US 20100055161A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0055161 A1 Ahn (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 4, 2010 (54) HYDROGEL FACE MASK FOR DELIVERING Publication Classification SKN CARE AGENTS (51) Int. Cl. A 6LX 9/70 (2006.01) (76) Inventor: Dong June Ahn, Seoul (KR) A633/04 (2006.01) A6IP 700 (2006.01) Correspondence Address: (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 424/449; 424/617 EDWARDS ANGELL PALMER & DODGE LLP P.O. BOX SS874 (57) ABSTRACT BOSTON, MA 02205 (US) Skin care can be provided by the skin care devices and com positions described herein. Such a skin care device can be (21) Appl. No.: 12/199,751 configured to include a biocompatible hydrogel layer includ ing one or more treatment agents, and an associated backing (22) Filed: Aug. 27, 2008 layer associated with the hydrogel layer. i Patent Application Publication Mar. 4, 2010 US 2010/0055161 A1 US 2010/0055161 A1 Mar. 4, 2010 HYDROGEL FACE MASK FOR DELVERING men, chest, stomach, back, buttocks, genitals, legs, knee, feet, SKIN CARE AGENTS toes, and combinations thereof. In one option, the shape and size can be configured for application to a face of the Subject. BACKGROUND 0007. In one embodiment, a device for delivering one or more treatment agents can be configured or characterized by 0001. The skin is the outer covering of living tissue of an at least one of the following: the biocompatible hydrogel animal, and includes multiple layers of epithelial tissues. The layer is configured to retain structural integrity when on or in skin is the first line of protection for the underlying tissues, contact with skin; the one or more treatment agents include a vasculature, muscles, bones, ligaments, internal organs, and compound or composition configured to provide a skin treat the like. The structure of skin provides protection from the ment; the backing layer is configured to retain structural outside environment; mainly as a barrier against pathogens integrity of the hydrogel layer when the hydrogel layer is the and the Sun. Additionally, the skin plays important roles in skin; the one or more treatment agents are homogeneously providing insulation, temperature regulation, sensation, Syn dispersed within the hydrogel layer; the one or more treat thesis of vitamin D, and protection of vitamin B folates. ment agents are included in a concentration gradient within 0002. When damaged, skin becomes less efficient in func the hydrogel layer, the one or more treatment agents are tioning properly, which can lead an individual to be more included as depots within the hydrogel layer, the backing Susceptible to pathogens, Sun damage, punctures, and abra layer is aqueous liquid impermeable; the backing layer is sions. Skin damage can arise from being physically injured, Substantially hydrophobic; or the backing layer is paper. exposure to certain conditions, and from natural and acceler 0008. In one embodiment, the device can further include at ated aging. Severely damaged skin will try to heal by forming least one of the following: an adhesive layer between and scartissue that is often discolored and/or depigmented. Addi coupling the backing layer to the hydrogel layer, a skin pen tionally, Scar tissue can be unsightly, and can cause emotional etration enhancer included in the hydrogel layer, said skin distress when present on a visible portion of skin, Such as on penetration enhancer being configured to enhance penetra the face. As a result, various therapies and treatments have tion of the one or more treatment agents into skin; a peelable been sought to protect skin from being damaged as well as to layer included on, associated with, or contacting the hydrogel treat skin that has been damaged to reduce Scar formation. layer; a peelable layer on the hydrogel layer so as to protect Also, many therapies and treatments have been prepared in an the hydrogel layer from drying during storage; or at least one attempt to reduce or inhibit skin aging. opening in the hydrogel layer and backing layer that corre 0003. The various therapies and treatments have been pro vided in many different usage forms, such as for internal or sponds with at least one of an eye, nose, nostril, lips, mouth, external application. Therapies and treatments for external or combination thereof. application have been formulated as gels, lotions, sprays, and 0009. In one embodiment, a method of providing one or the like. However, many of these formulations have short more treatment agents to skin of a subject can include: pro comings, such as dripping or unwanted spreading of the viding a device for delivering one or more treatment agents to therapeutic agent, and therefore improved skin therapies and skin; and applying the hydrogel layer to the skin of the Sub ject. The hydrogel can be retained on the skin while the one or treatments continue to be researched and developed. more treatment agents is applied to the skin. In the instance that the device includes a peelable layer on the hydrogel layer, BRIEF SUMMARY the method can include peeling the peelable layer from the 0004 Generally, skin care can be provided by the devices hydrogel layer so as to expose a Surface of the hydrogel for and compositions described herein in order to treat and/or application to the skin. Also, in embodiments where the back prevent a skin condition, disease, disorder, or symptoms ing layer has a Surface area larger than the hydrogel layer, the thereof. Also, the devices and compositions described herein peelable layer can also be included on or in contact with the can provide general skin care agents to the skin for mainte hydrogel side of the backing layer. nance of skin form and function. The devices and composi 0010. In one embodiment, a method of manufacturing a tions can be applied to the skin in order to provide the pro device for delivering one or more treatment agents to skin can phylactic, therapy, or maintenance for enhanced skin care. include: preparing a biocompatible hydrogel or hydrogel 0005. In one embodiment, a device for delivering one or precursor composition; introducing one or more treatment more treatment agents to skin can include: a biocompatible agents into the hydrogel or hydrogel-precursor composition; hydrogel layer, one or more treatment agents included in the and coupling a backing material to the hydrogel or hydrogel hydrogel layer, and a backing layer associated or in contact precursor composition so as to form a hydrogel layer associ with the hydrogel layer. For example, the one or more treat ated with or in contact with a backing layer. ment agents can be configured for treatment and/or preven 0011. In one embodiment, a method of manufacturing a tion of at least one of acne, Sunspots, skin cancer, wrinkles, device for delivering one or more treatment agents to skin can dry skin, eczema, edema, psoriasis, rashes, shingles, infec include: configuring the hydrogel layer to retain structural tion, inflammation, itching, Seborrheic dermatitis, atopic der integrity when in contact with skin; configuring one or more matitis, warts, rosacea, fungal infections, herpes, razor burn, treatment agents to include a compound or composition that mastocytosis, intertrigo, pityriasis rosea, lichen planus, provides a skin treatment; configuring the backing layer to hidradentis, symptoms thereof, combinations thereof, and the retain structural integrity of the hydrogel layer when the like. hydrogel layer is in contact with the skin; homogeneously 0006. In one embodiment, the hydrogel layer can have a dispersing the one or more treatment agents into the hydrogel shape and size for application to a desired portion of skin of a or hydrogel-precursor composition; distributing the one or Subject. In one option, a desired portion of skin can be more treatment agents into the hydrogel layer in a concentra selected from the group consisting of a forehead, nose, cheek, tion gradient; or configuring the one or more treatmentagents lips, face, neck, shoulder, arm pit, arm, hand, finger, abdo to be introduced into the hydrogel layer as depots. US 2010/0055161 A1 Mar. 4, 2010 0012. In one embodiment, the method of manufacturing a hydrogel can be any hydrogel that can be applied to skin. In device for delivering one or more treatment agents to skin can Some instances, the hydrogel can be compatible with the skin, further include at least one of the following: providing an and thereby is biocompatible. The treatment agents can be adhesive layer between the backing layer and the hydrogel any agent that can provide general skin care as well as treat layer (e.g. to adhere the two layers together); introducing a ment agents that provide therapeutic and/or prophylactic skin penetration enhancer into the hydrogel layer, said skin effects. The skin care device can also include a backing layer penetration enhancer being configured to enhance penetra associated with the hydrogel layer. The backing layer can be tion of the one or more treatment agents into skin; applying a included on the skin care device to provide a substrate to the peelable layer onto the hydrogel layer (e.g., to protect the hydrogel for ease of handling as well as other functions. hydrogel layer from drying during storage). 0022. The skin care device can be configured for the treat 0013 These and other embodiments and features of the ment and/or prevention of at least one of acne, Sunspots, skin skin care device and compositions will become more fully cancer, wrinkles, dry skin, eczema, edema, psoriasis, rashes, apparent from the following description and appended shingles, infection, inflammation, itching, seborrheic derma claims, or may be learned by the practice of skin care as set titis, atopic dermatitis, warts, rosacea, fungal infections, her forth hereinafter.
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