THE LIFE-BOAT. JOURNAL OF THE IRo^al Bational %ife*Boat Snstftutfon. (ISSUED QUABTEBLY.) VOL. XXL—No. 243.] IST FEBRUARY, 1912. [PRICB 3d. THE MOTOE FLEET. THE progress in construction and New Boats offered to stations the results in the past year of the and accepted, but not yet under work of the Motor-Boats now on construction, include a Motor-Boat the coast are very satisfactory, and for Arklow, in Ireland, of the self- we now give a revised Table of righting type, 40ft. by 10ft. 6 ins., the Motor-Boats with the motors to be equipped with a Tylor Motor installed in them. A comparison of 40 B.H.P. Arklow possesses a •of this with the Table published very large fishing fleet, and the in 1911 will show that, although Boat stationed there has in past only two Boats have been added years had great difficulty in working to the Fleet, yet there have been her way to sea over the Bar in an some important modifications. The onshore gale. A Motor-Boat will old experimental Boats previously consequently prove a very valuable stationed at Tynemouth and Sea- asset to the station, and for work ham have been replaced by new on the distant banks. ones, the two former being trans- A Motor-Boat of the same type ferred to new stations which have is also to be provided for Fraser- been established at Sunderland and burgh, but with an increased length Teesmouth, where it is hoped they of 1 foot, and an additional 1 foot of will do good work. beam, with a Motor of similar type The Wicklow, Seaham, St. Abbs and power. The harbour at this and Tynemouth Motor-Boats have station has been greatly enlarged all been completed, their sea trials to cope with the increase of the successfully carried out, and the fishing fleetswhichvisit the port, and Boats despatched to their respective the Harbour Commissioners have stations. The St. David's Boat has generously undertaken to provide completed her sea trials, and is the boat-house and slipway for the awaiting the completion of the Mo tor-Boat at their ownx cost, new house and slipway prior recognizing the great advantage in to her proceeding to her destina- having a mechanically - propelled tion. Boat at this important station. VOL, XXI.—No. 243.—-LIFE-BOAT JOURNAL. ^ p BOAT. MOTOR. PHOPELLER. SPEED. PETJIOI/. S Cylinder. »> fl 5 i STATION. _o ,; g 0 *o c Reverse Gear. §i 1 "5 >: a REMARKS. f~> o : ^ i -? •§ a -. O o t t w a 11 * ,- " || » 0) r» .« A • ^ X 6 & « •A (S * 3 3 O S Si «•£ si! * pay & \ cwt /Durbam j 430 Sunderland . 1904 S.R. 38' x 8' 14 \Bowen j 11 500 ( 24 2 Dual to 5-9 12 16 Teesmouth (Re- t Churchill] 450 "1 3 serve No. 2) 1906 S.R. 42'xll' 15 Tylor. 30 900 15J 4 5 5 Forced L.T.M. 21" 15" Buffalo . 861 7-2 18-5 38 1 g S / Thorny- \ 1907 37' x 9' 3" 11 24 1000* 4 Dual 19" 14" /Thornycroffl (7'27\ Newhaven (old) . S.R. t croft / 15| 4* 5J 1 clutch / 800 I6'8 / 15-6 36 |'|| Walton-on-Naze. 1906 N.&S. 43' x 12' 6" 14 Blake . 32 550 \ 20} 4 5i 6} „ H.T.M. 22" 21" Blake clutch 600 6-98 20-4 60 612 7-2 25 J ^ Stroniay . 1908 W. 43' x 12' 6" 12 Blake . 40 600 12 4 .. H.T.M. 22" 24" G.R.P. ./ J60 6& 532 6-4 20 H Stromness 1908 S.R. 42'xll' 6" 12 Tylor. 30 800 10 4 5 L.T.M. 18" 21" V.R.P. { 816 6-65 21 J50 W 5J » 1 700 5-86 16 1908 40' x 10' 6" 12 Tylor. 24 650 10 4 5 L.T.M. 19}" 23" M.R.P. .j 680 6-70 22 }50 Pishguard S.R. 6J .. 572 5-87 14 tH 34-5 ] 1909 W. 12 Tylor. 40 700 10 4 L.T.M. 21" 22" V.R.P . .j 700 7-2 j50 Broughty Perry . 40'xll' 5J 6J .. 640 6-7 28-5 6-9 29-25 Donaghadee . 1909 W. 43' x 12' 6" 10 Blake . 40 600 11 4 „ H.T.M. 24" 24" H. & S. .|580 J60 W 5& 6A 500 6-38 18-75 O 1910 40'xlO'Q" 12 Tylor. 40 700 11 4 L.T.M. 23" 21"' 680 7-12 36 Wicklow , . , S.R. 5J 6i .. H. & S. .| 640 6-96 31-5 }eo Wolseley 34 700 13 4 5 6J L.T.M. 21" 21" 700 6-97 33 \50 Seajiam . 1910 W. 38'xlO' 10 ., V.R.P. .j 650 6-78 23 Wolseley 4 5 L.T.M. 21" 21" 700 7-15 33-75 St. Abbs . 1910 W. 38'xlO' 10 34 700 13 a* ,. V.R.P. ./ 650 6-48 24 [50 690 7-29 34-5 St. Davids . 1911 S.R. 40' x 10' 6" Tjtfor. 40 700 4 6i „ L.T.M. 22" 22" H. &S. .j }eo 1— 1 12J 5i 600 6-73 26-25 2 Tynemouth (new) 1911 S.R. 40' x 10' 6" 12 Tylor. 40 700 U 4 5J 61 L.T.M. 22" 22" Gardner No. 4 60 Campbeltown 1911 W. 43' x 12' 6" Tylor. 55 700 4 6| L.T.M. 24" 24" Gardner No. 4 80 Beaumaris 1911 W. 43' x 12' 6" Tylor. 55 700 4 6| 7f L.T.M. 24" 23" Gardner No. 4 80 a Peterhead 1911 W. 43' x 12' 6" Tylor. 55 700 4 66 7? L.T.M. 24" 23J" Gardner No. 4 80 w Clacton-on-Sea . 1911 W. 45' x 12' 6" Tylor. 40 700 4 5* 6i L.T.M. Gardner No. 4 4 5 w Newhaven (new) . 1911 S.R. 38'x9'9" Tylor. 35 750 Gardner No. 3 Kj ISfOTES. * Motor and acceaaories. ( G.R.P. = Gaine's Reversible Propeller. ( L.T.M. = Low Tension Magneto. Reverse Gear J V.B.P. = Villinger's Reversible Propeller. Ignition-} H.T.M.= High Tension Magneto. 1 M.R.P. = Meissner's Reversible Propeller. i— • .1 Dual = Starts qn accumulator and coil and runs on L.T.M. \ H. & S. = Hesse and Savory Reverse Gear. to IST FEBRUARY, 1912.] THE LIFE-BOAT. 633 A GALLANT COXSWAIN. THE retirement on pension of John Owston's resignation has followed Owston, for forty-one years Coxswain upon an exciting experience : A number of the Scarborough Life-boat, is an of fishing cobles were at sea on the event in our annals which provides an morning of 13th December, 1911, when opportunity of giving some brief record a gale sprang up. In order to assist of a noble life which has been devoted the small craft, the Life-boat was to the service of his fellow-men and launched. which he was always ready to risk for While standing by the cobles as they them. We are indebted for the got amongst the broken water not far following facts to a gentleman who is from the entrance to the harbour, the intimatelyacquainted with all the details of Owston's career. John Owston, the retiring Coxswain of the Scarborough Life- boat, has for many years followed the calling of a fisher- man. He was born in 1844, being ap- pointed Coxswain of the Scarborough Life- boat in 1871. Since then he has assisted in saving 230 lives. In addition he has put off, with his crew, on many occasions to the assistance of fishermen, when they have been overtaken at sea in bad weather. In 1880, the Com- mittee of Manage- ment awarded him the Silver Medal in acknowledgment of his gallant services in the Life-boat, and more particularly for going out four times JOHN OWSTON, during the severe Forty-one years Coxswain of the Scarborough Life-Boat. gale of the 28th-29th October, 1880, Life-boat was struck by big wave and assisting to rescue the crews, which swept Owston and another mem- numbering in all twenty-eight persons, ber of the crew (Lewis Plummer), a from five different wrecks. young man, into the sea. Both were In 1902, His Majesty the King, when recovered, but when Owston was rescued Prince of Wales, while visiting Londes- he was suffering severely from immersion borough Park, noticed Owston, and, and shock, being removed in a state of after asking him many questions rela- exhaustion to the hospital, and being tive to Life-boat work, congratulated taken home afterwards. A few days him on his praiseworthy services. Before later his resignation was announced. leaving the locality, the Prince presented Owston's connexion with the fishing him with two silver-mounted pipes industry has chiefly been through the bearing the Royal monogram. coble fishing, lines and crab pots being 2 p 2 634 THE LIFE-BOAT. [Isi FEBRUARY, 1912. used at different seasons. This is a pre- waters. In recognition of Owston's carious livelihood, and Owston, like exceptionally long and meritorious most other coblemen, has suffered from service as coxswain the Committee of loss of gear and being kept ashore by Management have awarded him a stormy weather. special gratuity of £75, besides the In the short pleasure season at Scar- pension of £12 a year and the highly borough he has taken passengers to sea valued Certificate of Service. in his little craft; this break in his The following are the principal rescues usual vocation, the more arduous line- effected by the Life-boats of which fishing, lasted a few weeks only in each Owston has been coxswain, the figures in year.
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