Author index Charalampidi, Marina 87 Charitonos, Koula 87, 94 Cheng, Li 100 A Choi, Sung-Kwon 106 Alazard-Guiu, Charlotte 496 Chryso, Pelekani 113 Alfter, David 456 Codreanu, Tatiana 119 Alghasab, Maha 1 Colpaert, Jozef 429 Ali, Saandia 7 Combe, Christelle 119 Allen, Christopher 14, 20 Comber, Rob 375 Alm, Antonie 25 Cote, Travis 125 Antoniou, Katerina 32 Cunningham, Una 260 Appel, Christine 144 Arispe, Kelly 61 E Arnab, Sylvester 94 Enokida, Kazumichi 132, 424 Arnbjörnsdóttir, Birna 37 Athanasiou, Androulla 69 F Farkaš, Daša 137 B Filko, Matea 137 Ballot, Pauline 284 Fondo Garcia, Marta 144 Bédi, Branislav 37 Berggren, Jan 14 G Bianchi, Francesca 44 García Botero, Gustavo 150 Bianco, Francesca 277 García-Mencía, Rafael 155 Bione, Tiago 50 Gazidedja, Ada 284 Björgvinsson, Elías 37 Georgiadou, Olga 74 Black, Adam 351 Giannikas, Christina Nicole 160 Bortoluzzi, Maria 307 Gimaletdinova, Gulnara 408 Boulton, Alex 55 Goda, Yoshiko 490 Brick, Billy 94 Goria, Cecilia 230 Burston, Jack 61, 69, 74 Griggio, Lisa 167 Grimshaw, Jennica 50, 172, 397 C Cardoso, Walcir 50, 172, 225, 325, H 397, 440 Hadjistassou, Stella 319 Ceccherelli, Andrea 277 Hadjistassou, Stella K. 20 Cervini, Cristiana 81, 277 Hallal, Racha 284 Cervi-Wilson, Tiziana 94 Harbusch, Karin 178 502 Author index Hata, Kojiro 490 Li, Zhenxiao 295 Hausdörfer, Annette 178 Łodzikowski, Kacper 351 Helgadóttir, Hafdís Erla 37 Loiseau, Mathieu 277, 284, 496 Holt, Benjamin 185 Loizides, Fernando 363, 413 Hriberski, Diana 137 Lopes, António 290 Huang, Jin-Xia 190 López-López, Aurelio 155 Lu, Zhihong 100, 295 I Lyddon, Paul A. 302 Iino, Atsushi 196 M J Marandi, S. Susan 403 Jakkula, Annukka 81 Marenzi, Ivana 44, 307 Jauregi, Kristi 201 Masperi, Monica 277 Matsukawa, Hideya 490 K Mbah, Evelyn 32 Kakoyianni-Doa, Fryni 208 Meshgi, Kourosh 313 Kalyani, Rishita 307 Messl-Egghart, Gerhilde 319 Kawahara, Tatsuya 313 Milliner, Brett 125 Kawai, Goh 271 Mirzaei, Maryam Sadat 313 Kayumova, Albina 408 Miyasaka, Kosuke 462 Khalitova, Liliia 408 Molka-Danielsen, Judith 319 Kiaer, Jieun 375 Monville-Burston, Monique 74 Kikuchi, Hisayo 215 Morini, Luca 94 Kim, SoHee 221 Moussalli, Souheila 325 Kim, Young-Kil 106, 190, 237 Muñoz Meléndez, Angélica 155 Kleanthous, Angela 225 Konstantinidis, Angelos 230 N Kwon, Oh-Woog 106, 190, 237 Nakamura, Yoichi 196 Kyppö, Anna 243 Naskos, Athanasios 208 Kyprianou, Marianna 248 Natri, Teija 243 Neophytou-Yiokari, Maro 69 L Ní Chasaide, Ailbhe 330 Lambacher, Stephen G. 358 Ní Chiaráin, Neasa 330 Lander, Bruce 254 Nikiforou, Eleni 248 Lauer, Joe 424 Nisiforou, Efi 337 Lee, Kyung-Soon 190 Lee, Yunkeun 106, 237 O Leier, Vera 260 Oberhofer, Margret 429 Li, Chenxi 265 Ohashi, Louise 345 Lin, Ivy Chuhui 271 Ohta, Tatsuya 462 503 Author index Ólafsson, Stefán 37 T Olszewski, Mikołaj 351 Tschichold, Cornelia 445 Orliac, Charlotte 496 Tziafa, Eleni 208 P V Pagel, James W. 358 Valva, Antonella 277 Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi xii, Van de Vyver, Julie 450 363, 369, 485 Vilhjálmsson, Hannes Högni 37 Pappa, Giouli 369 Volodina, Elena 456 Park, Jaeuk 375 Vurdien, Ruby 391 Parmaxi, Antigoni 32, 337, 485 Perifanou, Maria 380, 386 W Pilán, Ildikó 456 Waddington, David 172 Puranen, Pasi 391 Waragai, Ikumi 462 Ward, Monica 468, 474 Q Warnakulasooriya, Rasil 351 Questier, Frederik 150 Wu, Yi-ju (Ariel) 479 R X Raindl, Marco 462 Xerou, Eftychia 485 Richardson, David 20 Roccetti, Marco 277 Y Rózsavölgyi, Edit 167 Yabuta, Yukiko 196 Rueb, Avery 397 Yamada, Masanori 490 Ruta, Karolina 81 Yassine-Diab, Nadia 496 Yasunami, Seisuke 490 S Sadaghian, Shirin 403 Z Sadykova, Gulnara 408 Zwoliński, Jan 351 Salomoni, Paola 277 Savvidou, Georgia 413 Scanlon, Eileen 87 Schneider, Christel 418 Seedhouse, Paul 375 Selwood, Jaime 424 Smits, Tom F. H. 429 Sobolev, Olga 435 Solovova, Olga 81 Sorin, Laurent 496 Sundberg, Ross 440 504 Published by Research-publishing.net, not-for-profit association Dublin, Ireland; Voillans, France, [email protected] © 2016 by Editors (collective work) © 2016 by Authors (individual work) CALL communities and culture – short papers from EUROCALL 2016 Edited by Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny Rights: All articles in this collection are published under the Attribution-NonCommercial -NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence. Under this licence, the contents are freely available online as PDF files (https://doi. org/10.14705/rpnet.2016.EUROCALL2016.9781908416445) for anybody to read, download, copy, and redistribute provided that the author(s), editorial team, and publisher are properly cited. Commercial use and derivative works are, however, not permitted. 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