IIAMP~'ON HILL PARISH MAGAZINE. for which [30 will be required in September. THE V [CARAGE, The general Secretary and Treasurer is Mr. HAMPTON HILL, R. A. Elliott, Thirlestane, Uxbridge Road. July 1st, 1921. Special Sermons will be preached and collections My DEAR PEOPLE, made on July Ioth, with the object of assisting At the~ meeting of the Church Parochial the Diocese to raise £20,000, which it needs over Council beld on Tuesday, June 2Ist, it was ane! above the ordinary income in order to fulfil decided, on my suggestion, that at an early date the pledge given to increase the stipends of the arrangements would be made for a daily Cele­ clergy; I hope to secure a prominent Lay-man bration 'Of the Holy Communion. I very much to preach at I I a.m. on that day. hope, in course of time, to evolve a plan by which every branch of Church work will have The Sunday Schools are much In need of its day of special intercession, on which someone financial help, the collections on July 31st will connected with that work will be present. The be devoted to that object. hour suggested is 7.30 a.I11., thus enabling those Yours very truly, to attend whose occupation takes them to London or elsewhere. Doubtless others who have par­ R. COAD PRYOR. ticular days in their Calendar of joy or sorrow will be glad of these opportunities of worshIp. The services will last about half-an-hour, and IMPORTANT.-\i\!ill all those who are re­ will begin on Thursday, September IS(. The sponsible for Church \i\f ork please send a full other week-day services will be continued as at report to the Vicar by the 20th of each month, present. by so doing it will not only be of great use to our readers, but greatly forward the work of The newly-confirmed will make their First the Church. Communion on Sunday, July roth, at 8 a.m., CHIPPERFIELD, their names ap;'·.;ar elsewhere. I trust parents J. 1'.1 agazme Treasurer. and God-parents will endeavour to be present on that occasion. A well attended meeting was held in the Church CHURCHY ARD.-Contributions towards Room, on Thursday, June 28th, when it was keeping the Churchyard and the graves tidy will decided to organize a Garden Fete and Cafe be welcomed, and may be sent to Mr. C. H. Chantant in the Vicarage grounds, on July 27th. Evans (Churchwarden), Roseneath, Edward road, Strong and representative Committees were chosen, Hampton Hill. the proceedings will begin at 3 and conclude at 10.30 p.m. I shall be glad if those who wish to lend a hand will communicate with the various Secretaries. Elltertaimnents: Mr. Faraker, Park Parish Wants. Road; Refreshments: Mrs. Carpenter, St. James's 1. A Parish Hall. Road; Sports: Mr. A. Nightingale, Myrtle Road. 2. A Bier for use In Church at Funerals, ap­ Dancing will take place in the evening under proximate cost about £30. the superintendence of Messrs. Carpenter, Hallt, ~ightingale and Wintle. Vve hope to raise ilOO 3. Additional Subscriptions to the Day Schools, for various parochial needs, such as Day Schools, and- the Free-will Offering Scheme. HAMPTON HILL PARISH MAGAZINE. ID'nitrr£zsionz for JjuIU' Sixth List of Subscribers to Curate Fund to 18th June, 192 I. LET US PRAY: s. d. I. £ Mrs. Bambridge 0 0 6 That the guidance of the Holy Ghost may be granted to those who govern our country, that Mrs. Belby (monthly) 0 0 in all things they may carry out the \\Till of God; Mrs. Betts 0 0 That in all things they may seek to be guided Mrs. Brock ... 0 0 6 by Christian principles; Mrs. Burr 0 2 0 That they may be shown how to deal with Mr. Carter (monthly) 0 3 6 the needs and problems of lr~land, of unemploy­ ment, and of industrial unrest. Mrs. CI ifford 0 0 Mrs. Culver ... 0 2 0 II. Mrs. Ebborn 0 2 0 That God would put away from us all hurtful things and give us those things which be profit­ E. J. B. (monthly) 0 0 able for us; E. M. J. 0 0 That work may be found for all, and that no l\llrs. Gascoyne 0 man may be without a living wage; Mrs. Gernat (monthly) 0 5 0 That God would restore to us the peace and Mr. Goodall 0 2 6 happiness of a society in which every man has his place, hiS duty, his responsibility, and his Mrs. Godwin 0 0 6 reward. Mr. Green 0 0 6 III. Mrs. Hartfell 0 0 6 . That peace and reconciliation may be restored Mrs. Grey 0 0 3 to Ireland; Mrs. Jennings 0 0 6 That the desire and longing for peace may be M r. Lowdell o 10 0 given to all who are now at enmity; :Mrs. Metcalf (monthly) 0 2 0 That all hatred and envy, and party spirit may NIr. 'Mitchell 0 0 be entirely done away. Mrs. Nightingale 0 0 IV. Mr. Read 0 0 That a better spirit of brotherhood and fellow­ Mrs. Read C) 0 6 ship and love of country may be granted to all 1\'lrs. Reed 0 0 classes and all men in every station of life; Mrs. Seymour 0 0 That we may steadfastly set before us the aim of reconciliation and fellowship by all means In Mrs. A. Smith 0 0 6 our power. Mrs. Star.ey ... 0 0 6 V. I 1\lrs. Surman 0 I 6 That God would -call many to prayer and to Mrs. Trimby 0 2 0 active work for peace. Mrs. Trotter (monthly) 0 2 6 Mrs. Underdown 0 I 0 Parish News. lVIr. vVard 0 I 0 Mr. vVaring ... 0 0 6 DISTRICT SCHOOL SPORTs.-Many thanks are due to the kind people who have so willingly ACKNOWLEDGED wiTH THANKs.-Hospital let~ contributed towards prizes for this gathering to ters from Mrs. Creane on behalf of the Girls' be held on \N ednesday, July 13th. School. HAMPTON HILL PARISH MAGAZINE. The follO\.ving candidates from this parish were Scottish. Every lad (unless prevented by illness) presented at the Confirmation in S. James' Church, must be present. It is hoped that there will be on Monday, June 20th, at 8 p.m.: Reginald a large number of spectators. Special tickets Allum, Albert Davis, \Villiam Grainger, Robert will be issued for parents and frIends of the \,r elsh, Frank Foster, James \Valdren, \Villiam Cadets. The 15th Battalion will be grouped Crawley~ Philip Cooper, Richard Ewen, Edward with the 14th and 18th, under the command of Sidney Smith, Alfred Charles Singleton, Frank Lt.-Col. G. Reed. The Cncket Club in con­ Robert Stannard, Reginald John Lovell, Albert nection with Ollr Company is going strong. J\t George Stephenson Brooks, Leslie Chown, Ken­ the Club practices a· good muster is always neth Garnett Barrell, George Sidney Calvert Lee, present enjoying this fine English game. The Edward Alfred Brown, Cyril Ralph Mote, Ken­ result of the Entertainment was quite satisfactory. neth Henry Howard, John Edward Gubbins, The total receipts were £13 7s. 4d., the ex­ Leslie Rivers, Reginald Arthur John Mayling, penditure £3 18s. Sd. leaving a balance of \'Tilliam Frederick \Vigginton, Albert Charles £9 8s. 8d. towcuds the funds. The Camp for \Vigginton, Arthur Charles Grange, Herbert Seniors wIll be at \Valmer, and for Juniors at Clifford Jarvis, Harold Frank Jarvis, Jack \Villiam Bexhill. All those Il1tending to go sholllJ not Gamgee, Henry Ernest Brown, Douglas Eric delay sending in their names. V/hite. \Vinifred Gertrude Alice Rivers, Emma A. E. BASEY, Capt. Adelaide Duke, Dorothy Primrose Chandler' Maude Alice Fownes, Kathleen Mary Lambourn, List of Contributions to the \Vaifs' and Strays' Society, 1920-2 I ;- Muriel Agnes Potter, Beryl Florence Potter, £ s. d. Margaret Maude Dorrell, Evelyn Dorothy Ewen, St. James' Church - Children's Services 3 17 9 \Vinifred Annie Cane, \iVinifred Doris Jarvis, " Xmas Day 2 5 2 Irene Gladys Mabel Lee, Katherine Alice Hancke, Barclay's Bank-Hampton 0 10 3 " Hampton Hill 0 5 3 \iVinnie Gwendoline May Sherwood, Gwendoline Baker, Mrs. 0 7 0 Cooper, Gertrude Dorathea \i\-ells, Glarlys Basey, TvJ.r. A. E. 0 2 7},' Dorothy Looker, Sadonia Eileene Florence May­ Bivar, }'vIr. and Miss 0 5 2} Bowden, Mrs. 0 2 0 ling, Mary Hunt, Barbara Harrison, Kathleen Brewer, :Miss I 4 0 May Leader, Amy Louisa Daines, Hilda May Butler, Miss A. C. 0 9 3~ l\IIoscrop, Mabel Phelps, Dorothy Maud Grey, Cameron, Mrs. ... 0 8 2 " :Miss... 0 13 4d- Julia Batten. Clement, Mr. H. E. 0 14 4 Collins, Mrs. 0 3 10 CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE. Cooke, Miss E. J. 3 9~- Cory ton, Mr. and lVlrs. 3 6 The number of past and present members of Digby, lVIrs. 0 6 10 the Brigade whQ offered themselves for Con­ Faraker, Mrs. 0 7 3 Gamgee, lVIrs. ... ... ... ... 0 15 S} firmation was very satisfactory. I sincerely hope Grant, Mr. & :Vlrs. ~per Miss Simmons) 0 9 I I that everyone will make a firm resolution to Halsall, iVl1SS 0 ISO} take the Holy Communion at least once a month. Handcock, !VIrs. 0 5 I I Heath, Nlrs. 0 7 9 May God's blessing rest upon them. The Annual Home and Colonial St0res 0 3 4} \iVar Office Inspection will take place on \Ved­ Jakeman, lVIr. ... 0 6 ()} nesday, July 6th, in the County School Playing J ones, Mrs. (per lVIr. & IVI rs. Stanley o 10 0 Field, Marlborough Park, Isleworth.
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