12 THE WASHINGTON TIMES, TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1912. w Capi George McBride to Be Back in Game on Thursday When Bah Will Be Lifted imE MID S With Old Man Rain Doing His Best, Teams Were Enabled to Take Extra Rest STAFFORD COUNT SUSPENDED BUT VOTES $100,000 FOP THREE DAYS OR 000 fillS Will Be Back in Game Efforts of Touring Club of When He Returns to America Appreciated by Washington. Virginians: GRIFFITH BLAMES By IfARRY WARD. The efforts of the Touring Club of WALKER FOR ROW Amctlca to obtain tho building of a great International highway botween Miami, ria., and Quebec aro meeting Wfltkins, of Indianapolis, May Vilth success. Just by way of encourage- ment to the people of Washington and ,Take Over Some of Nation-Is- ,' Richmond, who proposo to build tho connecting link In this highway be- als' Youngsters. tween the National Capital and tho cap- ital of Virginia, Stafford county, Va., has voted for a 1100,000 bond Issue, to bo By "SENATOR." Issued In the construction of good roads. BOSTON, Mass, April orge Mc- Naturally a good part of this money Bride, tho premier short fielder of tho will be spent along the routo of the Nationals, has been suspended for but main International highway, although a three days by President Ban Johnson number of branch roads will bo Im- upon n, complaint from "Silk" O'Lough-lln- , proved. Tho action of tho Stafford county people Is particularly pleasing was figure of tho Rlclimond-Washlngto- who the central to the n Highway near-ri- ot at the Florida avenue park At sedation, which Is making every ef- last Saturday. fort to procure funds to build a great "Yes, McBride has been suspended," boulevard connecting the two cities a a. said Manager Griffith morning. pait of tho International highway. this Commenting on the pathllndlng trip "Yesterday was the first of tho three made between the two cities last fall, days, so he will be back In the eamu one of tho pathfinders told of his ex- again Thursday. I don't see why ho perience In Stafford county In these should have been selected as the man vvoids: "When It wasn't rocks, it was be banished. He is tho captain mudholcs, and when It wasn't mud-hole- s, to' and It was sloughs." right- - 'has a to speak for his team. In However, the pathfinders, helped to that mix-u- p Saturday he did nothing create a good roads sentiment In Staf- more than assert his rights. ford county, and their trip had no little "If any member of my team deserved bearing on tho vote In favor of the suspension for what ho did In that bond Issue. game. Friday night a mass meeting of tho It was Dixie Walker. He threw business men of Richmond will be held tHe bajl away In tho eighth Inning and to take steps to prosecute the work of there would be no complaint from me raising funds, for tho building of the had bo been put out of tho game for connecting link, and a campaign will a w - &! s pro- a few days. But no, i & i 11 i i 11 rii r j f i i f i it .I.J' I i i i nuaiM be Inaugurated to carry out the they don't do that, ' - in iki V1. - tun gram systematically. they take best man right '".vuv.. 'iaiNttWAiHM Tf; jlaaaaMJ?n Washington-Richmon- the out of the ffs vaj Thp d highway Is lnflold and leave tho team crippled." expected to have a beneficial effect on President Billy "Watklns, of tho India- BUNKER HILL! the automobile business of this city, napolis club, is here In hourly confer- and naturally every ono connected with ences with Jimmy MeAleer and Clark OlD MAN RAIN SAVES THE FIR5T GAME, the Industry Is Interested in tho move- Griffith, and the upshot of his trip may ment that has been launched to build (mean the disappearance for season of i - the road. a i one of tho young outfielders with the SO TMI IS BOlTi v ' mow (k( Cms MEAO SoUNOEO? Ideationals. "Watklns gar- T HAteVOHJ!)) Bob will wants a fast (ftAO I OMP 0 r. FAMILIAR..' I Evans, who drive a Flanders dener, and hopes to obtain one from J' l fl 'V,v "iT "DO" In the Santa Monica road race on Pi n . WA1HIHVT0N i Griffith. If good weather falls upon the J lfi.r s Mar 4. Is undoubtedly the smallest raco , lads from tho land of Taft and y, driver of all tho army of pilots regis- tho youngsters, Tommy Long tered with the three A's. In racing trim, goglcs on, Evans weighs In and Clarence WUlkcr, will be given -ul with plenty of work for tile particular bene- ' o. Vi at exactly 116 pounds one pound more fit of the minor league magnate. Jxzrhs'i. ,kr& rt than the legal limit requires. This Is "That boy Gagnlcr," says Watklns, h, & , directly contrary tp all tho canons of "Is playing grand ball for my team, Cc-r- taclng, as most of the drivers Incline to aniS tho burly, broad-shoulder- type. At should come back to the big show CaU-forn- tho wheel of his Flanders In the la in the fall able to hold Ids own with the raco Kvans look high you, my-pe-lf will like a best of them. I tell I consider school boy. Despite his apparent lack lucky In being able to hold on to of beef, however, Evans him for a year. He is proving the main Ainsmith Outshines little has strength my club." Seven Out of Eight ATHLETIC CATCHER Baseball Standings 00C WHITE HAS shown that he can handle a Studebakcr of car of either tho -F or Flanders Gagnler Is the stellar fielding short-nto- p Behind Bat Lead-of- f Men Hold Street typo with perfect ease, as his success- from the Lincoln club, Western AMERICAN LEAGUE. ful assault on all class records at tho League, who was given a trial at Char- In New York Games. Indianapolis speedway last fall proved. lottesville this spring. Outfield Positions The Nationals vlHtted the Park Thea- HAS MILD ATTACK Standing of the Clubs. AMR TO M ter last night, and are duo to attend the "lead-of- L "DorP Ainsmith, far from Chicago Athletes Are tonight, Of tho eight f men In Today. Colonial where Donald Brian w. L. Pet. W. L being thrown Into tlio shade l)y and Julia Sanderson are appearing in tho American League, sctcii Boston 5 1 .833 71 1 Ready Penn Relays Siren." for "The nro outfielders, Butcher or Gra-ne- r, Philadelphia 2 .67 , .71 .571 "Gubhy" Street oTcr iu Now York, Griffith, leader of tho rejuvenated Na- ..45 3 .6CT OF TYPHOID F ER Cleveland .B5 .556 MOT per- CHICAGO, April 23, tionals, Is not In the least afraid of tho Cleveland; Vitt, Detroit, Chicago 5 3 .6:5 .657 .556 OUEsriH made the former peerless Coach A. A. Sox, 3 .COO .571 Stagg, of the University of Chicago, en- Boston Red although he admits Philadel- WASH'N'TON. 3 .429 former of the 'ntionals look llko that they aro a fast, crafty outfit, but and Lord or Strunk, Detroit 4 B Mi ..VM .400 couraged by tho performance of his lie Insists that If luck breaks even, tho phia, Jcft field;" Milan, Wash-Ingto- n, St Louis 3 6 .333 .400 .30i) an also ran. Ainsmith used good team in the mile relay raco at Des Nationals should be able to win two of New York 0 6 .000 .113 .000 on Left-Hand- judgment in his ivork und rras Moines Saturday, bald last night the threo games now on tap In this and Sbottcn, St. Louis, Jack Lapp Is Out of the Explains Why ed that ho believed his runners have an tonn. center held; Hooper, Boston, Games Today. deadly In his pegging to buses. cxcollcnt chance for victory at the Sizes Up Other Teams. Game for Least Washington Boston. Batters Fail Against Philadelphia meet next Saturday. The and "Woltcr, 2ew York, right at at His bit brought over the winning final test will be to determine tho can- "I'll admit the Red Sox look Philadelphia at New Yoik. that field, ltath, of Chicago, is Uie Chicago at Cleveland run. On the other band, Street didates. It Is freely predicted that good to me," said Manager Griffith this Two Weeks. Detroit at St. Iouls. Southpaws. Davenport, Menaul. Matthews, and morning. "Judging by their work to only inficlder ho honored. In couldn't stop tho Nationals on Balrd. who composed Saturday's team, will bo settled upon for tho Kastern date, they should be there at the death. the National League, the condi-Uon- s Yesterday's Results. the paths and had his hands full race. The Athletics, of course, have the edge, are reversed to a certain PHILADELPHIA. April 23.-P- rior to St. Louis. 7. Detroit. 4. Doc White, tho left-han- d pitcher of holding Jack Quinn. Street looks largely because of their recoid, but, Just his departuro for New York Manager Rain postponed all other games, the Chicago White Sox, has a con- the same, If the Red Sox can hold their extent. Evcrs, Chicago; Hug-gin- s, Mack announced that Jack Lapp, tho vincing answer for the everlasting ques- better to us with tho Yankees hard-hittin- g NATIONAL LEAGUE. left-han- start, the world's champions will have St.
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