ny<ii<iniiii iiknnnj(i^i T T 7 V *7*?“ THURSDAT, SgT iEMBliK U , Ifll J V . ■> s . |v W erage Daily Circolafion • ■ V ' Mancb'Bster Evening Herald For tha Moath of AngSzt, 1944 " V : The Weather Forecast of Ui S. Weather Barenu i T n | ^ \ . ' I I **«; ^ ■isAi easily by reached,” Mrs. Dower as­ Miaa Barbara Bickmore, daugh­ The G c le f club Will hold Ita serted, "If at least 2,700 women 8,775 first rehearsal of the aeagofii to­ Local Women rlondfamii ter o f Mr. and Mre. Frank A. pledge to contribute .two cents Metnbar of the AoSIt aliHi A ^ n t Town Bickmore of . 81 Washington night at 7:30 lit the Emanuel Lu­ Weddings moderate trmprratnre* tedey. each day-to St^' Francis " Hospital G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. Baroua of -.ClrcalaaoM atreet, hha been enrolled' ao a theran church, and the director, for three yeare. Six payments o< Partly cloudy and cooler tonighL freshman In the School of Busii G. AlbeaC Pearaon, bopaa to have Join Drive $3.65 would be made under this • CbaMBUi Court, Ordor t t Am** ness Adininlstration, Boston Unt-j the prtvllegi at welcoming a num- ^an, totalling $31,00.” Lumber of- AH Klnda; Manchenter^A City of Village Charm bar.of naw membera. An Infonnal Oldham-Bonino ' nmth, wUl ob««rv* '‘Adv«ao* verslty. Miss Bickmore was Announcing that Mra. John E. Mason Supplies'— P«lnl-—flardwRra Nlikt” it it* meeting' tomorrow uated from Manchester SHih recital will be given by twelve Announcement Is made of the Take Part in St. Franeis VOL. LXm ., NO. 295 (CIm i UM AdTortlRtnt as 14) membefn o f the club who“^ a v e Dwyer, chairman of the Auxil­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1944 (SIXTEEN PAGES) ' •vmtnC in the Muonic school wMli tlM cMsb e t IBM. since marriage of Sergft. Dorothy E. Bo- iary's membership committee, is Balsam Wool Insulation PRICE IlflREE C B ^ ▼hen the •on-ln-taw end ^ughteT whM l Ihnc Che has been employed had individual vocal inatructlon Hospital Campaigrt to nine of the U. Marine Corps conducting the campaign, M rx -1. of Royel Metron Mre. CSereno# by the Hamilton Standard Propel­ witir-Mr, Pearson during thseaum- I mer. Refreabments and' a social Women’s Reserves; to Sergt. Da­ Raise $.'53,400 Fund. Dower said that a two-year mem­ - X Wood, at preeent • jaeooiedo ma­ ler company, Blast Hartford. bership In tbs orghniutton Is In­ tron nnd patron, wUi adymme for hour will follow in charga o f Mias vid H. Oldham, U.8.M.C.. of Sweet- COAL COKE OIL Ruth Howt, past president o f thd women from St. James’s and St. cluded In every' subscription. the eventnf to the h e ^ -i®*?*?’ Mica Flora Pickles, daughter'of '4vater, Texas. The ceremony took The buaineaa wtU tadud* • • club. M ra Caroline Forster of ^ a c e -■ VVedneaday, Sept. 6. at 8 Bridget’s parishes here are among Mrs. Walter Gorman, 42 Brook­ 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 Mr. and Mrs. John Pickles;, of Holl Rockville la the present Incumbent field street, snd Mrs. 8. J. Kemp, MatlOA of A*< 0OC1U o’clock. In the Sacred Heart the hundreds from every commu­ street, is toking her ssnlor year of o f that office. Mra. Helen J6hnw>n nity in the Hartford area enjiated 147 East Center street, are co- ttma w « Mlow with mfreehmenU study at the College df Liberal church. W’aahtngton. D. C. aerved by Mra. Blanche Prentice is vice president, Miss Phyllis The bridal attendants were as active workers in the campaign chairmen of the women’s cSort.Ah. a m a Arts, Boston University, where she Whittaker, secretary; Miss Jean­ recently launched by the Women’s St. James's parish. Their assist­ mil hMf aommlttee. la tiisjoring in home economics: Tech. Sergt. Phyllis G,. W'ffhberg, ette Pston, treasurer. ' U.8.M.C.W.R., of Boston, Mass., Auxiliary. of St. Francis Hospital ants are Mrs. John Fitzgerald, For the past three years Miss to raise SS3,4 0 0 'in , contributions Mrs. Jemn Hutchinson, Mrs. Jolm Pickles has been a student at En- Mrs. John Lovett of '84 Haw­ from members. This sum, ds- Mavotte and Miss Helen Turner. dicott College. Pride’s Crossing, thorne street was pleasaiitly sur­ scrlbed by Mrs. William A. Dower . BALLROOM FOR Mass. Mrs, Pickles snd her daugh- In St. Bridget’s pariah. Mrs. • prised at her home last night by of Hartford, president, as ’ ’the caIn L. Mahoney, 25 H ollister, ter. Miss Esther Pickles, recently RANGE OIL about twenty of her form er ‘asso­ largest "ever sought in any one street. Is. 9h*lj-man. She Is a-sslat-. returned -from a visll; with friends ciates at 'the Orford Soap Com- year by the Auxiliary," is to be HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS DHTroRid To' T o w Home., In California. Miss Pickles has ed by Mrs. W. G. Finnegan and paijy'a plant. Mrs. Betty William^, used 'to''.'establish a memorial in Mrs. Robert McIntosh. noW resumed' her . worlt,with , the Mrs. A'lice Coleman and Mrs. Bar­ WALTZ FOX-TROT POLKA JITTERBUG Van’i Serriee Station Olrl Scout organisation of Great ths expanded hospital In honor of bara Ha\son served as hostesses. Moat Rev. Maurice F. McAullffe, SAMBA RUMBA CONGA M i HarttMO Band Neck, L. I. Games and delicious refreshments Bishop of Hartford. were enjoyed, and her frienU left The memorial unit chosen by TALL CEDARS T U E S D A Y E V E N IN G S — 8-10 P. M .. / ------- A Bingo snd social under, the . with Mrs. LoW tt s fine g ift for her ths Auxiliary as Its share in the auspices of the Ladles Society of ‘ gix weeks’ old son, Robert Law- hospitara 32.000,000 building fund, "Jewfi W orship Again in PaHa St. John’s chilreh on G olw sy' s eombin'atlon high chair. Jncludax; thy gynecology guite, ad­ JEANNE'S STUDIO OF DANGE ^ ^— " ■ ■ ■ <8> Street, is scheduled for three mitting room and waiting room in BINGO t i n k e r h a l l (ABOVE BLISH H ARO R^E) o’clock Sunday afternoon In Pu­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leduc and and Polish the out-patient department of the TOMORROW mCHT Report Two laski Hall. Mrs. Bernice ^endrow- children of Edniun^street have proposed Woodland, xtrept, build­ A T g O'C'LOCK Enrollment By ’Phone Or At Studio, RUom 5. D ski who is serving a s - chairman, returned hoine afterX^pending a ing: •- ’ ' AesMsat sad Isiieaially t^ w fsa r vrill be assisted by Miss Edith moiith at Lake .Pocotopaug,.Pocotopjmg, East1 ....vOur..amblUoua».obJscU.va...ma}' Clara Lessons Will Start Tuesday, Sepiember 19. Lucas, president of the t^utnia | Hampton; ORANGE HALL Private By Appointmej choir. Most of ths prises will, be, INSURANCE 23 REGULAR.GAMES AT s Are Believed furnished by the Lutnia choir. Ezekiel Benson, of .38 Benton ALICE OOFRAN Assistants: And Loss street, local retired business hiM , (Known As ({iieen Alice) $3,00 A G A M E FOR 25c! Mr. Th(>mas Qiglio / Miss |Rose Faicetta reached his 80th milestone yester­ SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Group C of Center Church Wom­ day. Meinbers of his family ahd 7 SPECIAL GAMES en, Mrs. F. A. Bickmore, leader, Savaith Daughter of a Seventh Son For Further Information ’Phone *228. Arthur A. Knofla grandchildren gathered at hlS Bom With a Veil. , SWEEPSTAKES plana to hold Its-first fall meeting home last night to surprise him In 875 Main SL TeL 5440 Tuesday evening, SepL 19, at the RewUn'ge Dally, Incinding Sanda.v, $5.00 W E E K L Y PR IZ E er honor of ^ e event. A feature o f the Than Last 8 A .M ,totP , M. Or By Appoint- ! “ Art Yonr Neifhbor^ church, preceded by -A' -pot luck table decorations was the birthday •« •. supper at 8:30. Mrs. Bickmore has Mrs. David H. Oldham menL la the Servlea «d the Peo- I $25 W A R B O N D cake with 80 tapers, and ths out­ pie for 30 Tears. , i MONTHLY PRIZE succe^ed Mrs. Michael Suhle as standing gift to Mr. Benson was a Moscow Reports Troops' m r w mm- « • g « m leader of Group C. and Corp. Warren Fitch, U.S.M.C., 189 Chnrch Street, Hartford, Conn, i To Be Draww SepL 29 Tangles of Wires S check for a trip tp Florida, where of Kansas. Phone 8-2024 > he and Mrs. Bens9n are accustom­ MaastricM The bride asid her attendant • ’ " V Arexerou iB. viMui. liVaficr 0710 Twelve Deaths Left In All Areas; Brajichea ed to spend pielr winters;. wore white Marine uniforms, with WVWWWWWI From Captured Suburb j ~ , GRANGE FAIR corsages of roees. The bridegroom Of Trees -Cover the A Group F of the Center church and his best man wore Marine Of Praga; Four of itsi women. Mrs. Henry Janssen, lead­ dreaa blues. ov Amerwaus: Highways; High Tide FRIDAY and SATURDAY er, will precede Its first meeting Bridges Still Standi^l I ^ ^ In High Wind’s Wake The ceremony was followed by Along Shore Preventi Sept. 15th and 16th. o f the fall. Friday, Sept. 22, with a reception for 50 guestx held at NOTICE! a pot luck supper In the Robbins the home of "Mr. and Mrs. W, B.. m K B im w it MASONIC TEMPLE Floods bf Other Yean; room at 6:45. Miss Emily House Lloyd of Arlington, 'Vs. Ml Other Units Advance As Storm Blows Out Temple Opens 6 :30 P.
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