 4 Mountain , Novemb er , Letter by Daniel Boone Applying for Contract to Improve 1 1 1 79 6 . 95 Wilderness Road , February , Kentucky Gazette Announcement the Wilderness Road Open for 1 5 1 79 6 . 96 Wagons , October , E for ngineer H J . Eastin Report on Standar ds and Expenditures 9 7 Crab Orchard to Cumberland Gap Turnpike . Virginia Law Establishing Turnpike from Cumberland G ap 21 1 05 . 101 to Moccasin Gap , December , 8 m Christopher Greenup Protests Toll Gate at Cu b erland Gap , 1 2 1 806 . 104 September , Virginia Legislation to Move Toll Gate from Immediate 2 1 07 . 106 Cumberland Gap Area , January , 8 on ' Toll Rates Price s Turnpike and Cumberland Gap Road , 1 2 1 43 . 1 07 April , 8 Livestock Droving Census at Cumberland Ford an d - 1 22 1 50 . 10 Cumb erland Gap , 8 8 8 m 23 1 836 . Proposed Canal System Via Cu berland Gap , February , 1 1 5 3 1910 . Obj ect Lesson Road Summary , March , mb 14 190 . 11 7 Final Report on Obj ect Lesson Road , Dece er , 8 for Metes and Bounds Legal Description Green Clay Tract , 9 1 06 . 1 26 April , 8 Illustrations 1 29 Maps 1 69 Bibliography 201 iv I LLU S T RATIONS Prominently located in the sketch are the upper and lower Virginia roads looking toward Cumberland Gap from the southeast . 0 ° The View is 8 west of north looking across saddle of Gap , Kentucky Road and Yellow Creek Basin on right . Drawn by an engineer in the Army of the Confederacy commanded L by Gen . Braxton Bragg , the View looks east across ittle Yellow Creek Valley toward Cumberland Gap . Taken by an anonymous photographer during the Civil War - of ( 1861 1865 ) from the settlement Cumberland Gap , Tennessee , toward Cumberland Gap . A View of the Cumberland Gap massif with the upper and lower Virginia roads prominently shown . Harry Fenn also sketched a View of the bridge over the saddle of ' the Gap and a corner of the Jones store in 1872 . In the foreground is the mill complex alongside the stream d o emanati ng from Cu j Cave . A View of the saddle of the Gap looking west with structures of ' the bridge and Jones store in the right center . From the Tennessee side of Cumberland Gap one can glimpse the physical setting and a sense of the road . 1 of This 888 photograph from the area Cumberland Gap , i Tennessee , prov des insight into the lower Virginia Road , the rapid growth of timb er on hillsides that only twenty odd years before were barren ; depicts extant structures in the saddle of the Gap . A panoramic view of the Virginia and Tennessee side of Cumberland Mountain looking northeast . A close - up View of a portion of Illustration This excellent photograph of the saddle portion of Cumberland Gap demonstrates the narrowness of the locale and gives a View of the bridge and commercial structures adjacent to it . The obj ect lesson road built across Cumberland Mountain by the - U . S D . epartment of Roads ( U SDA ) in 1907 1908 is depicted here . 4 15 a . From the period of the 19203 this photograph serves to document of the upper road (white railing alongside it) , portions the lower road and the iron furnace complex in lower center . 4 . 1 5b The other half of the previous photograph shows remnants of the of lower road , a small portion the railroad at left and the continuation of the railing along the upper road . Taken approximately in the later 19303 the character of the saddle portion has changed considerably due to highway construction . A 19403 ( early 19503 ) depiction of the saddle of Cumberland Gap with a widened and leveled appearance . This is the earliest known aerial photograph ( 1939 ) of the Vicinity at Cumberland Gap . Vi MAPS ' G a . 1 . Price s Turnpike and Cumberland p Road " of 2 . A General Map the New Settlement called Transylvania , 1 776 . including the notation of Cumberland Gap , " " of 1 793 . 3 . A Map of the State Kentucky , by Imlay , 4 " of of . A Map the Tennessee Government formerly Part North " 1 794 . Carolina , depicts Kentucky Road , " " 5 . Map of the State of Kentucky ; with the Adjoining Territories , by 794 . 1 J Russell , ' 6 . Mu ns ell s map of Kentucky including Wilderness Road and Cumb erland Gap . " " 1 ? 7 . 49 Virginia and Kentucky Railroad Survey , 8 L 8 . Survey discrepancy in Walker and Henderson Survey ine , late eighteenth century . 9 . P . William Jones map of Civil War era at Cumberland Gap , drawn from memory in 1899 . 10 . Lower ( Tennessee ) and upper Virginia roads at Cumberland Gap , late nineteenth century . 1 " 11 . Mile 2 8 of Louisville and Nashville Railroad where old state road crossed Cumberland Gap . " " 12 . e 1930 . Old Cumberland Gap Road , near Colson Prop rty , 13 . Switchback route as cending Cumberland Mountain from Gap Creek . 14 . of Route lower Virginia Road from Cumberland Gap , Tennessee of 1936 . toward the summit Cumberland Gap , 15 . Road configuration on Kentucky side of Cumberland Mountain , 193 7 . Figure Historical Vicinity Map Figure The Topography of the Wilderness Road at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park . Figure The Trail Sy stem of the Southeastern United States ; note Trail No . 5 and the trail network converging on Cumberland Gap . - Figure Warriors Path as shown on Pownall Evans Map . Figure Tennessee (lower Virginia ) and Virginia Road portions of 1 833 . Wilderness Road near Cumberland Gap , Figure The Route of the Wilderness Road through Cumberland Gap National Historical Park . v 1 62 . Figure Ci il War Map , 8 1 6 . Figure Green Clay Tract Along Little Yellow Creek , 80 \Illl ACKN OWL EDGEMENT S In order to determine with preciseness the location o f the historic o f Wilderness Road , the author accumulated many debts in the course the study ; I wish to thank the following institutions and staff members : Denver Public Library ; Filson Club ; Kentucky Department o f Libraries and Archives and James Prichard ; Kentucky Historical Society and Mary Margaret B ell ; Middle s boro/B ell County Library and Linda Evans ; Missouri Historical Society ; National Society Daughters of the American Revolution ; State Historical Society of Wisconsin ; Tennessee State Library and Archives ; Virginia Historical Society ; and the Virginia State Library . University repositories assisting include the Margaret I . King Library of - of University Kentucky , Norlin Library University Colorado and the University of Louisville Library . Important aid was provided by the Kentucky Department of Highways , the Huber Corporation and the Seaboard System Railroad . Considerable assistance to the effort came from the National Archives B and Records Administration , its Cartographic and Architectural ranch , - particularly Robert E . Richardson ; the General B ranch Civil Archives B - Division ; and the Still Pictures ranch Special Archives Division . The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress also provided for th e much assistance study . f Many individuals rom the National Park Service , Denver Service : C . K . Center , contributed Frederick Babb , Jerome A Greene , Ruth A . E . f . Larison , Nan V Rickey , Robert Schref ler , Mary L Tidd , and Robert H . Todd . To former and present staff of Cumberland G ap National : B . B Historical Park I owe thanks Frederick H . oyles and Daniel A rown , . O historians ; and Roy M Sanborn , superintendent . ther assistance came D e Ros s et W . D . from Patricia C , Leishman , Mary Frances Lundy , Lois R Turner , and Francis Wolfe . Federal Highway Administration staff at Cumberland Gap also helped ff . : . R . me J Campbell , Donald Gra and Warren Lutz Others to whom I am indebted are Charles Castner , Thomas P Field , Neal O . Hammon and D eVo s e Ron Lee . A special thanks to Louis r y and Charles W . Wilson for files and records which helped shorten my research immeasurably Errors of mm omission and co ission are mine and mine alone . G a 21 1968 . Aerial view of Cumberland p vicinity , November , - - of 1 45 B U G 5 186 .
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