i H o n r ^ n x THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10» 1M4 iianrlii«Bt?r lEwttitts ISm Ui A v m g t Daily Net Press Run For the Week Coded The Westhcr Foneoat o f U. 8. Weothei Mrs. Harry Mahoney, DAV • Polish Women’s Alliance, 1964 About Town Auxiliary patriotic instructor, Group 518, will meet Sunday at Families Sing and Mrs. Albert Sheffield pre­ 2 p.m. at 77 North St. for the MANCHESTER Seottered oreae o t n ln . sented a 50-star flag to Girl 14,151 election of officers and a Carols Sunday illandjFJStFr IEupttttt5llpral& temperature rWog te low Larry K. Bteirtiaiui, son of Scout Cadette Troop 624 lEist Christmas party. Members are Itanber the Audit Mrs. Heloa W. Mohr, 18 Ed­ night at Second Congregation­ reminded to bring a grab bag Boreaa of ObeidatleB night; Rttfe mund St, hM begun basic al Church. Mrs. Francis Ber- gift. A Family Carol Sing will be Maneheater—^A City of VUlagi Charm training at Ft, Dix. N. J. nardl, troop leader, selected held Sunday at 6 p.m. at Bman- IjoU Rysm, patrol leader, to Stephens is a graduate of The Manchester Garden Club ue. Lutheran Church. After the Windsor High School. accept the flag. Flag etiquettes VOL. LXXXIVa NO. 61 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1964 (Olaselfled Advertleing on Page 82); were presented to 10 members. will have a Christmas Sale to­ sing there will be a St. Lucia PRICE SEVEN CENTS morrow from 6 to 9 p.m. and proceaaion with attendants and APPLIANCE Hie annual Polish Night of Saturday from 9 a,m. to noon ■ i L . ' TELEVISION Manchester Elks will be held George F. Smith, son of Mrs. at Whiton Memorial Auditori­ tomtara (Swedish elvee). Saturday at the Elks Hom e. Isabelle Smith of 27 Madison um. Members wishing to at­ Mlsa Pamela Johnson will be John Ziemak, chairman, an­ St., and Douglas B. McBrierly, tend the Christmas Supper at St. Lucia. Miss Ann Benson, Spaak Reveals Rebel Threats nounced that a full course Pol­ son of Mr. and Mrs. James Mc­ the home of Miss Milllcent Miss Karen Bradlau, Miss Ka- ish dinner will be served by Brierly of 30 Coolldge St., have Jones. Tolland Rd., Bolton, may rcii Morsey, Miss Linda Magnu- Chef Walter Pyka, beginning been assigned to R Co. at Ft. contact Mrs. Robert S. Coe. 364 son, Miss Jeanlne Johnson and 20th Man Freed at 7. Lou Jobert and his or­ Dix, N. J., for basic training in Summit St. Miss Evelyn Swanson will be chestra will provide music for the Heierve Enlistment Pro­ T Ck SHOPPING attendants. Ml.ss Linda Nelson, dancing. Tickets are available gram. Smith is a graduate of Tshombe Calls Off Miss Andrea Nowlcki. daugh­ Miss Beverly F\is.s and Eric at the lodge. Manchester High School and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank No- DAYS Johnson will be tomtars. the University of Connecticut. wicki of 50 Foxcroft Dr., Miss The Cherub Choir, Swedish Boy Scout Troop 8 is eonduct- McBrierly is a graduate of Shiela Shuman, daughter of TILL CHRISTMAS Women's Choru.s and Men’s its annual Christmas tree Manchester High School. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas D. Shu­ Quartet will participate In the In Murder Case lO at 417 Main St. man of 72 Broad St.; and Miss carol sing. Visit to New York The Manchester Registered Barbara Smith, daughter of Raymond L. DeBlois of 1087 Refrea|imenU will be served William Jl. Pomeroy, son of Nurses Association met Tues­ Mrs. Astrid Smith of 41 H off­ Main St., Apt. B; and Joseph at 7 and will consist of punch 'and almost 80 perished at the BILOXI, Miss. (A P )— A t ‘f>3'°ner, Esther Carter, refused^nette Mrs. H. J. Peck of 18 Cre.st- day night at Willie's Steak man Rd. and Edgar Smith of W. Staniunas. son of Mr. and and cookies for children and ROME (AP) — Premier^(ur coat threw a rotten egg at' was arrested near wood Dr., has been assigned House for their Christmas par­ 62 Academy St., have begun a Mrs. Joseph W. Staniunas of 74 Tshombe today as he arrived hands of their captors. the request of the Justice to hear a purported confession Shreveport, La., and was not sweet buns and coffee for Moise Tshombe of the He accused the Africans of on grounds it constituted hear­ affected by the preliminary to K Co. at Ft. Dix, N. J.. for ty. Mi-s. Edward Carlson was three-month course in psychi­ Plymouth Lane, have been adults. Miss Eva Johnson and at the Italian Ministry of In­ elected members of University , Congo dropped today plans trying to split Africa from Eu­ Department, a woman U.S. say evidence. hearings in Mississippi. basic training in the Raserve chairman of the event. She was atric nur.sing at the Institute of Mrs. Reginald Christensen are dustry. It missed Tshombe but EnHstment Program. Pomeroy assisted by Mrs. Alan Larkin. Living, Hartford. The girls are of Connecticut Chapter of Phi to go to New York, at least struck one of his aidee. rope "and even to pit the black commissioner today freed a Government lawyers said It U.S. Commissioner James in charge of refreshments. man against the white.” • Is a graduate of Manchester Miss Helen Gworek. Miss Mary student nurses at Hartford Hos­ Kappa Phi, a national honor for the present and sched­ Police said the woman was 20th man arrested last week was an unprecedented action. Barton in Shreveport said hq Members of a committee for He read to the council a mes­ ■b High School. Rlazi .and Miss Beverly Otto. pital School of Nursing. society for all academic fields. Laura Gonzalez del Castillo, 25, in connection with the slay­ They refused to offer any other has not received any Communi­ the carol sing are Mrs. Everett uled a tanp to Bonn, Ger­ sage he said was received from. a Neapolitan student. They evidence at the Meridian hear­ cation from the Justice Depart­ Johnson, Mrs. Carroll Nelson, many. Gbsnye that said “ we will make ings of three civil rights questioned her but released her ing and announced they would ment or from Barnette’s coun­ Mrs. Cleo McNeish, Mrs. Wal­ A press spokesman announced fetishes of the hearts of the workers in Mississippi. ask that a federal grand jury be cil. Barton has not set a date for without charge. ter Fuss and Mrs. Darrell Mor- Tshombe’s change of plans, say­ American and Belgian hostages. Commissioner Verta Lee convened as quickly as possible a hearing. Barnette, 25, of Cull­ rlsette. ing he would go to Bonn Satur­ The egging was the first per­ We will parade in their skins." Sweatman dismissed the charge to consider the evidence. en, La., is free under $5,000 The event is sponsored by day, hut left open thd possibility sonal contact Tshombe had with He denounced Gbenye as a against James Edward Jordan, The FBI had arrested 21 white bond on a conspiracy charge. Emanuel Lutheran Churchwom- he might go to NeW. York later. Cksmm'unlst - inspired protests “contemptible man” from 38, during a preliminary hear­ men Dec. 4 in connection with Jordan, also arrested on a whom he sought in vain some en and Is open to members and Tshombe left Leopoldville against his visit to the Italian ing here that took only two the slayings last summer near conspiracy charge, is a con­ understanding and reason. CHRISTMAS TREE SALE friends of the church. Wednesday night, saying he was capital. minutes. Philadelphia, Miss., of the civil struction worker at the spacs B.S.A. TROOP 3 heading for the United Nations. "I am at the end of my pa­ Nineteen other white men ar­ rights trio — two white New testing facility la Hancock He sto 3d off in Romb to see UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. tience,” he said. “ I have suf­ rested in the case were freed Yorkers and a Mississippi Ne­ County, Miss. 417 MAIN STREET Pope Paul VI, Italian business­ (AP) — Belgian Foreign Minis­ fered the most evil days of my Thur.sday at Meridian, Miss., gro. men, and government officials. ter Paul-H6nri Spaak declared life. I have litened to distor­ when another woman commis- The 21st man, Horace D. Bar- (See Page Twelve) There have been widespread today a rescue mission was sent tions. insults and unthruths. I demonstrations against him to Stanleyville after Christophe have seen a display of mistrust FREE!! NOW PRICED LOWER THAN YOU THINK here. Gbenye, the rebel leader, and hatred that is painfully Earlier, a source close to threatened white hostages close to that type of racist feel­ Judge Orders, A New Roll Of Tshombe’s party said he was “ would be devoured and gaso­ ing that has been so much de­ CEA Outlines Plans going to Bonn to seek financial line hres set at their homes to nounced and fought against.” Man Obeys Kedah Film aid for the Congo from (3e»man cook them alive.’’ Referring to a charge from / i € t m t r € M h businessmen and government He spoke in the U.N. Seciulty Congo Brazzaville that the Unit­ With Each Roll Developed officials. He reportedly has been Council to reply to charges from ed States and Belgium had plot­ For Legislative Moves MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — (Black and White and Imperial DUPLEX 19 discussing financial help during some African states that the ted to evacuate whites from Judge John A. Weeks spot'- Color Prints) his talks here, too.
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