\Cr\-* FEF 41974 voices...6 nacv... 3 m tutoring... 2 shorts.. .8 *10,000 * firing line...10 mid-east... 11 subscriptions. 12 disabilities... 2 voL.n i PUBLISHED FOR VETERANS ^ ^ -:t- YOUR MILITARY SCHOOLING •&'. m TO COUNT FOR COLLEGE S*~>-*.*N«f 'v "• '«'; |iii| * p •t-^^'' CREDIT U of Minn. Reviews Turner Guide Credits $M by Tom Wincek l&^SSK The University of Minnesota is in the process of making it possible for veterans to . r. * obtain college credits for -WE courses they took while in military schools. '? , Veterans, as part of their Photo by Gary Anderson military training, attended a From left: Tom wincek, Chris Cavender , variety of service schools. These schools often teach Dr. Berdie , and Leo Abbott. 1 l^ collegiate level subject matter, Some of the courses are actually taught by instructors sen. hartke reports to congress with the same credentials and even using the same texts as colleges & universities. Consequently many former GI Bill Compared servicemen have, as a result of their formal military training. by Jack Strahan ^ CREDITS CONTINUED PAGE THREE •Ev ; On S ep t. 26t h. I 973. Sena to r Van ce Hart ke. D-In d. read into t he Cong ress iona I Re cord the re suits of the Educ a t io na I Testi ng Servic e GI Students Are Paid Bil I Stu dy. Thi s stu dy was done as u1 a re sul t of the Vietn am-Era Vete rans Read just ment Ass is tan ce Act of I 972. P B whic h re quir ed t he VA to pr ovide an For GEO Study inde pend ent comp ariso n of Vietn a m- Era bene fits wit h thos e aft er WW II W 0 The Veterans Upward Bound Project at and the Kore an c onf I ict . T he VA fEf;EV,t#^ Metropolitan Community College will fail ed t o me et t he de ad I ine of A pri I begin its sixth session in January 24. I 973 fo r co mp I etin g th e stu dy; A U I974. Funded under a federal grant howe ver. the com Paris on was f ini shed from the Office of Education, the and read y f o r se na t e dist ri bu t io by : R N program is designed to help veterans late Sep t emb e r. I973. &: •W^iE'3^- ' ' 0 E D Uli D D CONTINUED PAGE THREE G I BILL CONTINUED PAGE THREE JANUARY. PAGE 2 Money Available Frost Raps For Tutoring Have a by Norm Heino Administration The indi vidua I Tut oria I Ass ist a nee Disability? of fe red for s tuden ts e nro I Ie d u nde r by Charles Najdek Chap ter 34. T it le 38 f the GI Bil I of R ight s off ers s tude nts t he Let's assume that you are one of the OPPO rtun ity t 0 hir e th eir p erso na I Jack Frost. Executive people who. upon their ETS Physical, tuto r. The a ssis t ance is g rant ed Director of the National didn't list one of your medical quit e ro ut ine |y fo r an y pur pose Association of Concerned problems incurred or aggrivated sine e e Iigib i 1 ity requ ireme nts have Veterans (NACV). told an while you were in the service, been eas ed. Ins te ad o f bei ng i .education convention in because you didn't want to be held dang e r o f fai I ing. the stud ent 'Atlanta. Georgia, that the over. Now 3 years later, a problem ve t e ran needs on I y sho wad ef IC veteran returning home from lency flares UP. whether it's listed or in a sub j ect. Thi s me ans t hat the Vietnam War has been shown on I y not. you still aren't completely thos e wh o hav e tot a I m aster y of by the media as. "baby killers, the without recourse. You can still sub j ect may n ot be eli gib I e. I drug users, or human time n the apply for VA Denefits. True, that case of any o f the asp irant s f o bombs." r they may be harder to authenticate admi ssio n to a p ro f ess iona I sch oo I wher B gra than if you had followed correct "In short, " said Frost. e a de ma y wa sh th em o ut. he o e may procedures. "veterans problems and their r sh use the tutor ial se rv in or needs have very little appeal ice der t o ra ise t he g rade to a You can apply directly at the VA or unless they are of a n A. at your local post (Amer. Leg. and sensational nature." The rates for the payment is a total VFW). These people know the correct payment of cost of services to a Procedures, and with your power of Frost went on to accuse the maximum of $50 per month. Each attorney, they can present your case present administration, the veteran is eligible for 9 separate to the VA Board. established veterans months or portion of a month. This organizations, and the various time is non-renewable. That is. DID YOU SERVE IN KOREA? SEND veterans agencies themselves of you only are eligible for 9 separate being insensitive to the months for your entire time under Vietnam-Era veteran. the GI Bill. Not 9 months per Clothing, Toys, Donation year. Frost said that only To Korean orphansi recently have the traditional Also, no payment will be made for Winters are cold veterans groups gone on reocrd more than $50 in any one calendar supporting educational benefits School is expensive month. Therefore, any unused Good food Is scarce comparable to WWII. "The bulk portion of the $50 is forfeited. of their lobbying efforts still Orphanages are poor center around the matters All donations will be forwarded directly to specifically dealing with the This program besides being a valuable tool for those students wishing to the Korean Ministry of Home Affairs to Insure majority of their membership, proper distribution. which lies outside and improve their academic standings, unaffected by educational can be a source of income for Mail or deliver toi PARAGON benef its . " veterans who have the ability to be 1315 Hh St. SE (2nd fl) a tutor. The tutor needs not be a Minneapolis, Minnesota. Frost ended his speech graduate or even an upper division 55^ with a call to the veteran student. If the student is himself to work for improvement confident of the ability of the •MB in the benefit structure. tutor, he may hire any one he wishes "I challenge you...to make any from a brother, wife, classmate or "VETERANS VOICE and all attempts to motivate friend to the Department Head or is a non-profit independent publication yourselves and other veterans Professor. published once a month expressly for the you come in contact with. benefit and information of veterans. The Let's not have those who come Veteran's Voice, advertisers, and sponsors after us to be able to find HEADSTONES do not particularly support opinions i great discrepencies between The headstone and memorial viewed in this publication unless so stated our actions and our words." marker programs and the It is requested that material and National Cemetery System have information taken from this publication be recently been transferred from preceeded by the following credit line: the Army to the Veterans Veteran's Voice. The location of the WAC Expansion Planned Administration. Veteran's Voice office is 1315 SE **-th St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55^1^o The size of the Women's Army Corps A headstone or grave will double by the end of FY '79 marker is available for any under a new general concept plan deceased veteran who received EDITOR Ross Kurland recently approved by the Army chief anything other than a MANAGING EDITOR Al Zdon of staff. dishonorable discharge. CIRCULATION MANAGER Charles Najdek Memorial markers may be SPORTS EDITOR Don Besky The Plan is designed to make obtained to commemorate any STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Scott Whaley maximum use of women in the Army member of the armed forces who Gary Anderson with regard for the Army's mission died in service, and whose and the equal rights of women. remains were not recovered REPORTERS S WRITERS Tom Wincek and identified, or who was Jack Strahan Additional WAC basic training buried at sea. Gary Morey companies are being established at Scott Whaley Fort Jackson. S.C.. to meet the Those seeking burial Norm Heino increased training requirements for benefits should apply to the Randy Berry the 50.000 woman force. nearest VA office. JANUARY, PAGE 3 Letters to the Editor NACV newly elected offi­ cers (standing I to r) Vic The Veteran's Voice is now accepting letters Adamus, Vice President to the editor, editorials and pictures for of Public Relations; Ra­ publishing. Anything to be published must mon Craig, Treasurer; be signed. If you require your copy Jim Mayer, President; Jack Frost, Executive Di­ returned enclose a self addressed stamped rector; Don Tate, Vice envelope. Address all materials to Editor President of Member­ Veteran's Voice, 1315 SB 4th St., ship; (Seated I to r) Bill Minneapolis, Minnesota f}^^* Lawson, Vice President of Minority Affairs; Tom Meyer, Executive Vice President.
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