Li*I Jack Says: Thought for the Week: A man needs a woman to take care of Girl Graduate: "Four years of college, him so she can make him strong enough and whom has it got me? " for her to lean on. LUMBERJACK VOL. 43 — No. 19 W E D N E S D A Y, M ARCH 23. 1955 PUBLISHED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFF, ARIZONA Revision Committee Finishes Work On New Constitution Constitution Goes To Council Game Night As Tentative Airing Date Set Starts Board Council Calls Reading And Planning Activity Series Meet Tonight; Election Slated April 1 The revised Associated Students constitution went to CU Activates the student council Monday night fo r study. Board Begins A special meeting set for 7 p. m. tonight will deter­ mine the fate of the constitution before it goes to the stu­ O fficial Duties dent body for general election. Tonight at 6: 30 began Council President Fred st i tut ion is the result of months Game Night, the first in a Sughrue has set a tentative of research and forming by the series o f activities to be date of April 1 (Friday) for a morning assembly to bring 12-man student com m ittee chair­ sponsored by the College Uni­ the document before the stu­ maned by Betty Bartlett. It re­ on Board. Running until in­ dents. Elections will begin places an outmoded fram ew ork terest dies out will be games immediately following the assem­ and instruction in the bal­ fitted to 300 students with a mod­ bly. ern constitution allowing for cony game room to interest The te *i of tno constitution in growth to a possible two or Hues students in the available Its entirety will be published in recreational equipment. Mrs. Joe the Lumberjack one week from thousand. Rolle will be on hand to teach any tonight. Also on the council agenda in ■young bridge enthusiasts; one of The 11-page, nine-artLcle con- its regular m eeting w-as a request j the Morton Hall housemothers will for the council to help raise funds assist in canasta. to pay for a deficit in the Lumber­ C R O W N E D — Dorothy Coleman, left, was queen o f the annual Delta Phi Alpha Song Fest last 'v«-ek. ; Other available games besides jack Band s budget to pny for Representing Lambda Delta Sigma, she won out over Jewell Ellsworth. entereW by Spurs; Joyce Lorn- | pool and ping pong already NA Symphony transportation on their recent tour fellow, Delta Sigma Phi entry; and Kappa Sigma Kappa-Alpha Mu Eta contestant Charlene Amann. include: checke*‘s, Chinese check- Hand director A. Harold Goodman • ers, chess and various other card cited the band’s effectiveness in j games. Gives Good school public relations, rapid prog­ ress made in past years, and the i General chairman of the ex peri- I . O . C. Carnival Booths Named By Chairman worth of the 90-member self-gov­ j ment is G ayle McMullen, bnad re- Jl'S* LIKE HOME — Three coeds take a look at a kitchenette Performance erning organization. President Plans for the Inner-Organiza­ tory Council, tank of water and i baseball throw; collegians, mouse i presentative from AWS. Says Mrs. designed for use by married couples at summer sessions and included Sughrue appointed a com m ittee to 1 Esther Sullivan, Student Council in the facilities of remodeled North Hall. G e t tin g a preview are. A varied and versatile program baseball throw at target; Alpha irace and penny pitch; Mu Alpha investigate ways and means of tional Council All-School Carnival, Secretary, “This is only the first left to right. Billie Soto, Ruth Miller, and Janie Lucas. was presented to music lovers Mu Eta, sponge th-row and bingo; ! Delta, sketching booth; Playmak­ helping the hand to raise its def­ to be held F rid ay and Saturday, of many events the College Union who attended the Northern Ari­ freshmen class, sillouettes, mar­ ers, play; Future Teachers of icit. March 15, 16. are practically com­ Board hopes to promote to ASC zona Symphony concert in the col­ ria ge booth, and shoe shine; Delta \ America, slide booth, and Associ­ No progress was made on the pleted according to Car! Stephens . students and visitors. Equipment lege auditorium, Saturday night, Sigma Phi. roulette wheel and wa­ a te d Men Students, cigarettes. Remodeled Dorm Includes proposed Student Court and park­ chairman of the event. and rooms are available for rec- March 19. ter pistol shoot at candle flam e; , Each organization will be re­ ing statutes, due to thc council’s I reation and meetings to all stu­ Miss Barbara Beal, music direc-1 Booths have been assigned to Kappa Kappa Phi, fun house and } sponsible for the setting up and tor for the Flagstaff elementary I heavy schedule and the absence of the various clubs and organiza­ dents. They own it; they should ; clean-up of their booth or booths. New Lobby And Furnishings schools and graduate of the col- j President L. A. Eastburn whose tions on campus. They ate as fol­ use it. This campaign will end 'The Wom en’s Gym will be open lege, was featured at the piano okay will be required on portions lows; sophomore class, conces­ when the C U B becomes the livin g I the morning of Mar. 15 for the By JoAnne Foote a tour of the remodled section of during the performance. She i of the plan pertaining to enforce­ sions and roulette wheel: Kappa Playmaker Meet room of ASC. ” iset up and decoration of the var- Last Wednesday afternoon one the dorm, guided by Mrs. Ruby played “Dream of Ohven" by j ment and jurisdiction Sigma Kappa, basketball throw I ious booths. The board is composed o f six of the Lumberjack staff members White, head resident. Charles Williams. President Sughrue announced and dart throw; Sigma Pi. dart that tools had been bought by the Sets Next Play ( Hours fo r the carnival and members representing AWS, AMS, took a tour through the newly re- The rcmatk which seemed to First number on the program j throw and penny-pitch; I. R. C., dance are carnival, 6 -. J. Q p. tn iBlue Key, Cardinal Key, Spurs m. deled section North Hull. Melvin dominate all conversation was, was “Toccata” by F rescobaldi-i council for use by organizations telegraph and jail; junior class, At a recent Playmakers Meet­ Friday evening: dance, 10-12 Fri­ (and Student Council. The chair- Hutchinson Journalism instructor.! “Isn’t it beautiful. ** That short Kindler, followed by Franz Schu and the council tSec story this water filled baloon throw and ing plans were made for the final day evening; carnival 1-6 p. m. 'manship, currently in the hands of and a number o f girls, including j modeled section o f thc do mi. bert’s Unfinished Symphony No. 8 page*. hoop toss; Spurs, tam ale and bean production of the drama group to Saturday afternoon. i Mrs. Sullivan, will be rotated to Janie Lucas, Helen Soto. Ruth J that aptly describes the rpmodled in B minor, and Howard Hanson’s: burros and cupcakes; Newman Miller and JoAnne Foote, vve-nt on. Committee fo rt he a ffa ir in­ 'the new representative from a dtf- section o f the dorm. Second Movement Symphony No. j club, football throw; Omicron be held May 5 to 6. Tryouts were cludes Carl Stephens. Dorothy iferent organization each year. The first room, of interest to L in E minor Kappa Gamma, pies, cakes, cook­ scheduled for Tuesday. March 22 Coleman. Donna Roth. Sally Walsh, boys as well as girls, is the lobby Other arrangements included ies, and candy, and bingo; Dorm i­ and a cast list is to be posted by I Co-ordination or administration The walls are liyht green and the Choir Concert Monday, March 28. i Pat Lorona, and Pete Gibbons. j is the key job of the chairman. Tinsley Announces The British Grenadiers” , trans­ floor is covered with a tan tile. cribed by Clive Richardson, and T itle of the production is The j ' AWS is in charge of recreation 'thus, game nite» and assembly. The ceiling is Spanish white sound ‘Elsa's Procession to the Cathed­ Young and Fair, a three act play Local Air Reserve ; AMS has the job of house com­ All-Indian Show resistant material. Directly in ral’' by Richard Wagner. Program Told by N. Richard Nash. The cast con­ Artists Planning front o f the door is an enormous mittee keeping the furniture and Conductor was A. Harold Good- I The fifth annual All-Indian Show j sists of 21 girls residing at Brook appointments in order and repair. desk of mahogany finish The desk man. director of the Lumberjack j The story of the big town is to Training Planned Valley Academy, a girl’s Junior staged by northern Arizona In­ is com plete to a panel equipped bands. This is M r. Goodman’ s < be told in story and song when Murals And Panel Cardinal Key will organize and C ollege not far from Boston. dians for the purpose of raising with a buzzer for every room and first concert since he took over the Shrine of thc Ages Choir trav­ Lt. Col. Elmer L. Keith, com­ provide for the browsing library, A one-set play, the stage is so I Tw o murals and a w all panel money to provide scholarships for plenty of storage spare.
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