Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eC darville Herald The eC darville Herald 3-11-1949 The edC arville Herald, March 11, 1949 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald Part of the Civic and Community Engagement Commons, Family, Life Course, and Society Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, and the Mass Communication Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eC darville Herald, March 11, 1949" (1949). The Cedarville Herald. 2393. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/cedarville_herald/2393 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eC darville Herald by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a m m worsts? ! PER YEAR ..___ ... $1.50 CED ARYILLE’S <3t OLDEST INSTITUTION PEE COPY ... ..._______ 5c The "3* Published in the Interest of Cedf-rv,ille and Surrounding Community Volumn LXXIXI Cedarville, Ohio, . M a y , March 11, 1949 Number 14 Suspend Youth’s Red Cross Volunteers Produce t Grape Grove Church Services MV Milk Co-op "■-Wkt- Sentence CHURCH OF GOD A 15-y e a r-o 1 d Paintersville Church Is Elwood C. Palmer, minister. To Meet in youth was given a suspended sen­ Sunday school 10:00 a. m. Mrs. tence to the Lancaster Boys Indus­ Ervin Cultice, supt. trial School by Juvenile Judge W. B. McCallister, Jr., at a hearing Dedicated Morning worship 11:00. Children’s service at 6.00. Friday after the boy was arrested Greene Gounty members of the. In spite of the blustery* This Sunday evening brings to by sheriff’s deputies on charges weather on Sunday, March oth, Miami Valley Cooperative Milk a close the Xenia revival. We o f entering an inhabited dwell­ the new building of the Grape Producers Association have re­ urge you to plan to attend. ing and larceny in the night sea­ Grove Church of Ghrist was ceived official notice that the co­ The board of Christian educa­ son. packed -to overflowing with tne operative’s annual meeting will tion will meet in the church Tues­ He was accused , of a Paint­ crowds who turned out to Wit- as be held in the ballroom of the day evening 7:45. ersville burglary Thursiaynight. 1 ness and take part in the dedi­ Biltmore Hotel in Dayton on Tues­ We are planning an Ordinance Deputies said he stole $15 in cation of this new house of wor­ day, March 15. dimes from the home of Mrs, ship for this historic congrega­ Service in the Xenia Church John W . Collins, R. R. 5, Xenia, Louise Jordan. tion. When the main auditorium Thursday evening at 7:30. Plan who represents Greene* Fayette, to be present. was filled to capactiy the remain­ and Pickaway counties on the as­ der of the people were ushered in­ UNITED PRESBYTERIAN sociation’s board of Directors, to the lower auditorium where CHURCH said that preparations are being At Cedarville College they heard and partook in the made to entertain the largest service through the use of the WMM Ralph A. Jamieson, minister. number of members and their The annual women’s Bible read­ Sabbath school 10 a. m. supt. ing contest was held Wednesday public address system installed in families ever to attend the co­ the building. At least two hund­ Aruthur B. Evans. operative’s annual conclave. during the vonvocation exercises, Preaching 11 a. m. 1 John 3:16. with Rosemary Elam, Cedarville, red and eighty people were pre­ Mr. Collins, who is president sent at this service. •' The Junior Sabbath School choir of the Association, will be in capturing the first prize of $5. will have charge of the music for j p — Mary Louise Stormont, Cedar­ In nine months from the tiftie charge of the business session \*A Red Cross production volunteers last year made 1,236,472 garments; this service. ville, was awarded the four-dol- of the burning of the former, and program, which will follow beautiful, wood structure the 40,469 complete layettes, and more than 17,000,000 surgical dressings ft . Union Lenten service will be the luncheon scheduled for 11:30 lar second prize. Third, fourth, hospitals,*in their localities. Above, two workers cut material to ma... held in our church next week ajid fifth prizes o f $3, $2, and $1 congregation has raised the mon­ a. m. The annual report to the ey, built this fine building and sandbags, used in treatment of polio victims. Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. This members will be given by Leslie went to Eloise Rutan, Mechan- service is in charge of the College icsburg, Dorothy Davis, New dedicated it to the worship of C. Mapp, general manager-treas­ caravaners. urer. Boston, and 'Viola Thurman God. With only a comparatively small debt remaining the congre­ The Ladies Aid are serving a Speakers on the program will Englewood. Helen Rife, New Con­ Getting Around Cafeteria Supper in our church cord, and Geralding Powell, gation is making a valiant effort be Charles W. Holman, executive to pay for it in full in record ‘Exterminator’ dining, room , this (Friday) eve­ secretary of the National Coop­ Huntington, W. Va., were the Cedarville ning from 5:30 p. m. to 8. It is other contestants. Judges for the time, possibly before the first an­ ✓ erative Mill Producers Federation niversary of the burning of the a chicken supper, priced reason­ Washington D. C., and Dr* Ten­ contest were the Rev. Robert F. Here and there—Frank Cres- Hearing to Be ably, and all are cordially invited. Paxton, Jr., Clifton First Presby­ old comes around. Fine gifts are well seems to be a man of per­ nyson, humorist and philosopher still being received from far and They hope to begin to serve of Findlay, Ohio. Mr. Holman’s terian Church, the Rev. Robert petual motion. Have you ever promptly at 5:30 p. m. W . Mulholland, Xenia Secorfd wide. Offerings are being taken watched him in action at his address is titled “ The Dairyman each night of the special series Continued Y. P, C. U. 6:30 p. m. Subject at the Nations Capital.” Dr. Guy- Clara Sexton, Cedarville high top outdoor girls in the Miami United Presbyterian Church, and place of business. He can “ cook is the second in the series on the school sophomore, won a vaca­ Valley at the Dayton Sports show Mrs. John Bickett, Clifton. The o f meetings, ,running for two a deal” on most any commodity Preliminary hearing of evi­ er’s subject Is “ Cooperatives1— weeks nightly after the dedica­ theme, “ SHARING MY FAITH.” tainment will he provided by the tion trip to Canada as one of the last week. prizes for the contest are donated With equal ease. One minute he’s dence in a fraud chai'ge filed a- tion. A ll above bare expenses( is The topic being “Christianity is Swanee River Boys, popular by Miss Margaret Belle Rife, selling coal, the next its a deal gainst Raymond Gill, 32, Wabash, Contagious.” Leader, Mary Louise Class of 1916. being tinned into the building in tile, while a little later you’ll singers who appear regularly on fund. Ind., will be resumed Friday. Xe­ Stormont. This .theme deals with radio station WLW. The convocation program Mar. find him inspecting some part of The service of dedication was nia Municipal Judge D. M. Ault­ the importance of the Evangelistic Guests at the luncheon and On the School Scene 16 will be presented by Miss Mar­ his corn shelling machinery. ... Mrs,E.J.Lett led by the minister, Kenneth T. man granted a continuance of the Crusade before the church, and meeting to follow include E. M. By Janet Hull garet Reid of Dayton, and Nor­ Frank enjoys the selling game Norris. After the singing of the heai’ing which started Tuesday we wish all of our young people Wallace, Xenia, editor of the Mi­ man Yoder, in behalf of the Ohio maybe that’s why he is so good could attend and receive t ie bene­ Rev. R. C. Frederick delivered beautiful and meaningful solo, morning. ami Valley Farmer, Henry W. Department of Public Welfare. at it. Prof. Frederick Carlsen fit from such a discussion. Chapel Service Monday Morning “ Open the Gates of the Temple" Gill is charged with obtaining Ochs and James Davis, Dayton, Dies Saturday The program will include 'slides of Cedarville College is sport­ Sabbath evening isrthe date for the chapel message to us Monday by Mrs. K. Norris, Lester Ex­ $850 undere false pretenses Fred W. Issler, Market Adminis­ of the woi'k connected with re­ ing a new 1949 Chevrolet. Saw the monthly Religious Film, morning. Taking his theme from line, elder of the church led in through the “extermination” of trator. Cincinnati, E. J. Ryger, habilitation services for the blind. him Saturday last and he seem­ which will be presented at 7:30 the Book of Judges, the speaker the Invocation Prayer. After the ed as happy as a boy with a new termites at the home of Mrs. South Bend, Indiana, and county In Springfield Spring vacation will begin at p, m. The committee have been pointed out the deception used scripture lesson chosen and toy, but then who wouldn't be. Mary O. Benigar, Jamestown. agricultural extension agents in 4 p. m. Friday, March 18. Classes successful in securing for this by Delilah in her betrayal of Solemn requiem mass for Mrs. read for the occasion, the church . They tell us up at the College Prosecutor George R.
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