BENSON PARISH COUNCIL Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6LZ Tel: 01491 825038 E-mail: [email protected] Minutes of the Full Council meeting of Benson Parish Council held on Thursday 25th July 2019 at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall Committee Room Present: Cllr B Pattison (Chairman) Cllr P Baylis Cllr R Jordan Cllr T McTeague Cllr P Murray Cllr J Sharman Cllr I Skeels Cllr T Stevenson Cllr M Winton Proper Officer: E Stanley (Parish Clerk) In attendance: SODC Cllr A Powell Reporter from the Henley Standard 17 Members of the Public Item 12 on the agenda was brought forward (see item 12) 1. Apologies Apologies were received from Cllrs F Lovesey, S McCann and D Olley, and District Cllr S Cooper 2. Declarations of interest Cllrs J Sharman and T Stevenson declared interests in item 15.c.i. 3. To receive reports from the following: a. Cllr M Gray – OCC Member Cllr Gray was not present. b. Cllr S Cooper – SODC Member Cllr Cooper was not present c. Cllr A Powell – SODC Member Cllr A Powel presented her written report (see attached) Cllr B Pattison expressed the importance of cycleways needing to be maintained and kept clear of overgrowth. Cllr P Murray asked if SODC is consulting with Oxford City Council and Cllr A Powell confirmed that Oxford City Council is in the Oxfordshire Partnership and part of consultations. Cllr J Sharman asked if SODC has plans to scrap or review the non-disclosure agreement that was signed by the previous term’s Council with relation to the Oxford-Cambridge Expressway. Cllr A Powell said that SODC is working out the legal implications of this, but there is no guarantee it can be rescinded. The fire alarm sounded and all attendees of the meeting and users of the hall vacated the premises and went to the fire assembly point in the Parish Hall car park. The Halls Manager had performed a Fire Drill and allowed everybody back into the building. 4. Public session M Spence addressed the Council regarding item 11 on the agenda expressing the view that it is improper for Benson Parish Council to spend money on improving land which is the responsibility of OCC. I Leppard addressed the Council in support of M Spence’s view and also requested an update on the costs to date of professional fees regarding the Parish Hall extension. Cllr B Pattision advised that the RFO is looking back for information predating the accounting software. D Rushton addressed the Council to inform that D Cook, the Public Transport Representative 24 BENSON PARISH COUNCIL Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6LZ Tel: 01491 825038 E-mail: [email protected] had attended an OCC Infrastructure Strategy Team meeting regarding updating the Local Transport Plan. OCC is consulting and requests feedback. 5. Minutes of the last meeting Those Members present at the meetings unanimously resolved to approve the minutes of the Full Council meetings held on Thursday 27th June 2019 and Thursday 11th July 2019 as true records of the meetings and the minutes were signed by Cllr B Pattison. 6. Benson Parish Council Planning Committee a. Those Members present at the Planning Committee meeting held on Thursday 27th June 2019 unanimously resolved to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting and the minutes were signed by Cllr R Jordan. b. To note the responses of the Planning Committee to the following applications: a. BPC44/19 P19/S1805/FUL Address: Land off Churchfield Lane Benson OX10 6SH No objections b. BPC45/19 P19/S1809/HH Address: The Old Inn Beggarbush Hill Benson OX10 6PL No objections c. BPC46/19 P19/S1933/RM Fully supports subject to Address: Land to the North of Littleworth Road Benson SODC ensuring s106 compliance d. BPC47/19 P19/S2160/LB Address: Hope Cottage 1 Crown Lane Benson OX10 6LP No objections e. BPC48/19 P19/S0821/FUL Address: Goulds Grove Old London Road Ewelme OX10 6PX Strongly objects on the same grounds as previous f. BPC49/19 P19/S0822/LB objections Address: Goulds Grove Old London Road Ewelme OX10 6PX Members were reminded to inform the Clerk about planning applications they feel should be considered by Full Council rather than Planning Committee. c. The following planning decisions were noted: i. BPC P18/S2357/FUL Navarac Oakley Wood near Nuffield OX10 6QG Application proposal, including any amendments: Demolition of an existing workshop and sheds, construction of two new live/work units. (As amended and amplified by revised red site plan, application forms and certificate B elevations received 11 April 2019 and amended parking and traffic plan SD08D altering the position of the widened junction received 22 May 2019 and supported by lease information and contaminated land questionnaire and tree survey dated November 2018). Planning permission GRANTED 24th June 2019 ii. BPC P19/S1428/HH 2 Westfield Close Benson OX10 6NT Application proposal, including any amendments: First floor side extension Planning permission GRANTED 26th June 2019 iii. BPC P19/S1492/FUL Land North of Littleworth Road Benson Application proposal, including any amendments: Erection of a toilet block to serve the playing field land serving planning permission P16/S1139/O (and associated Reserved matters approval P18/S2262/RM) Planning permission GRANTED 28th June 2019 25 BENSON PARISH COUNCIL Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6LZ Tel: 01491 825038 E-mail: [email protected] iv. BPC P19/S0895/FUL Bertie West Memorial Field Benson OX10 6LB Proposal: Erection of gates and posts (in association with the creation of a vehicular access.) Planning application WITHDRAWN 29th June 2019 v. BPCP19/S1559/HH 20 Church Road Benson OX10 6SF Application proposal, including any amendments: Demolition of existing single storey rear extension. Formation of new two storey side extension and associated internal alterations Planning permission GRANTED 1st July 2019 vi. BPC P19/S2039/LDP 9 Castle Close Benson OX10 6SN Certificate of Lawful use for a ground floor rear extension The above application seeks a Certificate of Lawful Development at the above site. No comments taken into account vii. BPC72/18 P18/S0181/O Appeal ref: APP/Q3115/W/18/3319295 Braze Lane OX10 6JB Application: 19 dwellings adjacent to the Orchard, Benson Appeal DISMISSED 4th July 2019 Item 11 on the agenda was brought forward (see item 11). 7. Benson Parish Council Finance Committee a. Minutes of the last meeting Those Members present at the meeting of the Finance Committee held on Tuesday 16th July 2019 unanimously resolved to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting and the minutes were signed by Cllr R Jordan. b. To receive a report from the Chair of the Finance Committee Nothing to report. c. Recommendations to Full Council: i. Members resolved unanimously in favour to approve the recommendation to Full Council that the Statement of Policy on Permitted Discretions of LGPS 2018 is adopted ii. Members resolved unanimously in favour to approve the recommendation to Full Council to purchase 2 defibrillators at a cost not to exceed £3500 plus VAT to include fitting charge and signage 8. Benson Parish Council Halls Committee a. Minutes of the last meeting Those Members present at the meeting of the Halls Committee held on Tuesday 9th July 2019 resolved unanimously to approve the minutes as a true record of the meeting and the minutes were signed by Cllr T McTeague. b. To receive a report from the Chair of the Halls Committee The Halls Committee has given thought to its aims and objectives for the coming term and wants to incorporate them into the Benson Parish Council Strategic Plan. c. Recommendations to Full Council i. Members resolved with 8 in favour and 1 abstention to approve the recommendation to Full Council that Benson Parish Council holds a Strategy Meeting on Thursday 22nd August 2019 in place of the scheduled Full Council meeting. ii. Members resolved unanimously in favour to approve the recommendation to Full Council that Benson Parish Council Finance Committee investigates the viability of purchasing the Crown Inn. 26 BENSON PARISH COUNCIL Benson Parish Hall, Sunnyside, Benson, Wallingford, OX10 6LZ Tel: 01491 825038 E-mail: [email protected] 9. Benson Parish Council Recreations and Lands Committee a. To receive a report from the Chair of the Recreations and Lands Committee The Committee will set a date for a meeting to be held in August. 10. Benson Parish Council Information and Technology Committee a. Minutes of the last meeting To approve and sign minutes of the meeting held on Monday 8th July 2019 Deferred to next meeting. b. To receive a report from the Chair of the Information and Technology Committee Chairman not in attendance. 11. To receive reports from Benson Parish Council Working Groups and Outside Bodies a. Parish Hall Extension Working Group nothing to report. b. Neighbourhood Plan Delivery Group i. To receive a report from the Infrastructure Team D Rushton presented his written report (see attached) Recommendation b. was withdrawn following a further inspection of the area by OCC which may lead to a range of crossing options. A Toucan crossing (for both pedestrians and cyclists) would be too wide for the junction area, but there may be flexibility in what crossing can be placed there, possibly a zebra crossing Recommendation d. was withdrawn awaiting further discussion with OCC on costs. The NPDT is asked to prioritise the list of dropped kerbs. Dave reported that in the 3½ years he has been working on this project, there has been no funding available from OCC. The project came to life by public demand when road safety issues were listed as high priority in consultations for the Neighbourhood Plan.
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