X t; rrw ELYi H(»n)AT. JUNE 26,1989 , > (hmttt EttM fns H m db THE WEATHER Foneaat •( U. 8. Weather Boroaa TT "a v e r a g e d a il y c ib c u l a t io .n o The flrat of -Fred E. Wemar'a The Women's Home and-Eyfdtgn Mrs. Harold Burr of Xaiicbeeter of Manchestsr, a ' daul^ter of the streeL -. Mrs. Behnfield tvu making 4 I I cloning piano' recltala will be given .Missionary eodetles of thpr-Bouth road, Glastonbury, who wrrttee the late William Behnficid and -Mrs. her borne with her daughter at the m for the month ot May* 1939 ABOUT TOWN thlB evening In the parlora of the Methodist church will enjoy an all- " J u ^ " column of advertising and Behnfleld, formerly of Summer time of her husbsind'n (iMth. Fair tonight;' Wedneaday fair. Center Congregational church.' Lo­ day picnic tomorrow aji-fhe home of miscellany In the Wednesday Issue Mr. and Mrs. RobejC Richmond of of this paper, entertained the wom­ Double GREEN STAMPS 6 , 2 3 8 wanner la nbrth portton. MnAEllabeUi Om», MIm !>()>«• cal puplla, bcgtnnera to advanced, Member of the Audit : X. • X. Sutherlwid, Mr*. F,llr*b<-fh Buffy win fumlah tonighfa program, and South Main atree; en of The Herald force at her home •ad Mn. ^Htheiinc ^nrlln are In tomorrow evening at the aama hour, on the Tryon farm Saturday after­ Given With Cash Sales Tuesday —Bureau of Ctrculatloiift MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM c h u te df). tdh food sale by Helen 8 o'clock, and place, Mr. Werner's James Mdgtarty of Hollister street noon. A hot dog and salad Inipper DmyJrteonY Lodge, DniigTitere of oiifoT town pupils will be heard In spent the,^eek-«nd with friends at outdoors was followed by coffee and i’tLVE PAGES) PRICE t Ar EE c e n t s recital. Miss Elliabcth Werner, Minot. Jlear Seltiiate on Cape Cod. hot strawberry shotcake served In HALE'S SELF SERVE 52” X 52” Fast Color Hand Blocked MANCHESTER. CONN.. Tl'ESDAY, JUNE {"I, 1939 Scotia, toifiorrmv morning at Hale'a Mrs. Burr's dining rpopi. The ber­ (Claaalfled Advertising on Page lU) •tore. ■ contralto, will be the assisting ar- The Original In New England! VOL. LVIIL, NO. 228 Ust. /. bus load nf Pilgrims from St. ries, cream and salad Ingredients Mancheetw Aeaembiy.' Order of ames's and SI. Bridget's parishes, •were all products of the farm.. Ratnbow forVjlrlB, »nll hold It* reg­ Temple Chapter. O. E. 8., left from in front of the church AND HEALTH MARKET LUNCH CLOTHS > Baldwin Urges “Home Rule” ular meeting \at the Maaonic Tem­ hold its closing meeting for th^*i-a- early yesterday morning for Garri­ S-iart new pattema that are ao color­ ple, tbia evening at TJO. Monday, s<in Wednesday evening inJJIe ,Ma- son. N. y. TTiey visited the Na­ FORMER LOCAL PASTOR ful for Summer use. All color combina- each TREASURY CUTS I' July 17 will bc\Ralnbow ilay at the sonie Temple, It will ^-fiasl. ma­ tional shrine of HI. AHthony -at the tlona. World'B Fair, ahd all local Rainbow trons and patrons' nighK Franrlsea kVIare' monastery at TUESDAY SPECIALS 5 9 c STARK SAYS UNION tlrla planning to be there ahould Graynjoor. Another delegation DIES IN NEW JERSEY Double Green Stamps Given With Cash .Sales Other Hand Blocked Clotha........................... .79c to $1.69 FOREIGN SILVER I , attend the raieting tonight. Mr. and Mrs. JpHn Trotter of Big­ from town took buses that left elow street gayeAi family party yes­ Hartford for. the aamc destination. Tuesday. terday at thPflr cottage at Columbia Another Shipment! OF CRIME-POLITOS lake. In jyfebratlon of Mrs. Trot­ State, highway workmen today Rev. Henry C. Beckmann Was' Hale's P RIC EJ CENTS OFFENSIVES ter's blsHiday, which was yesterday, were engaged In cutting graas along In CharRe Of Two Churches and j-thelr amall daughter, . Betty the right of way adjacenti^^jp East 'H er# For 14 Yeara. Featherproof PILLOW TlCKS Ann whose birthday occurred Sat­ Center etreet. ■ M ilk Bread 2 I.,oaves 9e MUST BE SMASHED urday. striped blue and white pillow Action Taken Less Than 24 The local Wrthth rate ao fayTEIs Sscaucus, N. J.. Jims 26—(R6— Maxwell House Ucka, guaranteed featherproof. MORE CHINESE PORTS Olrl Scouts afnilated with the Sec­ year has about doubled deatha ac­ The Rev. Henry Christian Beck­ Regulation alze. Re-cover those 4 for $ 3. .0 0 LIVE R.ATTLER IS TOO Honrs After Senate Voted ond Congregational church will cording to vital statlstTcs released mann, 67, paator of St, Matthews Coffee 2-Lb. Can 4 9 c old pUIowa now. Missouri Governor Asserts COOI’ERATIVE AT T.ALK I meet tonight (it the home of Miss hy Town Clerk Samuel J. Turklng- Lutheran church since 1914, died at States Ail V A C ifm oy D,»T» a^t^here at I Dorothy Post on Hudson street. ton, the flgures being secured by a his home here today after a short 16” X 43" Tulsa, June 27.—(Ah—Hugh j,. To Discontinue Purchases taaL Ton anon, alaa, inry will comparison with totals of a year Illness. His first charge was at Davis, director of Mohawk lO o, paat. Make Uie heat nt'thinga, Libby's Corned Beef can 17c ^ A c tio n Must Be Taken If WILL CONTINUE Palm Springs. Csllf., June 27. i The regular meeting of Mliuitono- Bgo. I-ast year during the first five South Manchester, Conn. From used live snakes In a lecturftj to Of Metal Abroad July 1. Other Powers RemoTe evenla aod opportunltlra ' while moh Trlhe NO. .'iS, Improved Order months there were M deaths and 1900 imtil 1914 he was pastor of a NOVELH ORGANDIE SCAR girl caraiwrs on what to do' for • lP) Paul Wilhelm, an archae- | tlwy ealat.. ,And during taeatinn I of Red Men. will be held tonight In IZ7 births. This year there were Lutheran church at Manchester and Ambassador Krand ologist, brewed some tea such i daya guard the health nf your GInatonhury, Conn. .Mr. Beckmann ^^|||F aith Of People In Gov- rattlesnake. bite. PRESSURE TILL ss he had seen Indiana make I .Tinker hall at 8 o'cldik. It Is hoped 1(13 births and PU deaths. MiiiTlages Five pastel colors wllh'noral borders. Special! "At least," he said at a tourni­ Vessels From Wendiow family by nerving only I'lnrhUent was a native of New Yorlt city. Waahlngton. June 27—iJ*)—The from a desert plant. feraeh Frulta,'* Vegelablea gttd for s large ntteyidanee ss there la have nearly doubled, from 27 to 50. Orchid, green, malae, blue and pink. • A quet was applied above his left to be nomlnsyon of officers. Large Shrimp 2 Cans 25c beautiful Summer ncarf and a .real eminent Is To Be Retained' hand and someone sucked out Treasury slashed Us price for for­ He and hla guests cautiously Meata. Don’t make a tmrk horye Rev. H. C. Beckmann, who died drank half a glosa each and And Foochow By T hin- out of yonraelf.. .Rave yoit^r It waa reported today that George change from linen or lace. each J 9 c the poison, "It gave me an op­ eign silver today from 43 to 40 STANDWGED (• Memorial Temple. Pythian Sisters W. Beeney of 147 Hollialer atreet today at Secaiicus, N. J.. during'hla soon were wafted off to dreara- atrenglh., .dial 4ISI., .Ptnehund 14 yeara aa pastor of the German Hale’s Regularly S9c Each . portunity to practice what 1 lanil. Wilhelm rei-ovcred first , will meet tomirtrow evening in 0<ld was driver of a car that waa In an Albany. N. Y , June 27—(A5—Mls- was preaching." cents an ounce. will deliver promptly. ' Lutheran church of Manehester and This action was taken leas than anil rushed hla friends to a doc­ day Noon; British Answer i Feljows hall and a meeting of the unusual five car rra .h In .Stafford the church of Glastonbury, did much aouri'.x crime fighting Goy. Lloyd C. One of the rattlers was too chiefs will follow. OfTlcers Springs last -night. So far aa ran Formosa Oolong Ted lh. 29c 24 hours after the Senate voted to Japanese Army Commander tor. PlNEHl'RST to enlarge the activities of his FineVina for fnn.1Iced Tea!-Tu I OV Stark declared tnd:iy the union be­ cooperative. Then he learned the Indians and members sre requested to meet be learned, the lot al man waa not ehiirches here. It waa while' he discontinue purchases of foreign With Warning Japaiesit VEGETABLES t 7:30 at the I’earl street entrance Seersucker SUNSUITS tween crime and politics must be silver after July .l. use "devU-w;eed" tea all right, New Crop Telephone Injured. was pastor of the local church that Large, Selected In Tientsin Reiterates De­ hut only half a teaspoon a day. the Plast femetery snil to bring the parsonage wss erected on Coo­ In white background with pink or blue amashed "tf the fntth of the Ameri­ The Treasury's foreign silver FRESH PEAS flbwers for the decoration of giavi'S Trial In a clv(l suit between the floral print. Sizes 6 months to 2 years. each price had been 43 cents per ounce WM Be Held Responsihic of WceiutefT members. per street and the ehiirch enlarged. can people In popular government 10c qt. ' .1 qts. 29c Town and David Nelaon of Weat He married Miss Minnie Behnfield Eggs in carton Doz.
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