DERBYSHIRE MISC LLANY lti.nt ri: so s,l,l, l, 1Fn n cllr.v, lDu nnv s fiir Ittd The Local History Bulletin of the Derbyshire Archaeological Volume 8 Spring 1977 Part 1 DEBBYSI{ I RE MI S C ELLANY YoI. WII. Part 1. Spring 1977. ooNJ:ENTS. Page The Cataloguing ancl Intlexing of the 1 3 Ifolley Manuscripts by Miriam Wood. Peakray (via tte Pec.co) 4 6 by Arthur E. DotltL anrl Evelyn M. DotLd. The Early Der'byshire Quakers and their 7 9 Emigration to AmerriCa. by Ad.rian Henstock. 23-25 Market PIace, Chesterfielcl. 10 17 by Philip Biden Buxtonl s I{at,ers. 18 26 by I. E. Burton The Ruin of Jessets Cottage. 27 28 by M. G. Bellhouse 0ckt,rook. 29- 38 by Joan Sinar. copyright in each contribution ro DERBysHIRE MtscELLANy is reserved by the author. EDITOB Miss J. Sinar, Derbyshire Reeortl Officei County Offices, Matlock. DE4 3AG. Ettitorial Assistant: I).Y. Fowkes Production lssistant: V. S. Smi.th Distri bution Secretary: Miss J. Allen Treasurer: Mr. T. Larimore a,3 BgeinaltL BoatL south, Chatlclesden, Derby. DE2 6NG. All enquiries regarding new membership and d.istribution should be atld"ressed to the Treasurer. EDITORS NOTES. This number is the first to be produced, by offset litho from a paper plate. The change was first thought of abou.t five years ago but then cost BL'rch more than Mi scellanyr s bud,get coultl afford. The Society has hovever reeently bou ght a second.-hand- vari-typer and vol.unteers are setti ng up much of its own printing. Miscellany is too big a job t,o ask a, volun.teer to take otrl so it will stil1 be professionally typed. We hope our reader's will find. the change pleasant and. useful. We hope too to reach. a wider public and introd.uce our neu Eggllggy_into Derbyshire bookshops. Joa.n Sinar has been protlucing for some years norr for local government planning purposes a series of stutLies of the tLevelopment of viltages throughout the county. They are interirn. studies based on printed sources and manuscripts quickly available in the Derbyshire Pecord Office and Derby County Library. Various people ha.ve u.sed. them for ttreir own purposes and eommented t'hat they shourd be more rsitlel.y distributed. so we are going to incrude then from now on in Miscelrany. Joan would. be grateful for argumen.ts and. observations because one d.ay she r,rants to use them as the basis of a history of 'tLe development of O""ty"tir". IIIE CATALOGUING AND INDE(ING OF TTIE IfOILEY I'{ANUSCRIPTS by MIRIAM I{OOD (County Library, County 0ffices, Matlock) Adan lfolley of Matlock Ulfi-tg2l) came of the Allenhill branch of the Ifolleys of Biber. By profession he vas an attorney, but by.inclination an anii[uary and historian, rike his distant relative, Ifirtiarn IfoLleyj whi had. written a short history of Derbyshire in about 1712-.' Adam lfolley arso intended" to write a history of the county and to that end collectecl andl copied. histoiical tLocument*s, to which he ad.de6. some of his corresponden.ce with other antiquaries ancl papers f=9T.his practice is an attorney. The hisiory was never written and the d.ocuments he had corrected,, plginated (lt inconsistentry) and. bound. into 53 vorum""r'*-"rE bequeadhed, to the British Museum. The Museum received them in 1828 and nurnbered_ the volumes 6666 to 6718 in the .dd,ditional Manuscripts series, anil at some time the f orios vere numbered. in pe-ncir. rn 1-8!?, the..Trustees of the British Museum published sir. F. Macldents rrrndex. to the Additional Manuscripts with those of _the Egerton collection preser.lrecl. in the-Brltish Museum and acquiretl in the years ]zal-tg35rr. rhe \folley Mss., as part-of the Atl"ditional Mss._acquired cLuring t-trat pei.iod., were inclexetl in this volume. The-IniLex is in-one atltrabetical sequence with rather more cLetair than is alwg.ys incl-ud"ed in an index - some entries not only give the reierences but also very brief deseriptions of the materiar concefned.. A disadvantage with relation to the Tolrey Mss. is that Maddenss ref erences are some'times to t{orleyt s palination and" sometimes to the Museumrs foliation. More ieri-ouity, the Index covers too much material and, is unable to treat it i" adequate cletail. Never_theless, it is a remarkabre achievement and very usefur_to anyone wishing to use the llorrey Mss., for"{irl no othgr Index yet covers the whole of them, OnlJ,r one hundred copies of the rndex were printed, but it was rlprinted in 1967. Early in this century, the Beverend J. C, Cox prod,uced *_]lAnllysisrr of the WoIIey Manuscripts in vol umes xxxllI XXXY of the Journals of thb Derbyshiie Archaeo logical Society (t^Ot1-1913) . This takes the rorir ;i-; partiar catalogue of the contents of the Ma,nuscripts. Th6,t for volumes 6666 - 6675.is fairly full, but the gr-oup of volumes, 6676 - 6686, relating. to ttre Derbyshire feiamining ind.ustry are dismissed as of little interest or value. The-rrAnalysi"s fr of volumes 6687 - 6718 is similar to that for volumes'666 6 - 6675, but less fuII. Cox consistently used the British Museum 1 foliation. Although his tendency to ignore what he felt to be inportant red.uces the value of his vork, the rrAnalysistt is still valuable &s &n introduction to the contents of the Yolley Manuscripts. A general account of the Manuscripts relating to leadnining, contained. in volunes 6676 - 6686, will be-founct in Misceilany for Autumn 1 975. Some years ago the County Library purchased a micro- film copy of tJre Manuscripts for the Local Studies Depart- ment in Matlock, and Derby Cen.tral tibrary acquired a micro- filn copy of' the eleven volunes relating to leatltiining. Although the tlo!Iey Manuscripts rrere now available 1ocaIIy, the lack of a complete catalogue or tletailec[ intlex, nade it still tLifficult to exploit ttrem. It was decided. therefore to employ an archivist part-time to irnttertake their catal- oguing and intlexing, and the work began three years ago. To date (January 1977), the catalogue of the contents of the volunes 6666 - 6689 and the in<tex to the cat,alogue of volunes 6665 - 6667 and, 6676 - 6686 (the itocuments relat- ing to leacLnining) are f inished. The volumes 'v^ary greatty in size, the earlier ones on the whole being ttre larger, so that, though it may appear that less than half t'he cataloguing has been completed, in fact about three fifths has been d.one. At the moment, work is being concentrated on ttre int[ex in ortler to catch up wittr the cataloguing. The catalogue is a cleseriptive 1ist, clescribing each item or group of items in the Manuscripts in as much detail as is necessi,ry to show the typ" of document(s) concerned., their ttates, the principal persons involvedl and the places and subjects principally merrtionetl in ttrem. Ttte British Museunts own numbering anc[ foliation have been atloptedr anil the catalogue cartls are kept in volume order and, within the volumes, in folio ortler. The three-part inclex is intentletl to enabie any reference to a person, place or subject mentionetL in the catalogue to be founcl, both in the catalogue and in the Manuscripts themselves. The index is also on card.s but storetl, in alphabetical order within each of the three parts. All these manuscript cartts are kept in the Local StutLies Department of the County Library, in the County Offices, Matlock, together with the twenty-two reels of microfilm from which they have been compiled. The Local Studies Department, also houses ttre 1967 reprint of the Madtlen tt Indexrrr the Jourrrals of the Archaeological Society containing Coxrs ttAnalysisrt and the Miscellany volume in which the Ieail.nining Dlanuscripts are described.. Madden, the Journals ancl Miscellany are available elsewhere, but the manuscript catalogue and ind.ex card.s maXr of course, only be consulted in Matlock. It is intend.ed, however, that eventuatly the catalogue and, ind.ex rrill be t;rped and copies ctistributed to tJre British Museum, Derbyshire Becord" Office, Derby Central -2- Library antl other interested bodies. Alreacly, tJr9 catalogue and inhex to the Manuscripts relating to l-eadmining haYe been typeil anct only await d.uplication antl tListribution. Later in ttre year they shoultt be available for reference in the major loca1 studies cLepartments in ttre CountSr :-41 Matloc[, Derby Centra] Libiary, Buxton, ChesterftqllrGlossop antl Ilk6stonr- anct also at the Derbyshire &ecorcl Qffice. Finally, if anyone rrishes to consult the microfilm of the Tolley Uliruscripis at Matlock, it is essential to make an.appoinlment, as there is only one microfilm reader and that is in constant use. 3 PEAKYAT (1rIA DE PECo) byr Arthur E. Doild and Evelyn II. Dotltl (uarr Lod'ge, unn":o?l:";*3"i&rf]no""rne,Derbv- In Januaty 19751 Nellie Kirkham, neIl-known for her historical researches in Derbyshirel sent us a file of notes labeletL Via cle Peco. fhese notes mad.e it clear that she believed. that thi s ancient way might be identifietL with the present lfeattdon Lane (Middleton-by-Youlgrave) and its continuation as a bridle-way over to Long DaIe; we very gladly acknowlectge Nel1ie Kirkhamts pioneer vork on this med.ieval way. In the British Museum there is a charter (t ) aating f rom 12OO-1 225 velating to a grant of lantl by Yi]Iiam tle Ferrers to Thomas son of Fulcher tte Edenshovers (Ed,ensor).
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