W H E R E y 0 u BELONG THE MARKET a static-marred AM radio station called DZBB. This small radio station, now an institution in AM Television reached Philippine shores in 1953 radio, became the flagship of RBS as it ventured and since then, it has become a highly popular into television ten years later via TV Channel 7. medium for information and entertainment. Be­ In 1974, Stewart gave way to the new man­ ing the primary source of entertainment &: in· agement triumvirate composed of Felipe Gozon, formation, television has found its way into ma· Gilberto Duavit, and Menardo Jimenez. From a jority of Philippine homes. black-and-white (B&W) station whose only claim For over 12.7 million television households to fame were Popeye reruns and scratched vid­ in the Philippines, one brand stands out when it eos of "Combat", Channel 7 set the trend by in­ comes to responsible, balanced, innovative and troducing new equipment, new technology and award-winning television programming· GMA new programming. Network, Inc. (GMA TV Channel 7). With its introduction of popular mini-series GMA presently blankets over 93% of the Phil­ from the U.S., Channel 7 became the new home ippine archipelago with its 44 originating and of quality programming. With a broader audi­ relay stations nationwide.lt also operates a rap­ ence base and a new image, Channel 7 was re­ idly growing radio network of 32 stations named GMA (Greater Manila Area) which sym· throughout the country. bolized its expanded reach and power. Locally and internationally, GMA's potential These programming innovations were sup­ market is expanding. In 1998, GMA linked up ported by technical improvements. ASO,OOO-watt with the Agila ll Mabuhay satellite, expanding TV transmitter and high-gain antenna were in­ its market and reach to 22 countries across the troduced in 1988, and the tallest tower standing Asia-Pacific. Station Awards in the Kapisanan ng mga m feet above ground was erected. A movie the­ By the next millennium, GMA aims to satu­ Brodkaster sa Pilipinas Golden Dove Awards, ater was then transformed into the best studio rate the local market by achieving close to HIO% four (4) TV Station of the Year awards from the facility of its time, after which satellite transmis­ coverage of the archipelago. It also plans to pen­ Rotary Oub of Manila and one Best Station award sion that covered Asia was launched in 1992. etrate other key cities across the globe where from the Catholic Mass Media and another in the Giving the station its heart and soul, GMA's markets for Philippine news and entertainment Adboard Golden Pearl Awards. lews Department became the people's voice. exist. GMA's television programs have also left an GMA was the only station to challenge the dic­ indelible mark in the world broadcast arena. tatorship and brave enough to voice out the truth. ACHIEVEMENTS Competing against the best in the world, GMA's It remained steadfast as the voice of the people programs and promotions endeavors have until the very last day when the dictatorship was In the Philippines, when one mentions GMA, earned gold medal status in the ew York Festi­ finally toppled. two words immediately come to mind: THE vals and numerous citations from the Emmy BEST. GMA has settled into this distinction Awards, London International Advertising THE PRODUCT through half a century of remarkable feats in ra­ Awards, Fuji F S Titles Fair, Asian Television dio and television programming. Awards and the PROMAX International and Asia GMA's programs have been part of Filipinos' GMA has won virtually all major broadcast Gold Medallion Awards. lives. GMA's ews and Public Affairs programs awards from the country's most discriminating Pushing GMA to greater heights of success is have always been looked upon as the most cred­ award-giving bodies. Proving that its victories its pioneering spirit. Fueled by an unshakable ible, the most truthful and the most innovative, were not a simple stroke of luck, GMA's win­ passion for innovation, GMA has chalked up sev­ while in the field of general entertainment, GMA ning streak has gone on for years : ten (10) Best eral landmark "firsts" in Philippine broadcasting: shows have never failed to bring laughter, tears, TV Station Awards in the Philippine Movie Press the first to introduce Stereovision (1987), the first music, and fun to households. Club Star Awards for Television, six (6) Best TV to air a live interactive satellite program linking GMA's moves to continuously develop its Manila to San Diego, USA (1993), the first top-rating software are matched by an equally to offer seven nights a week of all-Fili­ aggressive move to develop its hardware. GMA pino programming (1994), the first net­ is received with Grade A signal in every primary work to be part of the consortium to market. Its reach and strength in Metro Manila launch Agila ll, the Philippines' first sat­ ellite (1997), the first to broadcast using the world's most powerfullOO-kilowatt VHF transmitter (1998) and the first to break tradition by going all-Filipino in its nightly newscasts (1999). HISTORY GMA's history is as colorful as it is pio­ neering. Its origins date back to the 1950s when Robert "Bob" Stewart organized Republic Broadcasting System, Inc. (RBS), 40 - Optima Digital - The leading post-production GMAairns ........w..::N:., •.... •..t.:..""lYLLl•~ • &.a.Jfl'&llii'IDta MJ~.DJQI:R;J;. House to be there for Alta Productions Group-Multi-media company each and ev­ involved in computer animation, corporate vid­ ery member of eos, publishing and recording the Filipino Lmage One- The company behind Channel Big, family at all the biggest electronic billboard in the region times. First EMC-The only local music video channel broad­ and last, GMA cast via UHF is and will al­ GMA Marketing and Productions - The exclu­ ways be a sive marketing and sales arm of GMA place to come GMA Worldwide-The international distribution home to, a net­ armofGMA work "where Mabuhay Phils. Satellite Corp.-The consortium Filipinos be­ that launched in 1997 Agila 11, the first Filipino­ long." owned and managed telecoms satellite PROMOTION Things you didn't know GMA's slogan which caught on in the 70s still runs today as it best embodies GMA's corporate about GMA identity: GMA- Wh~ You &long. This has been the phrase from which major promotions for the is the strongest in the Philippines with its newly­ station's vast array of talents, shows and prod­ 0 CiMA(TV Channel7) is the third lldevilion installed lOOkW solid state transmitter and bi­ ucts spring. •don to be put up 111 the Philippines. polar antennae soon to be listed in the Guinness Wlrere You Belong successfully captures the 1bouth the axnpmty w•lncolpont.d In Book of World Records as the m~t powerful VHF foremost qualities of the network : its warmth 19!0 u Republic B!OHattins System. transmitter system worldwide. and appeal to all members of the Filipino family which lit up r.diolladon DZB8,it-not as well as its commitment to reach out to a broad unli11961 wt.alVChlnnll 7blpna.-l­ RECENT DEVELOPMENTS audience base across the country and beyond. A ~ Tlw lltlltiOn ltartlld with Gilly 25 station identification using the theme music employes and w• powend by a IUiplul GMA invests heavily in strengthening its core Where You Belong runs every hour on all GMA bbldt & while (B&W) ll'aiWmitta and lwo business and in developing alliances and syner­ stations. Ln recent years, the phrase has been used old camerll. gies w ith its subsidiaries. to win over all types of audiences and has The Year 2000 will see the rise of the brand evolved to different versions : Wllert Heroes &­ 0 CMA Is the world s 11101t powaful VHF new GMA Network Center, a 15-storey building long, Wlrere All Filipinos &long and Wltere Tire Best 1V Illation. 1n t998. &t t.pn opentlns 11n housing the latest in broadcast technology. GMA's &longs to identify certain shows and talents. unmaldwd JOOKW IOild ltale tnnllllilllan provincial stations are being upgraded with To generate awareness for its programs and I)'Aim. a first an Philippine broedcutini brand new transmitters and antennas through an activities, GMA uses its own network of radio and the moet powerful amana ita VHF TV ongoing massive expansion program. This will and televi ion stations, and taps a wide range of counterputs around the world also pave the way for regionalized broadcasts publications including outdoor advertising like which will make GMA's brand of entertainment electronic billboards, streamers and posters and Q GMA Nla Mr1 dted twice by t1w UNICEF closer to the hearts of Filipinos. other non-traditional media. GMA also main­ as a "model for children-friendly teJevi. Now a powerful multi-media conglomerate, tains its own websites which offer the latest in­ sion" In 1993, GMA reaped acclaim few GMA has invested in various affiliates and sub­ formation about its shows, the network, and the adopting "Worry Flft Kid 1V (WFKTV) sidiaries which have made a mark in different day's news events. which IUIUJe parmts that no objectianable fields. These include: GMA promotes many public service causes IICenes ilfe be1ng aired whenever the and spreads information on various concerns WFlCTV logo 1s &shed GMA Films-The producer of quality films such that affect Filipino life. Most memorable among as the phenomenal hit, "Jose Rizal" these public service promotions efforts are 0 In 1993, GMA mounted the first AU!ip­ Film Experts, Inc. - The pioneer in advertising GMA's campaigns on "Don't Fire Guns on New pines·USA interactive program, ".I<Amusla production Year's Eve," "No to Frats," as well as health in­ America, Hello Philippanes ·The program formation and crime prevention tips.
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