Light Painting Photography Project Name:___________________ Light painting, also known as light drawing or light graffiti is a photographic technique in which exposures are made usually at night or in a darkened room by moving a hand-held light source or by moving the camera. In many cases the light source itself does not have to appear in the image. The term light painting also encompasses images lit from outside the frame with hand-held light sources. The first known photographer to use this technique was Man Ray in his series " Space Writing " created in 1935. The photographer Ellen Carey discovered Man Ray's signature signed by penlight nearly 74 years after the pictures had been taken. Light painting requires a sufficiently slow shutter speed , usually a second or more. STEP ONE: RESEARCH by answering the following questions on the origins of Light Photography by completing the attached questions by visiting on the school network: K:\\Mr.Arnett\AWQ 3M\Light Painting Photography Project\intro.htm Man Ray in his series " Space Writing " created in 1935. STEP TWO: BRING in a flashlight from home and tripod if you have one. STEP THREE: STAGE your scene by using the school stage or somewhere that is dark. Set your camera on the tripod and take a sample shot with flash / lights on. This will help you verify that your composition is OK. STEP FOUR: Set the exposure on your camera to a relatively long value (3-4 seconds). Stop down the aperture as much as you need. Make the click. Once the shutter is open use your flashlight to light the stuff that you want to "paint". You can use the flashlight as a brash, and "smear" the light, just like you would have done with brush and paper. Or, you can use the light as a pen, and do precise work. Areas where you go slowly will be more Author Ryan Notch and Edward Ayala, otherwise known as the lit then others. Be careful not to linger to much photography team "The Areographers" Drawn with a flashlight in a over the same stop - you will burn it. 15 second exposure. The one drawing is hiding behind the man in the picture. July 2008. STEP FIVE: WRITE your Artistic Template explaining your influences, artistic process and photographic/digital manipulation techniques used. STEP SIX: REFLECT: Answer the following questions using the elements and principles of design and hand them in with your completed project for evaluation. 1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why? 2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why? 3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why? K/U: Researching Light Painting Photography Name:_______________ K:\\Mr.Arnett\AWQ 3M\Light Painting Photography Project\intro.htm 1. How has Man Ray photographed Light Photography in an interesting and unique way? 2. What about Man Ray’s Light Photography that makes it appear timeless in nature? 3. What kind of mood/feeling do you get from Man Ray’s Light photographs and why? 4. Select one of Pablo Picasso’s Light Photography paintings and a write a formal critique on it. Follow the Art Critique format: Description, Analysis, Interpretation and Judgment – (Remember to use 6 elements and principles (Line, Shape, Form, Texture, Balance, Rhythm, Pattern, Contrast, Emphasis, Value, Space, Movement, Colour, Variety, Proportion, Unity) in your written explanation.) Description (What is it?): Analysis (Use 6 elements and principles and analysis the photo): Interpretation (What is the mood/feeling you get from the work): Judgment (Artistic Merit, why are we still looking at this image?): Artwork Title:_______________________________________ Name:____________ A) Influences from past and present works: K:Drive/Mr.Arnett/AWQ 3M/Light Painting Photography Project\intro.htm B) Photographic/digital manipulation techniques used in my work and how they support my intended visual message: C) Reflect on your finished work by answering the following questions: 1. What part of your finished project did you find most successful and why? 2. What part of your finished project did you find least successful and why? 3. If you had to do this project, what part would you change or improve on and why? Light Painting Photography Project Rubric Name:__________ Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Knowledge/ Work does not Student Student Student Student Understanding meet demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates a Demonstrates assignments limited some understanding considerable high degree of expectations for understanding of of the elements & understanding of the understanding of understanding of this category. the elements & principles of design in elements & principles the elements & the elements & Incomplete. principles of design the photograph. of design in the principles of design principles of design 0 in the photograph. 0.50 photograph. in the photograph. /1 in the Lighting 0.25 0.75 1 Painting Photograph Thinking/Inquiry Work does not Student depicts Student depicts Student depicts Student depicts Lighting Painting meet lighting painting with lighting painting lighting painting with lighting painting with Photograph assignments limited effectiveness. contact sheet with considerable a high degree of /1 expectations for 0.25 some effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. this category. 0.50 0.75 1 Incomplete. 0 Communication Incomplete. Student Student discusses Student discusses Student Clarity: 0 discusses influences and influences and discusses Discusses artistic influences in the research questions research questions influences and influences and artistic statement in the artistic in the artistic research /1 research questions and research statement with statement with questions in the questions with some clarity. considerable clarity. artistic statement in the artistic statement limited clarity. 0.50 0.75 with a high 0.25 degree of clarity. 1 Explains use of Student explains Student explains use photographic/digital Incomplete. use of of photographic Student explains use Student explains manipulation 0 photographic techniques in the of photographic use of techniques in the techniques in the artistic statement with techniques in the photographic artistic statement artistic statement some clarity. artistic statement with techniques in the /1 with limited clarity. 0.50 considerable clarity. artistic statement 0.25 0.75 with a high degree of clarity. 1 Reflective Incomplete. Poor, yes/no Somewhat coherent Questions: 0 answers/limited and somewhat Strength, Clear and substantial Superior and incomplete. complete. /1 Weakness & Next answers. insightful answers. 0.25 0.50 0.75 1 Step Application Incomplete. Student Student Student Student Creative Process: 0 demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates Creative Process: limited some effectiveness in considerable superior effectiveness in demonstrating the effectiveness in effectiveness in Demonstration of demonstrating the creative process and demonstrating the demonstrating the /10 Skill Development & creative process following procedures. creative process and creative process following and following 5-6 following procedures. and following procedures procedures. 7-8 procedures. including Clean Up 5 8- 10 Student Student demonstrates demonstrates Student Student some use of the considerable use of demonstrates a demonstrates elements & principles the elements & high degree of Uses elements & limited use of the of design and principles of design using the elements principles of design elements & photographic and photographic & principles of /5 principles of design techniques to techniques to design and and photographic/ Incomplete. and photographic produce produce photographic digital manipulation 0 techniques to techniques to an art work of some an art work of techniques to produce an art effectiveness. considerable produce a highly produce an effective work of limited 2-3 effectiveness. effective art work. Lighting Painting effectiveness. 3-4 5 Photograph 1 /20 A1. The Creative Process: apply the creative process to create a variety of artworks, individually and/or collaboratively; A1.1 use various strategies, individually and/or collaboratively, with increasing skill to generate, explore, and elaborate on original ideas and to develop, reflect on, and revise detailed plans for the creation of art works that address a variety of creative challenges (e.g., extend their skills in using brainstorming, concept webs, mind maps, and/or groups discussions to formulate original and innovative ideas for an art work on a social or personal theme; use critical research skills to explore and elaborate on ideas; demonstrate fluency in formulating clear and detailed plans; demonstrate flexibility in revising their plans on the basis of reflection) A1.2 apply, with increasing fluency and flexibility, the appropriate stages of the creative process to produce two- and three-dimensional art works using a variety of traditional and contemporary media (e.g., extend their skills in working with a range of media; demonstrate flexibility in revising plans in response to problems encountered during other stages of the creative process; reflect on the effectiveness of preliminary versions of their work, and revise the work on the basis of reflection and self-assessment) A1.3 document their use of each stage of the creative process, and provide evidence of critical inquiry, in a portfolio that includes a range of art works created for a variety of purposes (e.g., ensure that their portfolio includes the following:
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