2021 U.S. Championships - Women Day 2 Printed: 6/6/2021 8:01:34 PM Women / SR / Senior Meet Results - Multi Session: 4W Jun 6, 2021 Judge's Signatures

2021 U.S. Championships - Women Day 2 Printed: 6/6/2021 8:01:34 PM Women / SR / Senior Meet Results - Multi Session: 4W Jun 6, 2021 Judge's Signatures

Page: 1 2021 U.S. Championships - Women Day 2 Printed: 6/6/2021 8:01:34 PM Women / SR / Senior Meet Results - Multi Session: 4W Jun 6, 2021 Judge's Signatures Rank Num Name/Gym AA 1 227 Simone Biles Prelims Final: 15.800 14.750 14.350 14.650 59.550 World Champions D/E: 6.0 / 9.800 6.2 / 8.550 6.3 / 8.050 6.8 / 8.350 ND: -0.5 Finals Final: 15.550 14.700 14.900 14.950 60.100 D/E: 6.0 / 9.550 6.2 / 8.500 6.5 / 8.400 6.8 / 8.250 ND: -0.1 Combined Total: 119.650 2 217 Sunisa Lee Prelims Final: 14.400 15.300 13.900 13.750 57.350 Midwest Gym D/E: 5.4 / 9.000 6.8 / 8.500 5.6 / 8.300 5.5 / 8.250 ND: Finals Final: 14.300 14.900 14.700 13.700 57.600 D/E: 5.4 / 8.900 6.4 / 8.500 6.4 / 8.300 5.4 / 8.400 ND: -0.1 Combined Total: 114.950 3 228 Jordan Chiles Prelims Final: 14.950 14.450 13.950 13.550 56.900 World Champions D/E: 5.4 / 9.550 5.9 / 8.550 6.1 / 7.850 5.9 / 7.950 ND: -0.3 Finals Final: 14.900 14.600 14.050 14.000 57.550 D/E: 5.4 / 9.500 5.9 / 8.700 5.8 / 8.250 5.9 / 8.100 ND: Combined Total: 114.450 4 222 Emma Malabuyo Prelims Final: 14.050 13.950 12.950 13.500 54.450 Texas Dreams D/E: 5.4 / 8.650 6.0 / 7.950 6.2 / 6.750 5.5 / 8.000 ND: Finals Final: 14.100 13.850 14.600 13.450 56.000 D/E: 5.4 / 8.700 5.8 / 8.050 6.2 / 8.400 5.4 / 8.050 ND: Combined Total: 110.450 5 210 Leanne Wong Prelims Final: 14.750 12.700 13.650 14.200 55.300 GAGE D/E: 5.4 / 9.350 5.2 / 7.500 5.7 / 7.950 5.7 / 8.500 ND: Finals Final: 14.550 14.000 12.700 13.600 54.850 D/E: 5.4 / 9.150 5.4 / 8.600 5.5 / 7.300 5.8 / 7.800 ND: -0.1 Combined Total: 110.150 6 201 Jade Carey Prelims Final: 14.700 13.950 13.550 13.250 55.450 Arizona Sunrays D/E: 5.4 / 9.300 5.8 / 8.150 5.6 / 7.950 5.7 / 7.650 ND: -0.1 Finals Final: 14.550 13.600 12.750 13.650 54.550 D/E: 5.4 / 9.150 5.5 / 8.100 5.2 / 7.550 5.7 / 7.950 ND: Combined Total: 110.000 7T 223 Grace McCallum Prelims Final: 14.600 13.050 14.200 12.450 54.300 Twin City Twisters D/E: 5.4 / 9.200 5.5 / 7.550 5.7 / 8.500 5.4 / 7.350 ND: -0.3 Finals Final: 14.500 13.150 14.200 13.400 55.250 D/E: 5.4 / 9.100 5.6 / 7.550 5.7 / 8.500 5.7 / 7.800 ND: -0.1 Combined Total: 109.550 ProScore v 5.7.1 - C opy right 1993-2020 A uburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: A uburn Electronics Group Page: 2 2021 U.S. Championships - Women Day 2 Printed: 6/6/2021 8:01:34 PM Women / SR / Senior Meet Results - Multi Session: 4W Jun 6, 2021 Rank Num Name/Gym AA 7T 224 Skye Blakely Prelims Final: 14.700 12.950 12.750 13.450 53.850 WOGA D/E: 5.4 / 9.300 5.6 / 7.350 5.6 / 7.150 5.4 / 8.150 ND: -0.1 Finals Final: 14.550 13.600 14.250 13.300 55.700 D/E: 5.4 / 9.150 5.6 / 8.000 5.9 / 8.350 5.4 / 7.900 ND: Combined Total: 109.550 9 204 MyKayla Skinner Prelims Final: 14.900 13.750 12.550 13.000 54.200 Desert Lights D/E: 6.0 / 8.900 5.8 / 7.950 5.6 / 6.950 5.9 / 7.600 ND: -0.5 Finals Final: 15.000 13.500 13.050 13.750 55.300 D/E: 6.0 / 9.000 5.8 / 7.700 5.4 / 7.650 5.9 / 7.850 ND: Combined Total: 109.500 10 208 Kara Eaker Prelims Final: 13.950 13.900 13.700 13.000 54.550 GAGE D/E: 5.0 / 8.950 5.5 / 8.400 6.2 / 7.600 5.2 / 7.900 ND: -0.1 -0.1 Finals Final: 13.900 12.700 14.200 13.700 54.500 D/E: 5.0 / 8.900 5.3 / 7.400 6.0 / 8.300 5.8 / 8.000 ND: -0.1 -0.1 Combined Total: 109.050 11 212 Kayla DiCello Prelims Final: 14.650 12.900 12.650 14.050 54.250 Hill's Gymnastics D/E: 5.4 / 9.250 5.8 / 7.100 5.5 / 7.150 5.7 / 8.350 ND: Finals Final: 14.400 13.550 12.550 14.050 54.550 D/E: 5.4 / 9.000 5.9 / 7.650 5.8 / 6.750 5.7 / 8.350 ND: Combined Total: 108.800 12 207 Shilese Jones Prelims Final: 14.850 14.300 12.450 12.500 54.100 Future Gym Acad D/E: 5.4 / 9.450 5.9 / 8.400 4.9 / 7.550 5.5 / 7.000 ND: Finals Final: 15.000 14.400 11.750 13.250 54.400 D/E: 5.4 / 9.600 5.9 / 8.500 4.2 / 7.550 5.5 / 8.050 ND: -0.3 Combined Total: 108.500 13 225 Emily Lee Prelims Final: 14.250 12.150 13.850 13.450 53.700 West Valley D/E: 5.4 / 8.850 5.3 / 6.850 6.1 / 7.750 5.4 / 8.050 ND: Finals Final: 14.500 13.050 13.650 13.350 54.550 D/E: 5.4 / 9.100 5.3 / 7.750 6.0 / 7.650 5.4 / 8.250 ND: -0.3 Combined Total: 108.250 14 229 Amari Drayton Prelims Final: 14.350 13.400 12.900 13.050 53.700 World Champions D/E: 5.4 / 8.950 5.4 / 8.000 5.1 / 7.800 5.1 / 7.950 ND: Finals Final: 14.500 13.350 12.800 12.750 53.400 D/E: 5.4 / 9.100 5.4 / 7.950 5.1 / 7.700 5.1 / 7.750 ND: -0.1 Combined Total: 107.100 ProScore v 5.7.1 - C opy right 1993-2020 A uburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: A uburn Electronics Group Page: 3 2021 U.S. Championships - Women Day 2 Printed: 6/6/2021 8:01:34 PM Women / SR / Senior Meet Results - Multi Session: 4W Jun 6, 2021 Rank Num Name/Gym AA 15 232 Ava Siegfeldt Prelims Final: 14.050 13.600 12.800 12.850 53.300 World Class D/E: 5.0 / 9.050 5.2 / 8.400 4.7 / 8.100 5.0 / 7.850 ND: Finals Final: 14.150 13.450 13.150 12.750 53.500 D/E: 5.0 / 9.150 5.2 / 8.250 5.3 / 7.850 5.0 / 7.750 ND: Combined Total: 106.800 16 220 Addison Fatta Prelims Final: 14.450 13.650 12.050 12.900 53.050 Prestige Gym D/E: 5.4 / 9.050 5.3 / 8.350 4.8 / 7.250 5.0 / 7.900 ND: Finals Final: 14.300 13.500 12.800 13.000 53.600 D/E: 5.4 / 8.900 5.3 / 8.200 5.0 / 7.800 5.0 / 8.000 ND: Combined Total: 106.650 17 231 Zoe Miller Prelims Final: 14.100 14.300 11.750 12.800 52.950 World Champions D/E: 5.0 / 9.200 6.0 / 8.300 5.5 / 6.250 5.3 / 7.600 ND: -0.1 -0.1 Finals Final: 14.200 13.900 13.050 12.300 53.450 D/E: 5.0 / 9.200 5.9 / 8.000 5.8 / 7.250 5.0 / 7.700 ND: -0.4 Combined Total: 106.400 18 226 Sydney Barros Prelims Final: 14.300 13.550 13.000 12.450 53.300 World Champions D/E: 5.4 / 8.900 5.4 / 8.150 5.5 / 7.500 5.6 / 6.850 ND: Finals Final: 14.350 13.300 12.100 12.800 52.550 D/E: 5.4 / 8.950 5.4 / 7.900 5.3 / 6.800 4.9 / 7.900 ND: Combined Total: 105.850 19 230 Karis German Prelims Final: 13.750 13.600 11.450 13.600 52.400 World Champions D/E: 4.6 / 9.150 5.6 / 8.000 5.4 / 6.050 5.7 / 7.900 ND: Finals Final: 13.750 13.450 12.350 13.500 53.050 D/E: 4.6 / 9.150 5.6 / 7.850 5.2 / 7.150 5.7 / 7.800 ND: Combined Total: 105.450 20 219 eMjae Frazier Prelims Final: 14.400 12.550 13.000 13.350 53.300 Parkettes NGC D/E: 5.4 / 9.000 5.2 / 7.350 5.4 / 7.600 5.2 / 8.150 ND: Finals Final: 14.250 11.900 12.700 13.200 52.050 D/E: 5.4 / 8.850 5.4 / 6.500 5.2 / 7.500 5.2 / 8.000 ND: Combined Total: 105.350 21 205 Kaylen Morgan Prelims Final: 13.900 13.100 11.900 12.700 51.600 Everest Gymnastics D/E: 4.6 / 9.300 5.1 / 8.000 5.1 / 6.800 5.0 / 7.800 ND: -0.1 Finals Final: 13.900 13.050 13.500 13.000 53.450 D/E: 4.6 / 9.300 5.1 / 7.950 5.8 / 7.700 5.0 / 8.000 ND: Combined Total: 105.050 ProScore v 5.7.1 - C opy right 1993-2020 A uburn Electronics Group - Licensed to: A uburn Electronics Group Page: 4 2021 U.S.

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