COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE AGENDA February 15, 2017 10:00 AM Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. DELEGATIONS 2 - 11 - Darren Dalgleish, GM & CEO, St. Lawrence Parks Commission - Tree Cutting Project 4. STAFF REPORTS 12 - 254 - Public Works Report No. PWR-004-17 - Comprehensive Master Plan Interim Update 5. OTHER BUSINESS 6. ADJOURNMENT - THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting adjourn. Page 1 of 254 ST.ST. LAWRENCELAWRENCE PPARKSARKS CCOMMISSIONOMMISSION IVYIVY LEALEA TREETREE RREMOVALEMOVAL PROJECTPROJECT Page 2 of 254 Page FEBRUARY 15, 2017 THE ST LAWRENCE FEBRUARY 15, 2017 PARKS C•OMMI5514N .111111140. Parks of the FN AGENCY OF THE SI Lawrence DARREN DALGLEISH, CEO GCNERNMENT OF ON MR10 '111.1r DARREN DALGLEISH, CEO SUMMARYSUMMARY OFOF PROJECTPROJECT • AsAs aa rresultesult ooff inincreasescreases iinn ttreeree rrelatedelated ppropertyroperty ddamageamage andand personalpersonal injuriesinjuries bbroughtrought oonn bbyy aann aagingging ttreeree ccanopyanopy aandnd mmoreore ffrequentrequent wweathereather eeventsvents aacrosscross OOntario,ntario, tthehe St.St. LawrenceLawrence ParksParks CommissionCommission (SLPC)(SLPC) s esecuredcured tthehe sserviceservices ooff tthehe SSouthouth NationNation CConservationonservation AuthorityAuthority ccertifiedertified aarboristrborist ttoo ddoo a ttreeree riskrisk evaluationevaluation ofof iitsts ccampgroundsampgrounds aandnd bbeaches.eaches. • SSLPCLPC w wasas p presentedresented wwithith tthehe nnecessaryecessary iinformationnformation ttoo aactivelyctively m manageanage pparkark aareasreas ttoo rreduceeduce thethe threatthreat ofof dangerousdangerous treestrees and and take take corrective corrective actionaction towardstowards reducingreducing thethe numbernumber ofof treestrees currently currently at a trisk risk ofof failure.failure. Page 3 of 254 Page TOTALTOTAL TREESTREES AASSESSEDSSESSED MMODERATEODERATE RISKRISK TREESTREES (6,7,8)(6,7,8) 954954 308308 HHIGHIGH RRISKISK TTREESREES ( 9(9,, 110)0) LLOWOW RRISKISK T TREESREES (1 (1,2,3,4,5),2,3,4,5) 152152 449494 IIVYVY LLEAEA TTREEREE RREMOVALEMOVAL PPROJECTROJECT Page 4 of 254 Page IVY LEALEA TREETREE REMOVALREMOVAL PROTECTPROJECT Page 5 of 254 Page IVY LEALEA TREETREE REMOVALREMOVAL PROJECTPROJECT PPARKARK IISSUES:SSUES: IINTERNAL/EXTERNALNTERNAL/EXTERNAL Page 6 of 254 Page Page 7 of 254 Page IVYIVY LEA TREE REMOVAL PROTECTPROJECT MMAJORAJOR RRECENTECENT HHAZARDAZARD TREETREE REMEDIATIONREMEDIATION PROJECTSPROJECTS OOTTAWATTAWA AshAsh ttreeree rremovalemoval pprogramrogram hhasas rremovedemoved ooverver 115,0005,000 aashsh ttreesrees sincesince 22009009 KKINGSTONINGSTON RRemovingemoving 550000 AAshsh t treesrees pperer yyearear PPARRYARRY S SOUNDOUND KKillbearillbear P Provincialrovincial P Parkark r eremovedmoved o overver 1 1,000,000 B Beecheech T Treesrees aafterfter ttreeree fellfell oontonto ccampsiteampsite Page 8 of 254 Page CCORNWALLORNWALL RRemovingemoving o onene tthirdhird ooff 33,419,419 aashsh ttreesrees inin multimulti yyearear pprogramrogram IIVYVY LLEAEA TTREEREE RREMOVALEMOVAL PPROJECTROJECT RRECENTECENT MMAJORAJOR TTREEREE F FAILUREAILURE I INCIDENTSNCIDENTS IINVOLVINGNVOLVING DEATHDEATH OROR INJURYINJURY Sept.Sept. 22016016 OOttawattawa CCriticalritical i ninjuriesjuries t oto 6 622 y yearear o oldld m maleale f rfromom m mapleaple ttreeree bbranchranch Aug.Aug. 22016016 NNiagaraiagara -– VictoriaVictoria ParkPark TwoTwo vvisitorsisitors iinjurednjured bbyy ffallingalling S Silverilver M Mapleaple b branchranch aatt QQueenueen JuneJune 22016016 TorontoToronto -– TirinityTirinity BBellwoodsellwoods ParkPark ThirtyThirty yyearear ooldld mmanan ccrushedrushed byby branchbranch from from Siberian Siberian Elm Elm atat TrinityTrinity BBellwoodsellwoods PParkark Page 9 of 254 Page Aug.Aug. 22015015 ArnpriorArnprior –- ProvincialProvincial ParkPark FFourour ppeopleeople injuredinjured byby fallingfalling bbranchranch atat wedding wedding in in Fitzroy Fitzroy ProvincialProvincial PParkark JulyJuly 22015015 AtikokanAtikokan –- QueticoQuetico ProvincialProvincial ParkPark SSixty-threeixty-three yyearear ooldld mmanan killedkilled bbyy ttreeree fallingfalling oonn ttentent iinn QQueticouetico PProvincialrovincial PParkark IIVYVY LLEAEA TTREEREE RREMOVALEMOVAL PPROJECTROJECT MMOVINGOVING FORWARDFORWARD A tthirdhird ppartyarty MasterMaster AArboristrborist willwill auditaudit thethe SNCSNC rreporteport andand cconductonduct anotheranother TreeTree RiskRisk EvaluationEvaluation onon FebruaryFebruary 14th14th SSLPCLPC w willill s sharehare t thehe r resultsesults o off t thishis a auditudit aandnd pplanlan wwithith ccommunityommunity andand mmunicipalunicipal andand pprovincialrovincial leaders.leaders. Page 10 of 254 Page ReplantingReplanting ProgramProgram -­ SLPCSLPC hhasas aalreadylready pplantedlanted 150150 ttreesrees aatt MMcLarencLaren CCampground.ampground. TTheyhey wwillill bbee wworkingorking wwithith SouthSouth NationNation ar arborists,arborists, tthishis sspring,pring, ttoo uundertakendertake soilssoils ttestingesting aatt allall ccampgroundsampgrounds ttoo identifyidentify thethe particularparticular treetree speciesspecies thatthat shouldshould bbee pplantedlanted wwithinithin tthehe variousvarious ccampgrounds.ampgrounds. IIVYVY LEALEA TREETREE REMOVALREMOVAL PROJECTPROJECT THANK YOU Page 11 of 254 Page FEBRUARY 15, 2017 THE ST LAWRENCE FEBRUARY 15, 2017 PARKS COMMISSION Parks of the AN AGE/40f OF THE SI Lawrence DARREN DALGLEISH, CEO GCNERNMENT OF ON TARJ 0 DARREN DALGLEISH, CEO PUBLIC WORKS REPORT NO. PW-004-17 To: Mayor and Members of Council From: Michael Touw, Director of Public Works Date: February 15, 2017 Subject: Comprehensive Master Plan Interim Update RECOMMENDATION That Council receive this report for information. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS On December 14th, Council met and discussed the Comprehensive Master Plan report (attached). This report provides a brief summary and update on some of the topics already discussed. After the meeting on February 15th, staff intend to come back to Council in March with a revised capital budget and work plan capturing all the decisions of these two meetings. The following is a summary of the direction provided to staff thus far: Lansdowne Community Centre/Library Direction Status - Consult with seniors, archives, - Met with architect to start library, youth on design preparing concepts, cost - Come back with architectural estimates. Second meeting drawings, more detailed scheduled for mid Feb. costing and proposals Escott Complex Direction Status - Bring back report on historical - No action yet, somewhat significance and options, which dependent on decisions for include leasing space, rezoning Lansdowne for commercial use or sale Page 12 of 254 Seeley’s Bay Hall/Fire Hall Direction Status - Look at standalone firehall - Have looked at potential land - Examine retrofitting existing in the area, several options for firehall into library, relocating firehall modernizing whole facility, sell - Report will come back to library Council with options and - Look at option for combining seeking direction Fire Stations 2 and 4 - Provide report on options, land, location and risk if project is delayed Lyndhurst Conservation Hall Direction Status - Demolish building - Building has been demolished - Work with Planning/Building - Planning Dept. has provided Dept. and community groups report on potential options for to come up with options and a that location plan - Next step to meet with community groups 405 Lyndhurst Road Direction Status - Demolish building - Building demolished - Turn into park - Park has been delayed indefinitely Seeley’s Bay Marina Direction Status - Examine feasibility and options - Research other boat launches for fee recovery for use of along Rideau Canal and St. ramp Lawrence River corridor, only - Examine business model for locations that charge for focus on transient use launching are staffed and have - Consult with SBARA controlled access to the site - Replace/repair/upgrade main - Working with contractor to section ASAP facilitate repairs and upgrades - Will be meeting with local residents/business owners as well Lyndhurst Library Direction Status - Replace HVAC, flooring and - Will build into work plan for repair exterior 2017/2018Page 13 of 254 CONSULTATIONS Various FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS N/A (yet) Greg Borduas Chief Administrative Officer Page 14 of 254 Township of Leeds and thr Thousand Islands Report on the PublicPublic Open House and Survey The Township of Leeds and the Thousand Islands hosted a Public Open House on Tuesday OctoberOctober 27, 2015, asas wellwell asas offered offered anan online online survey survey questionnaire questionnaire to to receive receive community community input input forfor thethe developmentdevelopment of the ParksParks Master Plan. Over 20 people attended thethe Public Public OpenOpen HouseHouse andand 105105 surveysurvey responses were received inin total.total. The public open house was hosted by the TownshipTownship ofof LeedsLeeds and the Thousand Islands and the discussion waswas facilitated facilitated byby f.d.f.d. fountainfountain landscape architecture.architecture. The followingfollowing is a briefbrief summary ofof community input we received through this first round of public consultation. The survey askedasked participants participants toto shareshare informationinformation about themselves,themselves, including age,age, gender, area ofof residence, and affiliationsaffiliations with communitycommunity groups groups and and associations associations
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