March 1972 PUBLISHED BY OCEANIDS - UCSD WOMEN Vol. X, No.· 6 - , Editor - Betty Shor, 2655 Ellentown Road, La Jolla (453-0334). Calendar Editor - Cynthia Travis, 6109 Avenida Cresta, La Jolla (459-2195), Subscriotions and circulation - Sue Brune, 2505 Ellentown Road, La Jo~la (453-~836)~_ Staff - Sally Spiess, Adelaide Booker_. Friepa Urey, Clara G~~~;,-~a H~wkins, H~len Raitt,. Polly Wooster, Barbara James, /Betty Goldberg, Rhoda Stultz. Oceanid m~mb~rship which incl~des BEAR FACTS--$5; BEAR FACTS -subscription $3 for non-members· Deadlines: news items, 15th; calendar items, 20th of each month. An \'""v' ~ate'"' to Ocaon\·d~ ~ewCOfV\~c-~ \ - """ \o w ~\ CC>f"r\ 'l. Ntr~. w,,\o.~ \Y\t{\ro'1 \~e~e wi\\ brz 0. ~or'"'.t-.~ CoC~e<Z on Tu0e.olo.'-j. ~~rch l\~r. or \CQ.m. ,.. .l1l0 \"-\J err"'te~~ Cou<'t. lo. to\Q. FAMILY HEALTH SERIES EVENING OF MUSIC The educational project, Your Family's The University House will be transformed Health ... Whose Problem?, sponsored by UCSD into a Salzburg setting for an "Evening of Hospitals Auxiliary and a number of cooperating Music and Wine with Mozart" on March 3rd, the groups had a successful first program at Town social event for the week of Mozart. Mrs. & Country Convention Center, February 7, There Martin Chamberlain is chairman. are two more programs in the series: on Small musical groups from the La Jolla Monday, March 13, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM The Family Civic-University Orchestra will perform in the in Crisis, and Monday, April 3, 9:00 AM - 2:00 courtyard and inside. A baroque atmosphere PM, Our Extended Health Horizons. These two will be created with small tables decorated in programs will also be at Town and Country white with silver candelabras and white candles. Convention Center and will include lunch. Profusion of flowers will be used throughout. Lecturers and panelists are members of the This setting is typical of the era and the faculty and staff of UCSD School of Medicine music played will be compositions which Mozart and UCLA School of Public Health. Anyone composed for such parties -- the Mozart interested in attending the last two programs Serenades. Mozart loved to attend these parties, may do so by sending a check for $7.00, payable enjoyed hearing his music and watching guests to UCSD Hospitals Auxiliary, to Mrs. Hamilton dance and sing. You too will enjoy the evening. Marston, 1650 Kearsarge Road, La Jolla, 92037, Early reservations are requested as only 100 guests can be accommodated. 1 Your editor, whose need for nursery schools has been long gone, only recently realized that there are two facilities on campus for young children: the International Cooperative Nursery School, and the UCSD Child Day Care Center. Both are cooperatively run, both are on campus. Each serves a different need. Pre­ sented below are the descriptions of each by one of its members. CHILD DAY CARE CENTER The UCSD Child Day Care Center , located at 610 Matthews Campus , presently serves both students and staff of UCSD. The center was first organized as a cooperative last year, to fill the desperate need of students with INTERNATIONAL COOP ERATI VE NURSERY SCHOOL children who could not afford the expensive The International Cooperative Nursery School and sparse day care in this area. has now been in operation for one semester in its The Center now operates from 8 to 5 beautiful, new location on UCSD gr ounds. It is five days a week and is staffed by the ' located in the north wing of the International director, Mrs . Josie Foulks, who is helped by Center Building on Cam ~ Matthews. Those of parents in shifts. The director provides y ou who have not seen i t are cordially invited educational experiences for the children that to d o s o. The School landscaping has just been are appropriate to their age groups , including finished and the area l ooks , indeed, lovely. Spani~h lessons, art projects, field trips, The Nursery School was started about 10 years creative play , free play, and reading periods . a go by a group of UCSD-affiliated mothers, and In addition to the hot lunches provided by unt i l l a s t September when it moved on campus, the parents, the children are given snacks twice daily. Univers ity Lutheran Church was kind enough to let The parents pay fees and work weekly shifts the Schoo l use their facilities. The intention ~n a cooperative basis. These shifts are a o f the f ounders of the School was that it be a source of one of the center's problems because place wh ere foreign and American parents and it i~ hard to coordinate people's hours so chi l • ren c ould benefit from knowing each other that the director has a full staff at all a ~a ~ o r ~ ~ n g together . An important aspect of the times . Presently limited to 20 children at school i s that it is parent- controlled and the any time , the c e nter would like to expand parent s actively_participate in it. The school its numbers and its space . Any volunteers who families c ome from all segments of the UCSD campus enjoy working with the children are most a n d c ommunity. welcome. Also , those who would prefer to work The Nursery School ' s main concern is to in other areas such as planning activities for ~ai nt a in a warm and relaxed atmosphere i n which the children are equally welcome as there is chil d ren t aking their first step away fr om always plenty to do. hom e can begin social adjustments and structured The Day Care Center, which is planning fund­ lear n ing , with special emphasis in the sharing raising projects, is in need of recreational .of the cul tures and traditions of many l ands. equipment and clothes , as well as volunteers . Money donations are also welcome toward expanding the facility. For donating or volunteering, phone Josie Joulks at the center (453- 2000, ext. 2891). A REMINDER The interest groups are open to all and NOTICE l i sted regularly in the Calendar. Oceanid The new column announced in last month's memb ers s hould feel free to attend any meetings BEAR FACTS, letters to the editor, has been of inte rest to them, even if they have not · cancelled due to lack of interest. The j oined th a~ group officially . If you are editor received no letters. hesitant.about arriving unannounced , phone the i nteres t group chairman in advance; he~ phone number is in the Calendar listing. 2 office is the signed acknowledgment of the non­ COMING OR GOING? discrimination policy of the University. Addi­ The Housing Office at UCSD has been officially tionally, it is not our intent to compete with· operating since 1960, beginning with only off­ the community real estate agents. campus assistance to students, faculty and With the continued growth of UCSD and the staff. Life was comparatively simple way back surrounding scientific institutions the then --- we had only SIO to be worried about! Housing Office offers a much needed and much used Previous to the office's assumption of official service. It is always receptive to information status, Lynne Knauss, wife of a then SIO graduate and listings and if we had a slogan it would be student who is now Dean of the School of Ocean-_ --- "Let us help you to help yourself and your ography at the University of Rhode Island, had neighbors and associates" -- give us your listings donated much time and energy to assisting fellow --- or encourage a friend to do so. Send your students in finding adequate living quarters. newcomers, and we will try! Her experience and advice was gratefully received Enid Hinds and used when Enid Hinds began assisting with (ext. 2021) housing as a member of Dean Rakestraw's staff, and later established the official function. In 1962 the Coast apartments were put into operation for married graduate students and as VA HOSPITAL OPENS the colleges were created and their residence The Veterans Administration Hospital, halls built, the Housing Office became involved located on the UCSD campus, will hold its in the necessary contract and financial responsi­ dedication ceremony on March 15 at 10 a.m. in the bilities. east parking lot. What began as a one-woman, part time job The first patients will be on hand for the became a full time supervisorial position with opening ceremony, for they began arriving on a 4•woman staff all of whom work closely with the February 7 from the Los Angeles area where Resident Deans of each College, their staffs, and Wadsworth VA Hospital has been condemned as unsafe various satellites of the Business Office. in case of earthquake. The first patients were Presently Revelle and Muir Colleges house about geriatric cases, but other types of patients will 900 single students each, and Third College soon be accepted at the hospital, chiefly from takes care of .about 290 students. There are the San Diego area. a total of 362 married undergraduate and graduate The VA Hospital welcomes volunteers -­ (including medical) students and postdoctoral qualified volunteers. If you have hospital fellows at both the original Coast apartments experience -- and time -- you may volunteer and the Mesa complex added in 1969. either by phoning the San Diego Red Cross The Housing Office also considers as one of headquarters (291-2620), or Lewis Wills (453-7500, its prime responsibilities the assistance of all ext.
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