R 3391 E MB U N SSUE I THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2020 Intelligent . In-depth . Independent www.phnompenhpost.com 4000 RIEL World State of emergency bracing for food GOV’T LIKELY TO draft law set for NA shortage POSTPONE 13TH THE heads of three global Niem Chheng Consisting of five chapters security and public order, lives under the same conditions. agencies warned on Wednes- ASEM MEETING and 11 articles, the draft law and health of the people, prop- Article 5 stipulates that day of the risk of a worldwide DRAFT law aiming to stipulates a maximum 10- erties and the environment. certain measures would be “food shortage” if authorities TO NEXT YEAR place the Kingdom in year imprisonment for any- Article 3 of the draft law taken in a state of emergency fail to manage the ongoing NATIONAL – page 2 a state of emergency one caught breaking it. states that a state of emer- including restrictions on the coronavirus crisis properly. amid the Covid-19 The bill, seen by The Post on gency can last indefinitely or people’s rights, freedom of Many governments Apandemic is set for a debate at Wednesday, sets out formali- for a limited period of time. movement, gatherings, jobs around the world have put the National Assembly (NA) ties, procedures and terms A Council of Ministers notice and occupations. their populations on lock- after going through the Council for a declaration of a state posted on Hun Sen’s Facebook It allows the state to impose down causing severe slow- of Ministers’ Standing Com- of emergency if the country page said a state of emergen- confinement, quarantine, downs in international trade mittee meeting led by Prime runs into danger. cy can last more than three and food supply chains. Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday. It aims to maintain national months and can be prolonged CONTINUED – page 2 Panic buying by people going into confinement has already demonstrated the fragility of supply chains as supermarket shelves emp- tied in many countries. “Uncertainty about food MINIStry: No availability can spark a wave of export restrictions, creat- PLANS TO REVISE ing a shortage on the global market,” said the joint text 6% groWth signed by Qu Dongyu, head of the UN’s Food and Agri- PROJECTION culture Organisation (FAO), BUSINESS – page 6 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreye- sus, director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Roberto Azeve- do, director of the World Trade Organisation (WTO). “In the midst of the Covid- 19 lockdowns, every effort must be made to ensure that trade flows as freely as possi- ble, specially to avoid food shortage[s]” from developing, they said in their statement. “When acting to protect ONE DieS While the health and well-being of their citizens, countries HUNDRED otherS should ensure that any trade-related measures do FLEE HOMES IN not disrupt the food supply INDONESIA FLOOD chain,” they added. Coronahelmet Over the longer-term, con- WORLD – PAGE 10 finement orders and travel Traffic police personnel (left and right) wearing coronavirus-themed helmets perform in front of a motorist (centre) as they participate in restrictions risk causing dis- a campaign to educate the public during a government-imposed nationwide lockdown in Bangalore, India, on Tuesday. AFP ruptions in agricultural pro- duction due to the unavail- ability of agricultural labour and the inability to get food to markets. “Such disruptions, includ- S’ville Appeal Court delayed ing hampering the move- ment of agricultural and Voun Dara Ministry of Justice spokesman prosecutor general, according Preah Sihanouk Provincial food industry workers, and Chin Malin told The Post on to an announcement by the Court of Appeal has jurisdiction extending border delays for NEWLY-APPOINTED Minister Wednesday that the Preah Siha- new justice minister. over cases within territories food containers, result in of Justice Koeut Rith has post- nouk Provincial Court of Appeal “The launch is delayed until that cover Preah Sihanouk and the spoilage of perishables AN alterNative poned the official launch of will begin operation when the further notice. All legal cases its neighbouring provinces of and increasing food waste,” the Regional Court of Appeal construction is completed. within the jurisdiction of the Koh Kong, Kampot and Kep. said the three leaders. to ‘Stay hoME’ in Preah Sihanouk province, “Its construction is delayed Preah Sihanouk Provincial A royal decree dated Febru- They also stressed the as its building remained because of the Covid-19 out- Court of Appeal shall fall under ary 19 said the establishment need to protect employees MANtra AMID under construction. break,” he said. the Appeal Court in Phnom of the Regional Appeal Court engaged in food produc- The Regional Appeal Court The postponement was Penh in accordance with Arti- serves to ease the burden of tion, processing and distri- VIRUS OUTBREAK in Battambang and Tbong requested by the acting direc- cle 4 of the royal decree,” said people who would otherwise bution, both for their own Khmum provinces will be put tor of the Preah Sihanouk Pro- the announcement. need to travel to Phnom Penh health and that of others, LIFESTYLE – page 12 into operation as scheduled. vincial Appeal Court and its The royal decree said the to pursue their legal cases. as well. AFP THE PHNOM PENH POST Another dead dolphin in National News Anlong Kampi a concern Inside page 3 2 THE PHNOM PENH POST APRIL 2, 2020 WWW.phnompenhpost.COM National Asem13 postponement likely Expansive draft laws Niem Chheng poised to affect all AMBODIA will likely postpone the up- aspects of society coming 13th Asia- Europe Meeting Continued from page 1 without going through the C(Asem13) to next year due to Council of Ministers plenary the Covid-19 pandemic. conscription and evacuation. meeting. Asem13 was scheduled for The state can also manage, “Newly-appointed Min- November 16-17 in Phnom seize and handle properties ister of Justice Koeut Rith is Penh, but as the Covid-19 when necessary to respond to assigned to present the draft pandemic spreads, Cambo- an emergency. law to the legislative body.” dia plans to reach out to the The article stipulates that Ministry of Justice spokes- EU and other Asem members the state can set prices on man Chin Malin said the to discuss delaying the event necessities and services, draft law was leaked. He said to next year. shut down public or private in general, a bill has to go According to a Tuesday venues, conduct surveil- through the Council of Minis- press release by the Council of lance and monitoring by all ters. But because the bill was Ministers, the Ministry of For- means to receive informa- approved by the Council of eign Affairs and International tion through telecommuni- Ministers’ Standing Commit- Cooperation was assigned cation systems, prohibit dis- tee, it was completely legal to with preparing to discuss the semination or publication of bypass the Council. Asem13, originally set to begin November 16 in Phnom Penh, may get pushed back to next year. HENG CHIVOAN postponement with Asem. information that may cause He said the law is in the na- The release said the deci- the Asean Secretariat. said Europe is being hit hard by He said if the Covid-19 pan- fear or social chaos. tional interest and common sion was made after a top- Cambodia had proposed Covid-19. When the situation is demic ends sometimes soon, “When necessary, the gov- in both democratic and non- level meeting lead by Prime a theme for Asem13 that re- resolved, it would take time to Asem13 could take place at ernment can set up mecha- democratic countries. Minister Hun Sen concern- flects the Kingdom’s efforts recover economically and make the end of the year. nisms or delegate authority “So, there is nothing to ing drafting a law to declare a to promote Asem as a corner- precautionary plans, he said. The Kingdom should also or use the armed forces to worry about if we imple- state of emergency. stone of global governance: “Delaying the meeting to bring in more countries from ensure that the above-men- ment measures introduced Hun Sen recently told all Strengthening Multilateral- next year is a good option. But the Americas and Africa to tioned measures are imple- by the government for our government officials to cancel ism for Shared Growth. if we attract them to have a share their experiences in com- mented. safety and national inter- overseas and domestic travel, It focuses on the interaction meeting this year, we can prove bating Covid-19, Touch said. “In case of war or other ests,” he said. another measure to curb the of four ideas – multilateral- to them that Cambodia is just Ministry of Foreign Affairs circumstances such as when Government spokesman spread. ism, growth, sustainable de- a country that contracted the and International Coopera- national security faces seri- Phay Siphan could not be Asem has 53 partners, in- velopment and prosperity. virus from outsiders. We then tion spokesperson Koy Kuong ous threats, the country shall reached for comment on cluding 30 European and 21 President of the Royal Acad- can attract tourists through said it was too early for him to be governed under military Wednesday. Asian countries, the EU and emy of Cambodia Sok Touch this meeting,” he said. comment on the delay. rules,” states the article. Aside from the draft law, the Article 7 dictates that ob- government has also set out struction of the law’s imple- some priorities in times of mentation shall be punish- difficulty due to the Covid-19 able by a prison sentence of pandemic. Reporter buys drugs, gets arrested between one and five years They include the promo- and a fine of up to five million tion of the agricultural sector, Kim Sarom them to an acquaintance, and Sok Sophal told The Post on The woman said she has riel ($1,230).
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