October 16, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S10565 This will be the fourth All-California three home runs in a playoff game in implementing policies which reflect a World Series—following the 1974 and the deciding game 5 of the American commitment to the rule of law, a com- 1988 Los Angeles Dodgers-Oakland Ath- League Championship Series. mitment to end support for separate letics match-ups and the 1989 ‘‘Bay Every great team has a great man- Republika Srpska institutions, and a Bridge Series’’ between the Giants and ager and the Giants and the Angels commitment to ensure and protect the the Athletics—and I am confident it have two of the best: three-time Na- rights of minority groups. will go down in history as one of the tional League Manager of the Year Progress toward those goals has been best. Dusty Baker and Mike Scioscia, who made. But it has been slow, and the Both teams have beaten the odds and has led the Angels to a World Series in FRY has an inconsistent record of com- overcome huge obstacles to advance to only his third year as manager. Former pliance with our law. the fall classic. In fact, this will be the teammates on the Los Angeles Dodg- I recognize that the process of reform first World Series between two wild- ers, both set high standards for their is difficult. Breaking down old hatreds card teams. teams, stuck with them through thick can take generations. I have been very My hometown team, the Giants, won and thin, and provided the leadership disappointed that even the reformers in the National League Wild Card with a for success. positions of authority have not done 95 and 66 record, edging another Cali- Finally I want to pay tribute to the more to support the Tribunal, and to fornia team, the Los Angeles Dodgers, front office staffs of both organiza- expose the truth about Milosevic’s crimes. However, even their incon- by 31⁄2 games. They then defeated the tions: President and managing partner sistent efforts are resisted at every heavily favored Atlanta Braves in the Peter Magowan, executive vice-presi- turn by powerful nationalists who are National League Divisional Series 3 dent and chief operating officer Larry far less committed to justice. games to 2, before finishing off a tough Baer, and general manager Brian That political dynamic is the cause and determined St. Louis Cardinals Sabean of the Giants and chairman and of much friction within the FRY, and team 4 games to 1, to win their third CEO of the Walt Disney Company Mi- is the cause of continuing difficulties National League Pennant since moving chael Eisner and general manager Bill between Serbia and the international to San Francisco in 1958. Stoneman of the Angels. Not only have community. The Anaheim Angels overcame a 6 they built championship franchises, It is my hope, and I think I speak for and 14 start to win the American but they have established the Giants everyone here, that the Balkans will League Wild Card with a 99 and 63 and Angels as class organizations. eventually become a stable, peaceful, record, just 4 games behind yet another Normally, the Senators from the and tolerant region in which Serbia is California team, the Oakland Ath- States of the teams represented in the the leading force for trade and democ- letics. They upset the New York Yan- World Series place a friendly wager on racy. Such a hope will become a reality kees in the American League Divi- the outcome. This year, Senator BOXER only if our commitment to it remains sional Series 3 games to 1 and defeated and I will simply take pleasure in strong. the Minnesota Twins 4 games to 1, to watching two California teams battle As the world’s attention has shifted win the first American League Pennant for the title. toward Afghanistan and a possible war in the 42-year history of the Angels or- From Edison Field to Pacific Bell with Iraq, it is important that our con- ganization. I only wish Gene Autry had Park, each game will showcase a dif- cerns for the FRY are not drowned out lived to see his beloved team succeed ferent part of California and the great by events elsewhere. with such brilliance. fans of both teams. The Giants and the In addition to ensuring FRY compli- The Giants and Angels epitomize the Angels have done California proud and ance with the Tribunal, there is still word ‘‘team.’’ Each has its share of All- may the best team win. serious work to be done on behalf of Stars, but they have advanced to the f minority groups there. final round because of the dedication In particular, a higher level of atten- and hard work of each player. THE ROMA tion must be focused on the plight of Everyone knows the Giants are led Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I rise to the Roma people, whose history is one by four-time National League Most discuss the situation of the Roma peo- of discrimination and suffering. Valuable Player, newest member of the ple in Serbia and Montenegro, which The Roma are an ethnic group that 600 Home Run club and 2002 National together make up the Federal Republic traces their heritage back about one League Batting Champion, Barry of Yugoslavia, FRY. thousand years to the north of India. Bonds. But Barry would be the first to I am among those who believe that They first settled in Eastern Europe in say that the Giants would not be where the United States should continue to the 14th Century. Today, Roma reside they are without the contributions of strongly support the development of in all parts of Europe. Over the centuries, the Roma have players such as National League Cham- democratic institutions and reconcili- been the victims of murderous violence pionship Series Most Valuable Player ation among ethnic groups throughout and debilitating discrimination that the FRY and Senator MCCONNELL and I Benito Santiago, David Bell, Jeff Kent, has poisoned their relations with their have tried to do that in the fiscal year J.T. Snow, and pitchers Russ Ortiz, host nations, stunted their growth as a 2003 Foreign Operations spending bill. Jason Schmidt, Kirk Rueter and Rob community, and perpetuated a vicious As in the past, we have provided Nenn. The list goes on. cycle of poverty, unemployment, sick- funds to support democratic reformers And, what Giants fan will ever forget ness, and every form of social ostra- Kenny Lofton, a center-fielder acquired in the FRY, as they continue to work cism. in a mid-season trade, who drove in the to overcome the hatred and destruction It is a cycle that has sentenced the winning run in game 5 of the National caused by Slobodan Milosevic. Roma to shorter lives, lower literacy League Championship Series with a The United States is dedicated to en- rates, and often horrid living condi- two-out base-hit? suring that Serbia develops a solid tions—living conditions that are far The Angels got to the World Series commitment to peace, the rule of law, below those of the general populations by hitting .320 as a team in the and to protecting the rights and well- of their host nations. postseason and scoring 60 runs in 9 being of its minority communities. I read in a recent publication that in games. They are led by David Eckstein, That is why the funding level for Ser- England, during the time of Elizabeth Garret Anderson, Troy Glaus, Tim bia—and indeed throughout the Bal- I, there was a law which made it illegal Salmon, and pitchers Troy Percival, kans—recommended by the Committee to be a Roma person, and under that Jarrod Washburn, and 20-year-old rook- on Appropriations is above what the law one could be put to death simply ie, Felix Rodriguez. President requested in his Fiscal Year for being born to Roma parents. Also American League Championship Se- 2003 budget. during that time, in Switzerland, it ries Most Valuable Player Adam Ken- Our law requires that the President was legal to hunt Roma for sport. nedy made history by becoming only certify to the Committee on Appropria- During the Second World War, the the fifth player—following the likes of tions that the FRY is continuing to co- Roma were among the first ethnic Hall of Famers Babe Ruth, Reggie operate with the War Crimes Tribunal. groups targeted for eradication by Hit- Jackson, and George Brett—to hit He must also certify that the FRY is ler. Until the 1970s, in other parts of VerDate Mar 15 2010 20:38 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00083 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2002SENATE\S16OC2.REC S16OC2 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S10566 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 16, 2002 Europe, policies have resulted in sepa- Calloway School of the Arts, which will show on WHAS radio which aired from rating Romani children from their par- celebrate its 10th anniversary at a 8 to 8:15 Monday through Friday. He al- ents so they could be raised by non- ceremony on Friday, November 22, 2002. ways finished the show with just Roma families. Cab Calloway students have per- enough time to beat the bell for his The last decade has been no kinder to formed in prestigious venues from New first class. the Roma. During the Balkan wars of York City to Washington, DC. Our col- After graduating from high school, the 1990s, the Roma were severely vic- league, Senator CLINTON, has been in Randy and Bob hit the road running, timized.
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