Q:ongrtssional Rrcord United States "Oj America PR:OCE-EDINGS AND DEBATES ' O~ ':fl:IE 8pth CONG~· ESS, SECOND SESSION bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as to learn of' the extremely untimely death SENATE we torgive those who trespass against us. of Mrs. Strom Thurmond, the wife of my; And lead us not into temptation, but de­ distinguished colleague. WEDNESDAY, J AN.UARY 6, 1960 liver us from evil. For Thine is the king- · : We cannot · adequately express our The 6th day of ,;J{!.n1fary being the d8tY- · dom, and ·the powe1', and the glory, grief at the suffering and the agony her prescribed by Public Law 305, 86th Con_- forever. husband and her immediate family· must . gress, 1st session, for the meeti~g of the Amen. endure at this sad hour. I join with 2d session of the · 86th Congress, the· people everywhere-as we were joined before in prayer for her Fecovery-in · Senate assembled in itS Chatn.ber at the .. ORDER OF BUSINESS Capitol. e-xpressing sympathy to her husband and RICHARD M. NIXON, of California, Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. ·Presi­ her family. The loss of this sweet and Vice President of the United States, dent, for the information of the Senate, beautiful woman will be a cause of sor­ called the Senate to order at 12 o'clock I should like to make two brief state­ row to every person who ever knew her. meridian. · ments, and then suggest the absence of Mr. BRIDGES. Mr. President, this a quorum, prior to the swearing-in cere­ opening day ·of Congress is always one The Chaplai~ • .Rev: . Frederick Brown Harris, .D.D., of the city of Washington, mony of our colleague from North Da­ which is marked by the pleasure of meet- · offered the following prayer: kota. ing again all our friends on the floor of The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator the Senate before we begin consideration Our Father God, with a new year's from Texas may proceed. of matters vital to the domestic and beginning, as the gavel falls again in this international welfare of our Nation. historic Chamber, even before we talk This day, however, is clouded with to one another about the Nation's wel­ GREETING AND TRIDUTE TO sadness because of the passing this fare we would turn to Thee, 0 Thou God SENATOR O'MAHONEY morning of Jean Thurmond, the beloved of our salvation-Thou who art greater wife of our good friend ·and colleague, and higher and deeper and more para­ Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. First, Mr. the junior Senator from South Carolina President, I know that every Senator in mount than the sum of all other facts [·Mr. THURMOND]. Ij; is difficult for most concerning our universe. this Chamber is delighted to welcome of us to realize the sorrow and shock Tenderly and with deep sympathy we back to the Senate today the distin­ experienced this day by Senator THUR­ think in this· hour of the dear ones be­ guished and able senior Senator from Wyoming [Mr. O'MAHONEY]. [Applause, MOND, but I am sure all of us want him reaved by the passing of a stalwart Mem­ to know how deeply we feel the loss of ber of this body since the last session, Senators rising. l a dear lady. and of an honored Senator standing this It is aJ~reat pl~asure to have him here · In the short time Jean had been ·in very morning in the poignant sadness of with us, fully recovered, and ready to ex­ Washington, she endeared herself to farewell as his lovely companion has so ercise his keen and penetrating D;lind and thousands of people in the same charm­ tragically, from our finite viewpoint, the vigor he always demonstrates in his ing manner in which she won the love been taken from his side and his home. actions in.behalf of this great country of of the citizens of South Carolina. · Give them and us to see that what ours. His statesmanship has been missed and will be very necessary in the Mrs. Bridges and I join ·the many we call death is but the portal to a larger · thousands of friends of Jean and STROM room in the Father's many-mansioned days to come. Mr. President-- THURMOND in an expression of sympathy house. to a fine Senator and colleague and a We would with reverence climb the The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senator devoted husband. stairs of this altar of prayer our fathers . from Texas. built so long ago. A nation needs to pray for things it has-for things it has DEATH OF MRS. STROM THURMOND CALL OF THE ROLL not earned-for gifts from men now - Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi-. dead. A nation needs to pray that in Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi­ dent, I suggest the absence of a quorum. hum.ility we see that . greatness is not dent, I believe that most of us have to­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secre.. measured by industrial grandeur, nor by day heard of the great tragedy that came tary will call the roll. any other things that man may proudly this morning to our colleague the junior · The Chief Clerk <Emery L. Frazier) say were made by mind or hand. Senator from South Carolina [Mr. called the roll, and the following Sena· And so we pray to be delivered from THURMOND]. I know all of us share his tors answered to their names: the tyranny of things. we pray that no deep sorrow in the loss of the lovely lady Aiken Dodd Hruska cherished resentment, no camouflaged who was his wife, and whom every Mem­ All ott Douglas Humphrey selfishness, no small loyalties, no in- ber of the Senate appreciated for the Bartlett Dworshak Jackson Beall Eastland Javits grained pr.ejudice, may choke and clog . great person she was. Bennett Ellender Johnson, Tex. the channels of public service. Take There is little any of us can say that Bible Engle Johnston, S.C. Bridges Ervin Jordan Thou the dimness of our souls away. is really comforting at a time like this. Bush Fong Keating Enlarge our spirits. Stretch out our But the knowledge that all the Members Butler Frear . Kefauver - of the Senate and all of his numerous Byrd, W. Va. Fulbright Kerr horizons to meet and match the stu- friends throughout the Nation are think- Cannon Goldwater Kuchel Pendous dimensions of these epic days. ing of him and praying for him may Carlson Gore Lausche Case, N.J. Green Long, Hawaii Shall we repeat together the hallowed bring him some solace. Case, S. Dak. Gruening Long, La. petitions of the Lord's Prayer? I yield now to the senior senator from Chavez Hart McCarthy Church Hartke McClellan · Our Father, who art in heaven, hal- South Carolina [Mr. JoHNSTON]. Clark Hayden McGee lowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom Mr. JOHNSTON of South Carolina. Cooper Hennings McNamara Cotton Hickenlooper Mansfield come. Thy wiU be done, on earth as it Mr. President, the people and the Nation Curtis Hill Martin is in heaven. Give us this day our daily this morning were shocked and saddened Dirksen Holland Monroney 3 4 CONGRESS'ION:A:L ·RECQRD - . SENATE Ja_nuciry' ·6 Morse Randolph Symington · .Besozved, That as a further mark of, re- C:<tlofado.-.::..aordon A.lfott and>John A. Morton Robertson Talmadge spect to the memory of the deceased, the Carroll. Moss Russell Wiley Senate, at the .. conclusion of its business .· Connecticut.-Prescott Bush and Mundt Saltonstall wmiains, Del. ' Murray · . Schoeppel · Williams; N.J. today, do adjourn~ Thomas J. Dodd. Muskie Scott Yarborough Mr. JOHNSON of Texas. Mr. Presi- Delaware.-John J. Williams and J. O'Mahoney · Smathers Young, N. Dak; . Allen Frear, Jr. Pastore Smith · Young, Ohio · dent, prior to ·action on the resolut Ion, Florida.-Spessard L. Holland · and Prouty. ~parkJn_an I should like to announce, for the in- George A. Smathers. · Proxmire Stennis formation of the Senate, that I have · Qeorgia.-R.ichard B. Russell and Her- Mr. MANSFIELD. I announce that worked out an agreement with the mi- man E. 'F.alm~dge. ·. · the Senator from Virginia ·[Mr. BYRD], nority leader that at an · early date a · · Hawan.-Hiram L. Fong and Oren E. the Senator from Colorado [Mr. CAR­ time ~ill b~ set a~ide, advance notice Lol:laho.-Henry C. Dworshak and Frank ROLL), the Senator from Massachusetts of whiCh Will be given to all Senators, Church [Mr. KENNEDY]; the .Senator from Wash­ when proper tribute may be paid to the Illinois.-Paul H. Douglas and Everett ington [Mr. MAGNUSON]; and.· the Sen­ late Senator LANGER. ' · McKinley Dirksen. · .. ator ·froin Oregon [Mr. NEUBERGER] are ·The VICE PRESIDENT: Is there ob- lndiana.-Homer E. Capehart and absent on official business. · jection to the ·request· of the Senator . Vance Hartke. The Senator, from New Mexico [Mr. from North Dalwta? Iowa.-,-Bom:ke B. Hj.ckenlooper and ANDERSON] is absent-because.of illness 'in .. _ . t . " Thos. E. Martm. .. There bem~ no .ObJe~tlOn, . he reso~u- 'Kansas.--Andrew F. " scho~ppel and his family. · . · . - t10n was considered by unarumous con- Frank Carlson. · · The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. sent and unanimously agreed to. Kerz,tucky.-John S. Cooper and THURMOND] is abs~nt because of a death Thruston B. Morton. in his family; Louisiana ......:Allen ! J. Ellender and Rus- Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the SENATOR FROM NORTH DAK9TA · sell B. Long. - Senator from Indiana [Mr. CAPEHART] is Mr. ·youNG of North Dalwta. Mr. E~~~a·s.~~lc~~~t Chas.e .Smith and detained on official.
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