Friday night is the Cotton Ball, I'm planning to attend. Naturally I'll see you all; Say, why not bring a friend? STUDENT PUBLICATION OF YOUNGSTOWN COLLEGE VOL. 22—NO. 14— -YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO— -FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1950 'Hazing7 Evokes Penalties; Eleven Phi Gams Would Add Course To Activity Budget 'Situation Never Serious/' Pledge Declares In Interview; Believes 'Danger Overplayed' A suggestion to make dancing lessons available to YoCo students Faculty Action Revokes Fraternity Chater was made to Student Council re• Indefinite suspensions were levied Wednesday afternoon cently by Mrs. Karl Dykema, council faculty advisor. against 11 members of the Phi Gamma fraternity, and the The cost of the lessons, under charter of the organization was revoked for an indefinite the proposed plan, would be taken period. care of by the student activity The decision to suspend the. men was made by the facul• fund.' ty Executive Committee after the fraternity became involved Council members considered the in a "hazing" scandal near Ashtabula. suggestion and agreed that the The incident occured during the traditional "hell-night", success of such a plan would de• when Phi Gamma pledges were rowed out to an anti-erosion pend on the number of students ** jetty at Ninevah Beach. They were who would be interested in the on the jetty from 4:30 a.m. until lessons. They decided to take no 8:00 a.m., when a Coast. Guard definite action until information J3 « boat, called by a local resident, was obtained regarding the extent picked them up. of student interest in the proposal. When interviewed, Merton Bar- Poll Will Be Taken Bare Brunch chairman Jack Tobin straightens out some last-min• Elections to seat seven Inde• tlemay, president of the Fraterni• A poll will be taken by mem• ute kinks in his plans for the traditional afternoon outing to Pion pendent members of Student ty, said that the pledges were un• bers of the JAMBAR staff to ob• ecr Pavillion. The event was staged Thursday, May 4. Shown Council will be held Wednesday, der observation from the shore tain the information for Council's helping Jack is {Catherine Yovik, committee member. May 10. Nominating petitions until shortly before 6:00 a.m. The consideration. The results of the signed by 50 Independent students upper-classmen who had remained polling will be made available in must be submitted to the main of• to watch, left when it was light the May 19 issue of the JAMBAR. fice by three o'clock, Friday, May Students, Faculty Honor 1950 Graduates Asked 5th. enough for the men to signal the If conditions indicate that the homes in the vicinity. plan would be successful, dancing Deesz at Memorial Serv. To Check With Advisors Any registered, student not af• lessons will be added to the stu• A recent memorial service in All senior students who have filiated with a social fraternity or No Danger not seen their advisors in the last dent activity program next fall. the Strouss Auditorium paid tri• sorority is classed as Independent. Earlier news reports of the in• two months are urged to do so. bute to the late Louis A. Deesz, Petitioners for Student Council cident had indicated that the men Advisors will not clear graduation Dean of the William Rayen School seats must be able to serve two were half-clothed and suffering records of those who have not of Engineering. The Dean died re• semesters and must-have a cumu• from exposure. Bartlemay said checked with them. cently of a heart attack while in lative point average of at least (Continued on Page 2) ' Washington," D. C. -: Students graduating in 1950* '1.75. should see Miss Patterson, Miss The annual Spring Art Exhibi• Dr. Howard Jones, president of Election, of Student Council of• Buehrle or-Miss Brownlee (Dean's tion of the Youngstown College the college,- in honoring Dean ficers for the fall term will take Ellis Is Acting Dean Office) if they haven't seen them Art Department is now being held Deesz, said "I can think of place at the last meeting in May recently. Graduation is in one Of Engineering School at Butler Art Institute. The dis• no better way than to continue after the newly-elected members month and the office wishes to Professor Frank Ellis has been play is open to the public from building the program of the Rayen are seated. clear up all details as soon as pos• appointed Acting Dean of the' Wil• 1 to 5 p.m. daily except Monday. School of Engineering on the firm sible. liam Rayen School of Engineering This year's exhibit consists of foundation which he laid." As a by President Howard Jones to re• 224 entries including oils, water tangible l-eminder, the electrical place Dean Louis Deesz, who died colors and designes, all produced laboratory in the Rayen Building Deesz Memorial Portrait suddenly last month. by college art students. Faculty is to be known as the Louis A. Purchased By Students members and students are invited Deesz Electrical Engineering Lab• Cotton Ball Tonight to view the 1950 display. oratory. The Dean was particular• Students of the engineering ly interested in this field. 's Band To Play school have collected two hundred Tri Lan Ballroom will be the and fifty dollars as a memorial The college a capella choir, un• scene of the Cotton Ball on Fri• fund for the late Dean Deesz. A Dancing, Sports, Eats der the direction of Dean William day, May 5. It will be an informal committee handling the fund has Hugb Miller ,sang several num• Mark Bare Brunch Fete cabaret style dance with music for ordered a portrait of Dean Deesz, bers, concluding with the Alma dancing from 9 to 1 furnished by 16 x 20 inches, which will hang in The 1950 Bare Brunch was held Mater. John Barrett, senior engi• Jim Malone and his orchestra. the main hall of the engineering at Pioneer Pavillion Thursday, neering major, read a tribute to building. May 4. Chairman Jack Tobin The affair is co-sponsored by Dean Deesz, and Professor Nicho• directed festivities which included The total fund includes a thirty- las Ross of the engineering school, Alpha Iota sorority and Pi Beta sports events, dancing and re• five dollar donation from Mu Pi faculty, told of the Dean as he Chi fraternity. freshments. Epsilon Fraternity. The money knew him. The memorial service It is the first dance to be.pre• was collected immediately after Classes were excused from noon was recorded through the cour• sented jointly by the two organi• the death of .the Dean was an• 'til 5 p.m. to allow students and tesy of radio station WBBW. zations, who plan to make it an nounced. faculty members to participate. annual event. A memorial service held, in Tickets may be purchased in the Strouss Auditorium was re• the main hall or from any member corded by WBBW and presented of the sponsoring sorority or fra• to Mrs. Deesz. ternity. Admission is §1.00 per Alex Chavich, 17 year old piano student at the Dana person. Intermission. entertain• Music School of YoCo, was the fortunate winner of $1,000 in ment is planned. As the title sug• gests, girls are to wear cotton V. S. savings bonds as a result of nominating Mrs. Pauline Youngstown A's Award In ,a statement to the press. V. Powers, a teacher of blind students at Chaney High School, dresses. Prizes In Ad Contest Dean Ellis said that his policy for the "Best Teacher of 1950" award. As part of his prize, would be basically the same as Chavich appeared on a television show and was guest on the Jerry Kahn and Walt Rembrow- that of Dean Deesz. He listed the Quiz Kids radio program last Sunday. He entertained the ski won the top prizes in a recent addition of a night school course Applications Accepted advertising art contest sponsored in engineering- as part of his plans. "Kids" by performing on the keyboard. For Annual "YC" Pins by the Youngstown Athletics base• "With the addition of new labora• Chavich had nominated his favorite teacher several times in vari- ball team. tories at night, the student will be " . ,, .„ ous Quiz Kids contests, placing Applications for the "YC" pin t n i(iiti( oi r >M iaaiaisinu The contest was open to mem• able to complete a whole course may be obtained by graduating second in 1949. Alex explained in bers of the advertising layout in the evenin," he said. the essay that Mrs. Powers was seniors from Dean Smith's Office, J RADIO SCHEDULE J classes at the college. The prizes Ellis also stated that, like Dean more than a teacher to him; she Room 110, the dean announced. were awarded for the best car- Deesz, his chief aim will be to was philosopher, guide and com• The "YC" pin is a special award ("YoCo Quarter Hour" j card design for an advertisement raise the Engineering School to a panion also:. Chavich, blind since given to 3 members of each gra• to appear in busses. standard with schools like Case birth, is planning to major in mu• duating class. The award is based First prizes won by Kahn and Institute, and Massachusetts Insti• 1 W K B N I sic. on a point system which rates stu• Rembrowski were season passes tute of, Technology. , Mis. Powers received a $2,000 dents according to academic and for A's games. Other winners were Aims of the new Dean include j 10:45 - Sat; Morning .1 cash prize as the "best teacher of extra-curricular achievement.
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