WTU Herbarium Specimen Label Data Generated from the WTU Herbarium Database September 25, 2021 at 2:25 am http://biology.burke.washington.edu/herbarium/collections/search.php Specimen records: 363 Images: 31 Search Parameters: Label Query: Genus = "Chaenactis" Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. alpina A. Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. Gray U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: U.S.A., OREGON, WALLOWA COUNTY: Rattlesnake Creek, circa 35 miles west of Hanford. Wallowa-Whitman National Forest. Eagle Cap Wilderness. West of 46.59525°, -120.14566°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: Aneroid Mountain. Alpine ridge above and southeast of Dollar Lake. GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Elev. 8659 ft. Open sandy desert sagebrush. Bracts ca. 10, inner ones longest; 45° 11.3' N, 117° 11.1' W corollas ochroleucous. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Alpine Ridge above and SE of Dollar Lake; NW aspect; full sun; mix of basalt and Hurwal Form. sedimentary/limestone. All w/ Astragalus C. L. Hitchcock 8199 23 May 1944 alpinus, Carex phaeocephala, C. rossii, Phlox caespitosa, Aster with C. V. Muhlick alpigenus, and Trisetum spicatum. Dense tuft; pink flowers. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-93226 P. F. Zika 17060 19 Jul 2002 with Sharon Rodman, Dave Tank, Ben Legler, Mark Egger Asteraceae WTU-360877 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRANT COUNTY: Asteraceae 6 miles east of Beverly on road to Othello. T16N R24E S34; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. Georef'd by Ben Legler On sand dunes. Corollas white; anthers pale purple. Phenology: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ADAMS COUNTY: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. 2 miles north of Macall. 47.089782°, -118.01333°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: C. L. Hitchcock 20958 25 May 1957 GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff with C. V. Muhlick Dry grassland. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. WTU-176664 R. G. Jeffrey s.n. 4 Jun 1946 WTU-117734 Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. Asteraceae U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. Near Vantage. 46.94556°, -119.98611°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 5000 m., Source: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ASOTIN COUNTY: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Blue Mountains: Above Cottonwood Creek, southwest of Anatone. Open sagebrush plains. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Elev. 5000 ft. T7N R44E S6; WGS 84, uncertainty: 240 m., Source: J. William Thompson 17250 18 May 1953 Georeferenced, Georef'd by WTU Staff Dry rocky soil on open hillsides. Corollas pale pink. Phenology: WTU-170947 Flowers. Origin: Native. Arthur Cronquist 5938 9 Jul 1949 Asteraceae with Quentin Jones Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. WTU-183596 U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: Within city limits of Spokane. Asteraceae 47.65889°, -117.425°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. In dry gravelly soil. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, BENTON COUNTY: Sister Mary Milburge 1159 24 Jun 1934 Hanford Reservation, 50 yards SW of Gate 106. Elev. 540 ft. WTU-7239 46° 30' N, 119° 43' W; T10N R27E S9 In Eriogonum sphaerocephalum/Poa association, dry stony soil, S facing ridge. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Asteraceae Joan T. O?Farrell 71-62 23 May 1971 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. with Thomas P. O’Farrell U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: WTU-266326 Alluvial fan entering the Snake River 0.2 miles east of USGS Gaging Station. T11N R45E S16; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, Georef'd by Ben Legler Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Robert B. Wakefield 641 2 Jun 1965 WTU-266712 Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, GRANT COUNTY: Along side of Forest Service road 5700, where road goes downhill to 2.8 miles south of I-90 junction with SR 26, on east side of SR 243. Pine Flats Campground (end of blacktop road). 46° 54' 35.052" N, 119° 56' 45.48" W; T16N R23E S4 T26N R19E S14 NW 1/4; WGS 84, uncertainty: 500 m., Source: Sandy rocky swale adjacent to cliff of basalt columns. Growing on GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff bench above cliff, in rocky soil. Flowers creamy white to pinkish Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. tinged. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Elroy Burnett 24 11 Jun 1988 Mildred Arnot 840 30 May 1997 WTU-315428 WTU-333894 Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, LINCOLN COUNTY: Rock Creek. Site "Coulee N", south of Keller's Ferry. T4N R18E S3; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, Elev. 1550 ft. Georef'd by Ben Legler T28N R33E S20; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: TRS2LL, SE-facing, rocky canyon slope. With Eriogonum elatum, E. niveum, Georef'd by Ben Legler R. compositum, Poa secunda, Bromus tectorum, Stipa thuberiana, Purshia-Stipa community, loamy sand. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Lomatium grayii. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Origin: Native. Eliza Habegger RC 141 8 Jun 1997 J. C. Moomaw s.n. 13 Jun 1955 WTU-335025 WTU-179629 Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, YAKIMA COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, OKANOGAN COUNTY: North of Cleman's Mountain, west of Yakima. 5 miles south of Malott, along Hwy 97. Elev. 3800-3840 ft. T32N R25E; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: GeoLocate, 46° 53' 15" N, 120° 55' W; T16N R15E S11 S14 Georef'd by WTU Staff In damp patch on roadside. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Sand dunes, both sides of highway. With Chryptantha circumscissa, Artemisia sp., Cymopteris terebinthinus, Leptodactylon pungens, Sarah Gage G&R 236 14 Jun 1992 Oenothera pallida, Polygonum majus, Chaenactis douglasii, and with Sharon Rodman Pinus ponderosa, mentzelia albicaulis. Flowers in this population all white; plants tall, up to 1 meter. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: WTU-344677 Native. G. Patrick 6 22 Jun 1991 Asteraceae WTU-320137 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, ADAMS COUNTY: Asteraceae Along highway about 9 miles northeast of Ritzville. 47.219544°, -118.243487°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, SPOKANE COUNTY: Riverside Park Cemetery, Spokane. Natural area north of Memorial Xerpha M. Gaines 456 14 Jul 1950 Park. Along Spokane River, north of confluence with Hangman with Mary Hafercamp Creek. Elev. 1700 ft. WTU-183569 47° 40' N, 117° 27' 30" W; T25N R42E S14 Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Sarah Gage G&R 939 5 Jun 1993 with Teresa Leyens WTU-345036 Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Chaenactis thompsonii Cronquist U.S.A., WASHINGTON, WHITMAN COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Almota. [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3/S3 46.70306°, -117.46833°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: (Sensitive; WANHP)] GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Elev. 6000 ft. In a canyon. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Hawkins formation. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. C. V. Piper s.n. 28 Jun 1894 J. William Thompson s.n. Aug 1951 WTU-30841 WTU-144687 Asteraceae Asteraceae Chaenactis thompsonii Cronquist Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY: [locality and coordinates withheld; status in Washington: G3/S3 Umatilla National Forest, Tucannon River Road 1.0 miles before (Sensitive; WANHP)] road end. Upper west-facing slopes on serpentine. Phenology: Flowers & Elev. 3444 ft. Fruits. Origin: Native. T8N R41E S11/12; WGS 84, uncertainty: 577 m., Source: Digital Map, Georef'd by Richard Olmstead A. R. Kruckeberg 6692 7 Aug 1986 South facing slope and roadcut. Annual; small white flowers; locally abundant. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. WTU-319043 Richard G. Olmstead RGO-97-0101 30 Jun 1997 Asteraceae WTU-343194 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. U.S.A., OREGON, WHEELER COUNTY: Asteraceae Ochoco National Forest: Sutton Mountain - Black Canyon. 44° 42.442' N, 120° 10.264' W; T10S R21E S14 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii In gravel on the bottom of the river at the mouth of the canyon. Pale pink flowers with no ray flowers. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. U.S.A., WASHINGTON, CHELAN COUNTY: Along Sand Creek Trail. Sasa Stefanovic 00-15 9 Jun 2000 T22N R18E S10; WGS84, uncertainty: 10000 m., Source: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff WTU-350149 Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. J. Scott s.n. 1 Jul 1981 Asteraceae WTU-284481 Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KLICKITAT COUNTY: Gifford Pinchot National Forest: Klickitat River Rd between Asteraceae Glenwood and Goldendale on Road cut and S slope. 19.8 mi. NW of Goldendale (junction of US 97 and hwy 142). Chaenactis douglasii (Hook.) Hook. & Arn. var. douglasii Elev. 1311 ft. 45.939417°, -121.0962°; WGS 84, uncertainty: 1000 m., Source: U.S.A., WASHINGTON, KITTITAS COUNTY: GeoLocate, Georef'd by WTU Staff Along trail to Koppen Peak via Johnson Creek. Dirty white flower. Phenology: Flowers. Origin: Native. Elev. 5000 ft. T22N R15E S14 SW 1/4; NAD 27, uncertainty: 805 m., Source: Richard G. Olmstead 01-68 18 Jun 2001 TRS2LL, Georef'd by Ben Legler Slope extends to ridge overlooking North Fork Teanaway River. WTU-352156 Sandstone parent material supporting open herb and shrub cover, especially Arctostaphylos nevadensis and Pachistima. Phenology: Flowers & Fruits. Origin: Native. Asteraceae A.
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