T STATE UNIVE Inside This Issue: INO RSI - Risky behavior, Page 4 M TY - Chili cook-off, Page 5 - iMagicon in Minot this weekend, Page 6 - Football, Page 7 - Cross Country at NSIC Championships, Page 8 Red & Green - Soccer splits weekend games, Page 10 Volume 97, Number 7 October 29, 2015 Minot, N.D. 58701 minotstateu.edu/redgreen Sodexo hosts pumpkin-carving contest Submitted photo The winning pumpkins in Sodexo’s pumpkin-carving contest sit on display. Sophomore Claudia Rogel won first place for her carving of a Star Wars Storm Trooper. Freshman Matthew Winburn took second for his carved dragon, and the MSU Power Center took third place for its carving of a Halloween Beaver. Submitted photo Patrick Friley, general manager and chef of Sodexo, poses with sophomore Submitted photo Claudia Rogel and her carved storm trooper pumpkin. Rogel took first place in Carved pumpkins are displayed in the Beaver Creek Cafe. Students voted for their the pumpkin-carving competition hosted by Sodexo. favorite. Page 2 – October 29 , 2015 News Red & Green Voices on Campus “What are your plans fo r Halloween?” Keith Ailes Comm 281 1st International Bank 3x10 spot color Jordan Schulz Carissa Schlesinger Criminal Justice Financ e “For Halloween weekend, “I’m s toke d to s ee the soccer gi rls win at ho me, I am going to cheer on my and I ’m go ing to dest roy soccer team and watch some Halloween candy!” them continue to kill it!” Alex us Arthur Nol an A xten Broadcasting Broadcasting “My fri ends a nd I a re going “Th e wee kend of to have a fall -th emed get Hallowee n performances. I am going bac Ik together to coo k fall good - wup t o Cana da to ha ng with ies and carve pumpkins.” the boys. Cana dian candy is better than American.” Mark LaC ro ix Connor Oliver History Educ ation Art Ed uca tio n “I love H allo we en . I am “I’ll b e at t he annual going to h ave a sc ary Halloween ba seball game movie m ar atho n on N etflix d own at Corbe tt F ield. and stea l all my Every one check i t out, it room m ate’s cand y!” shoul d get spooky.” Red & Green News Page 3 - October 29, 2015 Today in History News in Brief Thakkar, a senior, will present or is it? From preshow antics to 1833: The first U.S. college a celebration of cultures from Johnson pleads not his work investigating the Black- closing credits, costumes and fraternity to have a around the world. During this Scholes Option Pricing Model, a audience participation is encour - fraternity house is founded. guilty to assault on event, students, faculty and staff mathematical model that aged. Don't forget your costume! share an aspect of their home 1929: On Black Tuesday, the AilKews ame David Johnson, former describes the evolution of a finan - This event is free and open to country or native culture through Stock Market crashes, Minot State University student cial derivative's price over time. the public, with prop bags avail - colorful displays, photos, cuisine, triggering the Great and football player, pleaded not The talks, to bring new and inter - able for purchase. music or other performances. Depression. guilty on Oct. 22 to aggravated esting information to those inter - The preshow begins at 11:15 This year’s event is Thursday, assault, a Class C felony. ested in learning about mathemat - p.m. with the screening and per - Nov. 19, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on 1966: The National Organization Johnson and his co-defendant, ical research, are free and open to formance at 11:45 p.m. The doors the second floor of the Student of Women is founded. former MSU student Steven Neal everyone. open at 10:45 p.m. Center. Student clubs, groups and Patrick, are accused of punching For more information, contact For more information, contact individuals are invited to partici - 1974: Law bans discrimination of Thakker at hridaybharat.thakkar@ Krys Zorbaugh, Campus Players MSU student and baseball player pate. sex or marital status in Keith Ailes in the head following a my.minotstateu.edu. president, at Registration forms are avail - credit applications. verbal altercation at a party on [email protected]. able in the International Programs Aug. 29. Office, first floor, Student Center, 1988: 2,000 U.S. anti-abortion According to a Minot Daily Campus Players next to Buckshots. The registration protesters are arrested for News article, a Minot police offi - Choirs concert on Nov. 2 deadline is Nov. 10. presents ‘The Rocky Come and enjoy the MSU blocking clinics. cer testified at the hearing that a Funds are available through Horror Picture Show’ Singers, Women's Chorus and witness told him Ailes called the On O ct. 30, M SU Cam pus the University Diversity 2014: MSU Concert Choir in a perform - The World Health men a racial slur. Players presents a screening of the Committee to reimburse each par - Organization reports that ance Nov. 2 at 7:30 p.m. in Ann Patrick’s court appearance was unrepentantly wicked and unpre - ticipating group up to $50 to pur - the rate of Ebola infection Nicole Nelson Hall, Old Main. waived last week. dictably weird cult-classic, "The chase supplies, food, decorations is slowing in Liberia, with This event is free. A pretrial conference for or other materials needed for the Rocky Horror Picture Show," with hospitals now at less than Johnson and Patrick is scheduled celebration. special guests, the Magic City full capacity; the slowdown for Dec. 30. Misfits. The Magic City Misfits For more information, email is attributed to a campaign ‘TeTdhe 2m’ otovi ep, l“aTyed N 2o,”v .w 4ill be will perform alongside the screen - Libby Claerbout, director of to educate citizens on safe shown at 9 p.m. Wednesday in ing as members of the eclectic cast, International Programs, at burial practices. Aleshire Theater. M-Life sponsors Join Hriday Thakkar including Dr. Frank-N-Further, [email protected]. this event, which is free with a stu - Rocky, Riff-Raff, Magenta, today for a Math Talk dent ID. The MSU Math Club hosts a Columbia and more! This rocking, (Courtesy of Brainyhistory.com) monthly math talk today in pseudo-thriller is about sweet - Model Hall 330 at 5 p.m. hearts Brad and Janet (Barry Mathematics major Hriday "Day" Call for participation in Bostwick and Susan Sarandon), Thakkar will speak on "The and their misadventures in the cultural celebration event Each year during International Numerical Solution of Black- eerie and rather "festive" castle of Education Week, the MSU Scholes Option Pricing Model." Dr. Frank-N-Further (Tim Curry), Diversity Committee coordinates Grand Hotel 3x3 Full color Page 4 – October 29, 2015 Red & Green News Learn the impacts of risky behavior By Brooklyn Bender cates colorectal cancer risk rises 10 of memory, is the result of this risky behaviors. 1718-1724. doi:10.1111/j.1360- MSU nursing student to 20 percent when 5 0g of pu re ch ronic destr uc tion and can be cat - Fin ding copi ng strategies, such 0443.2011.0 3 6 0 5 .doi:10.1111/j.1360-x College life allows for many alc oho l are ta ken p er d ay; even egorized into more com mo n dis - as exercise, medita tion, or liste ning 0 Rehm, J., Shield, K. D., Joharchi, new oppor tunit ies and enco unters greater, brea st canc er ris k incl ines 7 eases, kn own as Al zheimer’s dis - to music, may contr ibu te to a N., & Shu pe r, P. A. (20 12). Alcohol for students to e xper ience. The percent if 10g of pur e al cohol ar e ease, Korsako ff’ s syndrome and he althier l ifesty le. Also, ke epi ng con su mption an d t he inte ntion to des ire to fit in and make new consum ed per da y; an d most sig - vascu lar dementia . Misuse of alco - condoms more ava ilable i s vital to engage in unp rote cted sintentionex: to friends can cre ate occas ions fo r cav - nificant, dr inki ng 50 g of pure a lco - hol may limit co l lMisuseege st uofd ealco-nts’ reducing the r isk of tra ns mitti ng Seystem atic review and meta-analy - ing in t o pe er pre ssure. Th e ch oic - hol a da y allows for a 1 00 pe rcent fhutu res du e to d eficient m emory. STIs. I f co gniti ve function is sis of expe riment al stu dies. es a nd d ecisi ons one f o Thellow choic-s can clim b in o btainin g la ry nx, p harynx Bing e dr ink ing not only affects altere d , hIfo pcognitiveefully hav infunctiong this p ro is- Ad dic t iexperimentalon, 107(1), 51 -studies.59. iempact their healt h and well-be ing, and es op hagus can cer. health ov er time, b ut ca n pot entiate taection n earby can keep on e sa fe. dAoi:10.1111 /j.1360 - and eve n lea d to lif elon g complica - T hese resear chers f urther asso - the ris k for other beh avio r that has Ove rall, co llege stud ent s need 0443.2011.03621.x tion s.
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