Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham in Marple, CELF and Stoney Middleton Jeremy Greenwood Table of Contents .Descendants . .of . .Ottiwell . Heginbotham. .1 . .First . Generation. .1 . .Second . Generation. .5 . .Third . Generation. .9 . .Fourth . Generation. .15 . .Source . .Citations . .20 . .Fifth . Generation. .21 . .Source . .Citations . .35 . .Sixth . Generation. .37 . .Source . .Citations . .58 . .Seventh . .Generation . .59 . .Source . .Citations . .79 . .Eighth . .Generation . .81 . .Source . .Citations . .109 . .Ninth . .Generation . .117 . .Source . .Citations . .171 . .Tenth . Generation. .191 . .Source . .Citations . .276 . .11th . .Generation . .313 . .Source . .Citations . .394 . .12th . .Generation . .425 . .Source . .Citations . .462 . .13th . .Generation . .471 . .Source . .Citations . .477 . .14th . .Generation . .479 . .Source . .Citations . .480 . .Name . .and . .Location . .Indexes . .481 . Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham First Generation 1. Ottiwell Heginbotham Turf Lee was born Est _____-_____-1550 in N/K, was christened n/k in __________, __________, __________, __________, died circa _____-_____-1602 in Turf Lee, Marple aged about 52, and was buried _____- _____-_____ in Marple, Cheshire. Noted events in his life were: • Note: possible match, _____-_____-_____, __________, __________, __________, __________. Lambeth palace lib. Talbot Papers MS.3197 Folio 303 The Lords of the Council to the Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl Marshal, from Westminster, 29 May 1579. They have examined Otwall Higginbotham Turf Lee cottages touching his speeches for the assistance of the Earl's tenants in Glossopdale and find the case not proved, so they have sent him to crave the Earl's favour [cf. Acts of the Privy Council 1578-80, p. 145]. 2pp. Clerk's hand, signed. Endorsed. Address in sixth Earl's hand. • He signed a will in _____-_____-1602 in __________, __________, __________, __________. The laste Will of Otywell heginbotham of Marple in the countie of Chester made the third day of januarie in Anno dmi 1602 First I bquath my soule to almightie God trusting to be saved throwe the merits of my Saviour Jhesus Chryst and my bodie to the Earth of whome I am And concerning the disposicion of my goodes and Farme my will is as Foloweth: First my will is and I assigne my howse and Farme wherein I dwell to Isabell my wife during six yeares next after my decease (yf my terme so long endure and yf she so long lyve sole and unmaryed) to and for the maynteynance of her and of Oliver George Elizabeth Alice and Margaret my children they and every of theym keeping them unmarried And yf any of theym marie to loose hys or there her pte there in And if my wyff die within the sayd six yeares or be married again then such of my said Fyve children as shall keepe unmarried to have the same during unto the sayd six yeares if my said terme so longe endure And after the end of the sayd six yeares then my will is and I assigne the one half of my seyd howse and Farme to the sayd Isabell my wife for so many years of my terme as she shall lyve sole and unmaryed And the other half of my sayd howse and Farme together with the hole after the death or marriage of my seyd wyff I bequeath and assigne to Olyver [oliver ] Heyginbothom my sone and his issue lawfully to be begotten during all my estate and terme thrin And for default of such issue, then to George Heyginbothome my yonger sone and his assignes during my terme and estat of and in the sayd Farme And my will ys that my detts and Funerall expences shalbe payd out of the residue of my goodes And whereas I have taken one closse in marple wodd of Edward Robothom for twelve yeares Frome Thymiciation of blessed marie the virgin last I give and bequeath my terme thrin to Oliver George Elizabeth and Alice my children And I give and bequeath the third partte of all the rest and residue of my goodes and chattels to the sayd Isabell my wyff And out of the other two ptes I give to my sayd sonn Olyver Five marks And my will ys that my Garner and steep Keyr shall remayne to my wyff for her lieff and after to my sonn 1 Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham Olyver And all the rest and residue of my sayd goodes chatteyls I give and bequeath to the sayd George Elizabeth alice and Margaret my children and equally to be devyded amongst theym And of thys my testament and last will I Ordeyn and make the sayd Isabell my wyff my sole Executrix And I desyr my cossens John heyginbothom and John Buerdsell and my Frend Henrie bradshaw to be overseers of the same Theis being witnesses George mylnes, Olyver heyginbothom John heyginbothom John Buerdsell And Anthony heyginbotham with others Debts that I do owe To Renold Richardsonn £3/6/8 To Edward Doley (blank) To Isabell hudsonn for a pann 16/- Other same Isabell 20/- John Cotrell 4 marke boitinge 9d Debts owing unto me Mr George needham 46/8d Robert wodd Bryan wodd and Edmond wodd 48/- Thomas picfort 10/- Christopher turner for pr of a Cowe gesse 6/- Margret Olyver 5/- • Inventory: [farmer], _____-_____-1603, __________, __________, __________, __________. Otuell [ottiwell] heyginbotham Inventory 1603 The 28 day of Aprill 1603 This ys the true Inventory of all the goodes and cattalls of Otuell heyginbothm of marple lately deceased moveable and Immovable prsed by Olyver [oliver ]Heyginbothom George myles John Adsed George Robothm nicholas heyginbothom and John buerdsell the day and year above written £ s d Foure oxen and two bullock 19 0 0 Fyve little heffers and a barren Cowe 12 0 0 One other barren Cowe 1 18 4 8 coples of sheep 4 16 0 3 little weathers and two barren ewes 1 0 0 Fortye hoggs (yong) sheep 8 13 4 8 lyttle Sheepp, hoggs 1 7 0 two tupps or Rames 13 4 one yong Swyne 14 0 three twinter bullocks 6 13 4 tenn little stirks 7 6 8 two old mares a nagge and a colt 7 8 4 foure bushel of otten meyte 2 0 0 22 hoopes of ottes 1 4 0 6 hoopes of barly 15 0 bedding and linens 7 0 0 6 bedd stides 6 0 3 old arks 8 4 2 covers 9 0 a turnell 5 0 Garner and a stepe Keyr 1 13 4 2 Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham Brasse and pewter 2 16 0 Seeve and a windowe sheet 12 0 Two leades 4 0 All treen lomes\wythin hows 1 0 0 All irne ware within hows 5 0 All irne ware belonging to husbandry, as plow Irnes, harrow pines, axes noyers with such lyk implements, harrows plowes, with all such lyk belonging to husbandry 1 16 0 one table a meyt bowl chears and stooles 5 0 sawn bords 1 0 0 saltt flesh 1 6 8 pullen 3 4 the appell and a little pees of woollen clouth 3 0 0 end cut off Ottiwell married Isobel ____________, daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. Isobel was born _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, was christened _____-_____- _____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died after _____-_____-1602 in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. Children from this marriage were: 2 M i. Oliver Heginbotham was born Est _____-_____-1570 in N/K, was christened _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died before _____- _____-1617 in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. Oliver married Ann ____________ (d. _____-_____-1617) _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. 3 F ii. Elizabeth Heginbotham was born Est _____-_____-1580 in __________, __________, __________, __________, was christened _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. 4 F iii. Alice Heginbotham was born Est _____-_____-1580 in Very approx, was christened _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died _____-_____- _____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. 5 M iv. George Heginbotham was born Est _____-_____-1580 in __________, __________, __________, __________, was christened _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried on 17 May 1630 in Stockport. George married Ann DODGE (d. _____-_____-_____) on 20 Jan 1617/18 in Marple, Cheshire. George next married Unknown ____________ (d. _____-_____-1616) _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. 6 F v. Margaret Heginbotham was born Est _____-_____-1580 in __________, __________, __________, __________, was christened _____-_____-_____ in not known, died _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried 3 Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. Margaret married Robert Flinney (d. _____-_____-_____) on 28 Feb 1610/11 in Marple, Cheshire. 4 Produced by Legacy Descendants of Ottiwell Heginbotham Second Generation (Children) 2. Oliver Heginbotham (Ottiwell Turf Lee 1) was born Est _____-_____-1570 in N/K, was christened _____- _____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________, died before _____-_____-1617 in __________, __________, __________, __________, and was buried _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________. Oliver married Ann ____________, daughter of ____________ ____________ and ____________ ____________, _____-_____-_____ in __________, __________, __________, __________.
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