CONC EPTUAL CONFERENCES ANNOUNCES ,.THE POWER OF OBJECTIVITY'' FEATURING "The Philosophical Foundations of Objectivism" BY Dr. Leonard Peikoff June 30 to July 15 , 1990 AT Tamiment The Pocono Mountains Pennsylvania I \1'.\1 l \ 1h'nl l,tl t \ iHic' fc 'i'' ' \Hh'c'ptnnl ' unkt,'th't'h will pr''~ l' nt "The Power '-'f first-served basis (see the Tamiment flyer). t 'bh\'tl\'11\• •· lhll\\ hnw ,,l) to lnlv 1!'. tll\-)0. nt T:nnim~nt, 3. Courses will be filled on a first-come, first-served ,\ H",t\11 l\1 lhc• 1\\tc'tW ~\cl\lnl.1 ln~ l'l P0nn. ylvtmia. The basis. Lt~te registration may mean that you will not be k,\ltllt' 1''' ''1l'" I.\ t h 11 ''' t hi:-: ~' "" IN~'n · ~' will be ten t\ o­ able to get the courses or the teachers that you want. htl\11 n' t Hi\\.\\'~ hv l)r. Lc•nn,\rd. PC'ib.nff on "Thl;) 4. All prices will increase 20 per cent for registrations t•t" h1: 'I' hi\ l ~,)lll\\1.\linn R (It t)bjl'l' l I i~m " (de. crib0d post-marked after March 15. lll'lldc•) 5. As a special offer, all registrations pos tmarked w,, ·"'' ''"1\1\l\111\\f, ,1thl t'\1\mdin~ tlw pl)plllnr prac­ prior to December 1, 1989, will receive free any one­ th ,, cil l H\1' 1 1 )~~-~ \' cH\I c'n'nCc' by nfh'l'ing inclividnnl week course, or equivalent credit ($60) toward any two­ u 1lh ·~~ ~ · \,.,.,,, C''"'''''~· I.Ht~ h t b hj( c ti vi~t inlt'llcctunls. week course. n,,,h ''''" """" .\\hl ~· c '\ l'l\, htntl l' l)\ll'~e~ (nl~o described ln~lh l\') will I'\',,, «il,thk r,w ,,,, .hid it\l,n.1l k'f'. A ·word on the conference as emotional fuel: None of us "~ ill live long enough to see a fully rational society. ~ )' '' : It ,• r, '' thl ~~ L'"''''''~'1W\' b l)t\l' ,,r the fin ~ ~ r ~\)rts But 1i over many days, you listen primarily to rational "' lhc • l\11 lith\ t\ hlttnt,\lns l)t Pl'l\\\~VI\ 'i'\ni,1 , nn ensy ctriv­ itH\ dt: I,U\, ,, It 1\11\ Nc' \' \ t~rk 'ity. 'l'lw l'l1cll\~0d flvC'r \Vill i~eas nnd talk primar:Uy with rational people, it is pos­ • • stble to have the emotional experience of what it will feel teo II,.,111 ,,n o~h11nt l'.llnlmt·•'t. like.to liv.e in a rati?nal world. It can be an extraordinary, llw t.th"· ''" tlh' ,.,,nkrc'lht' ~'i\ • t\n ,m th0 Tnrniment e\.htlaratmg expenence. Tamiment is not a large resort th ,., ,,,,d llh· , , , ~~t"'tt. tti t ll\ h lrt\1 l'OVc'r ,\1\ tlw b.1~k fun.:­ and \Ve e ~ pect that our group will constitute about 75 lhlt\'< 111 th,, l',11\lc 'l'l1lh't': \)r. 1\•il,l)fl 's ~c.'lnil\.il' ~, VOllr • per cent of the guests most of the time we are there. This ,\l\d d iniWl' c'\'t'l'\' hW 1!' di\yS, '"''\1\\. hh •, \'kl , po~ t d.W all ~1eo~s thot, during the first two weeks of July, 1990, t,,,, ..,. .\ltd ~r ttnttit·-., and tlw ~"- l'''' i.1l , Vt'l'\h-\, The mo. t fmmment should be the most rational and exciting place ~pc •d ,,l ,,, tlw '\ I'~ ' i.tl ,.,.,•nb I ~ thl' '-'' ,,ni n~ wc..' willlish.:n on earth. • ~md ,t,\1,,.,. tn :\' n 1{ , \nd '~ ''tlddlywin\..." mu~i~-· (~u' the r,\mitlt\'1\t tln•r). T~ save a pla~e at the conference, $200 per person is rcqmred now, w1th the remainder due by May 15, 1990. l\,'\\ HI:-4t' l \'llh't't·\\,' t d l't h.1vt lcnwt'phhtl ~ ~not ;uw Pa ~ ments made now will be refunded upon written re­ h'\\H t \lt {tth•nd,\H\ ,. ,,t ,\ " '"'''I .l'.tmlllwnt wa~ \Yillinh quest until March 15, 1990. "' " '"'''' n • \'"'" I . '1'\\tll\h 1,,, w. ,m ~.l lhl'\' art' h,,h.Hng lf J ou would like more information about any of the th'':-t• W\H t\ ~ ''"t" \HtiH ~ t n( h lq . L\ln~t'l.)\h' nll\' , l'Mly . - ours s or any other aspect of the conference, please do l't'~("'' lt.\tl l'\\._ M'' I''N'I\t tr'J f,,, t\h' ~u u~ , ,~~ c' l t\\C' Ctmf~t-- \'1\\ , , l ,, th.\t ~ · nd plc..•,,,,, r""~h 11.' l Hw h)l\nwing p\)tnts: not hesitate to '"'rite. incerely, I If Vtl\1 h\ h\ 1\ ~~ ~ ~ t , • t' l,\h' ,,n tht' rl' '"'~ m.1\' Pl' uw ••md '~ ''" wtl\ "')t l'l(• .tbh• h \ .\th'nlL If VDH r''Hi~k'r ' " '"' )'tiU \''" ~ ~ · t ''full wtund \11\tll M.\h'h 15. J. 'ht• lh'hl\t' "~""~ wtll\'t' ,,n{\h\h\i \lt\ ,, lthl ' '\\\~. M. o.rthrup Bue hner, President 'onceptu,'\l onferences ''THE PHILOSOPHIC FOUNDATIONS OF OBJECTIVISM'' 1 he t atu~e e\ nt at ., he I'owt•r ot hj •rtt' itv" will da-.lus'> .mv •'~P ·ct or wonlmy r,f th dlt~pt(:f tt t h U·r • hH:ntv h ur of 'mmars with I r. I <'n:lrd [\·ik~'lt <'n t•sls tlwm. Appro-..im.lleJy two Ctnlt\M ((r,ur t ''ur .J 1111 'lh Phtl O} hac F('Und,ltwns ot Objt.•ctivi ... m"-t •n h :! .llhlth.:d hl l'cll" th ptl'f, ... mmar of t\Hl hour:-i c,l\h. Tlw t. '0min.-n-. will bt.· Dt. l'l'ikl'H's gp,.J JS to ~"Ht.f,Je th11 ·pre 'nt to L c t lf·yt ba~ed on th\.: t\ p \\ rittcn mJnu,cript of th0 llrst IIH' .1 dt•t·per lt·vd of philo"ophi llt\d,.r t, ndtr.g tllc!Ti woulrl cha f h.:r (abc)llt 00 petgt.•s) ,,t hi .... f<,rthcorning blHll.., olht•t wi-.t• ht pt,~sthl •, I fi s tJT•·dY~''• wrll JllltiJgl t IWW Ob]t'Ct:ti m: The PJulo .. ,,plr_y n Ayrr '\mel (which willnol ,t!-.}'t'll. <'f ( >hjc·t tiviL,If) pr,.viPu,.Jy '""""P"'~• ..(•d, mtt,,J appear in print until lQQl) ltlJillUI.llum' .tncl tlw ,, •.,•on fvr tfwJr preu · wcmJ111~:, Pre::-cnting the C\.lmpktl' mct,lpln '\c.... Hh.i l'pt-.l\·mnl IH'W llHilJ ,\~l~ ~H'I W('l'll ( >hJf.'<.:fi VI ,rn .Uld lJ,dlttvn,t) ogy ol Obj\.•fh\ i-.m, tht.' llllt.'" 0t tht.''l' rh,1 pkr~ M"' \ U'\'''· .tml m•w mlt·gr.dum .•11non>~ Vttrltill. pfr·men l . Rt.\llitv wtlhtn t )bjt·divism, indtJ(.Itng t1 d••t. rl ·d ,t(<;OUitt {1f Jt, ., ~ -· Sen:-;;~ 1\:rccption .uld Volttwn hit•r,lll htl,d ··IIIH lllfl', 3. Conc~rt fom1.1tton \Vt• ell • proud In h1• the ~ponso r r1f I hr. grc.1t Jni••Jit <.: 4. Obkdt\ ltV tu.tll'Vl·nl. Whl'n 1he ho(,Y, i'> publiGhPd, ()[,JcCIIUI m 11z . 1\c,l'-l"'ll flllifo.,oJ'h't r~f Artll !<awl will be lite d hnltJV • ~tat~'m• nt of Eddt coufrret•, ''I uo ntnl co~t. will rt'l'ri'Pr tW acl­ tlw phil<,sophy <.>f Objt•ctivic,m, .Htd II'> fm,t ftvc ch<Jpt ·r 'l •WCt' C01'Y Cl( the 't. cltcll'lt'r~ "''Ius owu pt'rsonn/u.;t', t\) rlrl' tlw found,tlion of th.d st,tlcmcnt. r he confere(!f) of read and mark.-up ,, ... h~o.• chOl"-0'- "~c~s m t1lh <\1\u~ l)f "Tht.• Powt·r of Ohjt•divrtv" \.Viii r 'CCJVC 20 hour <,f m­ the conterencc Dr P~o.•tk.l'lt h<l" ~l\ en ~pcd,1l p01 mt.., ... um t.kpth <m;'llysis of tlw ~ · cruc tt\l ch, ph·rft, m f.acc-to-fac.c for tht" highly unu"udl Jt,t'"tbuhon 0t ,, CCif'\ nghtcd t.'\l h,'\ll~l' with thl· .Ill thor, rnonths in t~dvanc • of th · manu..,cnpt prll)r h' ~"~ubhc,1twn .md cont0r0c" .lrt.' not bul,~-.· .... public,ltinn This will he Or. l'cikoff to fw;t :md permitted h.' c;,hlrt.' tht>tr cop\ '' 1th non-confl~rcL·~ lllll\' ,lp('l'rllc\11ll' hdor(' c1ll ObjeCtJVJ.St i!UdH•ncc any· At thl" (('\ntcr~nce Dr r~.~otf W\ll mtroduce l'.1l h "hl'Jl' bl'loll·the 1.111 of 199(). chapt~r b\ idcntth mg the ch.'lpkr'~ nw, t tmpnt t,Hll Tht.'"l' ~ ~..·minM-. Ml' o uniqlu", nnt-to-b •·nus t d oppor· .­ ~l~}X'Ct~. Tht~ Will b~.: follOWt.."<..i b\' c11\ C\11.'1\ded ~0"'H\1\ lll tumtr m llw ongoing, prt.'luient-sh •• tlt•nng hi&tr,ry que:-tton~ and an .... wer' m "luch ~tudcnb ''ill b~.· ,1bk t~, ObJL'lllvism Dr. PctkoiT' C'l'lliOJI' ''~II he fft'lll lll.JO a.m w 12·.\() p m till \und 1\, ~1Pnd.l\, ru~·,tl,t~ fhuNI,sy. and S.Jturd,sy of week I nud <~n Sunday. T~S). \\ cuo ~) Fnd.). and aturd:t) tlf ",~c:J.,. 2 \\ l' C\1 ·~·t \ll1."lld.u1~·~ 111 ~·,,·n•d .!00 fll opk OPTIONAL CURRICULUM "'The: Po"er ot Ob;c:\. tl\ lt)" nl''' "1ll t'llc:r 1h~.· h'll''" mg t'Uf't''· 'tlll\\.' n ,, 1snr, lor h1ur hour. .111d tlth~.·r, mcctmg for SC\CO hours.
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