Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1961 Daily Egyptian 1961 2-3-1961 The gE yptian, February 03, 1961 Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1961 Volume 42 Issue 29 Recommended Citation , . "The gE yptian, February 03, 1961." (Feb 1961). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1961 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1961 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (See Page 4) Formals Dolned 'Review In For MiI-Ball Blue' Flies Foreign language To.orrow Night exams will be given Feb. 11. Tonight At 8 Slacks and sport shirts, blouses and 10 a.m. to noon in Wheeler 214. The The Air Force will zoem into the skirts will be laid aside tomorrow test is open to all students applying wild blue yonder on the Shryock night, and formals. coclctail dresses for a master's or a doctor's degree. Auditorium stage tonigl,~ the kickoff and tuxedos will be retrieved from An applicant for a Ph.D. must pro­ to .Southern's annual Military Ball seclusion-all because of I the annual cure 700 pages of reading material, weekend. 1 Military BaU. which must he approved by his de· Talented groups of the AFROTC Buddy Moreno's orchestra will pro- partment. He must submit this read­ department will tonight present the vide musi-= in the Carbondale Na- iog material no later than noon Feb. ~ nd annual "Revue in Blue, a pre­ tional Guard Armory for Southern's 8. lude to the gala Military BaD l<>­ lone formal dance of. the year. Tic- Those applying for a master's de­ m"orrow night. kets ~re on sale in'the Student Union gree are not required to bring any Tickets are on sale in the Student and in Wheeler Hall for S3 a couple. type of reading material. Both Ph.D. Union and in Wheeler Hall for SO­ Queen Connie McGinnis will crown and M.A. applicants will be permitted cents, 75-cents and SI, with all seats one of five candidates 1961 queen . ~on~seof~thd:c~:=~y on certain sec­ are reserved. during coronation ceremonies. Gay- Reaching for sky-at least the attractive branch the The 8 p.m. show wiD include the anne Gutherz, Jane Statler, Sandy with their toes-these Angelettes ROTC department. The show will Singing Squadron, the Angelaires, Newbrough, Joyce Vizer and Kay are going through their dance rou· be at 8 p.m. in Shryock Auditor­ Angelettes, Angel Flight and numer­ Woodruff, are the five candidates Fellowship tine to be presenled tonight at the ium. (Staff Photo) ous other groups and individuals. chosen from a beginning field of 16. second annual Revue in Blue. All . Based on a "Holid8.f in Blue" The 2,300 cadet corps elected the theme, the show will be centered a­ queen last month, but the identity Requests Now round student entertainment and pro· will be kept secr:et until tomorrow Chinese I Play duction with an emphasis on in­ night. Being Accepted Sp~nd The formality-the password for the Opens Fine weekend. Tranepohation will be p~ Applications for graduate assistanl­ The non.competitive show will also - videc! by the air oc:ience de­ ships and fellowships in the School of Arts Festival Su ••er Right feature some noncadet groups. partment. Men wishing I........ Business are now being accepted porlation should· call Ext. the 1961·62 school year, according to The first Chinese play produced at --In Europe 4611 prior to time to pick up Dean Henry J. Rehn. Southern is slated as one of the high. SIU Offers their date. Univel'8ity ean al· As,&istants will receive 1180 per lights 01 the 1961 Fine Arts Festival. The intemational affairs commis­ month for the academic year. Quali. 80 will be available to return celebrated here Feb. 12·25 and sion of student government is looking Communications otudenta 10 Ilviujl; quartero (01· ficatiJns for an assistantship include themed "Asia jll)d the Arts." fpr anyone connected with SIU who lowing the 9 p.m. 10 1 a.m. an o+ rall undergraduaJ.e The three·act play, " The Dream o( is interested in Hying to Europe this Workshop Again uB" ~nd an "indicalion of dan~ the Red ChambeT." is adopted from summer. promtse. President and Mrs. Morris and reo a Chinese classic novel. Its U.S. pre· Cost of the Right. which tentatively SIU will sponsor four high school tired 'area officers will be special Assistants will be /i!:iven half-time mier will be Feb. 21 in Furr Aud· would leave Chicago for Paris June workshops-in journalism, radio & guests of the AFROTC deparbnent. assignments in the departments of itorium. / 23 and return from London Aug. 25, TV, debates and drama---iJuring the accounting, economi cs, management, will be about 1330. This is about summer session from July 2-30" The only requirement for attendance The play's translator, Tai Yih at the dance is fonnal attire. marketing or secretarial and business llSO cheaper than any comparable ,The workshops are for outstanding education. They will be allowed to Jiian, a graduate student of the commercial Right, according to the high school sophomores and juniors carry an academic load o( 12 quarteT theatre departmenl, will alsO serve as Student Government Office. who are interested in leaming some assistant director of the play. Direc· hours. Estimated cost for the 60 days in practical work during their summer Dowdell '9' Candidates for graduate fellowships tion will be by Paul Brady, alSo a Europe is 1300, or a total cOst o( vacation. also must have mainlained a " B" graduate student in th~tr e. BTound 1650, depending on .the in· A supplemental social program in­ average in undergraduate courses. Other Fine Arts r eslival events in­ dividual. cluding swimming, field trips, dances Big Brain Fellows will receive S120 per month clude a Japanese koto demonstra­ Anyone interested in the low-cost and horseback riding "Will be offered. and will be required to work only 10 tion, an Asian students variely show, Right should contact either Steve For further information write to On ea.pus hours a week in the department. They the King David Oratorio, a SI. Louis Segner or Dick Childers in the Stu­ MarIan Nelson, coordinator of high will be allowed to carry a (ull ac­ Symphony concert and Asian ex· dent Government Office, Student scbool workshops, SID. Dowdell No.9 was the "big brain" ademic load. hibits. Union. in housing grade averages this lerm, ---~:---------------------------------­ raclcing up a smart 4.0451 average For Tokyo G,·ants for the highest at Slu. It also ranked first among all students by buildint ap~=~":'.hd:~.i:t:':~~~e . Fuller To Design Japanese Baseball Park The area was also fi~-#UDong mar­ ried or single studenlS\).ousing on By D. G. Schumacher aCToss, 200 feet high-and with no Japan, the Nippon Television Net­ and ofl'-campus. R. Buckminster Fuller, SIU re- center supports. It will be twice as work and is a former member of Chautauqua Street housing was search design professor and designer large as any existing dome and the both the Japanese Cabinet and third with 3_9248 i family housing on­ of the geodesic dome, left Wednesday 'first enclosed baseball stadi~m in the Japan's Atomic Energy Commission. campUS] fourth with 3.8549; and for Japan" There he will solve the world. Walter O'Malley. owner of the Los Southern Acres Apartments 6fth ventilation problem in a dome being Fuller indicated that the ventilation 6fth with 3.8423. Angeles Dodgers, served as the go­ built and advise the Japanese on gen- problem is the main one, that no bel ween (or Fuller and Sberiki. Normandy was sixth in University eral housing problems, city planning other problems in constTuction are rating with :.s:7866 and first in men's and problems relative to the 1964 anticipated. The American Embassy in Tokyo ofl-campus housing. Bachelor's Barn Olymp'ic Games. .....} also know how to solve that is handling Fuller's Japanese intiner· ary. ' He ~i1l be introduced to press was · seventh overall with a 3.7372 J Th9 dome, a stadium for the Tokyo problem," the designer said. "We average. baseball Giants, will be 750 feet will conduct experiments to convince and public at a formal reception in the Imperial Hotel. --;:;;;;:;;-;;-:;;~;-;;7"-:;Ciiiiiiiiiy;;;jjjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~--:-~~;';&~::;- them I know how to solve it." ! • Great Opportunily After his month.long tour, Fuller "This will be a great opportunity will go to Hong Kong to speak. re­ to speak to the Japanese people about turning from there by ship to San my policy of the Japplication of sci­ Francisco March 24. Stoppins. for a ence to livery instead of weaponry," three-day project at Kansas Univer· the 65-year-old Fuller noted. sity, be will return to SIU early in "!J>out my general philosophy of April. solvmg problems by good design in­ stead of political expediency-"I'm a :::7i!:r:d.er,' not a reformer," he No Oaaoeo Diamiaaed Today Fuller, who on an earlier trip to All classes will meet at their regu­ Japan talked to professional groups, lar periods today, accor4ing to Robert will bring his ideas to the Japanese McGrath, registrar. people by lecturing in five cities, ex­ Evening classes were dismissed yes­ DOWDELL MUD hibitions, and through a number of terday because of icy roads. However, Typical of "sidewallcs" in the television lectures and shows. since the majority of students attend­ DowdelJ Halls Men's residence Invitation To J.....
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