BULETINI I SHKENCAVE GJEOLOGJIKE Kerkimi nxjerrja dhe perpunimi I mineraleve 45 Vjetori i Clinm1t Nentor ·ag TIRANE / -......;ii;;;;;� , VTh , (KXV) I BOTIMIT 4 1 g Tirane PERMBAJTJA E LENDES (CONTENTS) - Ngjarje e rendesishme per gjelogfine shqiptare ...... _.............. ·-··-·-···-............ -- 3 (An tmporlant envent f<W the geolog11 of Albania). - Fjala e hapjes mbajtur nga Prof. Eshref Pumo ·-· 5. (The opening speech delive,-ed by PTof. EshTef Pumo). - Me per.spektiva e rritje ne te ardhmen .................................................. _....... -·-·-- 7 (With a peTspective of gTowth in the futuTe). - Kerkimet gjeologjike, nxjerrja dhe perpunimi i mineraleve � ngurta, i naftes dhe gazit. �Fjala e mbajtur 111ga sh. Besniik Bekteshi, anetar � Byrose Politike ti! K.Q. ti! PPSH dhe minister i Ministrise se Industrise, Minierave dhe Energjitikes ... ·.......... · .. :· ... : ... ·.:..... · ........................................................-. ..................... ·-··--- 9 (Geologic pTospection, extTaction and pTocessing of the solid mineTals, on and gas. The speech deliveTed by the comTade .Besnik Bekteshi, the mem­ beT of the Political BuTeau of the CC of the PL of Albania and MinisteT of lndustTy, Mining and EneTgetics). Telegram shokut Ramiz Alia, Sekretar i Pare i K.Q. te PPSH .......................... ---··· 23 (TelegTam to Conuade Ramiz Alia, FiTst SeCTetaTy of the CenfTal Committee of PL of Albania). - Fjala e mbylljes mbajtur n� Aleksander Cina, Kryetar i Komisionit Shken- Z cor te Konferences , -•.. 1·� ....... , • ......· ... • ..........: · •..•••.......•.•..••• · ·-······-·············· ..·-·-·-···- 5 (The closing speech deliveTed by the oomTade AleksandeT Cina ChaiTman of the Scientific Commission of ConfeTence). REFERATE (REPORTS) A. Cina, D. Mezini, A. Kodra - Arritje dhe perspektiva ti! zhvillimit te kerkimeve gjeologjike ne vendin tone .......... "' ·-·· .. 27 (The achievements and peTspectives of the development of geological pTespections in ouT country). KUMTESAT (PAPERS) Grupi i autoreve te monografise dbe te hartes Metalogjenike te Sbqlperise. ne sbkallh 1 : 200 000 - Disa tipare kryesore te metalogjenise se Shqiperise (Referuar nga M. Shallo) 31 (Some main featuTes of the metallogeny of Albania). A. Kedra, K. Gjata - Evolucionl mesozoik i Albanideve te brendshme fazat e riftezimit dhe zgjerimi oqeanik Mirditor ............................... -.. -- 55 (Mesozoic evolution rof the Inner Albanides, rifting stages and the Mirdita's oceanic spreading). H. Halla�i, S. Qorlaze, M. Ylli, LI. Langora, V. Gjoni, K. Dbima, R. Cenl, S. Shabani, v. Tasini - Ligjesite e perqendrimit te mineralizimit kromitik ne masivin ultrabazik te Bulqizes dhe vecorite strukturore te vendburimeve 67 (The regularities of the concentration of chromitic mineralization in the ultrabasic massifs of the eastern belt). 81'. Stermasi, A. Cina, H. Halla�i, B. Jahja, Q. Lena, S. Alia, Ft,.Collaku - Vendosja e mineralizimit kromitik ne masivin ultrabazik te Bulqizes dhe vecorite strukturore te vendburimeve ....... .... ........ ......... -....... 77 .. (The distribution of the chromitic mineralization in the Bulqiza ultrabasic massif. Structural features of ore deposits). N. Mekshiqi, S. Hoxha, H. Osmani - Vecorite petro-strukturore dhe ligjesite .e 0 vendosjes se mineralizimit te kromit ne masivin ultrabazik te Tropojes ........................................................................................................................................................ 91 (Petrological-structural features and the mode of the setting of chromium mineralization in the Tropoja ultrabasic massif). B. Shehu, R. Selimi, A. Meshi - Tiparet gjeologo-strukturore te masivit ultra- bazik te Kukesit dhe krommbajtja e tij ................................. ,. ..................... ,...... 105 (Geological structural features of the Kukesi ultrabasic massif and its perspective). A. Hamzallari, P. Kokona, Z. Zeqillari, S. Plaku, M. Borova - Ndertimi gjeologo-strukturore i masivit ultrabazik te Shebenik....Pogradec, mineralizimi kromitik ne te dhe perspektiva e tij ........................................ 115 (Geological-structural features of the Shebenik-Pogradec ultrabasic massif and its perspective for chromitic mineralization). A. Cina - Mineralizime te elementeve te grupit te platinit ne kompleksin ofiolitik te Albanideve ·····-······-··············-······-······-·····-···-·-······-··············-···················-·· 125 (Platinum group element pnineralizations in ophiolite complex of Albanides). A. Tashko, A. Marto, I. Alliu, A. Tershana - -Ndihmesa e studimeve petrolo­ gjike ne sqarimin e problemeve te gjenezes se vendburimeve te kromit dhe ndertimit te brendshem te masiveve ultrabazike 141 (Contribution of the petrological investigations for the classifica­ tion of the genesis of chromium deposits and the inner structure of ultrabasic massifs). B. Ostroai, S. Qorlaze. H. Caslll, M. Ylli - Klasifikimi gjenetik - industrial i vendburimeve te kromit, ne vendin tone, domosdoshmeria per rritjen e efektivitetit te punimeve gjeologo-zbuluese ................................ 149 (Industrial-genetic classification of chromium deposits of our country. The necessity of the growth of effectiveness of the prospection works). L. Langora, F. Dull, Xh. ,Sbarra, H. Caslli, A. Rrenja, P. Kor�anaJ, µ. ,Prenga, A. Lulo, N. l'.lkaj, Dh. Gjevreku - Efektiviteti i perdorimit te metodave komplekse gjeologo-gjeofizike siperfaqesore e nentokesore per ker- kimin-zbul<imin e mineralit te kromit .....................,_..,,. ............... .. .... .. 159 (The effectiveness of the use of complex surf ace and drill__ "_ - _,hole geological-geophysical methods /Of' the prospection of chromium). R. Kamberi, B. Ostrosi, M. jYili, S. ,Qorlaze, N. \Osmani, G. ,Beqiraj, Gj Gjura - Vleresimi gjeologo-ekonomik i vendburimeve te mineraleve te dobishme te ngurta ................. -...•.. ,.. -.............-.····-····· .. ··--··-·-···-··..................... 173 (Geological - economic estimation of the ore deposits). V, Bezhani, 'L Turko, M. Za�ja, T. Deda, D. Shtjefanaku, L Hoxha, R. Kambe­ raj - ,Mineralizimet e ba'krit ne vullkanitet e Mirdites Qendrore. Pozicioni stratigrafik, gjeneza, perspektiva .. -................ --.................. -........ 181 (Copper mineralization in the volcanics of the central Mirdita. Stratigraphic position, genesis and perspective). F. Bakalli, A. Kodra, E. Delaj, I. Milushi, M. Shabani, M. Spaho, M. Godroli, P. �heodbori, R. Seliml - Tiparet themelore te ndertimit te formacionit vullkano-sedimentar te jurasikut te siperm dhe drejtimet e ker- kimit te mineralizimit te bakrit te pasur ....................... _............ : ................. -·- 191 (The principal features of the Upper Jurassic volcanosedimenta1"JI formation and the prospection directions for Cu-rich mineraliza- tions). � M. �aj, A. �na, M, Shallo, H. Pulaj, R. Hyseni - Mineralizimet hidroter­ male damarore, kuarc-sulfur te sekuences gabroplagjiogranitike, kompleksi ofiolitik i Albanideve ,-""'·!·-..................... 201 ······�·· .. ·······"--·--,.. ...;..-..... 4 (Hydrothermal veiny quartz sulphide mineralization of gabbro­ plagiogranite sequence. Albanide's ophiolite complex.). R. Avxhiu, A. Frasheri, A. Zajmi, P. Alikaj - Disa drejtime ne persosjen e kompleksit te metodave elektrometrike ne kerkimin e xeheroreve sulfure te bakrit ....................................... ---··-· .. ----·-·---.................. -............................... 213 (Some !directions on the ll'refection of the complex electrometric methods for the prospection of copper sulphide ores). K. GJa&a, Q. AliaJ, 0. Lika, P. Laze, V. Nasl, R. Bega, F. Balli - Premisat gjeologjike te kerkimit te mineraleve te rralle ne vendin tone ........ 223 (Geologica.l premises fOf' the prospection of the rare metals in Albania), A. Grazhdani, Sh. AliaJ, H. Tuzl, V. Hoxha - Tektonika terthore ne Albanidet · dhe minerali:llimet e reja te lokalizuar ne te .............. -................ ·--··-·-··· 235 (Transversal faults and new mineralization localized in them). U. Dlmo, P. Pashko, P. Vaso, P. Ki.ta, N. �Ii, P. Blbaja, A, Palko J. Adhami - Pellgjet qymyrore dhe perspektiva e tyre ........................................................ 249 (Coal - bearing basins of Albania and their perspective). P. Vaso, S. Duni - Kla.sifikimi industrialo""11lodologjenik i Iendeve bitwtti- noie te vendit tone -·-·-----···.. ·-······-··•nu·---·· ..· ····-... -.............. �...... --....... 259 (Industrial - moTf)hogenetic classification of thie bituminous sub­ stances of our countr11). E. Pumo, F, Arkaxhlu, P. Jani, S. Burri, M. Ko� - Situata gjeologjike per- xeheroret e Fe-Ni e Nikelit - Silikat, dhe detyrat per te hmen ard ,_,..._............... _ ....................... ................................ ..-........_ ........... ., -•¥ ........... -............. 267 (Geological situation of ;Fe '- INi and Nickel - Silicate ores and the tasks for the future.). A. Serjuli, S. Duda, R. Hysi - Fosforitet zones Jonike, mundesite e pasuri- mit dhe shfrytezimit te tyre ......................._ .......... -- ...., ..................... _....... .................. 277 (Phosphorites of the Ionian zone, thier enrichment and exploi­ tation). A. T&shana, I. Turku - Karakteristikat gjeologo-petrografike te disa shke- mbinjve dhe mineraleve industria le ..................-·-···· ---·-··--··-······--···J 2111 (Geological - petrogTaphical features of some industrial f'Ocks and minertils). B. Etilmi, L TafilaJ, G. Bisha - Rajonizimi
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