MOSSMOTORING Is published A DECADE OF HAVE YOU REGISTERED YET? by Moss Motors, Ltd. MEMORIES ^1 Own «a Editor: Ken Smith HURRY, ONLY 60 DAYS TO GO! Contributing Writers:Mike Chaput, Ron • "^b. Bob Consoll, Robert Goldman, Bob move last year to (new premisescaused Classic •iday,Robert Koval,Harry Newton,Scott Nielsen. ChrisNowlan, RonPhillips, Bob Oct disturb the Rothstein, JohnSprinzel. SusanScott inevitable dust in quite a Thompson, and EricWilhelm. • few comers. In one of these Production: JillLee-Jones,IdealImages fur Hung alcoves of memo '"Only ries we came across a num Althoughwe makeeveryeffortto ensure the ber of very early copies of correctness of technical articles, Moss Motors, AfossMotoring. I'm sure you Ltd. assumes no liability forthe accuracy, safe know bow it is when you ty,or legality oftnese contributions. All techni $ 1595 come to throw out all those I rUC II UP FARMS, JULY 18-21, 1996 calmaterial shouldbe weighed againstcom monly accepted practice. Anyopinions old car magazines that you expressed in this magazineare those ol the never read. Something 4TH ANNUAL authors and do not necessarily reflectthe opin catches your eye and before ions or policiesol Moss Motors. you know where you are, hall the day has been spent reminiscing over MOSS MOTORS Mass Moloringis© 1996 Moss Motors, Ltd. times, cars, and events long past. Al rights reserved. Well, this happened to me with those back Issuesof Moss Motoring. BRITISH CAR FESTIVAL All I really wanted to do was to put them away somewhere where they CONTRIBUTIONS INVITED would not be ravaged by the natural phenomena that prevails in the JULY 18-21, 1996 Contributions are greatlyappreciated and Golden Stale such as earthquakes. Hoods, fires and frequent visits from every effortwillbe made to use appropriate Presidential candidates. material. Items for consideration should be The 4th Annual Moss British Car Festival will be mailedto our magazine production officeal One issue that particularly caught my eye was Spring, 1986. The copy I held in my hand was a little yellow und laded now, but after held ngoin at the Flag Is Up Farms in Buellton, the address below: Editor, Moss Motoring all II was ten long years ago, what a host of memories in those slim California on |uly 18-21, 1996. The farm is eight pagesi located on Highway 154 east olf Highway 101, 440 Rutherford Street Goleta, California 93117 The Moss Marque Days In 1986 were no less than twelve! Back between Buellton and Solvung. Ihis is a three day We can accept contributions that are laser- then we had facilities not only in Golcta but also In Rockuway, New event with an early bird party at the Buellton printed, or on 3 V»" disc; text files from Mac lersey and Beltsville, Marylund. Plus that particular year we host Windmill Motor Inn starting at 7 p.m. on Thursday or PCIn ASCII preferred; but double-spaced, ed the New England T Register "Ocean to Ocean" event on a cou evening. Friday and Saturday are tilled with lots of typed information Is also acceptable. We ple of occasions. activities including rallies, a slalom, funkhanas, regret that we cannot return any material. We A surprisingly wide variety of content was to be found within the dancing, barbecues, and many other fun activities ''••yreserve the right to accept or relect any pages of Volume 4, Number 2—A dissertation on "Weberphobiu" by Mial on whatever grounds we decide. We St Robert Goldman was countered by I.awrle Alexander's demonic plan for for the whole family. Sunday, all participants ore .-servo the right to edit or change any materi u assembled on a giant Held for a popular vote car al to suit the needs of our publication,without holding a Club Treasure Hunt. The "BikeShed Terror!" was the heading show for numerous British car categories. Loads of prior notilication to the contributor. "Letters to R.B. Hart's tribute to the Sprtdget, while the lute Paul |ohnson told prizes and trophies will be awarded for all events. to the Editor' willbe accepted for publication o you everything you would wish to know about taking a long trip. Most All categories of British cars are welcome, pris provided theyare accompanied bya name, of the content in those days was contributed by our in-house staff, address and phone number. tine and not so pristine, buses, taxis, sports cars, whereas now we have correspondents around the world. Contributors whose material is selected for u And the prices in the "Classic-fled" ads! How about a 1956 IR2 for saloons, or what have you—If It's British, bring It! publication in MossMotoring vMreceive $2800, or a '61 Heoley 3000 for $4000? I brieflywent through the stages BUT REGISTER NOW, us events and hotel rooms are Moss Motors GiftCertificatesin the following of "If only" and wished we could hove deju vu ull over again! filling up fust. amounts: So we've come a long way since that early issue, but It was nice to F.nlry fee for the cur show only is $20.00, or the S125.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES reminisce, and now it you'll excuse me, I've just found Moss Motoring lull three-day participation fee (paid prior to |une Technical Articles. MarqueReviews, Volume 3, Number 3 and I need to do some research! ...and 15th) is $40.00. Spectators arc welcome. Admission Histories (cars, race teams,etc.) and is $10.00 per cur per day at the gate, so bring the Personality Profiles Cover whole family, dates open at 8 a.m. and there is lots S75.00GIFT CERTIFICATES ^n Cptfh BookRoviews,ClubArticleReprints your bod in of easy parking. (humorousor generalinterest) Each participating registration will include rat $35.00 GIFT CERTIFICATES (Our cover shot comes from Huns Nohr ofOntario. California.) tle tickets to win two free round-trip tickets to TechnicalTips.Cartoons. Humorous Style this Summer! London, England donated by British Airways. Anecdotes, Puzzlesand Photos (not photo MOSS—SI IIABLA ESPANOL! contestcontributions, however) S Many of you are aware that Moss Motors is a truly and Interna Let's lace it. that oil-stainedclub t-shlrt is just not going to SPONSORED BY— $&ff tional organization, and as such sometimes we are required to speak makeit throughanothersummerol rigorousevents.Whynot OUR CATALOGSI o not only English und American, (which are not the same!) but also stun your peers withyourfashion sense byshowingup Inone We otfer a lull lineol complete and compre Spanish and German. If any of our Spanish-speuking friends would like ol our limited editiontees. Ourt-shirts featurecolorfuloriginal Castrol BRITISH hensive catalogs. Beautifully detailed illustra u to place an order or has a question, please ask for Seflor Carlos artwork you won't find in stores. Becauseeach design Is pro tionsof eachcar makefinding the partsyou Gonzalez who will do his very best to assist you. duced ina limited run,ifyouseeoneyoulike, getit now needeasy.Helpful tech-lfpsand hard-to-find zymdl AIRWAYS accessories also aid you in the restoration, beforethey'reallgone! (Pleasespecifysue M. L.XL, XXL maintenance andenjoyment ofyour British MOSS—SI HABLA ESPANOL! whenordering.) classic. Call toll-froo, 800-235-6954, foryour Como muchos de ustedes yn saben nuesta CHS-039 MG Engine (White) Mobilnet" FREE Moss catalog. (At publicationdale, our compafiia Moss Motors Ltd. es una orguizacion CRS-045 MGB (Black) rang •entpricelist is effective fromApril 8. internaclonal, y por esa razon a vecez nuestro CRS-035 Auslln-Healey 3000(Black) 6 tillfurther notice.) trabajo mos requtere que hoblemos no sola- unoosc from MGTC-1D-TF. MGA. MGB. CRS-040 TooMany British Cars(While) Sprite-Mldgel. TR2-4A. 111250-6, TR7. mente Ingles pero tumbien Espuhol y Aleman. CRS-036 TR3 (Black) SpitfireMklV-1500. Auslin-Healoy 100-4, SI alguno de nuestros amigos de hablu his- CRS-038 TR6(Black) For further information and registration forms, 100-6,3000, Jaguar XK120-I50and Miata. pana les gustdria hacer un pedido y/o tienen please contact Mr. Harry Haigh ut (800)235-6953or Keepcosts down, ask your sales advtsor if algunu pregunta o dudu, por favor pedir de $1595 each (805)681-3400 extension 3060. you have the current edition of our catalog. hablur con el Sr. Curios Gonzalez qulen hard lo rnejor para ayudarles. MOSS Mill IIW1M. SIMM1R 1996 My one disappointment Is that British car movement and all your staff cle on the Union Flag. However, a slight nowhere in this Issue Is there a Triumph at Moss Motors are very special people correction is needed for the siting of the Letters Stag to be seen, so 1 have taken the lib and real friends. Over the years you Jack Staff. erty of enclosing a photograph of jjjy have been solid pillars to ull of us who As you can see from the picture on Please extend my thanks and grati I really appreciate all your efforts 1977 Stag. \ 8 cars and the people associated the card, H.M.S. VICTORY has the tude to your sales assistant Jennifer to solve the problem, because most Are there no Stags In Callfon.. ..' ...ih them. Again, thank you. Union Flag flying correctly on the Jack Lower for her outstanding help this businesses wouldn't persevere like Happy Motoring and thanks for the —Cheryl &Steve McElliott Staff which has always been on the evening. She made it possible for me to you did. Also I reully enjoy receiving publication. bow of the ship. repair the alternator on my 1979 MGB Moss Motoring und hope you contin —Dwight Oarran, St. Moarten, The Ensign Staff is aft on the stem und circumvented the need for me to ue to publish such an informative, Nederlands.
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