$1.50 Vol. 59 No. 5 • Friday, May 14, 2021 106 year old church torn down . ALAN HUSTAK | GRASSLANDS NEWS Travis Agpace hauls lumber away from the church at the Full Gospel Indian Bible School which was torn down last week. The building on B-Say-Tah Road was built in 1916 and had been neglected for a number of years before it was condemned and demolished. The lumber is free for the taking. Province funds engineering costs Feds providing $282,000 Broadway Street to be paved By Alan Hustak for Fort Rexentre repairs Grasslands News The Town of Fort Qu’Appelle has engaged an engineering firm Canada Infrastructure Pro- The Recentre has been to work with the Saskatchewan Department of Highways to co-or- By Alan Hustak dinate the paving of Broadway Street next spring. The town’s Grasslands News gram for such undertakings. closed since February and all main street is provincial Highway 210 and it needs improvements Under the cost-shared pro- of its staff has been laid off. to the sewer system that was installed in the 1950s. gram, the province will chip Among the other 55 proj- The federal government Associated Engineering has been contracted to prepare the de- in $235,000 and the town ects approved in the prov- has agreed to contribute sign, cost estimates and the tender package for the project. An will pay $188,000 to install a ince, Lebret will get $96,000 $282,000 as its share of the estimated $32,000 will be spent on the preliminary design, $13,000 new generator and replace to build a $250,000 addition $700,000 needed to upgrade to prepare a surfacing report and another $13,000 on preparing the the heating system, upgrade the Rexentre in Fort Qu’Ap- to its community centre and package for tenders. The province will pick up the entire $59,000 pelle. the dressing rooms and the Lipton $80,000 as the federal tab. The town and the ministry have been discussing ways to The improvements will plumbing. government’s share of the align paving on Broadway with some limited water and sewer allow the sports facility to be The previous mayor, Jerry $150,000 plan to install drains improvements so it can be done with the least disruption to down- used as a relief centre in the Whiting, and the former fi- and catch basins to prevent town merchants. event of an emergency. nance manager, Mo Choud- flooding. The town had hoped to get a $5.2 million dollar federal grant The Trudeau government hary worked overtime to Indian Head is also getting under the Canada Infrastructure Program to replace the entire has set aside $3-billion under submit the necessary paper- $233,000 as part of a $460,000 aging freshwater distribution system, storm sewers and under- the new COVID-19 Resilience work and letters of support plan to revitalize its Sunbeam ground plumbing, but that application was denied. Stream of the Investing in within the required 30 days. Creek walking trails. • My Commitment to RE-ELECT Community-based Decisions • Community Governance Development • Strong and Committed Leadership LISA MCCALLUM Métis Nation-Saskatchewan Provincial Election is May 29, 2021 FOR PROVINCIAL SECRETARY www.mnselection.ca 2 May 14, 2021 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV Grasslands News Stockholm firefighter also a calendar finalist Joins five other local area firefighters By Chris Ashfield calendar was to challenge himself while Grasslands News at the same time raising money for a good cause. “I‘m from a small town and my self There is one additional local area fire- and the town have always done lots of fighter who is competing in the 2022 Sas- fundraising and donations and I thought katchewan Firefighter Calendar this year it would be a cool and fun way to help along with the other five which were pub- raise money for the Jim Pattison hospi- lished in last week’s edition. tal,” Wolfe told Grasslands News. Brayden Wolfe of Stockholm Fire De- Wolfe joins five other local firefighters partment is one of the 17 finalists this who are also competing for one of the 12 year who is hoping to gain enough online spots in the calendar. They include Lyn- votes to win one of the 12 spots in the nette Nordli of Melville Fire & Rescue, 2022 Saskatchewan Firefighter Calendar. Jaylene Boire of Qu’Appelle Fire Depart- Wolfe said his decision to try out for the ment, Beth Getz of the Balgonie Fire De- partment and Jaime Campbell and Brett Krasowski, both of Neudorf Fire Depart- ment The Saskatchewan Firefighter Cal- endar is an annual fundraiser in which 100 per cent of the proceeds go to the Jim Finalists Pattison Children’s Hospital Foundation, 6L[RIWKHÀQDOLVWVIRUWKH6DVNDWFKHZDQ)LUHÀJKWHU&DOHQGDUDUHIURPORFDO which is dedicated to raising funds for the GHSDUWPHQWVWKDWLQFOXGH0HOYLOOH1HXGRUI4X·$SSHOOH6WRFNKROP4X·$SSHOOHDQG enhancement of maternal and children’s %DOJRQLH healthcare in Saskatchewan and Jim Pat- tison Children’s Hospital in Saskatoon. The selection, which runs until May 19, is being done virtually this year due to Man arrested driving 157 km/h with COVID-19 restrictions. People can vote for who they would like to see on the calendar by visiting the Saskatchewan Firefighter stolen truck and trailer on Hwy. 201 Calendar website at www.saskfirefighter- scalendar.com/ and casting votes for their On April 29, 2021, just of 157 kph on the 90 kph Regina around 9:00 a.m. favourite firefighters. Votes are $0.50 each after 10 a.m. Broadview limit road. on that same morning. and the 12 firefighters with the most votes Traffic Services were The driver abandoned Nathaniel Dubois (age will appear in the 2022 calendar. patrolling Highway 201, the truck in a farm yard 28) of Regina, was charged Charitable Tax Receipts can be issued north of Highway 1. A and was located walking with possessing stolen for donations of $40 or greater. People can south bound pick-up north on the Highway. property over $5,000 and also help raise money by purchasing ac- truck pulling a flat deck Police learned that the appeared in Court by cess to watch all the biographies of the trailer was observed to truck and trailer were phone on May 3rd, where Brayden Wolfe of Stockholm Fire Dept. finalists. be travelling at a speed confirmed stolen out of he entered a guilty plea. KRAUSECARE PHARMACY Fall back in love with your Opening Soon! IDA KrauseCare Pharmacy is family owned and operated by Nicole and Steve Krause of Fort Qu’Appelle SK. Services include prescription dispensing, compliance packaging, medication counseling and reviews, chronic disease management, injections and compression stocking 1069 Broadway St W., Fort Qu’Appelle îWWLQJVDQGQRQVWHULOHFRPSRXQGLQJ COMPLETE INTERIOR DESIGN SERVICE Blinds (in-store display), Flooring, Countertops, Cabinets, and More! CALL OR STOP BY TODAY ! LET OUR DESIGN PROFESSIONALS 1-306-332-1222 HELP REVITALIZE YOUR HOME. 310 Broadway St. W. Fort Qu’Appelle Our experienced staff can help you create the perfect design for your space and will guide you towards the products you need Business Hours: to bring your ideas to life. Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Judy Saint - PH: 306-332-3670 and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 pm. [email protected] www.grasslandsnews.ca 0HOYLOOH$GYDQFH:KLWHZRRG*UHQIHOO+HUDOG6XQ)RUW4X·$SSHOOH7LPHV May 14, 2021 3 Nine local RMs receive $3.2 million for roads By Chris Ashfield tic response to the RIRG forestry. The RIRG grants Grasslands News program,” Highways cover up to 50 per cent of Minister Fred Bradshaw each project’s total cost, said. “This targeted effort to a maximum of $500,000. Nine local rural mu- improves the safety and Local RMs that are nicipalities (RMs) are quality of our rural in- benefiting from the local receiving more than $3.2 round of funding in- million in combined fund- frastructure, strengthens partnerships with Sas- clude the RM of Elcapo ing for improvements to ($500,000), RM of Fertile rural roads as part of the katchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, our Belt ($458,496), RM of provincial government’s Grayson ($228,794), RM Rural Integrated Roads rural municipalities and creates another outlet to of Indian Head ($442,500), for Growth (RIRG) pro- RM of Kingsley ($111,677), aid the province’s eco- gram. Phase three of the RM of Martin ($500,001), nomic recovery from the program, taking place RM of Montmartre COVID-19 pandemic.” during the 2021-22 bud- ($381,325), RM of Silver- This program helps get year, will see 69 RMs wood ($205,000) and RM from throughout Sas- RMs with the cost of of Willowdale ($400,000). katchewan receive a total constructing and upgrad- Combined, the funding Warm weather run CHRIS ASHFIELD | GRASSLANDS NEWS of $25.7 million in RIRG ing their infrastructure, for the nine RMs equals Rick Gibson and his dog Cash got out to enjoy the warm, sunny weather funding. which in turn helps sup- $3,227,793. earlier this week by going for a tour around the streets of Melville. “The ministry has seen port local industries like “The announcement an engaged and enthusias- agriculture, energy and of expanded financial support for rural road infrastructure is greatly get is $28 million, which 63 projects from Phases 1 proved. appreciated,” Saskatche- includes base funding of and 2 that are currently Since 2008, the Gov- wan Association of Rural $15 million a year. The active, valued at $72.3 ernment of Saskatche- Planned power outage Municipalities President budget is augmented million with $19.6 million wan has invested more Ray Orb said.
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