O. AUTUMN, 1968 VOI. XIV, N 2 * , Nancy Southworth, Mascoma Slalom, 1968 Photo by Bart Hauthaway 11 This Free-Loading House Ad Should Not Be Using This Space A sober, Hard-Working, Revenue-Producing, Possibly Even Huck- ster-Type Ad Needs and Deserves It. All over the country, there are sports boat and camping suppliers who would benefit from exposure to the adventurous and influential 1 readers of "American White Water." They are not getting our message, 1 but ony because We Have No National Advertising Director! If we could bake one, he would be: A New York area resident Experienced in advertising or salesmanship .Imaginative, hard-working, self-starting If you see anything in this description that even remotely resembles yourself, you might apply to the Chairman, Editorial Committee, Ameri- can White Water Affiliation, 459 Sixty-sixth St., Oakland, Calif. 94609. Meanwhile he is trying to bake one. - A- * WHITE WATER Sponsored by The American Whitewater Affiliation AUTUMN, 1968 Vol. XIV, No. 2 :ontents .RTICLES The he Colorado Hoover Dam ....................... Ann Schafer 4 American 'ominations, 1969 Board of Directors ........................... 10 Whitewater he 1969 World Championship Course ... Ted Young 13 AfFiIiation . White-Water Park ..................................... Jay Evans 20 ish-pole Slalom Gate .............................. Jay Evans 16 Board of Directors [elp in Buying Eastern Slalom Course ....................... 26 1968-69 he New River of West Virginia ... Gerhard Mueller 32 President pro tem OSCAR HAWKSLEY )EPARTMENTS Route 5 Warrensburg, Mo. 64093 ,etters ............................ 2 President's Soapbox 24 .ominations ................. 10 Conservation Comment 26 ROLAND W. DAVIS ,acing Report ............... 13 Dean's Cartoon ..... 25 Berkeley, Calif. 94707 ace Results .................. 18 Safety as We See It ... 28 HAROLD KIEHM Tew Products ............... 22 From Your Editor 30 2019 Addison St. Chicago, Ill. 60618 ,ffiliates .......................................... Inner and Back Covers ROBERT McNAIR 52 Dartmouth Circle Swarthmore, Pa. 19081 How to Write to American White Water Please send only editorial matter to the Editors. PETER D. WHITNEY Send all sul:scriptions, checks, changes of address and queries 459 Sixty-sixth St. al out non-receipt of copies to the Circulation Manager (address 1:elow). Oakland, Calif. 94609 Send advertising matter and payments to the Business Manager, or to the Advertising Manager nearest you (address below). 1968 THANK YOU. EDGAR- ~ ALEXANDER 6 Winslow Ave. ,ditor: East Brunswick, N. J. 08816 Peter D. Whitney, 459 Sixty-sixth St., Oakland, Calif. 94609 Iidwest Editor : BART HAUTHAWAY Nancy C. Jack, 805 Sandusky Ave., Kansas City :, Kans. acing Editor : 640 Boston Post Rd. Chadds Ford, Pa. 19317 Weston, Mass. 02193 Mark Fawcett, usiness Manager : ROBERT HARRIGAN Charles Smith, 1760 Walnut St., Berkeley, Calif. 94709 5113 Wehawken Rd. irculation Manager : Washington, D. C. 20016 George E. Larsen, 456 Hawthorne, San Bruno, Calif. 94066 Iidwest Advertising : ANDRES PEEKNA Harry Kurshenljaum, 6719 N. Greenview Ave., Chicago 26, Illinois Route 2, Box 20712 liestern Advertising : Omro, Wis. 54963 Henri F. Eble, 3115 Eton Ave., Berkeley, Calif. 94705 American WHITE WATER is mailed to all members of the American iihitewater Affiliation in June, September, December and March. Mem- ership is open to all who are Interested m river sport, for the sum of .50 per year. Treasurer The ma azine welcomes contributions of articles, photographs and CHARLES SMITH awm s, &ut assumes no responsiLility for them. Address all editorial 1760 Walnut St. ateri3 to the Managing Editor or to the nearest Regional Edltor. x-respondence regardmg the Affiliation or boating information should Berkeley 9, Calif. sent to any member of the Board of Directors. Deadline for insertion of copy or advertising-first of month prior to onth of issue. Printed in the United States of America Bill Heinzerling and Rowan Osborne, 1966 Esopus Slalom. Photo by Bart Hauthaway 156 December 27, 1968 ing of confidence is much faster. I re- Dear Mr. Whitney, member what Walter Kirschbaum once [In the Summer Issue] you request said: "When you begin, you want the some indications from members about boat to hold you up, but soon you hold AWA undertaking to sponsor a US. up the boat." River Guide. I would favor such activ- My Missouri [river) guidebook is go- ity as it appears to be urgently needed. ing into a third edition (very little Donald Tall change except for some corrections and 100 Braemar Drive additions) which will bring the num- Chesire, Conn. 06410 ber of copies printed up to 30,000. It (Ed. Note: Thank you for your support. The is obvious that there is a demand for original proposal assumed that the River guidebooks and I think your suggestion Guides would be done separately, by individual that AWA get behind and coordinate states, and would be coordinated and standard- a nation-wide guidebook project is a ized with AWA inspiration, follou&zg Inter- timely one. We certainly should be the national Touring specifications.) ones to do it but we will have to act fast if we are going to have any effect. December 17, 1968 Peter D. Whitney: Many states have already come out with them including Illinois, Indiana, Re: Your note in the Summer Journal. Iowa in addition to those you men- Standard symbols would be great. tioned. However diversity of format, etc. leads Peekna's guide is better than the to new ideas for future guide editors state publication for Wisconsin even and this leads to better guides in the though it does not cover a lot of the future. Let's not stifle ingenuity. rivers. Kentucky is doing a guide (Ray Bruce Sundquist Mischon); Arkansas has a guidebook Canoe Guide Editor project going (farmed out to many Pittsburgh Council, AYH Ozark Society members) under the 6300 Fifth Ave. leadership of Ken Smith who wrote Pittsburgh, Pa. 15232 "Buffalo River Country" and he has (Ed. Note: Standardization is a perennial foe them using mine as a sort of pattern; of originality, unless creative persons find it I hear Texas is also working on one possible to ujork within standardized system. and God knows how many other states. e.g., the alphabet.) Is it time that we have an inventory Dear Peter: of these again and publish it in AWA? I think there is a need for an article We need a guidebook chairman. which explains why it would be better I'm not really sure we can adopt in- to start kids in a proper boat. Who ternational symbols, though, except for could write such an article? Someone white-water streams with rather de- who knows more about boat design and tailed maps. I wanted to do that with training than I, that's for sure. I can my guidebook, and did use several of certainly say, from just our spring the symbols, but for various reasons "white-water school" here that I much they did not work out, and the Con- prefer to have beginners in properly servation Dept. had to change them on designed boats. Progress and develop- our rather small-scale maps. I did use American WHITE WATER international stream ratings, and hope- fully others will follow on that. AWA Training Film Sincerely, Oz Hawksley Route 5, Warrensburg, Mo. The AWA training film will be cir- culated henceforth by Ronald Shafer, January 7, 1969 Chatsworth, Ill. 60921. This 16 mm. color Dear Pete: film with tape sound is primarily for By means of this letter I would like canoeists but has interest for all begin- to express my sincere thanks and grati- ning white-water paddlers. It makes a tude to all of you in the American good feature for club meetings. Whitewater Affiliation who have been Donations of film or funds to make so helpful over the past four years in films for future training, should be sent white-water sport. As National Slalom to Business Manager Charles Smith, Chairman it was my privilege to work 1760 Walnut St., Berkeley, Calif. 94709. with many members of AWA, and to- Meanwhile Walt parvest, former Na- gether we have observed the exciting tional Slalom K-1 Champion, will be growth of white-water sport in the'6Os. production boss for new instructional Personally it has been a privilege for films. me to serve the needs of this growing sport and I'm proud to have been a part of its development. the AWA to suport Mark in every way This past fall Mark Fawcett of pcssible. Those of us who agree to take Chadds Ford, Pa., was duly elected as on volunteer jobs find out very quickly my successor as ACA National Slalom the frustrations, disappointments, and Chairman. Mark has been active in inertia necessary for us to overcome. white-water racing for many years and His job won't be easy, but I'm sure all brings to the sport a wealth of experi- of us in the AWA will be glad to pitch ence and enthusiasm necessary to move in and help. this sport ahead in the next decade. I Sincerely, (Jay) would like to call upon all members of JAY EVANS Assistant Director of Admissions WHITE-WATER Dartmouth, College Hanover, N.H. 03755 (Ed. Note: Sorry we are to lose Jay ulhose Buy Them Through AWA term as Chairman and Editor has been trdy brilliant. But we welcome aboard a fine com- Bookseller's profit goes to the petitor in Mark Pmucett). Affiliation's fund for projects like Guidebooks, etc. Available: "White-Water Sport," by Peter Whitney $4.00 Don't Lose Your Boat "Fundamentals of Kayaking" For Lack of Flotation! (Fourth Edition) Harvest by Jay Evans $3.00 "The Exploration of the Form-fitting flotation bags for kayaks Colorado River," Approx. 4.5 cu. ft. ea. Major Powell's diaries $3.75 20-mil.
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